Estimate Total Income Of Values

Mar 27, 2007

i wanted to ask that in excel i have different values, if i post on ere its so long actually i cant post it coz it will tke ages to do so; so wot i wanted to no that how to estimate total income of values? and how to estimate annual profit/loss?; i mean the formula to find these terms.

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Estimate Y Value Based On X Where X Is A Date

May 20, 2014

I have a series of data (and corresponding chart) showing financial data over time. The timestamps are all from the first of the month (01/02, 01/03, 01/04 etc).

I would like a formula that can take a date (not limited to first of the month) and provide the corresponding 'y' value.

I have tried LINEST & TREND & FORECAST forumlas but either can't get them to work, or they don't like dates!

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Estimate Linear Formula From Multiple Coordinate Pairs

Aug 13, 2007

I have 32 pairs of coordinates (X,Y). If I graph them using a scatter chart in Excel, I can see that it looks like they suggest a linear relationship between the points.

Other than printing the chart and trying to draw a "best fit" line manually, is there some sort of way I can get Excel to come up with the "best" linear formula (y=mx+b format)?

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Sum Of Income By Month

Jun 26, 2009

I have a spreadsheet that contains entries for each order of a product and the product amount. What I want to do is have a summary of this for income. So, if there is a date completed for the order, I want a sum of this for the month.

Order No. Order Amount £ Date Ordered Date Complete
A2 B2 C2 D2

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Calculate The Tax On Any Income

Apr 21, 2009

I'm trying to write a function that takes a single argument grossIncome of type Currency. It should calculate the tax on any income using the following tax schedule

1) If income is less than or equal to $15000 there is no tax.
2) If income is greater than $15000 and less than or equal to $75000 the tax is 15% of all income greater than $15000
3) If income is greater than $75000 the tax is 15% of all income between $15000 and $75000 plus 20% of all income greater than $75000

Then I want to write a sub that asks for the user's income and have the above function calculate the tax on the income and say the tax in a message box.

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Add Income Only Between 1st And 15th Of Each Month

Dec 7, 2008

I am a car salesman and made a sheet to track my sales from month to month. I would like to make a formula to only add the entries that fall between the 1st and 15th of each month to show me what my check will be for the first half of the month. Column A has the dates and column J has the amount. I need to calculate only the first half of the month in J24 to know what my mid month check will be......

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Calculate Tax Based On Income

Jan 26, 2008

I am working on a tax deduction formula for payroll. I need 3 formulas. The first formula needs to find two cells that are on the same row based off the employees status and gross income.

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VLookup On Income Overview Statement

Jul 27, 2013

I am trying to use vlookup on the the income statements I am using. I have a workbook called overview with all the months and need the "total" of each month to appear automatically. The previous vlookup formula does not seem to be working.

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Macro To Submit A New Income Into A Table

Mar 8, 2007

I m making a spreadsheet for Income and Expenditure Calculations. The problem i'm having is creating the macro to submit a new income into a table.

As you can see from the above image ive got a cell to type in the income amount and a combo box to select the month that it applies to, my problem is the VBA code for the "GO" button.

I started by trying to name the value from the combobox as something e.g. selectedincomemonth = ComboBox1.Value

However this wouldnt recognise as an object, what do i have to do to get VBA to recognise what has been selected from the ComboBox, and could somebody help me with the code to search what has been selected in a list.

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Calculate Average Weekly Income For Business?

Mar 3, 2014

I have created a table for a business to monitor all income and expenses within a financial year of that business. This table contains raw data for example, date, income/expense, wholesale amount, retail amount etc. So when the business makes a sale for example I enter in the date of the sale, type of sale, wholesale and retail amounts etc, and i do this for every sale I make.

What i need to do is figure out a way to calculate the average monthly and weekly income to date so as the financial year continues and i make more sales i will continue to enter more data into this table and it will automatically adjust to the new weekly or monthly average income. This way i always have an actual and live average for every cent the business has made as the year progresses and i can use this to budget for the business. I would also like to know what the income is for the current week or month. that way i can say for example on average the business makes $4000 a week and in this week it has made say $5000.

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Excel Formulas For Calculating Yearly Rental Income

Jul 18, 2011

I am trying to get the formula for calculating yearly rental imcome. The range is 10 years and the interest is 34%. The first year payment is 42,000 and the 10th year payment is 56,000. I can't figure out how to do the other years. The principal is 325,000 and the sale value is 425,000.

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HLOOKUP In HLOOKUP, Base Estimate Table In Excel

Jul 10, 2009

I am trying to import a BASE ESTIMATE table into EXCEL.

I have problems with most of the formulas, especially this one:

=VLOOKUP($E$2,$B$24:$P$604,HLOOKUP($E$3,$D$22:$L$604,1)+2)*HLOOKUP(HLOOKUP($E$3,$D$22:$L$604,1),$D$2 2:$L$23,2)

and this one


I am not sure if EXCEL allows a HLOOKUP within an HLOOKUP. If not, how can I get around this?

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Total The Offset Values

Jan 11, 2007

Im trying to have the sum of QTY1-QTY4 show up on the next line (x, 1) even if say Qty2 doesnt have a value.

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Total Two Different Values In One Cell

Aug 19, 2009

I am using the following but need to add an additional factor into it and not sure how.

The following works... but I also need to change/add... if F1:F100 is equal to 'Cash' or 'Finance'... and I am not sure how to do two values in one column.

=SUMPRODUCT(--('Deal Log'!F1:F100="New"),--('Deal Log'!H1:H100="Cash"),--('Deal Log'!J1:J100="Knight"))

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Calculating A Total Of Different Cells With Less Or More Values

Jan 23, 2014

I'm trying to calculate total occurrences of a given month. I have included the spreadsheet for reference with totals.

I only want to calculate when the Policy column has a "N". If it has a "Y" I do not need to do anything

If the Policy has a "N" I want the formula to look at the V and P columns and give me a total in the Total Occurrence column. I want it to look at the entire month for a grand total.

If the V or P column has a 4 or less it should equal 0.5, if it has a value is between 4 and 10 it would equal 1. So in the Total Occurrence column should calculate the all of the 0.5 and 1's based on each set of columns and give a total. In the example that I have given in the spreadsheet the total in the Total Occurrence column would be 2 because Jan. 1 has a N and a 8 which equals 1 and Jan. 3 has a N and a 4 which equals 0.5 and Jan. 5 has a N and a 4 which equals 0.5 for a total of 2 occurrences.

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Getting Total Values Within Time Interval

Mar 14, 2014

I need to get the total values within a criteria. Please see attached sample file.

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Formula To Total All Values Of Same Date

Sep 10, 2013

I have a spreadsheet that has dates in column A and values in column B. Some of the dates in column A repeat: I need a total for each day in the month? Is there a formula for this?



7 ( total for 1/5/13)




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Total Monthly Values For Individuals

Aug 31, 2006

I have monthly a list of 2,500 people with an allowance value for each individual shown.

Problem I got is that sometimes there is more than one allowance entry for the individual in each month. I just need the total for the individual in that month. Each month is on a separate worksheet. I have been racking my head, but I can’t figure how I can look at the list of people (who have a unique number) and just total it.

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Rounding Values And Maintaining Total

Oct 10, 2006

I need to round a number of values to 2 decimal places. Problem is this sometimes results in the total changing as the values after the 2 decimal places make up the remainder. I need to maintain the total. See attached..

Has anyone done this before? Probably something very simple but for some reason it's not coming to me. Well not without vba anyway..

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Allocate Values From A List Based On Total

Feb 5, 2014

I am trying to create a Excel file for my job. I work in a warehouse where I have many different orders all of which are made up of various different numbers of items and priorities. For example:

Order 1 = 45 items, Priority 1
Order 2 = 78 items, Priority 1
Order 3 = 48 items, Priority 2
Order 4 = 34 items, Priority 3

The total number of items is divided by the number of staff to give each staff member a total for the evening.

I plan to have a list of these orders in the excel file.

What I would then like to do is to have each staff member allocated orders so that the their total is reached. The sheet would automatically allocate orders to each person from the list of orders so that based on priority first then by the largest number of items to the smallest.

I think this should be a fairly simple sheet to create and I have a view of creating an application for it if I can get it working.

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Calculate Total Number Of Values For Each Day Of Week?

Dec 2, 2013

My spreadsheet is set up so that Column A has dates and Column B has a value. How can I calculate the total number of values for each day of the week? I've tried a few formulas but they either didn't work or didn't actually take the value into consideration and just counted all the 'Mondays'. I'm not sure if that's clear enough, but if we're just looking at Mondays to simplify it:

Monday, 1 January 2000: 2
Monday, 8 January 2000: 5
Monday, 15 January 2000: 0

Mondays: 7

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Calculating A Total, Based On Values In Other Cells

May 6, 2009

Using Excel 2002. Here's my problem.

Column A contains the month (as text)

Column C contains an employee name.

Column O contains a reason for absence.

Column K is the number of hours of absence.

The employee's name may appear several times in the worksheet. What I want to do is count the number of hours per type of absence.

E.g. If A=MAY and C=BOB and O=SICK then total hours from all instance of K = X.

This will be used on a seperate worksheet where the name C will be referenced from a validation list.

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Return The Total Sum Of Values Between Two Specific Dates

Aug 14, 2009



Excel tables to the web >>" target="_blank"> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

And I am after a formula that will return the total sum of values between two specific dates.

So if my results table looks like the one below, the values the formula would return are shown in Cells E9:E11.


BCDE8ProductStart DateEnd DateTotal9A24/08/200914/09/200934110B10/08/200907/09/200918511C31/08/200921/09/2009225

Excel tables to the web >>" target="_blank"> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

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Determine Which Values/Cells Sum To A Total Amount

Apr 25, 2008

Is there a function, or how would I write a vba to figure out the following.

I have 86 items all with a different price, which come to a total of $348,359.33, is there a way to figure out which combination of the 86 entries will give me a total of $57,673.36

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Sum/Total Values In Array Macro Code

Apr 30, 2008

I have created an array in Excel VBA 2003 and successfully loaded it with values. The array variable is called "Week". I am currently getting the sum of the numbers in the array by creating a dim variable that adds them statically one at a time:

Dim finalvalue As Integer
finalvalue = week(1) + week(2) + week(3)

That works, except as time goes on there are more weeks and I need to dynamically add all the values together in one fell swoop.

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Find Median Of Large Set Of Numbers To Calculate Median Income?

Mar 6, 2014

We are trying to find the median of a large set of numbers to calculate the median income in 2010. For an example we have 8,379k people with $2500 average income, 9,783k with $7500 average income and so on. How can I calculate the median average income of such a large amount of entries?

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Multiplying YES / NO Dropdown Values With Quantity To Create Total?

May 22, 2014

i have created this spreadsheet for windows and doors. My only problem right now is that when i put a quanity of "3" in the correct column with frame removal. it doesn't multiply it by 3.


90x90 = 56.25 sq ft (window) : 3 QTY .. with frame removal should equal $ 855 but its only adding the 1 frame removal so its $785

Frame removal, jamb ext and casing should multiple the value from the table worksheet with the QTY of windows.

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Monthly Total Values For Date Sorted Data

Jun 17, 2014

My excel sheet contains a set of date-marked expenditures. It's all one running list - no starting a new column for each month or anything like that.

I'd like to include a separate column/sheet showing total expenditure for each month. I've tried multiple formulae, along the lines of "Sum the B cells but only those for which the corresponding A cell is in the right value range". Or in programming terms, "for i from 1 to infinity, if x < A(i) < y, add B(i) to sum." Since other formulae on the sheet are independent of item ordering (don't require the data to be sorted chronologically), a plus would be if the solution can be, as well.

A separate thing I'd like to do (which I'm guessing has a similar solution) is to include grand (running) totals by expenditure type. A separate column of (non-numerical) expenditure codes is next to the data.

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Cross Check Names And Associated Values To Give A Total

Jan 2, 2010

which formula achieves the following:

i have a simple table design with the dates running across the row, below each row i write the name of the person on shift. in the 3rd row i mark the time they are late for work (if any).

below that in a seperate table i have a list of my staff next to that i would like there to be a running total of their lateness. I need a formular that will look for their names and then total any lateness that i have inserted. I have include a basic spreedsheet of what i want to achieve, the column in RED is where i wan the totals.

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Assign Values To Letters And Count Total In A Cell

Feb 21, 2012

Is it possible to assign values to letters (eg. a=1, b=2, c=3... z=26) and then count the total sum of those letters in a cell

A1= car
car is c=3 + a=1 + r=18 which would make the total to be shown in A2 3+1+18=22

With this code i would like to create a subtotal of all letters per row and a batch total of the column with subtotal.

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