Function/formula To Copy/past Multiple Data Rows In Excel Worksheet
May 19, 2009
I am trying to find a way to copy and paste multiple non concurrent rows of data from one spreadsheet to another.
Ex: I have a large worksheet with approx 20,000 rows of data. I need to copy
and paste every 100th row to a new worksheet.
I think this might be possible by setting up a formula and linking worksheets,
but I'm not exactly sure how to do it.
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Feb 1, 2010
I need a formula that can count items that are past due by up to 30 days, 60, or 90 days. I'd guess the total of all 3 values should = the total past due.
I have the total past due as =COUNTIF(A!I$1:I$278, "<=" & TODAY() )
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Jun 24, 2009
I have two sheets: Sheet1 - linked from external file, new data coming daily.
Sheet2 - I need to copy/past Rows from Sheet1 to Sheet2 but only if B-cells are not empty. How can I automate the process?
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Apr 30, 2013
I would like to use worksheetfunction max with multiple criteria in excel VBA. I have the following data:
Col A
Col B
In excel i was able to use the formula =MAX(($A$2:$A$6=$A2)*($B$2:$B$6)).
I would like to be able to do the same in VBA using the worksheetfunction.max. I was trying something like
worksheetfunction.MAX(($A$2:$A$6=$A2)*($B$2:$B$6)) and it didnt work. How to proceed?
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Jul 21, 2013
is it possible to Copy Rows to a multiple tabs on a New Worksheet using a start date and end date as reference?
I have a button (named Draw Report) on the Raw Data xls. should copy tickets uniquely on a new workbook, by uniquely - no duplicates on the new workbook on a given date range.
Will it be possible to separate them into tabs according to values under Assigned to (Transaction 1, 2, 3)?
Could we also copy the exact 2nd worksheet (Report) on the Raw Data xls on the Output.xls?
The Output would contain 4 tabs: Report, Transaction 1, Transaction 2, Transaction 3)
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Mar 13, 2014
I want to to copy selected columns of sales data into rows organized by salesperson. I have just started out with VBA and find that I cannot do it myself.
My original data are in the form of the following:
[Code] .....
I want to display the data in another sheet in the following format:
[Code] ...........
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Apr 8, 2009
I have seen all kinds of copying routines, but haven't been able to get what I want.
1. Copy Row contents from activeworksheet
2. The activeworksheet will have various row counts
3. The activeworksheet has row 1 as header.
4. The criteria to use is in the current worksheet columns P through Z
5. The criteria to look for is the word inspect. only the word inspect, not words that contain inspect (i.e. "inspection") should not be found.
6. The word could be in column P and in S, but needs to be only copied once, becuase it has meet the criteria, but it also could only be in c
7. Copying the row into a Sheet named "Inspection"
As a bonus would be cool to be able to copy certain cells or the entire row.
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Mar 18, 2014
I am trying to copy one worksheet using the "move/copy" function that is available when you right click a tab name and want to copy the worksheet in the same workbook
The steps I'm using are:
1. Right click the tab name
2. Select Move or Copy,
3. Select Create a Copy
4. Click OK
Doing all of the above does not work. When the new worksheet opens, all columns are the same width. It seems to be stuck on "autofit column width" setting of 8.5. The original worksheet is several columns wide all with different width settings.
I've also used Copy, Paste Special and selected column widths and that does not work either.
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Jul 3, 2013
I worked on a workbook which has multiple worksheets( mine has 6). The data doesn't start from A1. I want to copy the data from each worksheet into a sheet called summary. I want to create the macro that would only copy the heading row once.
WB test.xlsxWB test.xlsx
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Apr 25, 2014
I am trying to write a macro in VBA excel 2010 that compares 2 sheets.
The macro should be something along the lines of if column 7 on sheet 1 = column 1 on sheet 2
on that same row if column 6 on sheet 1 = column 3 on sheet 2
highlight green
** also on sheet1 there can be the same batch ID so if it is the same batch ID it needs to calculate the sum and look at that amount...
min Tran Date
Payment Vehicle
total Deposit
total CF
total MRI
[Code] .......
Results >
min Tran Date
Payment Vehicle
total Deposit
total CF
total MRI
[Code] ..........
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Nov 12, 2008
I need to get a function that can copy some rolls in a worksheet 1 to worksheet 2 by sorting worksheet 1 according to column A of that sheet. I have attached a sample of what i intent doing for bether understanding.
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Sep 3, 2007
I am trying to find a way of copying values from cells that are linked to another workbook and paste them to another sheet in same workbook to the end of last row entry. This needs to be done via VBA from a button. There are 35 rows and 9 columns linked to another workbook and they don't always have values (depending on source workbook). To cycle thru each row and copy if they have values and paste them to end of last used row on another sheet.
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Sep 28, 2011
determining the correct formula to lookup various details from multiple worksheet:
Data as follows:
Sheet1: input
Sheet2: Data
b2,b3 Formula = Indirect(Address(match(a2,????,0),1,1,1,"Data"))
i dont know what is the correct range inside the match fuction to identiy the row number inside the Data sheet, i think the solution would be match(a2,Data!a2:a13,0) but things might get complicated if you have multiple worksheet such as sheet2: Data , sheet3: Data2, sheet3: Data 3
and each table has unsorted details compared to others sheets (Data vs Data 2)
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Apr 23, 2014
I have two worksheets.
Worksheet 1 is a large data sheet containing columns of data (Date, State, Payment Method, etc, etc)
Worksheet 2 is the 'Report' worksheet with 2 blank cells (A1 and A2) for users to manually enter the Start and End dates, a drop-list for State names (B1) and a drop-list for Payment Method (C1) - Cash or Credit Card.
How can I write a macro to:
1) Filter by Start and End Dates then,
2) Filter by State name then,
3) Filter by Cash or Credit Card then,
4) Copy these filtered records (i.e. whole row/s) onto the 'Report' worksheet starting at Column A, Row 5.
5) Macro to end with a 'Successful' message.
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Dec 17, 2013
- I have total of 13 sheets in a workbook - 12 sheets represent 12 months with data; 13th sheet is single sheet in which i would like to get complete overview of 12 months
- each of 12 sheets has actually sales results for multiple products with following data: internal code, manufacturer part number, name, and qty sold in that month
- situation is that some products have been phased out during the year and some were introduced so each sheet is slightly different in terms of in which row certain product is located
What i would like to achive is to make 13th sheet (whole year overview) do the following:
- there is a list of all the products in it, each product has unique internal code - this code (from each line) should be used to find that code in each monthly sheet, then find its monthly sales value (copy it) and paste it in sheet 13 in cell that represents this product and particular month.
In other words i would like to see for each product what was monthly sales throughout this year, but avoid manually filling in qty for each product per month.
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Sep 4, 2009
I would like to create a spreadsheet where I enter a list of 30 – 40 names and associated data over 4 separate columns. I would like the option of having a check box next to each name so when checked, it copies that name and associated data in to a section below. This will give me a reduced list of names (lets say 20). From this section I would like the same again to reduce further and once more after that.
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Apr 29, 2014
What I am trying to do is to look at specific columns, then copy the data in that column from specific rows from sheet 1 (named TIA) to sheet Macro1. I think uploading a sample of the spreadsheet would be useful.
Unfortunately the spreadsheet is a living document and continues to grow in both column and rows.. The data extracted at this point is from row 7, 23-60 and copied into the new worksheet starting at A1.
1) Row 5 states the macro the column will be associated with. There can be more that one macro associated to a column.
2) When column is found, data from row 7 column (x) will be copied to sheet macro1 EX. If Cell G5 = macro1 then copy data from G7 to sheet macro1 at A1
3) When column is found, data from row 23 column (x) will be copied to sheet macro1
4) repeat requirement 3 till no more Scenario's
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Jan 27, 2014
I'm using some workbook-scoped named formulas to define some dynamic ranges which will be referred to by numerous worksheets. The named ranges are defined like:
NAME: gTable_costDetailsEquipment
REFERS TO: =globalParameters!$B$5:INDEX(globalParameters!$B$5:$C$1048576,1+countAdjacentNonBlank
From either of the tabs "Reports" or "DOR_Template" the user can press the large "+" icon to add a report (which copies the template or the last report to a new sheet).
When this Sheet copy takes place, excel is repeating my named formulas - this time it's making LOCAL versions scoped to the newly made worksheet.
I've used this copy sheet trick before and have never had excel create new, locally scoped, named formula for each workbook level name.
I also just recently started using excel 2013, is this a problem with the new version? I've just never seen this problem, usually workbook-level names are NOT duplicated on sheet copy.
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Aug 3, 2013
my requirement is as follows. I have a school data sheet(data sheet) and i have to filter data based on each school id.I need to pass school id in a different excel sheet(input sheet). So if the school id matches then i have to copy the entire data for tht school and move to to a new sheet.
Input sheet
Data Sheet
Emp No Surname last name schoolid
1 marian chin 211
3 luke mar 211
5 uyure tgt d 321
7 fdsfd fdsfsd 333
so whn the macro is run it should filter for 211 and 321 and move these three rows from data sheet to new output sheet.
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Mar 9, 2014
I have problem to copy data from other worksheet. yes, i can do Vlookup or IF function, but it will copy only when key in the formula, and it is not practical to do that if the columns are more that 10.
Situation is like this:
Worksheet 1 - > A1 Customer Name, B1 Amount, C1 Details.
Worksheet 2 -> A1 Customer Name, B1 Completion, C1 Total Cost, D1 Amount, E1 Date, F1 Details
I want to create a formula which will copy automatically all the data 100% completed in Worksheet 2 into Worksheet 1. What i have in mind is using something like this for Worksheet 1:
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Oct 8, 2012
[URL] to append summary data within several workbooks. But suddenly, it works for some workbooks, but for some others, it just captures the data for the very last WS.
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Aug 15, 2012
i need a macro which copy and paste from multiple worksheets (except for 3 worksheets which is named after Jan, Feb and Mar) into one worksheets (named as OVERALL). The data to copy will cover from cell A1:D1 and below where there is data available.
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Sep 11, 2006
I am searching for a formula or simple macro to select text data from column named "SM NAME" to corresponding worksheet. I need this to populate as many worksheets as there are SM Names. ( there are usually 10 SMs)
For Example in the Master Data there are Several SM names listed. I need to extract the "ID" and "Agent" columns in the Master and populate into the workshhet with the Approriate name tab. The Master list changes regularly.
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Feb 1, 2008
I have several exel workbooks (.xls files) and each workbook contains multiple worksheets. The number of worksheets and their names are variable. Each worksheet is formated in the same way. Now I want to copy an specific cell range on each worksheet and copy it into a single worksheet.
For example let assume that we have a a workbook called temperature.xls. This file contains 4 worksheets named: 40-1, 40-3, 40-5#, and 40-22. I want to copy a specific cell range (F46:O47) from all the worksheets in the workbook temperature.xls and paste only the values on a summary worksheet. This summary worksheet can be in the same workbook or in different one. I just wanted to add that I want to repeat this process 15 more times to summarize all my data containing workbooks. On average each workbook contains 35 worksheets so it is a tedious manual process.
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Oct 3, 2012
I am using Excel 2003.
I have 2 worksheets.
Worksheet 1 is called "Master List Data". Every cell within this worksheet contains a formula so that it matches the cell value contained in a worksheet held within another workbook.
The formula for reference is as follows:
=IF('[CCL Breakdown.xls]MASTER LIST - Active Customers '!A1="","",'[WFX CCL Breakdown.xls]MASTER LIST - Active Customers '!A1) .
If Cell A1 on Master List-Active Customer contains no data, Cell A1 in Master List Data would be blank.
If Cell A1 on Master List-Active Customer equals John Smith, Cell A1 in Master List Data would display John Smith.
There are currently non-blank values contained in cells A4:A750. But next week there may be non-blank values is cells A4:A790 (i.e. it will grow each week)
Worksheet 2 is called "Master List Flat. At the moment, I am manually copying and pasting the rows which have non-blank values in cells from Column A from Worksheet 1 into this report (e.g. A4:IV4).
I would like to automate this process and I have created a Macro, but I do not know how to word it so that it will only copy cells with actual data in.
The Macro I have written is below:
' Macro recorded 01/10/2012 by walesb
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheets("Master List Flat").Select
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Apr 21, 2014
I'm new to Macros and below is my requirement.I need to split my data into multiple rows based on count and the first row should have the value but the other rows should have a value as zero.
Count Value
1 400
2 101
3 300
4 450
Count Value
1 400
2 101
3 300
3 0
3 0
4 450
4 0
4 0
4 0
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Oct 29, 2008
transposing and sorting data into multiple columns.
Column 1 for example will have the Parent's Name. Column 2 will have the Children.
If Mark has 3 children, X Y and Z
Jim has two children, A and B
then I want Column 1 to display Mark and Jims Name and column two should display all the children
Here is how I want the data:
Column1 Column 2
Mark X
Mark Y
Mark Z
Jim A
Jim B
Please see attachment.
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Nov 28, 2013
I've got 2 worksheets in the same workbook.
Sheet 1 contains huge amounts of data - thousands of rows and multiple columns
Sheet 2 - I want to extract the data from sheet 1 column A into sheet 2 column A but only the data from every 21st row.
I want to be able to copy the formula automatically down, otherwise it will take hours to do it manually. So far I can only get the cell reference to increment by 1 each time after copying.
So what I'm trying to achieve is :-
Sheet 2 A1 = Sheet 1 A1
Sheet 2 A2 = Sheet 1 A22
Sheet 2 A3 = Sheet 1 A43
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Jan 28, 2011
I have a macro set up in Excel that formats and deletes rows matching a citeria. Once the macro runs I then manually copy the data across into Word. I would like to automate this.
I would like the macro to copy over any cells containing data iinto a new word document. I also have standard text that I would like to include at the beginning and end of the word document. With the excel data being placed in the centre.
I have searched the web and tried a couple of macros with no luck. All the macros state "' requires a reference to the Word Object library: ' in the VBE select Tools, References and check the Microsoft Word X.X object library"
I am unsure how to reference this - but I have checked and found that the object library ticked is Microsoft Word 11.0 Object Library.
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May 29, 2013
I know there are many ways to create an "All Data" worksheet. Copy & Paste is the most obvious or pasting named ranges into the new worksheet. I have a workbook with 48 tabs with up to 1000 rows of data per sheet. I need to merge each tab into one main "All Data" worksheet.
How to combine these 48 sheets in an easier way than the two options I already know (Copy/Past or Paste Named Range). Any Add-In's to Excel that can possibly do this? I am using Excel 2010.
How to make this "All Data" worksheet combining data from each sheet of the 48 tabs would be most useful.
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