VBA - Using Entered Or Chosen Information In Excel To Auto-populate A Sentence In Word

Jul 2, 2014

For Example...

In Excel:

Question Answer
What is his Name? John
How many apples did he buy? 8
How much did the apples cost? 50

In Word: John is in cell b2, 8 is in b3, 50 is in cell b4

John bought 8 apples totaling $ 50 dollars.

Based on the information typed in the answer column (excel spreadsheet) I would want a word document to automatically generate a sentence.

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How To Get Data Entered In Form To Auto Populate Into Calendar

Jun 26, 2014

I am trying to build a Calendar that pulls all of it's entries from data submitted via user form. To be more clear, I built a basic user form in VBA where I can submit this data: name, brief description, Time/duration, and date. Instead of the data I enter into the form populating in specific cells in my Excel workbook, I would like for the information to be populated into a calendar based on the date.

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Auto-Populate Date When Data Entered Into Rows

Aug 10, 2014

I am building a budget spreadsheet and would like the date to automatically populate in column H when data is entered into rows J through AN, or alternately update column H when a sum total is populated in column I

I need to repeat this for rows 4 through 63

I was trying to use the following code, but cannot get it tweaked right.

[Code] .....

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VLOOKUP To Auto-populate A Description From An Entered Part Number

Mar 18, 2009

I am trying to use VLOOKUP to auto-populate a description from an entered part number. After checking up on how to do this in several different places I applied this formula to the relevant cell but all that it returns is #N/A.

I am very confused as all seems to be correct, but I am new to this and I am sure I am missing something silly. :P

On entering a part number into cell C13 on sheet 'Stores Receipt' it should search and find that number in column A on sheet 'Product List', it should then return the adjacent description from column B on sheet 'Product List' and show this in cell C17 on sheet 'Stores Receipt'.... Sounds simple hey! :D

The formula used is:

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Selection Using Dropdown - Auto Populate Another Cell With Information Associated Only

Feb 9, 2012

If I make a selection using a drop down, can I have it auto populate another cell with information associated only to the made selection? For instance, if I select January from drop down in A1, I want it to auto populate B1 with 100.

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Create Spreadsheets That Auto Populate Using Information From Main Spreadsheet?

Aug 9, 2013

I have a main spreadsheet that I am consistenty adding information to. The columns are : Company name, Contact, Territory, and Status. The main spreadsheet is titled "Main". I want 5 additional spreadsheets in the same workbook that are automatically pulling information from the "Main" spreadsheet, and populating the appropriate spreadsheet . For example...I have 500 entries of different companies in "Main". All of these companies are either categorized as "North, South, East, West, Offshore" in the Territory column. So, I would like my workbook to have 6 tabs...one "Main, North, South, East, West, Offshore." As of right now, I am Sorting the column, then copy and pasting into correct spreadsheet manually.

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Replace Word In A Sentence?

May 14, 2014

I use the following code. I want to make Replace only in the case which there is a whole word in a part of a cell, but not in part of specific characters.

Example: In the code i want to replace the word "to" but replaces all the words that contains "to". For example in the word together lets only the characters gether, and in the word tonight lets only the characters night etc.

[Code] .....

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How To Extract Word From Sentence

Dec 20, 2010

I have data till 1000 rows. Every cell contain 1 sentance. I wanted to extract a specific word from that sentance. That word lenth is always 10 character and that word gets start with W0. e.g W012202911

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Extracting Word From Sentence

Dec 16, 2011

I have a huge collection of data where i need to extract out the lines that contain "hsbc" or "hbio"

1) N0253 HBIO Corporate
2) N0082 HSBC Bank USA National Association

Basically, this data is in range C1:C500 and i need to place it into buckets so i.e. if the word contains HSBC then find out how many days it took to service, where "days to service" is in column AG

I can run the sumproduct....

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How Get A Word From Entire Sentence

Jun 19, 2009

I have 1 big sentance in cell A1 which contain one unique word starting with IE0025 or IE0027. I wanted to extract that word from entire sentance and this data is till 1000 rows. Not necessary that it will be in a constant position because always it get change to some other position within sentance.

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Excel 2010 :: Auto Capitalizing Certain Cities When Entered

Jun 21, 2013

If I enter the city "Dunn" it auto capitalizes it. If I type my name "mark" in there it doesn't. I don't want it to auto "do" anything. How can I turn it off? I've tried copying into a new book and that didn't work so it doesn't seem to be formula driven. The issue is happening on a coworkers machine, but I cant seem to recreate it on mine. Hers is 2007 while mine is 2010.

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Capitalize Only Very First Word Of Each Sentence In Paragraph

May 31, 2013

I need to capitalize only the very first word of each sentence in a paragraph.

How can I do this?

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Copy Word From A Cell With Sentence In It

Dec 23, 2013

I am having trouble trying to write some code that will extract a word(s) from a cell that has asentence in it as can be seen below:(Class 4) (4yo+) 2m3f Heavy 10 hdles

I have tried Text to Columns but when I change from Race to race the amount of information changes and everything parts of words are chopped off and split into other cells etc. What iw ant is to be able to extract Class (Class4), the distance (2m3f) and the going (Heavy). I then want to copy that information from a worksheet called 'Meeting to a worksheet called 'Results'.

Much the same as above when a cell has:

Vinetta 16/1
Croco Bay (IRE) 16/1

How do I copy just the 16/1 onto the worksheet called "Results".

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Split Word From Entire Sentence

Feb 13, 2009

I have data in following order and wanted to split particular word from that.

for example : -

In Cell A1 i have address like N/A 12A, carbon court OSBORNE PARK WA 6017. I wanted to Split city name OSBORNE PARK & Post Code 6017 from that entire address in seperate cloumn. Like in cell A2 i want city name & in Cell A3 want Post code.

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Delete Row When A Selected Word Is In A Sentence

Oct 23, 2009

i have this macro that currently looks in column J and if a cell contains "Total" it deletes the entire row.

Now what i need is to check in same column but i need it to delete the entire row if any part of the sentence in a cell within column J contains "Main Total"

Sub Macro1()

'this deletes all rows if cell in column J says "total"

Dim DeleteValue2 As String
Dim rng2 As Range
Dim calcmode2 As Long

With Application
calcmode = .Calculation
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With

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Operator To Find A Word In A Sentence

Jul 26, 2006

I dont have much experience with VBA and im looking for an operator that helps me find a word (or part of a word) in a sentence located in a cell. I have to do this to create a user friendly form. I cant use the Find option in excel because i need to do this in a form.

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How To Enter Information In Excel And Use VBA Code To Transfer To Word Document

Jul 17, 2014

I'm trying to get certain Excel cells (varies by column and row) to populate different areas in a Word document. I've tried using both Word bookmarks and form fields and have defined the Excel names with the Word bookmark names as well as using Word's generic terms (Field1, Field2, etc.) with no luck. The VBA code I'm using now is for word forms and will open the Word document but seems to delete the form fields. I don't know if I'm not coding the cells correctly or what.

Sub CreateProposal()
Dim wdApp As Word.Application
Dim wdDoc As Word.Document

Set wdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
' Open word document

[Code] ........

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Extract Last Word Of Sentence Regardless Number Of Spaces

Nov 22, 2013

I've a list of names with different numbers of spaces, i would like a formula to give me the last name regardless the number of spaces...

is that possible?

List example:
Amelia Alexandra Correia Almeida

Maria Albertina Alves Moreira Figueiredo

Mario Miguel de Oliveira Azevedo Feitor

Carla Maria Bastos Soares
Carlos Sousa Teixeira

extract Almeida, Figueiredo, Feitor, Soares and Teixira

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Excel 2007 :: Auto Lock Cells Once Data Is Entered Not Working

Aug 14, 2014

I have searched and found many examples of code that will lock cells once data has been entered. But for some reason, I cannot get it to work in my workbook. The weird thing is, I have successfully got them to work on blank workbooks. I unlock a range I want people to be able to edit, I protect the workbook, I enter the code, and it works. But I do the same thing on my workbook, nothing locks.

I've tried locking all the cells on a sheet, and only unlocking a small range, as in the examples (A1:A10), and I cant get it to work. I've tried not pre-protecting the sheet, I've tried 4 or 5 different examples of code. If it wasn't for the fact I've gotten it to work on blank workbooks, I'd think VBA was disabled or something. I can't post a copy of my workbook for you all to look at because its on a stand-alone computer at work (and the USB is disabled for info-sec).

Excel Version 2007

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Extract Data From Word Document And Populate Ranges In Excel

Jul 5, 2013

I am looking to take information from a document emailed to me in word and then populate the specific ranges in my excel spreadsheet for invoices. What is the best method for doing this and how can i control where it comes from the position in the document and the range is going to.

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Excel 2010 :: Populate UserForm In Word With Data From Spreadsheet

Feb 19, 2013

I have a word template that gives a popup when started for the user to fill out. At present this is okay, but it is hard to maintain. So what I want is to be able to add all needed information in Excel - since our tools have the possibility to export my needed info to this.

I have a spreadsheet in Excel 2010 named 'Input TR'. This info I want in the popup macro in word. When choosing name from a dropdown menu - I want Excel to give me the choices instead of having it in the coded macro. After I have choosen the name - I want the product belonging for this name in the 'Product/Service:' dropdown menu, e.g Test 1 will give the value 1...5. (I will only be able to choose one of them)

Today - everything is coded in the word2010 macro, and thus difficult to maintain.

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Populate Excel Cells With Specific Text From Word Document

Jul 22, 2014

Let me start by stating that I am a novice at writing macro script. I am trying to write a script that will open and search a Word doc, find specific text in that document, and populate certain excel cells with that information.

Ex. of Word doc: Install gasket [12], using bolt [5] and nut [8]. Uninstall gasket [12] and scrap gasket and fasteners.

I would like the script to search for and populate any number between the [ ] into a specific excel cell, also I would like it to identify and populate an excell cell with the associated step, e.g.: "", which will be at the begining of that step (step could be several sentences long). Also, I would like the script to look for and identify/populate an excel cell with any number of words such as: "install", "uninstall", "break", "scrap", or "remove" also associated with that step.

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Formula To Count Occurences Of A Word In A Sentence Within A Cell

Nov 11, 2009

I am after the formula to count the occurrence of, for instance the word 'the' in a sentence/paragraph that is contained in Cell A1. Cell B1 should return the quantity of times the word 'the' has been found in Cell A1.

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Excel 2007 :: Export Range Data Populate To Word Bookmark

Aug 11, 2014

I'm trying to use VBA to populate excel range data to MS Word bookmark.

I am using Excel 2007 have following field

Column A Column B
Cash xxxxx
Liabilities xxxxx
RE xxxx

What I wanted to do it to populate data at Column B of Excel to MS Word Template below

Cash xxxxxx
Liabilities xxxxxx
RE xxxxx

I've tried using below code sample code but it does not work.

Sub testing()
On Error GoTo errorHandler
Dim wd As Word.Application


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Excel Not Auto-completing Long Word?

Jun 24, 2013

I have to type in a long place name with 10 letters repeatedly and whereas before Excel completed it after I typed the first two letters it has now stopped doing so. Is there a way to reactivate this facility? Other names do get auto-completed when typed in the same column.

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Input Text From Group List If Lookup Found Certain Word In Sentence

Jan 27, 2012

i have list in A2:A4 (description) and B2:B4 is the Group of.

now i want B2:B4 fill using E2:G2 (group list which is Animal, transportation and fruit) if one of the key word in E3:G5 found in A2:A4

A2: people like to eat apple
A3: car is very expensive
A4 : dog is human best friend

E2: Animal, F2 : transportation, G2: Fruit

E3:E5 = dog, cat, horse
F3:F5 = train, ship, car
G3:G5 = apple, banana, watermelon

result i want is :

B2 :Fruit,
B3 : transportation
and B4 is animal

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Excel 2003 :: How To Auto-Populate Data From 1 Worksheet To Another

Jul 2, 2014

I have inherited a number of databases in work (running Office 2003). It has quickly become apparant that a vast amount of work is duplicated and so i am trying to cut down the data input and therefore the possible errors.......

I have narrowed most of the work down and now have a major worksheet (is that what you call a complete Excel file) named "master database" and several over minor files....

Currently what i am trying to do is to get the minor files (68 seperate files) to auto populate an area of the master database. I will try to explain it below...

1. Minor database has 2 columns with data i require to auto populate the master database. (1 column (B) is called 'off', the 2nd column (C) is called 'on').

2. A number will be inputed manually into either 'B' only or 'B and C' columns, depending on the criteria of the job..

3. The criteria of the job is dictated by column (Z) where the text 'A' or 'ATL' is inputed

4. The master database i would like to add up the numbers inputed as a total from columns 'off' and 'on' and place them into seperate columns 'E' and 'G' of the master database.

5. IF column (Z) shows 'A' then only column (B) 'off' is to be calculated and put into the master database at column (E)

6. IF column (Z) shows 'ATL' then BOTH columns (B and C) 'on' AND 'off' are to be added together and column (G) populated on the master database.....

To make matters more complex. An expiry date is shown on the master database at columns (D) and (F).
IF column (E) does not exceed 12 by the expiry date, i would like the cell (D) to turn red
IF column (G) does not exceed 10 by the expiry date, I would like the cell (F) to turn red

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Excel 2007 :: Auto-populate Cells Based On Value In Another Cell?

Nov 29, 2010

I'm creating a configuration tool for instrumentation that has several options. Many of these options are dependent on one another. To summarize, I need to:

*Conditionally lock cells (and populate with "N/A") OR allow selection from drop down list - the list exists, it's the locking and auto-population I'm struggling with

Example: If A1 = No, then B1 = "N/A" and is locked, else allow selection from drop down list in B1

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Auto Populate Excel Calendar Based On Date Ranges

Dec 4, 2013

I am trying to have the calendar in the second tab of the attached excel file to auto populate based on info in the first tab.

In the first tab, there is the start and end dates of certain projects. The calendar will need to only show the project name of every project being worked on that specific day.

Some days will have more than one project being worked on, the Calendar will just need to list them all under that day. The Start and End dates count as days the project being worked on as well. We will also need the calendar to auto update whenever we modify the dates in the first tab or add/remove projects (rows).

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Excel 2010 :: How To Auto Populate Data Based On ComboBox Selection

Jan 27, 2012

I have a question on how I could populate data using a combo box selection in Excel 2010.

For example, I have a table with values in Sheet 1, & below that table there is a combo box whereby another table of values can be populated based on the selection of the combo box.

Maybe to make it clearer...

Table 1
Name | Address | Phone number
Andy | Avenue 2 | 999
John | Road 5 | 998

Combo box (selection of names): John

Data derived from combo box - Table 2
Name | Address | Phone number
John | Road 5 | 998

how I could solve this Also, do let me know if this can be done without the use of VBA.

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