Excel 2003 :: Information From 6 Different Worksheets Populating One Master Sheet?
Oct 23, 2013
(EXCEL 2003)I have 6 worksheets for 6 separate ad reps that will be populated with customer info. To make my life simple I just want column A from each of the 6 worksheets to show up on a master sheet in column A. But what also needs to happen is if we add and delete customers that also needs to happen on the master. I understand the "=" and then pointing to a cell in another sheet and hitting enter. I got that to work but I just have soooo many cells to work with that would just be way too time consuming.
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May 16, 2014
So, I'm setting up an accounting book. There's a master sheet that needs to pull from the other sheets that are made. The problem is, with each new sheet that is made, I have to update the formulas on the master. I would like that if I made a new sheet, the master would automatically pull from it.
Master pulls renter fee info from May 3rd, May 7th
I create sheet (May 15th)
Master pulls renter info from May 3rd, May 7th, May 15th
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Nov 27, 2012
I used to use Excel many many years ago for all my basic business databases and pivot table reports (so was at a basic competency level) and want to use it again but it has been quite a while and I can't remember how to do the following.....
I want to build a database of sales and purchase info in say 'sheet 1' - let's say 30 different headed columns and then many lines of different information under each column.
In 'sheet 2' I want to create an invoice template of my own design (I can do easily) for printing.
This template will need to extract say 10 bits of information from a particular row and then put them in a certain place on this sheet.
How can I type in one piece of information in a cell on sheet 2 (say the invoice or line number of the database) and that will then trigger all the other needed information from that particular line in sheet one onto this template?
I know it can be done but for life of me can not remember the formulas to use for these other cells in sheet 2 based on the info put in that one 'trigger' cell
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Jun 14, 2007
I have a spreadsheet that I am trying to use as the 'master'. I want to break down this master by category (Column D) and label the worksheet by category (AA, Code, SQL...)
I need for the code to search the D1:D500 column and find "AA", "Code" or "SQL" and place the entire respective row on each respective worksheet. Then sort by colmn E. There are columns a:h that need moved to each sheet.
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Oct 24, 2008
I need to be able to pull information from a "master database" into seperate worksheets. Here is my problem. When I use a vlookup and my identifer is say "office property" then the vlookup will only pull the first "office property" and not retrieve any of the remaining "office property" rows.
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Jan 13, 2010
- I have the following folder/file structure:
...etc - it keeps on going for more subfolders.
- Every subfolder has 2 different .csv files.
- Every file has the same structure. Relevant info:
. column B - time string
. column C - value
- The files are automatically genarated and report lots of single events (evaluated in Column C) that occurr in a specific time (dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss specified in Column B)
- All files have the same number of lines.
- Line 2 in fileX refers to the same time as Line 2 in fileY; the same for all lines.
What I need is a Macro in a file "Master.xls" placed in folder MP1 to automatically:
1. open each file in the subfolders
2. copy the time string (column B) for A2 down - only needed for the first file
3. copy the relevant info (column C) - in every file
4. close all files
Result: I have a "Master" file with the relevant info of all the others, preceeded by a time string from where I can work (pivot table, graph, etc.). The files can have from 5.000 to 30.000 lines, depending on the day.
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Mar 27, 2013
transfer data from several sheets to a master data sheet. The problem I am having now is there are couple blank cells. My code just ignore the blank cells on the master data sheet and paste next to the last cell with content. For example I attached a test excel. with my code. I want to leave the blank cell as it is to keep the same product in one row. below is my code.
Sub Copypaste()
' Macro8 Macro
For Each ws In Worksheets
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Apr 1, 2014
I will be adding a weekly report to each sheet, which will have varying rows within it, but always the same column headers.
I want a master sheet that will automatically pull all the rows of data through from each sheet, create a new row if needed but merge rows with the same data name and combine the figures.
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Mar 27, 2009
i'm have a master spreadsheet of contact details and categories. i want to be able to pull contact information onto other sheets within the same workbook, based on category. example attached.
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Mar 14, 2013
I am putting together a register of information and it is broken up over a number of sheets i.e. LOG1, LOG2 etc.
I have a master sheet in which I want information to automatically populate based on whether a certain column has the words yes or no.
Ie Column I in LOG1 or LOG2 etc can either be yes or no. Is there a way to populate the Master sheet only with the information of a row in which column I is yes?
I know it would have to be a formula in the master sheet which checks all the sheets and then somehow populates the master sheet downwards if anything is yes but then removes it once that yes becomes a no....
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Jul 4, 2014
If a certain email comes into a mailbox with certain parameters eg subject and from criteria is met. Then extract the data from the email attachment (daily order) and add it to a master sheet containing all orders.
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Jan 29, 2012
While using Excel 2003, I am aware of "freeze plane" and "split worksheet". The freeze plane comes in handy if I want to the first few rows to remain stationary and displayed while I can scroll down to the rows below. Similarly, the split worksheet comes in useful if I want to have the first few columns remain in place while I can maneuver to the right to see the other columns.
*** THE QUESTION IS: how can I get cells A1 to F20 to remain displayed and unmoved even if I choose to move the active cell around anywhere between G1 to K9999
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Sep 17, 2008
I have a file with 10 tabs (worksheets) and i would like all the information on each sheet (it's all in exactly he same format, same headings, etc) to automatically feed itself onto a "MASTER" tab. sure i could cut and paste it, but here's the tricky part. as the separate tabs are changed (deletions, additions, edits), i want the MASTER sheet to automatically update with newest information. am i asking for too much from Excel? (I think not, as I've become a firm believer that Excel can do anything - except the laundry!)...
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Jan 2, 2007
The title says it all - every month i have 60 or so workbooks i would like to add to a master worksheet for that month - each tab name being the name of the worksheet. I also have 60 or so mht copies of the same workbooks i would like to add to a different workbook.
The workbooks are titled K11_120106, K11_120206, K11_120306 ....
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Mar 12, 2014
I have attached a workbook (excel 2003), I have few userforms in it.
I tried to copy data from all the tabs in the workbook to "Master" tab but getting an error.
You have to login to file details are as below:
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Oct 21, 2007
I want the font color I have chosen for a cell in a worksheet to change the font color of a cell in a different worksheet inside the same workbook. Can someone help this newbie out?
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Jul 24, 2009
I've been looking through code online, but i'm still not understanding how I can combine data from multiple worksheets into one master worksheet.
I have 16 worksheets, with identical column formatting (6 columns), but with different amounts of rows.
The master sheet is called Master Holdings. The first worksheet's data should be placed stating on row 2, and the second sheet's data should follow right after sheet 1's data, etc...
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May 24, 2013
This code does creates a Master Sheet for all the worksheets in the workbook.
Sub CreateMaster()
Dim wrk As Workbook 'Workbook object - Always good to work with object variables
Dim sht As Worksheet 'Object for handling worksheets in loop
I will run this code monthly thru a button to be created on the 1st worksheet.
VBA for the Master worksheet to be created in another workbook? So One code for the Master to be created on the active workbook and another to a different workbook.
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Jan 29, 2008
I am trying to consolidate a specific range on 8 similar worksheets into a master list through the use of a macro, and the workbook has a total of 26 worksheets. Details:
The worksheets to be consolidated are named: AR, CM, JR, Trader1, Trader2, Trader3, Trader4, and Trader5. The range to be consolidated are: A6:F26, of each of the above worksheets. Currently, A6:D21 are linked through an array from the worksheet "Index". This is because there are often changes to the names listed under "Trader/Backup Trader", or there may be additions/deletions of a row.
Right now, I have set up a sheet called "Traders List", using arrays to link the data on the 8 different sheets. The only problem is, if there were a change in the "Index" worksheet, I would have to manually drag out each array, for these 8 different worksheets in the "Traders List" sheet. Is there a way a macro can be written such that it is automatically linked to each range (A6:F26) on those 8 worksheets? Is it possible to only show rows that are non-zero?
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Jun 10, 2008
Each salesman has an enquiry log / hot prospect sheet that they are responsible for.
At present at the end of the month our receptionist has to consolidate this information manually onto a master sheet.
I would like to create an automatic master sheet that auto updates each time it is opened.
It has to read data from about 13 work books each with varting amounts of date. All works books are formatted identically (or they will be)
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Jul 22, 2008
l need to consolidate up to 3 columns of data from a varied number of worksheets within the same workbook. The sheets are (format/layout) structured in the same way. The columns need to get added next to each other in the consolidation sheet.
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May 15, 2006
I have an identical worksheet for all the days of the month - i.e. the May workbook has 30 identical worksheets. I am wanting to pull only certain rows from each worksheet onto a master. Something like - copy row from all worksheets where that rows cell "D" has any value other than " ".
I have used the following macro to pull all the data from every sheet onto a master - but i don't want all the data - just the qualifying data.
Sub Combine()
Dim J As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Worksheets.Add ' add a sheet in first place
Sheets(1).Name = "ALL"
I am not sure what the range "A1" is - i am thinking i can modify it to only grab certain rows.
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Aug 4, 2012
how I can keep a running total of information added to a different worksheetS. They would not always be the same peson ID so I would like to return a match on any unique ID number found on multiple worksheets and add their values on a master front sheet. i.e this becomes a running total of items purchased per ID number.
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Jun 26, 2009
I have a master page with A1 containing the names of staff members and then 5 columns indicating preference1 .... preference5. Each preference column will have one 4 digit site code i.e. 8156 entered. I will have 64 worksheets matching all potential 4 digit site codes that could be entered in the preferences columns.
SAMPLE - one staff member entering 5 site codes (A1 to A6)
Billy Bloggs - 8124 - 8456 - 8456 - 8123 - 8882
What I am looking for is a way to autocopy the persons name to the appropriate worksheet and into the correct preference column as I enter the 4 digit code against the staff members name on the master sheet.
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Nov 21, 2011
I would like to merge several sheets into one sheet, all from within the same workbook. All sheets have the same data layout. I use xl 2003.
How can I merge them all into a single worksheet?
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Jul 11, 2014
Attached is a master metrics deck, where data needs to be refreshed every week, from two different workbooks.
The catch is, the two parent workbooks would be new versions every week (data would be same format, and style within), but file name would change each week, for eg: for 1st workbook, 'XXX_Weekly_Week24.xlsx' to 'XXX_Weekly_Week25.xlsx' and so on.
for 2nd workbook, 'YYY_Weekly_Week24.xlsx' to 'YYY_Weekly_Week25.xlsx' and so on.
In the master metrics deck, a consolidated vew of some of data from workbook 1 and workbook 2 is presented for each week.
This master file would remain same, and only be refreshed each week (preferably with a button on its sheet "REFRESH!!")
Next, need to manually change cells C2:G2 each week to reflect week titles correctly.
For e.g.: week6 would show week 1 through week 5, but during week7, it needs to show week 2 to week 6. Only last five weeks of data any given time.
The first datarows of each set are conditionally formatted (they are compared with other rows in the set and need to reflect danger values, good values etc) (I have done that already).
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Jun 6, 2013
I'm using Excel 2010. I have a workbook that has six or seven worksheets in it. Each worksheet has a header row, and then lists of clients at the clinic where I work. The columns are last name, first name, medicaid #, social security #, DOB. We use these lists every month to verify that each client has Medicaid for the month. Therefore, there are also columns with names like April, May, June where we mark yes or no for each client. Some of the worksheets also have information about the clients' guardian, phone number, etc., but not every worksheet has those. (I can't show you the worksheets b/c of federal privacy laws, of course.)
I really, really want a worksheet that's a master list of the data from each of the existing worksheets, and I'd like to keep it synced to the source worksheets. I'd love it if I could also add a column telling me which of the source worksheets the data originally came from.
I've tried a few things to make it happen, but nothing has worked.
I've tried using the Consolidate function built into Excel as well, but that only works with numbers, not text, and it wants to manipulate the numbers instead of just copying them over.
I've found several macros online that should have worked (including one from this site) but that I wasn't able to install to my worksheet. I followed all the steps for installation, and throught it worked, but when I went back to the Excel file to run the macro, the list of available macros remained emptpy.
Is it possible that corporate IT has disabled the ability to install macros? Is there somewhere in Options were I need to go to turn Macros on?
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Aug 28, 2013
I am trying to auto-populate a table with data looked up from another sheet. The functions I have used are: Data Validation, vlookup, ISerror and if functions.
Cell B4 in sheet2 uses Data Validation to pick data from sheet1 (in this case "tax") and auto populate the table with the information- Job type, Name, employee type and Job title. If i change from Tax to HR, the table should get auto-populated with the correct information.
I have setup vlookups but I am unable to get it working. I am a novice at using vlookups (I learn it just 2 days ago) and am struggling to get it work. I am not even sure if vlookup is the right tool to get this job done.
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Mar 1, 2014
In this attached example, this is a portion of a actual work procedure. The yellow highlighted cells are the same work element within the master procedure but one is for one type of machine while the other is for same model but added options. This is a pattern throughout the entire worksheet. Basically 1 model with several different types of options. I don't want to have unnecessary elements in a work procedure.
So what I am trying to accomplish, I want to create a userform or dashboard which will allow selection of model #, model type #, then based off those selections have excel populate a worksheet with all correct procedures based off model type choice.
In this example there is 6 model variations, all share same basic procedure, but all have their own work procedure based on options, so my above approach will allow me to make changes to the master procedure only instead of changing 6 procedures.
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Aug 19, 2011
i have generated a list of "Companies on the ASX" (Australian Stock Exchange)
There are several work sheets (all populated from data queries) of companies within different sectors e.g all companies within the "energy" sector and so on (one sheet for each sector)
i am trying to populate a master list of all the companies from all of the sectors however there are some conditions i am having trouble meeting...
1. it has to reflect the exact data on the "sector page" after the Query has been refreshed.
2. i have left some formated rows to allow for new listings as the Query updates so i need it to copy each company from each page, something like..
"Energy" Copy A2:K2 - A5000:K5000 (stopping at row 2500 if that is where the last company is on that list, then the same for the next sheet.)
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