Excel 2007 :: Change Source Workbook For All External References At Same Time But Avoid Browsing?
Jan 7, 2013
Need to create Working order (in Excel 2007) for filling machine in my factory. Working order is changeable from day to day and the deference is product quantity. Product quantity in working order [File - Working order] is changing according to the each sales plan [7-Jan-13, 8-Jan-13] - (File Working order is Linked to the appropriate sales plan in this case - [7-Jan-13]).
Anyway, I need to change the source workbook "sales plan" from [7-Jan-13] to [8-Jan-13] by changing source workbook name in red cell [File - Working order] and not to browsing location?
All source workbooks [sales plan 7-Jan-13, 8-Jan-13]are at the same location in the same folder, only difference is the source workbook names. So, is it possible to change source workbook name (File - Working order - red cell) for all external references (File - Working order - green cells) at the same time, and avoid annoying browsing?
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Jun 3, 2012
I now have XL 2007 but no longer work at the same place so do not have access to the external data source. I would like to view the SQL statements that I wrote back then but keep getting error that I am not connected to external data source and so cannot see my sql statements. I have MS Query 2007.
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Feb 10, 2012
I have 4 workbooks, all of them contain data that is managed by other teams at my company. I need to take all of this data, organize, and concatenate it into one sheet for myself, that I will then reference in other workbooks to various OTHER departments in our company that need the data for certain projects. I have the organization laid out in a lot of very complex formulas so that most of this is automated, and not manual.
I need a solution that can pull data from the 4 workbooks without locking them for use, to allow me to keep my document open all the time, and they can update theirs at their leisure. Everything works fine, until I hit the refresh button. Once this is hit, all of the linked documents are locked and cannot be opened, even in "Read Only" mode. Once I close the master document, the files are free to be opened. I know a workaround for now is that i can not "refresh" the document, but rather close and re open it for changes.
Some steps I have already tried :
1. Create an intermediary file that no one uses, and can be locked all day without a problem. This doesn't work for me since the intermediary file needs to be open to refresh, which locks the original source doc, leaving me in the same place as before.
2.Modify the connection string to display "Mode=Read;" instead of "Mode=Share Deny Read"
3.Create a new connection with "Read" only selected in the Advanced Tab
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May 21, 2013
I'im using an index - match - match formula with links to an external file.
Everything works fine until I close the source workbook. At that moment the liks break. The error I'm getting is #REF!.
I suspect the reason is that the source data are in form of an official table. I tried some formulas with data in the same workbook but outside the table and they keep working after the source file is closed.
I really want to keep the source data in a form of an official excel table.
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Nov 23, 2011
I am importing external data to "Workbook A" from the source workbook, "Workbook B." Workbook A is set up to refresh every 15 minutes. Workbook B is shared. I am recieving an error saying either, the 'file is in use', or 'the file is locked,' depending on the senario.
Scenario 1:
1. I open A and enable data connections.
2. I try to open B, but receive the message: '(File location...) is in use. Try again later.
Scenario 2:
1. I open B.
2. I open A.
3. I go back to B to edit information.
4. When I try saving the information I get the following message: 'File is locked. Try the command again later.'
I need to be able to have A open and periodically refreshing. I also need to allow users unhindered access to B at the same time.
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Oct 7, 2013
I enter a date and time in a cell, e.g. "2013-10-07 12:30", and then I save the workbook.
When I open the Workbook again, the cell contents is "2013-10-07 00:00".
I am currently using Excel 2007. I haven't tested this explicitly with Excel 2013 which is my normal working version, but I think I should have noticed it if it had happened in 2013.
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Mar 25, 2014
Say I have Source Workbook X 1, and Destination Workbooks X 4. The Source workbook contains a number of lookup values. I want the lookup values to be maintained in the single Source workbook, and I want this workbook to remain closed when the end users are using their Destination workbooks. It is critical that certain cells in the Destination workbooks have validated data in order for formulas and summarizations to be correct.
I'm happy if the Destination workbooks contain a lookup worksheet (perhaps hidden). In short, I'd like the contents from the Source workbook, Lookups worksheet, to just be replicated "as is" into the Destination workbooks, Lookups worksheet. I then want to do my data validation from that worksheet, which of course is open (data validation appears to only work with open workbooks).
I've investigated the techniques in this link: [URL]
1) Are the techniques in that link about the best approach? i.e. an external link plus array formulas?
2) A blank cell in the source workbook (text column but formatted as General) is resulting in a zero in the external link. How can I make the external link exactly match the text as entered in the source workbook?
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Jun 4, 2014
I am creating a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel 2007 which holds information about the airline Emirates which I have created using information from the internet. I am currently creating a sheet which has all their flights in and holds information about the departure time and arrival time of the flight and the type of aircraft ect. I am wondering if there is anyway in being able to have the cell which has the flight number in to change colour (Green or Red) if the flight is in the air or not by using the departure and arrival times already set on the sheet. I am wondering if you possibly need to have a live time on the sheet so that it can work with that .....
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Mar 6, 2012
I am an Excel 2007 user.
I have a formula (below) that looks only at records based on specific filtering criteria or conditions; one of those conditions is the month of the year: ('Data Dump'!$Q:$Q,Summary!$A$26). This portion of the formula would change as a month is selected.
Opposed to having to rewrite the formula every time that I want to view a specific month, I want to automate the formula to change the first condition when a user selects a month from Column A. This would be a real time, automatic refiltering and recalculation as the user selects different months from Column A
Current Formula that filters and shows only January records.
=COUNTIFS('Data Dump'!$Q:$Q,Summary!$A$26,'Data Dump'!$D:$D,Summary!$A$2,'Data Dump'!$M:$M,Summary!C$2)
Column A (January is in cell A26)
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Sep 28, 2008
I use an image analysis program ImagePro which can call Excel within it's macro language (which seems to be visual basic). I looked up on this site how the change the drive (ChDrive command). But still when the Excel section (after With oExcel) executes the default file location in the browser is in My Documents on the C: drive.
Prior to this code Excel has been launched by this ImagePro macro, and a file Cumberland Template has been opened from the C: drive. Now I would like to do a Save As, but have Excel start at the I: drive location.
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Dec 28, 2013
I have the following code below for a timer in a userform. Right now it is configured to start when a button is clicked. I would like to have it automatically start the timer after the workbook is open for more than 5 minutes but so far have been unable to get it to do so. I have tried putting the code in the workbook module but it still won't run. It also has a button to reset the timer if they need more time in the workbook and also a button for them to save and close the workbook if they are finished. I'm running Excel 2007.
Private Sub CBReset_Click()
Dim T, E, M As Double, S As Double
T = Timer
E = CDbl(Time) * 24 * 60 * 60 - T 'elapsed time in secs
M = AllowedTime - 1 - Int(E / 60)
S = 59 - Round((E / 60 - Int(E / 60)) * 60, 0)
[Code] .....
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Jul 17, 2014
I am working with multiple workbooks with several tabs in each one. I need the forumula to update the "sheet name" from the source workbook even if the destination workbook is closed.
this is a portion of the forumula I am working with:
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Oct 8, 2009
In Excel 2007 I am creating a macro with the "relative references" setting turned on. I want to repeat some tasks like: go to column A, sort, hide columns B thru F, hide columns H & I, return to column A.
Every time I try to create this macro by capturing key strokes, it inserts the workbook / worksheet name in the macro! Kinda defeats the ability to use it in any other workbook.
I am recording the macro in the PERSONAL.XLSX workbook. I have other macros that successfully perform in any workbook they are used in . . . but today I can't create one that doesn't incorporate the name of the original sheet it was recorded in.
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Jan 8, 2009
I have many files that has a filepath references in the cell values, for example:
Is there a way to change all the references to direct to another place?
Filenames don't change, only the '\serverfolder1subfolder2 path
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Dec 2, 2013
I Want users to be able to copy a reference number from a an external program into excel, this works well for single cells but the cell I want them to be able to paste the information into is a merged cell and keep getting the "Data on the clipboard is not the same size and shape blah blah error". What I can do to get this information to paste? Is there some VBA that can kinda trick the cell to believe its single or when pasting it unmerges and then remerges again?
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Feb 23, 2014
I'm trying to create a basic Excel document intended for use as an navigation log. I'm having a problem with circular references.Here is what I'm trying to do:
True track: A1=B1-C1
Mag. track: B1=A1+C1
Mag. variation: C1
The idea being when you open the document you enter the true track or magnetic track depending on the information derived from the chart. The document then calculates either mag. or true track for you depending on where you entered the information. I then have 25 or so rows of this.
The problem I'm having is that once excel "sees" any circular references in the sheet it brakes down and some other functions stop working. Since you usually don't use all the rows available the document will always contain these circular references.
I know I can disable the circular reference warning and that fixes the issue but as I'm intending to share the log I'd rather find another solution.I tried IFERROR and I couldn't get it to work.
Is there no function similar to IFERROR so that if a function contains a circular reference it will return some fixed value?
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Nov 3, 2009
I have an excel database which links into Outlook and Word via macros to automate sending of e-mails and creating documents, etc. Obviously, I have created the correct VBA references and things have been working fine for a while.
However, this is a shared workbook over a small number of machines and due to a recent upgrade, one of the machines is running Vista and Office 2007, whereas the rest run Office 2000 and NT.
All works well until the workbook is opened and saved on the Office 2007 machine as this then changes all the references to Word 12, Outlook 12, etc, instead of Word 9 as seen in Office 2000. Then, when an office 2000 machine opens the workbook, it has a compile error as it cannot find the office 12 references!!
I have created some code to fix this, which uses the AddFromGuid method, which works ok, e.g.:
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Jan 14, 2013
Is there a way to prevent formulae from losing their references when the references get replaced.
I have formula which refer to a worksheet that is dynamic, meaning that the worksheet holding the data (CONTROL_1) differs from one query to the next is imported from another source. The datasource contents and format are identical.
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Jan 10, 2012
i make a lot of "trending" files at work where i link a cell to a seperate workbook where all workbooks are in the same folder.
these workbooks all have the same name with the date at the end
workbook 06-01-2011
workbook 06-02-2011
all the way to
workbook 12-31-2011
usually i use find replace to change the date one at a time, but doing that 365 (x how many cells i have referencing) times is redundant
i have seein INDIRECT of the cell changes but nothing for the workbook name chaning
here is what i am trying to do:
='C:File Path[WorkbookX.xls]Sheet1'!A1
where the X WorkbookX is variable (the date at end of file name)
i have a list of all workbook names or just the dates and would like to do something like:
where D1 is the full path name
='C:File Path[Workbook"D1".xls]Sheet1'!A1
where D1 is the date name
using excel 07 i prefer not to use a macro for how i am doing this but if a macro is the only way then i cannot have it actually open the files to pull the data. i prefer no macro since i set it up for future dates so when the new file is created it automatically updates the reference.
my end result i usually have something like A1=referenced cell from first workbook, A2= cell from 2nd book, etc. sometimes B1 would = a different cell from first workbook and so on if i am trending multiple cells from the workbooks
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Feb 7, 2012
Everytime I save my workbook, I get a dialog box that says:
"A formula in this worksheet contains one or more invalid references. Verify that your formulas contain a vlid path, workbook, range name, and cell reference."
First off, it say's "this" worksheet no matter what worksheet is active.
Usually the culprit is a screwed up name that has a #REF in it somewhere. Not this time. All of the formulas appear to be working fine.
Is there an audit feature that will find the errors for me? (Excel 2007)
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Sep 22, 2012
I have been trying to get Excel (2007) to change the colour of tabs to match other tabs in the workbook
Using this code I get the colour code of the current tab
x = ActiveSheet.Tab.ColorIndex
But when I use this value in a procedure like this:
ActiveSheet.Tab.ColorIndex = x
The tab is a different colour!
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Jan 19, 2013
In Excel 2007.
I have a macro that is set to clear a range of cells. If I make a change to the worksheet (such as adding a column) that moves those cells in the worksheet, the worksheet formulas update, but the macro cell references do not. How can I make my macro update in accordance with changes in the worksheet?
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Nov 28, 2013
I have 2 excel files (both .xlsx) and in the first file i am creating a reference to cells in the 2nd file using SUMIFS function. The 2nd file has 275,000 rows of data. I can create the formula correctly, however when i save the file, it just crashes every time (says not responding). If i create simple reference (=A275000) then its fine so im not sure what the issue is.
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Sep 30, 2011
Surely it's user error, but it honestly seems like Excel is not calculating 2 numbers correctly. At work, we have office 2010 where it is not calc'ing correctly; at home I have 2007 and it's fine, but anyway, here's my situation:
Cell A1: 0.003529
Cell B1: 0.48
If i put in Cell C1: "=B1/A1" i get a value of 136.000000 But that's not correct, it should be 136.01587... But if in Cell C1 i put "=0.48/.003529" then i get 136.01587...which is correct.
Why does using cell references in my formula give me the incorrect value?
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Nov 28, 2012
Pretty straightforward: randomly and infrequently, Excel ignores my selection of the rear tray paper source on my MX870 Canon. Able to correct issue only by closing out and re-opening Excel.
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Jun 29, 2013
I am pulling data from a database and want to do an average based on data that was input per day, basically I did a SUMPRODUCT in a different file to avoid having the source open, but I can't make it average the data and disregard if there were ZEROS in that day.
Column A Column B Column C
6/25/2013 A 1.3
6/25/2013 B 1.45
6/25/2013 C 1.9
6/25/2013 D 0
In the other file I would need to summarize the average of the Data from COLUMN C based on the day but without counting the zeros
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Jul 11, 2013
I am familiar how to perform the task of bringing in an access table into excel, then using a data validation filter to control the data set in Excel 2003.
How to replicate this procedure in Excel 2007?
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Jul 14, 2013
I have some data coming in from another source system which has the date format as "DD-MM-YYYY" but while pasting it to Excel (2007) sheet some date fields has just DD-MM-YY format which disrupts my macro. I did changing the language settings to "English(UK)" ,which i wanted, and changed the same in Excel options as well. But unfortunately it doesn't work.
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Apr 18, 2013
I am working on a "3 worksheet" excel workbook. The first worksheet does not require any header.
I'd like to enter data into the second sheet (say cells A1 and B1), and use VBA to pull from those cells to generate the same custom header for both the second and third worksheets.
For example, I'd like the header to pull "# 123456" from cell A1, and "789" from B1 in sheet two, putting them in a centered header for both sheets two and three (same reference cells from sheet two for both, not new values of A1 and B1 from sheet 3 for sheet 3 header). I'd like to format in a way that looks something like this:
I'm currently running Excel 07, and was able to pull from a cell on one worksheet into that sheet's header but couldn't get it to span multiple sheets.
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Sep 17, 2010
Excel 2007 crashing when trying to up date a data source within a pivot table?
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