Excel 2003 :: Mark Row (7 Cell) By Conditional Design Of One Cell
Jan 2, 2014
i'm using excel 2003 and i'm trying to mark 7 cells in a row by conditional design by one of the cell
example : if the date on january? mark all line in yellow, for february mark in red and ect
528602545 assafsarit@walla.com 01/01/2013
527271005 eti_sh6@walla.com 01/01/2013
[Code] ...........
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Jan 20, 2013
I'd like to make a conditional design for a row. If a certain cell equals "x" I'd like to color the whole row with grey My version of excell is 2003
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Jun 15, 2011
I am using excel 2003. I need to conditional formatting for the following:
Based on the column A, if it is USD, the next column show $ and the cell in blue
If it is JPY, the next column show Yuan sign and the cell in green
If it is Euro, the next column show Euro Sign and the cell in yellow.
How to make that happen?
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Nov 28, 2012
Excel 2003.
I am creating a heat map using two variables from a questionnaire: firstly the number of people impacted by a question; and secondly, the level of the impact. Respondents are asked to give these values in two adjacent cells. These are then multiplied to give a weight eg 1000 people x level 3 impact = 3000. I have used Conditional Formatting to colour the cell according to the impact level (0 = none - white (default), 1 = moderate - tan, 2 = significant - orange, 3 = high - red). What I want to do is then change the font size to give an indication of the number of people impacted, eg 1 - 1000 font 8, 1001 - 3000 font 12, 3001 - 8000 font 16, 8000 - 2000 font 24 etc. The size of font and colour will then represent the number of respondents and their impact.
I can't use Conditional Formatting as the value of 3000 could be derived from 1000 people at level 3 (red), or 3000 people at level 1 (tan). Is there another way of setting the font size depending on the cell value, eg by VBA?
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Sep 23, 2013
Excel 2003
On one of our computers at work, Excel is acting especially strange. The conditional formatting in Excel on one of our computers is not working. In addition, we cannot fill a cell with any color or change the color of the writing. We can click a color for the letters and type it in, but immediately after another cell is highlighted, the writing goes black again. When we try to highlight multiple cells with the cursor, the cells are black instead of the normal color. This happens to not just spreadsheets that are new, but existing spreadsheets on our shared drive from only this one computer as well. No other computers are affected this way. All other computers show the spreadsheets fine and do not have any functionality issues.
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Mar 25, 2014
I have two Sheets, first is Service Data, the second is Log Sheet. In the Service Data sheet I have a column of serial numbers in column A. I also have a column of serial numbers in the Log Sheet, column A.
I'm looking for a conditional format whereas I enter numbers into column A on the Log sheet it will auto highlight the cell if I duplicate a serial number from row A in the Service Data sheet. I would like it to highlight the Duplicated number on the Log sheet. I know new versions of excel make it easier to do this but unfortunately I have Excel 2003.
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Jan 26, 2006
I need to match data in cell A to cell B and then if they equal I need to copy the adjacent cell C to cell X . How do I set up a macro to do this automatically? I have over 5000 cells to compare and match up.. I have Office 2003.
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Feb 21, 2014
I am using Excel 2003 at work.
New cases are entered on to the spreadsheet. The case remains open until a closure date is entered, at which point the case is closed. What I need is the following:
Cell A3 = should say "Open" if there is no value in cell Y3
Cell A3 = should say "Closed" if a date or any value is entered in cell Y3. Ideally it should only say "Closed" if a date is entered in format xx/xx/xx, but am flexible so that it says "Closed" if any data is input.
At the moment Cell A1 has a drop down list consisting of open and closed. I will remove this if it causes complication.
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Oct 16, 2013
I have big library books database file. now i want to re check all the book with physical stock and mark in excel file.
i have one more file with books barcode no.
now i want to mark multiple cell in sheet..
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Mar 17, 2009
I'm trying to make a macro, which search for a cell value of "Year". And from that cell, I want to make a range selection down to the first empty cell in row B or the first cell value with "Contracts of difference".
See the attached document I want to mark row 50 to row 55, and Column A to K. However as this range is in different rows each time, I need to make the selection dynamic. And I belive the heading "Year" is the best reference point.
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Sep 1, 2009
Using Excel 2003, is it possible to use 2 sumif functions in one cell?
i.e., sumif and sumif
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Dec 10, 2012
whenever the active cell is within a given range, highlight the cell on the same row in column S (by changing its interior colour). This should occur each time the active cell is changed, whether by cursor keys or mouse. The effect would be similar to the row and column highlights at left and top of the worksheet.
This action should be restricted to one sheet in the workbook.
It's for Excel 2003.
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Feb 16, 2012
I'm working in Excel 2003.
I'm looking for a way to use conditional formatting to flag a cell in a list if the user enters a value that already exists in that list. Just trying to keep any values from being entered twice.
I understand how to set cond form to flag a cell, but not what criteria to enter to activate the formatting when a value has already been used.
Some sort of =IF(COUNT...?) function?
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May 9, 2013
I'm using Excel 2010 and I would like to format a cell (say, the font of that cell turns RED) if the value of another cell meets a certain criteria.
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Jan 22, 2013
We have a query, that looks at an external data source (db2 i believe). It will pull all data under a certain product set, and as an additional Criteria we currently have Serial Number.
Now, if the value entered is the serial number, lets say '1234567' for example, it will happily pull all instances of that into the table.
However, what I would like is a cell where I can enter the serial number, and the query will look at the Criteria, the Value will reference a cell (where we can type any serial number), and it will then populate it! I thought that would be fairly intuitive even for a complete novice like myself - now I am likely to have nightmares about Function Errors!
What I have tried:
*Setting the value to a cell ref... ie instead of '1234567' i have set the value to =$a$1 and in that cell i have a serial number.
*Tried to create a parameter. So value of [Serial Number] I then get a prompt saying "Enter parameter Value (serial number) - Regardless of if i type a cell reference (ie =$a$1, or i input the actual serial that worked before when it was '1234567' I still get a function error!
I keep trying different permutations of things, but I am ill prepared.
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Feb 24, 2011
I have to file an insurance claim due to a fire in my home. I have a folder with .jpg photos located at C:InsClaimOnlinePhotos . Im working with Excel 2003. I am trying to put the picture of the damaged protery in Column A on the same row as the detail about that damaged property using the ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert function. The name of the picture is located in Column B. There are multiple sheets in the Excel book and each contains from 10 to over 700 rows. I would like to run the macro based on the active sheet to add the pictures one sheet at a time. I would like the pictures to be about 1.2" High by 1.6" Wide and be actually be within the cell of Column A of the row where the detail information is located. I have played with writing my own code, pieces of others code and full code sets I found in the Forum. Nothing works. Below is the best I found so far but, it uses Column C for the placement of the pictues.
When I try to run the below code I get Run-Time Error "1004" "Unable to get the insert Property of the Picture class".
I'm not sure if this code should work in Excel 2003 or not.
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Feb 9, 2012
MS Word allows a person to turn off email addresses so that you have to press the Ctrl key then left click the mouse. This makes sure that every time a person touches a cell that it does not automatically load that address into Outlook. Is the same possible in Excel 2003?
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Aug 14, 2012
Using Excel 2003.
I have a hyperlink from cell M2 in a worksheet to cell B2 in another worksheet. I typed the cell reference on the target worksheet as B2. this works fine. The problem is that when I copy/paste the hyperlink down the column, the reference cell stays at B2. I need the reference cell to change when copied down to B3, B4, etc.
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Dec 3, 2012
Trying to isolate the second number in cell.
If I have 48X144X68 in J10, I need 144.
I tried:
=MID(J10,FIND("X",J10,2)+1,3) which works, but when a cell has 65X50X68, then I get 50X where I only want 50.
The numbers can vary in size (i.e., 1 to 5 digits) but always separated by an X or some letter.
Excel 2003
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Apr 11, 2013
Data in cell A1 - 1) A Q
Data in cell A2 - 12) V
Data in cell A3 - 131) B H L
How do I throw away the #) and the following space in cells A1, A2, and A3 and save the rest?
Excel 2003. ie. no VBA.
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Nov 1, 2010
I made a planner for shared use.
Is there any way users can cut and paste while keeping the Conditional Formatting of the source cells intact? It is the same as copy-paste and then delete the source cell contents after copying.
Excel 2003
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Jul 14, 2014
I am using Excel 2003. I have a spread sheet and I am trying to use conditional formatting. But I can't figure out how to use conditional formatting across multiple columns and so I have been doing each column individually which has been kind of a hassle. I also am trying to figure out how to put in a formula so that every occurrence of a certain text will show up a certain color. I know that I can just do "cell value is", "equal to" and click on the cell, but the information in this spread sheet is organized alphabetically and is going to be added to frequently therefore every time I add information it re-organizes. This then messes up my conditional formatting because the text value that was in the cell gets bumped up or down.
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May 7, 2013
I am using Excel 2003
Cell B13 contains the row number of the first row of data on the sheet and B14 contains the row number of the end row of data. This is because the number of rows vary over time.
I'm trying to do a COUNTIF to test for duplicates in column R (contains integers) and I want to specify the range to count by referring to the value in B13 and B14 in the formula and so I have the following which returns FALSE for some reason even if the value in R19 appears more than once in the range ...
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Mar 21, 2014
I have done a Scenario and they list the cell address (example R2C35) in the Report - the cell has the text "R2C35" in it.
I want to get the contents of a cell 2 columns to the left of Cell R2C35.
So what would I use for the Reference Cell in the Offset formula?
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Jul 8, 2014
I'm having the following problem:
A1 & B1 = variable inputs from a calculator
Value C1 is calculated as follows: IF(A1<=0,"",(B1*G1))................(where G1 is a fixed value with 6 digits)
MY PROBLEM: The result in C1 should always be a ROUNDUP value.
I just don't know how to combine ROUNDUP with IF(A1<=0,"",(B1*G1))
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Feb 25, 2013
I keep record of my blood sugar in excel 2003 that I send to my doctor weekly.
What I would like to do is, instead of typing the readings and mmol/L at the end in every cell, is to just type in the reading (example 5.5) then tab of the cell and have excel populate the cell with mmol/L automatically after the reading.
Can it be done?
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Oct 12, 2011
In VBA (Excel 2003), I'm wanting to get a reference to an ActiveX comboBox that is inside/attached to a cell.
I can iterate thru all the OLEObjects in the OLEObjects collection of the Worksheet and test the .TopLeftCell property to see if it matches my target cell. However, this seems like a long way around the problem - particularly if there's hundreds of comboboxes in the sheet.
Intuitively, I would have thought there would be a Cell.OLEObjects collection, but it appears that there isn't.
Is there a quicker and easier way to get a reference to the OLEObjects within a target cell?
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Nov 8, 2011
I have two work sheets where I have data.
Sheet1 contain daily input table which as follows:
Name salaryBonusXX10002XY9001YY11002ZY15003ZZ12502AA10502AZ9501
Sheet2 have table where all the information is saved. So we can say this is database of sheet1. Which store every day information of sheet 1.
SALARY DATABASEMonth Name Salary Bonus
I want that when I finished writing on the sheet 1(which i do manually) then with macro it go the sheet 2 and find first empty cell in the name column and past the all the data of sheet1 table. Months I will put manually. I am working on MS2003.
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Jan 18, 2012
Does 2003 restrict how may characters that you can put in a wrapped cell? Is there anyway to expand?
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Jun 28, 2012
I am looking to standardise data entry for a cell, so that it appears as such: 2011/031T/0003
Data may be entered as 11/031T/03 and is not always consistent.
I am hoping that a custom cell format will do the trick, to keep it simple however the combinations that I have tried have not worked.
This format needs to be Excel 2003 friendly.
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