Different Commands When Pasting Excel To Word

Nov 26, 2011

What are the different commands for pasting data from excel to word? The code I have below pastes excel cell data to word as a picture. What if I want to paste excel cell data as embedded in the word document (I don't want it linked, just want the user to be able to edit it as an Excel sheet within the Word document). Thinking that I need to change the "DataType:=wdPasteText" part, but I don't know the correct syntax. Tried wdPaste but that did not work.

sub mysub()
Dim WdObj As Object, fname As String

fname = "myfilename"[code]....

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Issuing Word Commands From Excel Macro

Nov 20, 2006

I am trying to build a word document from an excel macro (with some success) and I am running into some issues with excel not understanding some of the word macro commands. An excellent example of this is when I am trying to insert a page break as seen in the below code snippet:

'open word and create a new document
Dim wdApp As Object
Set wdApp = CreateObject("Word.application")

'put some text into the document
wdApp.Selection.typetext Text:="Document title"
'insert a page break
wdApp.Selection.InsertBreak Type:=wdPageBreak

I know the insert break command works fine because I can get it to work within a word macro. When trying to get excel to run it in word is another story. I get the following error message:

run-time error '9118':
Parameter value was out of acctable range

wdPageBreak = empty

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Pasting Data From Word To Excel

Jan 15, 2013

I have 10 pages of data in a word document.

Can i write a macro,

to copy Word Page1 in excel sheet1 cell(J2),
to copy Word Page2 in excel sheet1 cell(J3)
to copy Word Page3 in excel sheet1 cell(J4)
to copy Word Page10 in excel sheet1 cell(J11)

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Pasting List Of Text And Numbers From MS Word

Jan 17, 2010

I have a very large list of top scorers for a sports team MS Word. The name and number of goals are both on the same line. Is there any possible way I can past them into Excel, so as they are pasted into 2 separate columns?

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Return To Open Spreadsheet After Pasting Into Word

Mar 22, 2007

I have a code which selects a range within my spreadsheet, copies it and then pastes it into word. The only thing I can't work out is how to get it to then return to the Excel Spreadsheet that I have open.

Sub SetPrintcopy()
Dim appWord As Word.Application
Set appWord = New Word.Application
appWord.Visible = True
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "$A$1:$F$398"
End Sub

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Disable Commands Ribbon Excel

Jun 23, 2012

I have the code that accompanies the attached spreadsheet model that locks the copy, paste, cut, double click and so on, with the right mouse button and shortcut keys, however, the toolbar excel these functions still remain active. How well I block access to the toolbar.


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Pasting Data Into Word At Current Cursor Position

Jun 22, 2009

The user has multiple Excel documents available [which all contain this macro, as they were generated from the same template by a third-party software (LabView)].

The user is already working on a Word document, typing text until he decides that he wants to add some information from one of the Excel sheets. To do this, he changes to Excel, clicks on the button running the script, and the required information is pasted into the Word document at the present cursor position.

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Need To Restrict Excel Shortcut Keys Commands To Run

May 2, 2013

I'm working on a VBA program prepared for accounting purpose. In that program i hide the excel ribbon by custom UI and also need to restrict excel's shortcut keys commands to run.

Can i do this with some VBA code.

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Excel 2003 :: Count How Many Times A Word Is In A Range / Word Can Be In Cell More Than Once

Feb 16, 2012

I need to count how many times the word Test is in the range B4:H9 with

Range N2 = Test the formula below works if Test is only in the cell once.

=COUNTIF($B$4:$H$9,"*" & N2 & "*")

But I have data in cells like below, this is all in one cell, so how would I have it count all the times test is in the range when some cells have test 2 or more times in a single cell?


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Pick Word From Excel Search In MS Word And Replace All

Jan 4, 2012

I am trying to automate the below process:

1. I have a excel file with Japanese words in column A and their English equivalents in column B.

2. I am trying to create a Macro and assign it to a button. On pressing the button Macro should be able to:

3. open a form where I can enter location of a word file.

4. Macro should open the word file specified in (3).

5. Macro will pick up first Japanese word from excel file (Sheet 1 - A1)

6. Search for that word in Word file

7. Replace the Japanese words in Word file with their English equivalent from excel (B1)

8. Then it should search for second word (A2) and replace with its equivalent (B2) and so on till it reaches last filled cell in excel file column A.

After a lot of search I could find a code from net (Below), made a few changes, but it is not working.

Private Sub OK_Click()
' Requires a reference to Microsoft Word xx.x Object Library
Dim sFile As String


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Replace Word In MS Word With Varable From MS Excel

May 1, 2009

I am in the middle of automating a process here at work, the program takes a word, "pencil" for example, from excel. It will then open up a word document with content already in it (premade template). The program will then find all instances of a string, "placepencilhere" for example, and will replace that instance with the string from excel.

Basically I want to be able to take a variable that has a stored string value from excel and use it to replace another variable in a word document.

I tried recording a replace (ctrl+f, replace tab) macro, copying the code, and inserting it into the excel vba code.. but I get a error message. Here is what I have:


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Copy And Pasting Into Excel

Jan 4, 2013

I am trying to copy information specifically addresses into an excel spreadsheet to turn into labels in a mail merge. My first column is a name and then the next column is the address. I need the address to be in one box, in three or however many lines, instead of three different rows because when I go to merge it into word, it comes out has several different labels and not all the information on one.

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Copy And Pasting From Only One Sheet From Excel To PPT

May 12, 2014

I am using the following code to paste an excel generated chart into ppt. How do I adapt it such that it only pastes the charts from sheet2 and not the entire workbook?

[Code] .....

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Excel VBA - Copying And Pasting Text To New Row

May 19, 2014

I'm trying to write a macro that looks in cell A1:VGH1 for the text "Name:" within the row, then copy that cell and other following cells and paste into a new row. This macro can loop through the row until all instances of the text "Name:" and the following cells are on their own row.

What I have currently.

Name:xxx From:xxx Name:xxx To:xxx From:xxx Name:xxx: To:xxx

The result

Name:xxx From:xxxx
Name:xxx To:xxx From:xxxx
Name:xxx To:xxx

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Excel 2010 :: Pasting Charts To Other Worksheets

Sep 29, 2011

I have a simple problem. I have many worksheets which all contain data in the first four columns. I want to be able to create a chart (a scatter chart) in the first worksheet which plots the data on that worksheet and then format it how I want it to look. This I can do.

Next, I want to copy and paste that graph into all the other worksheets, but have the pasted graphs display the data in that worksheet.

As it stands, in Excel 2010, all the pasted graphs keep showing the data in the original worksheet irrespective of which worksheet I now have them in. This seems to be different to older versions of Excel and is very annoying and has to be changed by hand which is very time consuming.

How can I make charts that don't have the worksheet name in the cell reference, or how can I paste a chart so that is updates the references to the same row and column but in the new worksheet?

I know I could copy and paste the entire worksheet and then manually copy the new data into that copy of the worksheet - but that is not a real solution to this problem.

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Pasting Multiple Ranges Into Outlook Using Excel VBA

May 20, 2012

I'm currently using Ron's BuildToHTML Coding in "Example 1" (as can be seen here: [Code] ....... ) but I'm unable to tweek the coding to paste multiple ranges into the same outlook body.

For clarification, I have 2 charts in different tabs: Sales & Purchases. Following Ron's code I can change the coding so it copies Sales but I am unable to code the macro to paste the Purchases chart in the same outlook directly below Sales.

Sub Mail_Selection_Range_Outlook_Body()
' Don't forget to copy the function RangetoHTML in the module.
' Working in Office 2000-2010
Dim rng As Range
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object


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Excel 2007 :: Pasting Into Visible Cells Only?

May 28, 2012

I am using excel 2007 on a 64 bit windows 7 machine if that matters.

Anyways, I am trying to copy a range of cells from one workbook and then paste that range into another workbook, but ONLY on the visable rows in that notebook.

The first workbook has no hidden rows so I don't need to do any go-to specials to copy them, but the second one of course does have them.

This is a simplified example.

- Workbook 1 has column A with cells 1-10 with data in them that are going to be copied

- Workbook 2 also has a column A, but it has information in cells 1-15 with cells 6-10 hidden from view.

- The copied data from workbook one needs to only land on the visible cells (read: cells 1-5 and cells 10-15)

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Copy Only Filled Cells When Pasting Into Another Excel File?

Dec 27, 2012

we are working one a Huge database with two other partners. its players name for football clubs and we want to translate them to our langugae. b so one of my partners translated La liga player , and other Premierleague , and me Calcio . but players were sorted randomly . Later when we finished it we faced a huge problem . we couldnt paste all three translation in on file because when you past the cells in an excel file to another it pastes all cells together also empty once. when it paste empty once it removed the filled one too from previous excel file .

More declaration :

for example I filled cell number 1,3,5 and my partner filled 2,4,6 when we try to put 1,3,5 cells into my partner , we have to copy each sells alone and we cant copy all because it will delete , 2,4,6 cells

because its not 1,3,5 cells . we have 90000 cells

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Excel 2010 :: Pasting Space Separated Values?

May 9, 2013

I have some text out of note pad in the following format

"cat" "dog" "bird" "turtle"
"cat" "dog" "bird" "turtle"

There is several lines like this. I need to copy it out of notepad and paste it into excel where every word in quotes is in its own cell. Right now if I paste it everything goes into cell A1.

I am using excel 2010..

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Excel 2011 :: Pasting Data In Workable Format

Sep 14, 2013

I have switched from an ageing Mac Powerbook, Excel 2004 for Mac, and an out-of-date version of Firefox to an IMac with Excel 2011 for Mac and Safari as a browser. The only reason why I mention this is because I don't know if it was easier to do this on an older platform (one of those bizzare situations where going forwards is actually a step backwards).

In short I like doing things with Sports data in Excel. Usually I would hit my favourite website for pulling sports data (which incidentally I don't know if this has changed as I've been too busy to do much of this kind of thing for about 4 months - or if it is just a different format on a newer machine/different browser);

[URL] ....

The link should be showing NFL results for this year so far (I like the site as it has a handy amount of other sports etc.).

I would usually then go edit/paste special - unicode text and then hit the paste options, use the text import wizard, go delimited, tabs - and usually everything would come in on a row and then I could do what I need to do with it (e.g. use Excel's text functions to get the data - taking spaces out for example - to where I want it to do other things).

The problem I seem to be having now is that when I do the above - things no longer seem to come in on the same row (which makes life difficult for doing things easily with the data). Once things end up on different rows it becomes a pain to do basic things.

In short is there a way round this (or do I need to find another source for my data with tables laid out in a more friendly way to "borrow" data)?

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Excel 2010 :: Crashing When Pasting Formulas As Values

Nov 8, 2013

I recently received an .xls book which I then saved as .xlsx (I'm using 2010). There are just under 8,000 rows and 20 columns. File Size 1MB.

The only formulas in the sheet are the ones in a column which I inserted and copied down for all 8,000 rows. Nothing too complicated: no arrays or anything. The sheet calculates fine.

I am simply trying to copy and paste these formulas as values (into the same cells), though at every attempt Excel crashes. I tried on smaller sets of the column and just got it to work for a few hundred rows, though it struggles with any more than that.

I opened a different workbook of mine, and tried the same operation on twice as many cells containing complicated, lengthy array formulas and the action completed instantly.

There is no Conditional Formatting in the book, no code, no 'last cell' issue, no Named Ranges, no external links.

I have even copied the data to a new workbook, then copied the text of just one of the formulas over into this book, added an equals sign, copied down and recalculated, then tried to paste as values again. Still crashes.


=IF(AND(N3>1,ROWS($1:1)<>MATCH(M3,$M$3:$M$7979,0)),"Exact Duplicate","")

is far more resource-hungry than I thought, though if that were the case, wouldn't the issue be during calculation (which, as I said, is fine) and not during a paste attempt? No, it can't be this.

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Excel 2003 :: Error When Pasting To Protected Sheet?

Feb 7, 2013

Excel 2003
Windows Vista

I keep getting this error: (at the line highlighted in green)

Runtime error '1004'
PasteSpecial method of range class failed
**** Open workbooks to transfer temporary data


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Opening Word & Count Word Instances In A Word Document

May 26, 2006

I have an excel program that is supposed to count word instances in a word document. I can't seem to find the right declaration for a word document.
For example to declare a workbook in excel its

Dim wb As Work Book

I've tried

Dim doc As Word.Document
Dim doc As Word.Application

as shown in some of the forum posts, but an error user-type not defined keeps displaying.

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Excel 2007 :: Macro To Delete All Data Before Pasting In New Stuff

Nov 25, 2013

I am using Excel 2007 and have a simple enough macro to paste data in to another sheet - simple is what I do best.

Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
With Sheets("data")
.Range("B3").PasteSpecial xlPasteAll

End With
End Sub

I am wanting to change this so that before it pastes any data into B3 it will delete all data from B3:AE22.

I have had a look around and found plenty to delete full rows or worksheets but not just to delete the data in those cells.

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Excel 2010 :: Prevent Change In Cell Format By Pasting Data?

Jul 19, 2014

I'm using Excel 2010. Is there any solution which cover requirements given below.

1) I've converted a range in to table format (using Format as Table)

2) Need to Prevent pasting on data validation cell.

3) Need to Prevent change in cell format after pasting data (other than data validation cells as mentioned above) from same workbook or other workbook

4) Need to insert row in the table as per requirement.

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Excel 2010 :: Camera Function - Take Picture Of Graph And Pasting To Alternative Sheet?

May 21, 2014

Excel 2010 and the camera function.

I have been using it to take a picture of a graph, pasting to an alternative sheet within the same workbook, and renaming the picture by a defined name. S by selecting the names from a drop down list the picture will select various different sized graphs defined within my drop down.

What I am experiencing is when I initially do this the pic works great and resizes automatically with each selection, however the next day some of the pictures resize and some do not.

Is this a glitch within excel or am I missing a setting which will resolve this?

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Runtime Error 4065 - Pasting Copied Data From Excel To Outlook Email Body

Apr 24, 2014

I have a VBA excel file that pulls data from a CSV file downloaded from a link. I format this data into a table through excel and then copy it over to Outlook. This is where the problem is. I get a runtime error 4065 for "file is locked for editing".

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VBA - How To Use Add-in Commands

May 12, 2012

How I use the Private Subs for Workbook_AddInInstall and Workbook_AddInUninstall with my addins and confirm it is nececessary to use them?

For 2 weeks, I have not been able to get my addins to activate and load into the AddIns tab. I think these missing Subs are why. Ironically, Every example on how to create addins never mention this step or it being necessary. I've even looked in Macros book and it does not mention anything about needing these subs in the Creating AddIns section so they will show up in the AddIns Tab.

How I can get my Addins in the tab and not the Quick Launch menu

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Commands And Toolbars Gone

Jan 30, 2008

I lost my command bar and tool bars (excel 97) all I have is the blue bar on top then the column letters. How do I restore them?

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MIN & MAX VBA Commands Not Seeming To Work

Dec 4, 2009

I would like someone to explain the reason why when the program is run, the maximum value in column S successfully is selected by being colored in pink, but the minimum in column R between those pink max's (indicated by the entire row outlined in red) is not the minimum.

In other words, look at the numbers in column R. Only the 14.08 rows are supposed to be boxed in red. I can't understand why the 30.08 and the 46.08 are boxed in red??? And puzzling to me is why the 46.08 near the top are boxed, yet the 46.08 near the bottom are not boxed.

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