Excel 2007 :: Crashes When Cell References Using SUMIF To Another Workfile Are Above Row 65k

Nov 28, 2013

I have 2 excel files (both .xlsx) and in the first file i am creating a reference to cells in the 2nd file using SUMIFS function. The 2nd file has 275,000 rows of data. I can create the formula correctly, however when i save the file, it just crashes every time (says not responding). If i create simple reference (=A275000) then its fine so im not sure what the issue is.

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Excel 2007 :: Save Workfile From Cell Value

Sep 25, 2013

I am using excel 2003 & 2007 and I am trying to find some VBA that will allow me to save the workfile from a cell value

In other words the users enters the path in a cell that they require the workbook saving to

Then when you save the file it will save to this path.

Reason for this is that I will have multiple users that will save their workbook to different locations.

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Excel 2007 :: Auto-Update Macro Cell References

Jan 19, 2013

In Excel 2007.

I have a macro that is set to clear a range of cells. If I make a change to the worksheet (such as adding a column) that moves those cells in the worksheet, the worksheet formulas update, but the macro cell references do not. How can I make my macro update in accordance with changes in the worksheet?

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Excel 2007 :: Why Does Using Cell References In Formula Give Incorrect Value

Sep 30, 2011

Surely it's user error, but it honestly seems like Excel is not calculating 2 numbers correctly. At work, we have office 2010 where it is not calc'ing correctly; at home I have 2007 and it's fine, but anyway, here's my situation:

Cell A1: 0.003529
Cell B1: 0.48

If i put in Cell C1: "=B1/A1" i get a value of 136.000000 But that's not correct, it should be 136.01587... But if in Cell C1 i put "=0.48/.003529" then i get 136.01587...which is correct.

Why does using cell references in my formula give me the incorrect value?

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Excel 2007 :: How To Copy A Cell Without Auto-adjustment Of Fix Cell References

Jun 15, 2014

Assume I have a cell M24 with a formula like

=M10 + $H24 - $I24*0.35

As you can see B10 is a fix reference (due to omitted $) which should NOT be auto-adjusted but be kept.

Now I want to copy the formular to lots of cells below cell M24. therefore I mark cell M24 and click copy in context menu.

Then I drag/expand the blinking cell border to lets say the 20 cells below. As I result I expect e.g. in cell M25 a formula like

=M10 + $H25 - $I25*0.35

Unfortunately I got

=M11 + $H25 - $I25*0.35

So the fix reference is adjusted as well.

How can I tell Excel 2007 to NOT auto-adjust fix references in formulas?

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Excel 2007 :: Data Validation List Crashes VBA Macro

Feb 28, 2012

I have a VBA macro for Excel 2007 below that loops through a workbook and deletes a picture (shape) in a range at the top of each worksheet.

The macro works fine until a cell which contains a seemingly unrelated data validation list on Sheets(1) is changed. The macro then repeatedly trips up with a 'Run-time error 1004 - Application defined or object defined error'.

The cell with the data validation is outside of the range in which the shapes are deleted and does not set any of the variables in the macro.

Sub DeleteLogos()
Dim Count As Integer
Dim NumberOfWorksheets As Integer
Dim Logo As Shape
Dim LogoZone As Range
NumberOfWorksheets = Worksheets.Count
For Count = 1 To NumberOfWorksheets
With Sheets(Count)


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Excel 2007 :: Crashes When Trying To Update Data Source In Pivot Table

Sep 17, 2010

Excel 2007 crashing when trying to up date a data source within a pivot table?

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Excel 2007 :: Variable References To Multiple Workbooks?

Jan 10, 2012

i make a lot of "trending" files at work where i link a cell to a seperate workbook where all workbooks are in the same folder.

these workbooks all have the same name with the date at the end

workbook 06-01-2011
workbook 06-02-2011
all the way to
workbook 12-31-2011

usually i use find replace to change the date one at a time, but doing that 365 (x how many cells i have referencing) times is redundant

i have seein INDIRECT of the cell changes but nothing for the workbook name chaning

here is what i am trying to do:
='C:File Path[WorkbookX.xls]Sheet1'!A1
where the X WorkbookX is variable (the date at end of file name)

i have a list of all workbook names or just the dates and would like to do something like:

where D1 is the full path name
='C:File Path[Workbook"D1".xls]Sheet1'!A1
where D1 is the date name

using excel 07 i prefer not to use a macro for how i am doing this but if a macro is the only way then i cannot have it actually open the files to pull the data. i prefer no macro since i set it up for future dates so when the new file is created it automatically updates the reference.

my end result i usually have something like A1=referenced cell from first workbook, A2= cell from 2nd book, etc. sometimes B1 would = a different cell from first workbook and so on if i am trending multiple cells from the workbooks

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Excel 2007 :: Formula In Worksheet Contains One Or More Invalid References

Feb 7, 2012

Everytime I save my workbook, I get a dialog box that says:

"A formula in this worksheet contains one or more invalid references. Verify that your formulas contain a vlid path, workbook, range name, and cell reference."

First off, it say's "this" worksheet no matter what worksheet is active.

Usually the culprit is a screwed up name that has a #REF in it somewhere. Not this time. All of the formulas appear to be working fine.

Is there an audit feature that will find the errors for me? (Excel 2007)

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Excel 2007 :: Change Source Workbook For All External References At Same Time But Avoid Browsing?

Jan 7, 2013

Need to create Working order (in Excel 2007) for filling machine in my factory. Working order is changeable from day to day and the deference is product quantity. Product quantity in working order [File - Working order] is changing according to the each sales plan [7-Jan-13, 8-Jan-13] - (File Working order is Linked to the appropriate sales plan in this case - [7-Jan-13]).

Anyway, I need to change the source workbook "sales plan" from [7-Jan-13] to [8-Jan-13] by changing source workbook name in red cell [File - Working order] and not to browsing location?

All source workbooks [sales plan 7-Jan-13, 8-Jan-13]are at the same location in the same folder, only difference is the source workbook names. So, is it possible to change source workbook name (File - Working order - red cell) for all external references (File - Working order - green cells) at the same time, and avoid annoying browsing?

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Excel 2007 :: Complex SumIf / Sumproduct Formula?

Oct 11, 2011

I am trying to do a dynamic sumifs that allows the user to use data validation lists to select 5 items to query. This is the easy part.

The hard part is that the amounts range to sum goes across 6 weeks and I want the answer to also take account of another validation input which specifies up to what week the range should be.

I have done a simply if statement in row 8 that flags weeks relevant to input cell B6.

How do I do a formula in say cell A16 that does the sumifs and acknowledges that the user has requested a dynamic range to sum?

Sheet1ABCDEFGHIJK1RegimePost 20052TypeBudget<<<<- Dropdowns3Prod AreaLoans4ChannelRetail5Pro/ReReactive6Week18-May-1178Flags ->1110009Regime 2TypeProd AreaChannelPro/Re04-May-1111-May-1118-May-1125-May-1101-Jun-1108-Jun-1110Post 2005Budget Loans Retail Reactive 36942041320736540011Post 2005Budget Cards Retail Reactive 38423444021726636212Pre 2005Actual Mortgages Tele Proactive 35739840536923740113Pre 2005Actual Loans Direct Proactive 3213872554552254621415Answer16Excel 2007

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Excel 2007 :: SumIf (total Value) For Supplier Codes

Feb 6, 2012

Column O is a list of unique 1000 supplier codes

Column G is a list of 75000 imports (dollar amounts), each row has a supplier code.

I want to have a formula in Column P to sum the rows where the suppier code equals the supplier in column O.

i thought this was easier in 2007.

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Excel 2007 :: Simplifying Formula With Multiple SUMIF

Feb 20, 2014

I've got a SUMIF formula that works but will be complex to expand. Excel 2007

A10= SUMIFS(b2:b4,a2:a4,">="&B6,a2:a4,"="&B6,c2:c4,"="&c6,a2:a4,"="&c6,c2:c4,"

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Excel 2007 :: Sumif Command Adding 2 Different Part Numbers Together?

Apr 10, 2013

I have a Excel 2007 spreadsheet of part numbers and quantities sold. In the spreadsheet we have similar part numbers, but my sumif command is adding these together. the parts are :


My column of part numbers is formatted as text

My formula is this =SUMIF(Sheet1!H:H,A16,Sheet1!Q:Q) where H is the part number and Q is the quanity

I tried adding a format command in the sumif command, but it returned a 0. =SUMIF(Sheet1!H:H,format(A16,"0"),Sheet1!Q:Q)

better formula and why is excel adding different part numbers together?

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Excel 2007 :: Determining / Counting Number Of Values Used In SUMIF / SUMPRODUCT Function

Aug 2, 2014

I am using Office/Excel 2007 and Windows 8

I want to determine the number of values SUMIF/SUMPRODUCT functions used/checked to arrive at the answer, i.e. 95 for row 2 and 116 for row 3. A function that can give a 3 and 2 respectively.


Results for Row #2 gives: 95 with 3 values picked up under "Rate"

Results for Row #3 gives: 116 with 2 values though three places were checked up under "Rate"

How can I count the number of these values referencing at the "Rate" like in the functions used.

I managed to use SUMIF/SUMPRODUCT functions to calculate totals based on "Rate" in row one.

I tried COUNTIF function, but allows only field/heading.


[Code] ..........

results for each formula used

95 formula: =SUMIF(B$1:G$1,B$1,B2:G2)

95 formula: =SUMPRODUCT((B$1:G$1=B$1)*(B2:G2))

3 formula: =COUNTIF(B1:G2,B1)

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2007 Crashes When Saving A Specific File

Jul 1, 2009

Hi all, I've reinstalled office 2007 because excel 2007 was crashing very often when inserting new rows or when saving the file. I tried with other files and apparently work fine. The specific file can be opened but I don't know if is corrupted, I tried repairing it with open and repair from the file open menu but didn't work (it is still happening the same). I've been working on the file during few days and wouldn't like to start from scrath again, can anyone help me with this?

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SUMIF - 2 Conditions - With References

Sep 20, 2005

I have the array formula:


It works fine except I want it to reference the cell that the number 26 is in rather than having to have it in quotes, i tried this, but don't get the same answers as this way. The reason being is more conditions may be added in the future which would mean for example the 26 could change to a 34 etc so i rather not have to have someone manually change that number in the formula and just have it refence a cell.

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Sumif Giving VALUE# Error When Mixing Sheet References

Jul 29, 2009

I am very comfortable with using sumif statements although I have tried it link two data from 2 different sheets and I keep getting returned #VALUE!

I get a message "Unable To Read File" in a pop up box before fully opening.

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How To Sort Data In Excel If It Has Cell References In It

Jun 11, 2013

I created an excel workbook with multiple cell reference throughout the various worksheets. I did this because I was creating a dependent drop down list. When I try to sort my data alphabetically, all my cell name references get changed. How I can sort alphabetically without losing my cell name references?

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Structured References And With Cell References I Get A Column Of Zeros

Nov 25, 2007

It is suppose to be that if the employee is "FT" and has worked >=4 years the return is 15. But if the employee is FT and has worked 2 years but less than 4 years then it is suppose to return 10 (these are days off) Or if the employee is FT and has worked 1 year, but less than 2 then it should return 5 days off. And all the others in the column get no days off.

I have tried to do it with structured references and with cell references I get a column of zeros!

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References To Tables In Version 2007

Aug 18, 2007

The new table feature of Excel 2007 is IMO the best improvement over the 2003 version.

I have 3 questions about references to these tables:

1) When you reference to a cell in a table on the same row, you get the reference "#This Row". Why isn't there a "#This Column" reference?

2) Normally when you want to "fix" a reference to a cell you use the $ sign by hitting F4 (i.e. A1 -> $A$1). How can you do this with tables (Column1 will not change to $Column1 when hitting F4)?

3) When I have = sum(Column1) above Column1 and I drag this to a cell above Column2 I get =sum(Column2). However, when I have the formula {=sum(Column1)} this doesn't work. Why?

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Excel 2010 :: Dynamic Range - Cell References Changing In OFFSET Function

Apr 12, 2012

I'm working in Excel 2010. I'm trying to create a dynamic range, using the OFFSET function. I've got it working beautifully but as soon as I save it and close the Name Manager the range stops working. When I go back into Name Manager I find all the cell references have changed (from C1:C600 to C1048572:C595 - or some other strange range).

P.S. What it's doing isn't so important as when the cell references are right it works. But just for full info: It's an OFFSET function, starting at A1. It will look at a list of companies and use a Match function to find out how many rows to offset (based on where the first instance of a particular company. And it uses the COUNTIF to make the range the same number of rows as there are entries for that company.

Here is my broken function:

=OFFSET('Map Point'!A1048572,MATCH("Company Name",'Sheet Name'!C1048572:C595)-COUNTIF('Sheet Name'!C1048572:C595,"Company Name"),0,COUNTIF('Sheet Name'!C1048572:C595,"Company Name"))

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Excel Crashes When UserForm Reopens After Closed?

May 29, 2013

I have a UserForm appear when the user opens my file. It prompts them to enter some data. If they Close (Terminate) the Window, I have a MsgBox appear telling them they must enter data - and allow them to go back or exit. When they opt to go back the UserForm reapears but Excel freezes and I have to force quit.

Here is the code for my UserForm, including the Sub for when the User clicks OK (CommandButton1) and the Sub for when the User terminates the window:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Blank As Integer
Dim Subgroup As Integer [code]....

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Recovering Changes In A Read-only Document When Excel Crashes

Aug 2, 2009

When an Excel document crashes, I get the option to recover the document the next time I open Excel. However, if it is a read-only file, I don't get this option.

Is there any way around this? I usually work in read-only documents, saving my changes to new documents. If the read-only file I'm working in crashes.

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Excel 2010 :: Refresh All Data From Web Crashes?

Aug 3, 2013

Ok so I have an extensive worksheet that pulls a lot of data from the web, 47 connections to be exact. So on my work computer that runs excel 2007, the data refreshes instantly and I can see all the numbers flying through and changing as the sheets refresh.

However, my personal computer running excel 2010 hangs up with any type of data refresh, not just this sheet in particular. This computer has 8 GB of ram so I don't think that would be the issue?

Does excel 2010 have an issue with data refresh from the web?

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Excel Crashes Erratically After Running A Macro?

Mar 20, 2014

I have developed a model for a client which keeps crashing after being used a few times. The crash is major! Excel shuts down and asks to send an error report.

This can happen after being run anywhere from 3 to 20 times. (Clicking a POST button which transfers items to a "database" type sheet).

I developed the model on a PC using Excel 2010. When this was loaded on a Mac, the user tells me that it happened periodically, and I have seen is occasionally on my PC as well.

However, the workbook has now been loaded on a server, with users across the state of Victoria accessing via Sharepoint - most using Excel 2007. Now it is happening very frequently.

I don't think the macro is at fault, it doesn't go into debug. Excel just seems to GIVE UP.

Have you seen this kind of thing before? Is there a way of "flushing buffers" or something so that Excel can keep working?

I am reluctant to post the model because it is full of personnel details, and is 2.5mb.

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Excel Crashes When Adding Code To Workbook Via VBA

Apr 9, 2009

The code below resides in my personal.XLS Module. When I step through the code everything works till it reaches the point in red then I get the pop up that says excel needs to close and asks to send or not to send.

I noticed that if I choose recover my work and restart excel and I look at the code in THISWORKBOOK of the recovered workbook that the code I wanted placed there is there.

Can anyone explain why this is happening? I have the macro's security set to low and a check mark in the trust access to vb projects.

Any Idea's how to fix this?

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Excel 2010 :: Referencing To Worksheet Crashes

Oct 31, 2011

I use Excel 2010, 64-bit-version with Windows 7. I have one workbook, where whenever I create a formula that references to one specific sheet, the Excel crashes and cannot be quitted even with Task Manager. I have to restart the whole system.

I do not have any worksheet events in either sheet. This is the same workbook that crashes if all cells are selected from the top-left corner of the worksheet.

I tried by deleting unnecessary COM add-ins but that didn't work.

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Excel 2010 :: Crashes On Macro Exit?

Dec 20, 2013

The macro does numerous things, including deleting the sheet that was active when it is called. If the sheet is not deleted, there is no crash. Otherwise, Excel crashes as soon as the VBA interpreter hits "Exit Sub". The Excel message is simply "Excel Stopped Working". The macro also saves the workbook before finishing, and the saved workbook opens just fine, but it's unacceptable to have to kill Excel and restart it every time (I am not the main user for this spreadsheet). I'm using Excel 2010 on Windows 7.

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Excel 2003 :: Two Sumif In One Cell?

Sep 1, 2009

Using Excel 2003, is it possible to use 2 sumif functions in one cell?

i.e., sumif and sumif

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