Data Validation :: Cells Should Contain Specific Word On Input

Jan 13, 2010

I'm trying to make the included spreadsheet as idiot proof as possible as a lot is a stake. I have most functionality working well; however, not I would like to add a little more data validation that does not exist in the normal cell validation rule set.

I need all the input cells to validate that the cell contains the word "BOX" upon entry, otherwise throw a warning. This is because the data entry will be done by barcode and there are a couple barcode labels on each box. The one I want will include the word "BOX" somewhere in the code sequence.

Since a previous function in the Code locks the cell, they wont be able to fix the error. but it will alert them so they can make sure to scan in the proper barcode and not miss the box. Also, once I get something that works in the code, where would I put it? In the same code box as the previous script, underneath it, or somewhere else? So, bottom line, I need a script that check the cell for Text of "Box" otherwise throw a message box.

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Use Validation Rules To Only Allow One Input In Multiple Cells?

Oct 5, 2009

Ive been having a little issue with this spread sheet. The problem ive got is I cant get the validation to work where it only allows one yes in a bunch of cells and gives an error message, heres an example of what im talking about.

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Sum Cells That Contain Specific Word

Jan 18, 2014

I am setting up a charity accounts sheet, that will also calculate money raised from Raffles, so each raffle will have a name, I can do this by matching the amount with a description but wondered if I could calculate it by looking for specific words or reference in a cell

Sum all cells that the adjacent cell contains the reference "Raffle 0001" but not "Raffle 0002" this needs to be calculated on another cell

Sum all cells that the adjacent cell contains the reference "Rescue" this cell could contain other text as well, so could say "Rescue for Sweetie by Laura Herarty" or "Rescue for Bliss by Jane Telford" all need to be calculated.

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Sum By Data Validation Input Message

Mar 1, 2014

I have , within a workbook multiple worksheets which have multiple cells with a certain DATA VALIDATION MESSAGE. I am trying to write a macro to sum up all those cells which have a common DATA VALIDATION MESSAGE.

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Input Message On The Data Validation Box

Sep 2, 2008

I currently have 6 cells that Have a Validation Criteria of a "List". I'm using the Input Message on the Data Validation box. I need to have this Input Message Pinned to a specific area on my worksheet. Each time that I exit and reopen the file the Input Message returns to the Area around the dropdown box. The input message is different for each of the 6 cells.

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How To Add A Data Validation Input Message In VBA

Sep 13, 2009

Cells A1 to A10 contain names of different cars, what i would like to do in VBA is when i select any individual cell to the right of these the name of the car appears as a message (as if i had gone DATA -> VALIDATION -> INPUT MESSAGE -> CARS NAME).

Tried positioning a Userform next to the active cell but when i scroll down the page and select a cell the userform is to far down the screen to be seen.

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Word Count In Specific Cells

Jan 2, 2007

I am trying to find a formula that will give me a word count in specific cells.

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Count Cells Containing Specific Word

Oct 22, 2009

I want code to count cells that contains only specific word like ( do)

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Data Validation Thru Double Input Into Field

Jan 8, 2009

I have to input data into "ANYDATA" field. Since I need this input to be 100% accurate, I would like my operator to input it TWICE. E.g. 1st input - Obama 2nd input- Obama. Only if BOTH the entries match will the data move into ANYDATA field, else the field becomes blank once again, and the operator has to re-key twice again. In example above, if he had input 2nd time as Obame, then he will have to repeat the process. Can anyone pls help me create suitable formula/ field settings...Thx! Preferably, I would NOT like to create two dummy fields "ANYDATA1" and "ANYDATA2" with corresponding entry in "ANYDATA" if both match.

p.s. Need this to be done using MS-Excel only.

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Using A Cell On Another Worksheet As Input For Data Validation

Oct 13, 2008

Situation: I have an Excel file with multiple worksheets. Each of these worksheets contain the same rules for data validation in a certain column (G).

Problem: If I want to add an item to the data validation lists I have to edit every single worksheet. I've tried making a seperate worksheet containing data validation items and using that as the source for the data validation rule, but Excel doesn't allow me to switch worksheets while defining the source.

In other words, I want to manage my data validation rules of multiple columns in multiple worksheets in one central location.

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Data Validation - Input Message From Other Sheet

May 5, 2014

What would be the correct syntax for pulling information to the input message box from another sheet?

Sub test_data_validation()
' test_data_validation Macro
Dim nrows As Integer
Dim i As Integer


[Code] .........

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Count Of Specific Word In Cells With Many Words

Apr 16, 2008

Is there a way of counting how many rows have cells containing a specific word. Some rows will have multiple cells with the word in and some will have none. I only want a count of the number of rows and not the number of times the word appears. How can i acheive this with VBA?

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Color Row Where Cells In Column Contains Specific Word

May 26, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with 12 coloums. In the last coloum are the ords "yes", "no", or is empty (null?). I need to find a way to have each row that contains the word "no" or is empty to be highlighted in red font and bold type. When the word "yes" is typed then the font is black and the type in normal. This allows me to see at a glance what orders have not been picked up or have problems.

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Data Validation Input Message - Always In The Same Area Of The Page

Apr 21, 2009

I have multiple data validations with input messages. For the new user, this is handy, but for the person that does this a lot, they get in the way. When I open the sheet, I can move one message to the side of the page and the rest of them come up at the same spot but when I save, exit, and reopen, the message comes up beside the cell and I would like it to always stay to the side of the page.

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Formula To Calculate How Many Cells Show A Specific Word

Sep 30, 2009

How can I create a formula to add up how many cells in a column show a particular set of text? For instance; the column in my spreadsheet looks something like this:


I want to know how I can create a formula that will automatically tell me how many times "MJR" is listed; how many times "DML" is listed, and so on.

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Excel 2007 :: Data Validation Not Stopping Invalid Input?

Dec 1, 2011

I just have a basic data validation list. I used "List" and checked the right boxes and the file has been working before. Now the same file does not stop the user from typing in anything.

I re-did the same data validation in a new file and it works. Was there something in the file that prevents it from working?

I have Excel 2007. I saved in both xlsx and xlsm formats

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Excel 2007 :: Data Validation Based On User Input?

May 24, 2012

In the spreadsheet shown below I would like the user to select a project via a dropdown list in cell B2 which is from the data set shown in row 7 downwards. Then based on the project they select, they need to be able to see all of the locations associated with that project and choose in B3. Finally they then need to be able to select a team which is associated with the project & location combination chosen in cells B2 and B3.

Excel 2007
Project3Location4Team56ProjectLocationTeam7Project 1PerthTeam 18Project 1MelbourneTeam 29
Project 1SydneyTeam 110Project 1Brisbane Team 111Project 1Brisbane Team 312Project 1DarwinTeam 413
Project 1DarwinTeam 514Project 2PerthTeam 315Project 2PerthTeam 416Project 2MelbourneTeam 117
Project 2MelbourneTeam 218Project 2SydneyTeam 419Project 2Brisbane Team 6

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Delete Column - Macro Using Data Validation User Input Value?

Nov 7, 2012

I would like to delete a column using data validation list. for example :

i have a data validation INPUT list in cell A1 (Part No., Supplier 1, Supplier 2, Supplier 3) the heading start from B2,C2,D2,E2,F2. If user select Supplier 1 from data validation list in cell A1, the column Supplier 1 [c2] should be deleted.

And/or also if in cell B1 have a data validation INPUT row list (Part no.) & if user select part no.,
the selected part no. row should be deleted.

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Multiple Input Boxes & Output To Specific Cells

Jan 27, 2007

> When the workbook is opened I want a box to appear with a message and 4 choices (as buttons?).

> Based on the button clicked I want 1 of 4 new boxes to appear (replacing the first box) and ask for input values.

>I then want the inputs to be written to specific cells on a specified worksheets inside the workbook.

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Pull Specific Data From Word

Nov 5, 2009

i need a macro that pull specific data from word to excel.

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Populate Excel Cells With Specific Text From Word Document

Jul 22, 2014

Let me start by stating that I am a novice at writing macro script. I am trying to write a script that will open and search a Word doc, find specific text in that document, and populate certain excel cells with that information.

Ex. of Word doc: Install gasket [12], using bolt [5] and nut [8]. Uninstall gasket [12] and scrap gasket and fasteners.

I would like the script to search for and populate any number between the [ ] into a specific excel cell, also I would like it to identify and populate an excell cell with the associated step, e.g.: "", which will be at the begining of that step (step could be several sentences long). Also, I would like the script to look for and identify/populate an excel cell with any number of words such as: "install", "uninstall", "break", "scrap", or "remove" also associated with that step.

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VBA Code For Data Validation Input Message By INDEX MATCH When Cell Clicked

May 30, 2014

code that will be able to lookup a cell in Column J of Sheet1 by using a lookup value on Sheet2. The lookup value can be any cell in columns B, D, F, H, J, K, or N on Sheet2. The tricky part is, I want the result of this lookup (the result comes from Column H of Sheet1) to be placed as a data validation input message for the cell directly to the right of the lookup value when this cell is clicked.

For Example: Lookup Value is "416991" which lies in cell N8 on Sheet2. Look it up in Column J of Sheet1 and return the appropriate value "X" from Column H of Sheet1. "X" will then appear as an input message when cell O8 of Sheet2 is clicked.

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Push Button With Input Box For Specific Data

Oct 18, 2007

I am wanting to create a push button function with a query attched that will allow the user to input certain criteria with the end result in sorting the column containing the criteria.

I have attached a sample of my form:

My desire is the user will have the ablity to push the button and a input box will appear and they will be able to enter the data to search for. And the column with sort showing only the information required.

What I am having difficulties with is creating the pop-up input box. A simple macro with a sort or filter will not work as the data criteria is not the same everytime.

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User Input To Search For Specific Data

Feb 1, 2007

I have a spreadsheet of sales figures that I want to interrogate to show data relating to sales of specific manufacturers products to specific customers, I have a colomn (call it A) that has the customer name listed, coloum B that has the Manufacturer name, coloum C that has the type of product it is and coloum D, coloum E, coloum F, coloum G that has the sales figure for the last 4 quarters.

I would like a user input box to pop up on loading, which asks for the Manufacturer I want to search for, and then a report genertaed that lists each customer with their sales figures by type of product for the specified manufacturer for the last 4 quarters (individually not tottaled). If the customer doesnt have any sales figures for that Manufacturer I would like that listed showing '0'

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Force Data Input In Specific Fields Before Exit

Mar 22, 2007

I have an excel sheet that has two text fields "A2" 2 digit (Month) and "B2" 2 digit (Day of week), both are currenlty in a text format. I need to force the users of this sheet to enter values in both of these fields prior to saving. Is there a simple macro that I can run to check these fields.

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Data Validation Against A Date - Specific Day Of Week

Sep 10, 2012

I am trying to do a validation against a date.

Can a cell have a calendar button - for user to choose a date, and also have data validation? (so far I've played with validation, haven't found how to include calendar).

I would like to validate that the chosen date is at least TODAY+14, but also is a Saturday - is there any validation which will provide this?

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Copy Paste Specific Row Of Data Based On User Input?

Apr 14, 2014

I need to copy and paste the specific dates from the specific city that the user will insert in the "dash" sheet.
Basically, I need the macro to read the city and range of dates that the user will type into the "dash" sheet and copy the columns "AA" to "AD" from rows specified by the dates input. Once it has been copied, it has to be special pasted just the value onto the sheet "1" beginning at location B2.

the the data will not be available as it is vlookups to another excel sheet that i have not provided. I have deleted the data, but you can pretty much put 1's everywhere.

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Spreadsheet That I Have Variable Data In And I Want To Transfer Specific Parts Of The Workbook Into A Word Doc

Nov 25, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that I have variable data in and I want to transfer specific parts of the workbook into a Word doc.

Not a problem with the Excel part, I can select each and every cell that I want, copy them and then...

Recording a macro hasn't done the trick as the code I have only copies and doesn't paste. I know I can edit the code to open Word but the problem is that when in Word, the data needs to go to very specific places, some of it goes in the header, most goes in the main body, I can't see how this could be done as there are no cell refs as in Excel!

is it possible to paste to say halfway in a sentence, in a macro?

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How To Find Specific Word And Sum The Column According To That Word

Mar 14, 2014

I would like to have a formula find a specific word in column L and return the sum from column E for the same fund from column C.

I tried using =SUMIF(L:L,"*annual*",E:E) but that gives me the sum of annual for the entire column. I need to be able to specify the fund.

word "annual" also appears in "semi annual" so I need to be able to separate the two.

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Data Validation Indirect Where Multiple Values Show Specific List?

Feb 7, 2014

I have a data validation list where more than one value should show the same list. Instead of make multiple range, I want to make it so if any of the values are in a cell the data validation list will show the list that goes with those values.

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