Creating A Dynamic Report Tab
Mar 12, 2009
I am trying to generate a good looking, dynamic report tab that runs off another tab that contains ugly raw data for website traffic. This should then drive a couple of charts based on the parameters I specify.
The Raw Data
This is daily data for keywords that we advertise on through Google. Associated with each keyword are various fields:Clicks
CPC (Cost divided by clicks)
CPQ (cost divided by quotes)
CPS (cost divided by sales)
CTQ (quotes divided by clicks)
QTS (sales divided by quotes
CTS (sales divided by clicks)
Avg Pos
There are maybe 30 keywords - each with daily information for the above fields.
The layout of the raw data is:
Column A: Date
Column B: Keywords
Column C: Clicks
and so on.......
The Report
This is the nice looking report where we can pull in the required bits and bobs in a nice format. Because some of the above fields are calculations I've not been able to achieve what I need using a normal pivot report.
What I would like to be able to do:
Populate a summary report using the above raw data but be able to specify certain things such as:The date range I want to see data for
The specific keyword(s) I want to see data for
For example v- we are feeding the daily information into the raw report each morning. One day I might want to see summary stats for a particular data rang on maybe 3 of the keywords so I'd somehow like to select appropriate date ranges and keywords from drop down lists and then I see the summary stats for the appropriate date range broken down by each keyword.
I'd also like a total underneath this report to add up or calculate the totals and averages for the data based on the parameters I specify.
Finally, given all of the above, I would like to run a dynamic chart based on the raw data but taking into account the filters I specify on the slick report sheet.
So....if I set the date range as From: 01/03/09 to 12/03/09 I can see daily clicks, costs etc for the particular keywords I specify in the drop-down menu or what-have-you
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Aug 30, 2013
I have two worksheets in my report cards:
1) Data - the students are listed in Column A, math scores in Column B, reading scores in Column C and science scores in Column D. The grades of 300 students are entered in this sheet.
2) Report Card template - This is the report card that needs to be generated for each student. It's pulling the student name and grades from the Data worksheet.
Student Name
How do I create worksheets (report cards) for additional students? I have 300 students in the school. I need the next worksheet to reference Data!$A3. I know how to cut and paste the report card template and then edit =Data!A2 to be =Data!A3 to create a report card for Sally. How do I create the 300 report cards I need?
I've been teaching for 13 years. I can create a report card for each student in my class and edit each worksheet individually for each student. Now I've been asked to do this for the whole school and I don't know how to create the other 299 sheets I need.
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May 27, 2014
When I create a document from Excel to word from a sheet in Excel the Sheet needs to be unhidden. How can I Create this report if I want to "hide" this sheet.
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Jan 1, 2006
I'm trying to create an Accounts Receivable "aging report", using Excel
2003. I've got a field (a date field), that provides the date of invoice.
I'd like then to add 30, 60, or 90 days from that date, and call that the
"Due Date" for payment in another column.
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Jul 12, 2013
I have created a excel document. Would like to create report using the data.
create reports using excel data
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Jul 24, 2013
I need taking thousands of line items of raw data and creating a model that can present the totals in an easy to read format. I've attached a sample of what my data dump looks like....though the actual dump is thousands of line items.
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Jun 2, 2014
The following code is used to export values form Excel into a word document:
The report obtained then looks like this:
How can I make the values fit within the margins of the word document?
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Jun 20, 2006
I have the following worksheet (see attached). What I would like to do with it to create a report is as follows:
1. Create separate reports for each estimator (KM, JW, WH)
2. Carry over the information in Columns I, A, B & H
3. Each report will filter column I to leave out COMPLETED and just report the number of days remaining is ascending order.
4. Flag data if the days remaining is <=5
5. Generate an email to send out notification of 5 days remaining
6. New report can be generated on any given day
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May 28, 2009
I need to build up one dynamic report.
Here is the task:
1) Everyday workers fill up with records in each sheet (record count can be different, because there is a "List" table)
2) Each day is in one separate sheet (for example: 1st June is in sheet with name 1, 2nd June is in sheet with name 2 .)
3) ALL sheets are named 1, 2, 3 ... 31
4) And in the sheet with name "ALL records" must be generated all records from sheet 1,2, ... 31
Here is my Example
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Mar 26, 2009
Right to the point. I got two sheets in my file, one named "Order" and one named "Input". In the input sheet there is costs & revenues divided into several different divisions/activities. In column A I got the name of the cost/revenue and then the value for every period Jan-Dec in columns B-K. And the name of the activity is in column A under the cost/revenus for that activity, like a " SUM" row.
Now, in the the "order" sheet, you can select a specific activity from a rolllist and then I want that activity's revenues & cost to be shown. I've attached the file to make it easier for you guys to understand my needs. I think I need some sort of 2 criteria VLOOKUP, that is first search för the correct division, once this is found search for the different costs & revenues and the return a value. But I'm not so good at this so I can't get it to work. Maybe the INDEX function is good here but I don't get that at all. I tried Daves "2 criteria Vlookup" but all I get is #ERROR.
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Dec 11, 2013
I have a huge Excel spreadsheet with various worksheets and data, I want to merge some of that data into a report using word template. How can I pull simple data like the company infomation into that word report from Excel? Do I need to know VBA to accomplish this?
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Mar 24, 2014
I am creating a report and I am using the following Formula with condition.
(IN Q2 in the file attached)
=IF(P2="","Enter New to IMP check Date",DATEDIF(P2,C2,"d"))
Where in P2 is the START Date and C2End date.
P2 = 01 Jan 13
C2 = 10 Mar 14
When I apply the DATEIF formula its ignoring the year differ ace and give a result of 8 days not sure whats wrong here as the "Y" & "M" function works correctly and give proper result.
Sample attached : Book1.xlsx
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May 16, 2013
What I need it for is an automated report that should be used for several different projects. Each projekt have events on different dates, and I only want the report to show a specific date if there is some text (i.e. event) on that date. As it is now, it's a looong report with several blanks with only a date showing. So it should insert a row (the tricky part) + the date + the text if condition is met, and do nothing if they are not. The script should add and remove rows and text depending on what project the information is taken from.
The data it should grab is in this form (many more data inputs though..):
Date Date Date
And the report:
Date: TEXT
and should be like:
Date: TEXT
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Aug 8, 2012
I was wondering if it is possible to create a custom pivot table report filter? I would like to take an existing pivot table report filter and manually add values into it. I would like to do this because I have multiple pivot tables, some with the same values and some with different values and I have a VBA code from Contextures that applies a mass filter to all fields with the same name. So if i could manually add values into one report filter, I could filter from one location and have all my pivot tables update at the same time if they contain the value that i would like to filter by.
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Nov 10, 2008
I am interested in finding vba code that I can enter as an add-on for a weekly training report that I receive.
An example of the weekly report is attached. A Computer based training program populates the reporting tool with the date that the course was completed. Each week a report is generated as attached with the dates completed filled in the matrix.
The goal is to: Report the total percentage of training completed. I would like to be able to run a vba add-in that will determine what rows have entries. Perform a countA on the date fields. Sum the counta's and populate a cell with the % complete. In one simple touch of a button or keyboard function that can be ran each week without editing the code. These reports are filtered by department and the size of the matrix change all the time.
The hang up I am having is making the code dymanic enough to figure out what cells are filled and calculate and populate by that factor.
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Dec 1, 2008
writing a VBA to convert a set of data in sheet 1 to one in sheet 2(I am enclosing that as a Excel document"Test -Original").I have described what needs to be done ( step by step ) below.
Develop a macro
1. I have a report from SAP BW, the original format of which is in sheet 1.I need to develop a macro using VBA and need the report with the format in sheet 2.
2. I need a “Results “row after every Bill to Party in column A as below(screen shot 1.doc):
The number of customers is dynamic keeps changing every month
4. Nothing needs to be done to column.SAP BW will not overwrite the format and the data in column G.Hence leave it as it is.
5. Calculate the number of Sales document numbers for each customer and put the value of 1 for every value. If it is blank it should not be counted and put the value of 0 for those rows. (Shown below) Display the sum of the number of sales document numbers in the results row for column H
6. In the column I, put the value of 1 if the difference column (column G) is 0 and put the value of 0 if the value in the difference column (column G) is any value apart from sum the value in the results row for each customer and display the summation value in the results row under column I
7. Compute the percentage which is the values in (column I/Column J)*100 .This should be done only for the results row
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Apr 24, 2014
I want to create a report using power pivot while creating the relationship between the linked tables, power pivot is throwing error "The relationship cannot be created because each cilumn contains duplicate values. Select at least one column that contains only values"
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Mar 28, 2013
Currently I have a spreadsheet with the following columns.
A - company name
B - Company expense date
C - company expense amount
There are many different companies, and each company has multiple rows for different expenses.
How would I create a drop down box, where I can select the company name and have excel create a list of all the expense amounts for that company?
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Mar 8, 2014
I have a simple range, say, A1:G1. I want to have another cell, H1, reference whatever rightmost cell in the range contains any data. All the cells in the range will be using text.
So if B1 contains data, I want H1 to show what's in B1, but if data is inputted into F1, I now want H1 to show what's in F1.
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May 9, 2012
My application has a information that is constantly displayed to operators. In one of the non-active sheets, is a log of what is happening and I need to export this log in a (prefereably) .html format to display on an Apache web server.
The monitored sheet always have to be visible, and I do not want any dialog boxes popping up, so the Sheets("log") has to be exported under this criteria... Only need the first 1010 rows exported to the html file.
Would all of that be possible?
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Apr 23, 2014
I have a list of names and an associating number with those names. I'd like to create a dynamic top 10 list, but my problem is that I have duplicate values, here's a sample:
I tried to use LARGE and INDEX to create a top ten list like this:
But, when the list comes out, it shows only the first entry with a duplicate result:
[Code] ....
How I can get it to grab the second "Name" with the same value as the first?
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Feb 14, 2013
I need to do stats for each month within a set of data. Ie take the min for all data in the month of Jan only and repeat for all other months etc. Is there some way I can set up a Min function to only consider the data belonging to jan for example and have it change and only consider Feb, then march.. etc Seems like it would be easy to just do this manually but there is a large timeframe over which data was collected so would take forever.
Have attached sample of data. rainfall.xlsx‎
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Mar 2, 2013
building dynamic charts and filters, so What I'm hoping to accomplish to build a bar chart that looks like the following:
Filter: State | Filter: Region | Filter: Segment |
Revenues |||||||||||||||| + (% of Total Rev)
COGS ||||||||||| + (% of Total COGS)
Margin |||| + (% of Total Margin)
My data is built in the following format on a different tab than the proposed chart:
State: | Region: | Segment: | Account: | Amount: |
MN | Midwest | Major | Revenues | $$$
MN | Midwest | Major | COGS | $$$
MN | Midwest | Major | Margin | $$$
MN | Midwest | Major | % of Total Revenues | %%%
MN | Midwest | Major | % of Total COGS | %%%
MN | Midwest | Major | % of Total Margin | %%%
[Code] ........
It seems like it'll be easy to use a pivotchart, but at the same time, there's a lot of formatting to do, which makes it tricky, especially if I have many states to deal with and the multiple combinations.
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May 28, 2014
I am trying to create a dynamic Excel line chart.
All is well, except for my x-axis (which is a text axis). It currently looks like this: Dynamic axis.jpg
I am using the Offset formula. The formula for my x-axis is =OFFSET(Worksheet1!$D$4,0,-3,COUNT(Worksheet1!$D$4:$D$36)). This is to show the axis if cells in Column D are filled up appropriately.
However, in the cells containing the axis name itself, this formula is used =IF(D9=0,NA(),'Worksheet2'!A6). I've tried removing the formula from these cell, but that didn't solve the problem.
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Oct 29, 2013
I am trying to solve in VBA how to create pivot tables in new sheets using objects instead of relying on the sheetcounter, which errors out.
I found an old Tip on Mr. Excel: Excel Create and name a new worksheet with VBA
But I can't figure out how to apply the object to the rest of the script. Here is what I have so far:
Sub Macro2()
' Macro2 Macro
Dim WS As Worksheet
Set WS = Sheets.Add
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Jul 24, 2014
What I have done is entered code to auto generate the date in column O whenever data is entered or altered in column A. Here is that code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A:A")) Is Nothing Then _
Target.Offset(0, 14).Value = Now
End If
End Sub
What I am trying to do now, is create a column that will take the information from O and do a sort of COUNTIF function that will count how many items of data were entered on a certain date by the day. For a clearer example, I want it to tell me how many items were entered/altered on 7/23. But I also want it to continuously calculate it for each date after that. Preferably automatically, but if a macro is needed I can create an update button.
Once it can achieve that I would like to create a dynamic graph that will automatically (or via macro button) update to show the last 5 days. It should display the date and how many items were entered that day.
I am using Office 2007.
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Jul 2, 2008
How do you create a macro to copy the information from my weekly reports to a monthly report and be able to update automatically. If you had 4 worksheets (for each week of the month) and 1 mastersheet for the whole month in a workbook. All titles are the same and If you needed to copy all the data that is in the columns, say, A through I, starting with row 4 to however many rows are in a given week. The reports can be made up of numicerial values, text and dates. Let me know if more information is needed or an example worksheet.
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Jul 15, 2014
I have a column of data that keeps getting new information in it. what i need is a named range that i can use for a chart, first point in the named range will be the first value in the column, second point will be avg. of point 1 and 2, then 3rd point will be avg. of 1,2,3 etc.
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Feb 13, 2013
I need to create a dynamic list from a table of data.
I have performance data for 110 different pumps. Data points are generated every hour, and the table is updated with new data periodically. I want to automate the population of a list of 6 different pumps, and specify the date range populated. To put it another way: I want to place data from Pumps 1 through 6 for all of November into Columns A through F. Then I want to clear that data, and show data for Pumps 105-110 for last week in those same Columns.
One of the main goals of doing this -- other than quickly narrowing a field of data -- is being able to quickly chart this data on a scatter plot with a custom format. The pumps are grouped together by region, and individual pumps have specific purposes. So I need to quickly generate graphs with a series' color scheme or formatting that is consistent and logical between different pumping regions.
I haven't been able to make pivot table work because of the graphing issue, and also because of the way it handles data points and presents data. I would like to make this work with excel functions and maybe some filtering, but I'm not opposed to figuring out a VB script if you think that's what I should use.
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Apr 12, 2009
find the attached Example file. I need to create a report either by using or without using VBA.
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