Delete Rows With Value In Cell

Jun 9, 2014

I have very large spreadsheets and need to delete rows where a certain cell equals a specific value.

Here's the logic, delete all rows where column U = "1900"

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How To Delete Rows If A Cell Is Red

Feb 6, 2014

I am looking for a macro that will delete an entire row if the following condition is met:

If a cell in column B is red then delete that row.

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Delete Both Rows If Cell Value Is Same

Jun 5, 2009

I am reconciling a bank statement. My numbers in column "A" are positive, The bank numbers,also in column "A", are negative.

In Column "B" I put an if statement- , If(A1< 0,A1*-1,A1), to get all entries to positive numbers and copied down.

I sorted the numbers in column "B" and now need a macro to delete both rows if they have the same value.

The total of column "A" is say $500.00 with 50 entires. After the deletion column "A" is still $500.00 but with only 10 items because all duplications were deleted resulting in my bank reconciliation.

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Delete Rows With Value Less Than Cell Value

Jul 21, 2007

i m trying to make a macro I have do an additional step. I have a column (D) in a worksheet that is showing time values (2:30 PM, 3:15 PM, etc.). I need to code the macro so a user can enter a time value and the macro will then delete any rows in that worksheet in which the corresponding cell in column D shows a time value LESS THAN the value entered by the user. I've seen a couple of macros that delete rows matching a string in a cell but nothing that deletes based on the cell value being less than. Also - I need this to be done as a macro. I know how to filter the column manually to get what I want but I need this as a macro so people who are not familiar with Excel can simply open the workbook (I have the macro set to run automatically), enter the time value (ex. 2:30 pm) and they'll get all the rows in which the time is greater than or equal to 2:30 pm (the rows with an earlier time having been deleted by the macro).

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Delete Rows Where Cell Doesn't Equal Adjacent Cell

Aug 16, 2007

I have a sheet in Excel 2004 for Mac that is a patient list with over 2000 patients. I need a rule that will compare values (patient IDs and responsible party ID) in two adjacent cells, if the values are different, to delete the entire row. The goal is to get rid of patients (rows) that are not the responsible party (responsible party ID).

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Delete All Rows Where Cell Value Is Number

Jul 6, 2014

I have the code below which is doing all I need it to do, except I would like to add a line that deletes all rows where the cell value in column "F" is a number:

The main thing is I can delete all rows if the value in column "F" is a number.

Idea Being, it:
-Deletes all rows where value in column F is blank.
-Then Deletes all rows where value in column "F" is numeric.
-Then deleted all rows where value in column "F" is any value specified in Column A is sheet 2.

[Code] .....

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Delete Rows Without A Specific Value In A Cell

Jun 2, 2008

I have 2 spreadsheets of delivery information. Sheet 1 contains data of all stores in the UK with addresses. Sheet 2 containts contacts of all stores that promotional matrial needs to be sent to.

The only common cell in a column of 4 digit store numbers.

I need to delete all rows from sheet 1 that do not contain a value in the store number column that is displayed on sheet 2.

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Delete N Rows From Active Cell

Jun 12, 2009

Is there a quick way to delete "N" rows from the active cell regardless of the content of the cells in those rows? I import text files into excel then frequently have to go through them and delete rows of nonimportant data.

For example if cell A57 is currently selected can I run a macro that will delete the next 10 rows?

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VBA Delete Rows In Between Cell Values

Oct 13, 2012

Within one column, there are cells with values A, B, and C for example. I want a loop that
- delete all rows from the first row to the row where A occurs,
- delete all rows BETWEEN where B and A occurs.
- and then finally, delete the single rows where C occurs.

This might seem I'm just deleting everything but obviously there are more "A" and "B"s in the column.

3 A
5 B
7 A
8 B
9 C

So in this example, rows 1 to 3 are deleted since I want to delete row 1 to the row where A is; rows 5 to 7 are gone (B to A); then finally row 8 is gone since C is there. Whether it's A/B inclusive doesn't matter..I just would like to see the (simple) logic.

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Delete Rows Based On Cell Value?

Jul 6, 2014

I am looking to make a cell with the Value =Today()-1. I then want the code to pick up the cell value and then delete any row that does not have that value.

So for Example it would only keep =Today()-1 Dates in the sheet and delete the rest.


Dim LR As Long, i As LongWith Sheets("Sheet1")
LR = .Range("Q" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = LR To 2 Step -1
If .Range("Q" & i).Value = "Y" Then .Rows(i).Delete
Next i
End With

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Delete Rows Between Two Cell Values

Jan 28, 2010

I have rows between the Words "vendor" and "sales order" both words are in column A. The number of rows is never constant but needs to loop through the whole document. Is there a way to make a macro to do this?

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Delete Rows From Set Row Until 1st Empty Cell

Sep 25, 2008

I have an excel sheet where within my macro i want to delete some rows in the middle of my spreadheet. The number of rows to be deleted can vary so I want to know the code i can insert so it can find the number of rows with data and then delete them.

Currently, i have it working where i go to the top of the data and do End + Down and delete those entire rows. However, the problem is when i only have one row of data then the End + Down goes down to cells i do not want to delete. How can i overcome this?

This is my code to delete the rows:

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select

As mentioned, this does't work if i just have one row of data. The data always starts at row 40 but can be only one row or more rows beneath this.

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Delete ALL Rows That Have Cell In Column (J) That Looks Blank

Feb 11, 2010

I'm trying to delete rows which has columns that appears to be blank. Below code worked fine but it took about 15 min for the macro to work through the spreadsheet.

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Code To Delete Rows After Selected Cell

Sep 24, 2011

I've got a sheet that I build from a weekly sheet. I can have 30 to 60 rows, but I always have 10 to 20 rows left over with data in column C, none in A, my last code is "Range("A1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Select" which takes me to the last cell in column A. Any code that I can then delete say 20 rows after that? I tried one code, but it wanted to delete everything below the cell selected which ran & ran.

"-" are blanks. Range moves the selected cell to A4. I want to delete row selected + 19 more.


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Move Cell Contents & Delete Rows

May 23, 2006

I have a spreadsheet with a serial number is row 1 in column A with the rest of Row 1 empty. Column A is empty in Row 2, but has the data associated with the row above in columns B through L of Row 2. Then comes 2 blank rows and the pattern repeats with a new serial number in column A of row 5 and so on. I would like to move the serial number down one row, delete the now empty first row, delete the following 2 empty rows, and then loop to do the same thing again for all 9000 rows of the spreadsheet.

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Delete Rows Matching Cell, Across All Worksheets

Aug 20, 2006

in VBA, I would like to do the following:

Delete the entire row where any cell in that row is equal to cell "b15" in worksheet "Metal Type".
I would like it to run across all the worksheets hidden or unhidden, in the workbook, (except for worksheet "Metal Type").

If possible I would also like it to prompt the user to accept the contents of cell "b15" in worksheet "Metal Type" or enter a new string.

Also can it alert the user when "no matches were found"

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Delete Rows According To Empty Cell Range

Feb 22, 2007

I am not sure of the VBA code to delete enitre row if a cell is empty only within a range, then Ascend according to that Row's Values and show the
Rank No's only on what Rows that remain.

The end result example is in Sheet2

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Delete Rows Based On Cell Contents

Aug 29, 2007

I have merged two workbooks into one. What I need to do at this point is to delete all rows that have a duplicate entry, basically anytime the cell content in one cell matches the cell content in the cell right below or above it, BOTH rows should be deleted. At this point, this is above my VBA skills so I'm asking for help in how to do this. The stripped version of the workbook is attached (only 100 rows) but in reality this is a huge workbook with almost 22,000 rows.

You will notice in the attached workbook, that cell contents for A2 and A3 match. For what I need to do, I need both rows (2 and 3) to be deleted. If you go down a bit, starting in row 89 all the contents in column A are unique so those need to remain.

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Delete Rows Where Cell In Column Less Than A Cell Value

Apr 9, 2008

I am trying to delete a rows that contains a certain value. When I run the command from VB, it works. When I run the command from the tools menu in Excel, it works. When I run the command by clicking the command button located on the spreadsheet, it returns an error message "Delete method of range class failed" and highlights the line

Cells(x, 2).EntireRow.Delete

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
'Deletes expired coupons
x = 9
If (Cells(x, 7).Value < Cells(2, 3).Value) Then
Cells(x, 2).EntireRow.Delete
x = x + 1
End If
Loop Until Cells(x, 2).Value = ""
End Sub

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Delete Rows If Adjacent Cell Value Is From A Defined List

Mar 25, 2013

If I have a list in sheet1, of say 300 names, I need some code, that for a table on sheet2, from A1 to F500 will delete the contents of cells in columns B C and D, IF the value for column A in that row is from the list in sheet1

List of names: sheet1, A1 to A300

Table that needs changing: sheet2, A1:F500

cells to be deleted in columns B C D IF value in A corresponds to the list in Sheet1

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Excel 2010 :: How To Delete Rows Based On Cell Value

Sep 23, 2011

I have a massive spreadsheet (ca.110 000 rows [excel 2010). I need to cut this monster by deleting all the cells that do not have a certain cell value within them.

Say that in my column A there are different entries (text type). I would like to delete the ones that do not match the following criteria:

"mytextascriteria*", where * somehow stands for the rest of the string.

Strictly speaking I can only determine beggining of the string I want to perserve but the values at the end of that string are changing.

I found the thread about deleting entire row based on a cell value here:
Delete entire row based on one cell?

but I couldn't quite work out how to apply it in my scenario....

Otherwise is completely pointless to do it manualy with these amout of records.

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VBA Delete Entire Rows Based On The Value Of Single Cell

Jun 10, 2009

I know it can delete entire rows based on the value of single cell, I just don't know how to do it. So what I need is a macro that will delete an entire row if the value in a particular column = 0.

More details: ....

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Append Text In One Cell And Delete Duplicate Rows

Jul 14, 2009

I have data that covers multiple rows that I need to merge into one row.

Header:| InvoiceNumber | Type | Name
Row1: | 1000 | Payor | Doe, John
Row2: | 1000 | Payor | Smith, Mary
Row3:| 1000 | Payee| Jones, Henry
Row4:| 1000 | Payee | Jones, Bob

I need to get those four example rows down to one row such as:

Header | InvoiceNumber | Payor | Payee
Row1: | 1000 | Doe, John & Smith, Mary | Jones, Henry & Jones, Bob

The number of payor/payee can vary between 1 and several. I need some way to loop through and keep appending the names in one cell separated by a "&". And then deleting all the duplicate rows (based on InvoiceNumber).

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Delete Rows If Opposite Column Cell Matches

Sep 6, 2006

I have a spreadsheet that is updated daily with data that falls into one of two categories: a) completely new to the sheet or b) existing from the day before but not taken care of yet. The items which fall into category a are evaluated, and notes added to the sheet. The items in category b must be compared to the new data, and duplicated lines deleted but notes from previous evaluation must be kept on the sheet. In addition, anything on the sheet that is not included in the new information needs to be deleted. I've set up a sheet with all old and new data with dates the data showed up as well as the notes associated with the old data, and have concatenated all the info from each row into column V (from another suggestion I got on a similar but not exactly the same problem which I also still haven't figured out). The sheet has been sorted by col V so any matching rows should be within 3 or 4 rows of the original. The problem is that my code does absolutely zilch!

Sub DeleteRepeatedRows()
' goes through coord. sheet and identifies duplicated lines, copies the date from the old row
' copies it into the new line, then deletes the old line
Dim rCell As Range
For Each rCell In Selection
If rCell.Value = rCell.Offset(1, 0).Value Then
End If
If rCell.Value = rCell.Offset(2, 0).Value Then
End If.........................................

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Delete Rows Where Cell In Column Is Repeated X Times

Jan 18, 2008

I have a excel doc with 8000 names I need to delete the people who are listed on 7 rows.

There are no blank rows and Colume A has the names sorted.

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How To Delete Rows Based On Whether Or Not A Cell In Column B Is Empty Or Null

Jun 23, 2014

I am building a template ("Table") that will import data from 4 other spreadsheets and then format the data once its all in the template. I need to delete all rows where a name didn't import. The names are landing in column B (starting with B22), so I set up my code using an active cell loop macro to examine each cell to see if it was empty, and then to delete the row if it were. I've tried 4-5 iterations of code but nothing is working correctly.

Apparently when the fields are copied over from the other spreadsheets, some empty cells actually have something in them such that they are not completely blank. What syntax I can use so that I capture every instance of a blank/empty cell and delete that corresponding row? Some of the code I've tried is below.

[Code] .....

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Delete Columns And Rows Based On Cell Fill Color

Jan 31, 2014

I am a locksmith and attempting to write a spreadsheet app. for my line of work. The output page will use columns A-G and rows 1-?10000? depending on the size of the system. If a 5 pin system is requested then columns A+B will be blacked out. 6 pin system A is blacked out. 7 pin system nothing blacked out. Also, if any cell matches the master key that was input, that cell is filled with red. I know, confusing.

Basically, I am trying to remove the blacked out columns automatically, and to remove the enitire row is any cell in that row is filled with red. Then to remove blank lines.

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Delete Duplicate Rows Based On Cell/column Values?

Oct 28, 2009

I have a excel file which contains dublicate rows. The duplicate rows can be identified based on few cell/column values. I need a macro to delete the duplicate rows when the below condition is satisfied: let us consider row 5 and row 6:

If column 7,12,13,16,17,18,19,23,24,27,28,29,30 in row 5 = row 6 then row 6 has to be deleted. This condition has to be followed for all other rows in the excel used range. Have attached the sample workbook.

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Delete Duplicate Rows Based On Multiple Cell Criteria

Apr 21, 2007

I have some VB code, courtesy of OzGrid and Davc4, that works well to delete duplicate rows based on criteria in Column A of the active worksheet (albeit a bit slow on large files).

How do I modify the code below to evaluate duplicate data in Columns A through D? .....

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Delete & Merge Columns,Delete Rows With Filter, Etc

Jul 15, 2009

1. Remove J,K,N,A Columns,

2. In the last O (TIMESTAMP) column, the date is 14-Jul-09 format change it to 07/14/2009 (this format mm/dd/yyy

3.Filter L column (VAL_INLAKH) Remove all rows from whole sheet which has 0 value

4. Column C (EXPIRY_DT) date format is 24-Sep-09 , "dd-Sep-09" change to "Sep" only

respectively )

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