Excel 2007 :: Reconciliation Between 2 Sheets?

Feb 9, 2012

using Excel 2007 on WinXP

Attached is a run down version of a spreadsheet that I am trying to find a quick way to compare information. [URL]

What I want to do is look at the data on Sheet "Roster" and compare it against the data on Sheet "Payroll" and where data is missing or doesn't match, then to write this to a new sheet called "Exceptions"

eg. Person 7 has no data on the "Roster" sheet, but has 2 entries on the payroll sheet with the "SIC" leave type, so this would be included on the "Exceptions" sheet.

I have approx 6000 rows of data in the main version of this spreadsheet to reconcile against, so really need to find a smart way to make this happen...

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Excel 2007 :: How To Combine 2 Sheets Into 1 With Different Data

Jun 13, 2013

Here is basically the problem, I have 2 sheets and want to copy/ paste them like this:

Sheet 1
Name of a product
Data 1
Data 2
Data 3


Can this be done in Excell 2007?

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Excel 2007 :: Comparing String Between Two Sheets

Oct 30, 2012

I have the following code which compares a string between two sheets. First sheet is 'data', second is 'saw'. I'm trying to copy an array of numbers (energy consumption for each hour of the day) based on machine ID and date (hence the compare string). How to modify it so it will copy the array of 24 number, not just the first number?

I have a few worksheets 'saw', drill, lathe. So I am using ActiveSheet, so I can run the same macro as all data is in the 'data' worksheet.

Sub test_copy()
Dim a, i As Long, txt As String
a = Sheets("data").Range("a1").CurrentRegion.Value
With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
.CompareMode = 1

[Code] .......

datasheet below
Excel 2007

sawing machine


[Code] .......

machine sheet

Excel 2007



[Code] ...........

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Excel 2007 :: Hide And Unhide Sheets Using Checkboxes?

May 13, 2014

Using Excel 2007, I have a workbook with 7 sheets. The first one is a Navigation Page where I have checkboxes (form controls, not active X) with the names of the other 6 sheets. When the box(es) are checked, the sheet(s) become visible. I have accomplished this by assigning macros I recorded.

I need to now add the opposite: When the box(es) are unchecked, the sheets become hidden. From googling and looking for other threads/forums here, I gather that I need to add code/ VBA, but I know nothing about these at all.

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Excel 2007 :: Merge Multiple Sheets Into One Workbook

May 1, 2012

I am using Excel 2007. I'd like to merge multiple sheets (about 13) into one workbook. The sheets are placed in one folder, and they all include 2 sheets, - only the first sheet should be merged into the final workbook.

The sheets will be updated every 3 months and merged again (-thus replacing the old data).

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Excel 2007 :: Splitting Data Into Multiple Sheets

Apr 24, 2013

Writing code in VBA for splitting data into multiple sheets?

The split needs to be based on value in one of the columns and the sheet where the data will be sent to should get sheet name same as value in the column.

Following is the input sheet, the data needs to be split based on entry in the column "Job Type".

Excel 2007ABCD1Invoice NumberJob TypeInvoice DateAmount21234Repair
04-Apr-13$20033456Contract Work10-Apr-13$40047896General23-Apr-13$100Input Sheet

Following tables are showing data split into multiple sheets and the sheet names are the same as entry under the column "Job Type"

Excel 2007ABCD1Invoice NumberJob TypeInvoice DateAmount21234Repair04-Apr-13$200Repair

Excel 2007ABCD1Invoice NumberJob TypeInvoice DateAmount23456Contract Work10-Apr-13$400Contract Work

Excel 2007ABCD1Invoice NumberJob TypeInvoice DateAmount27896General23-Apr-13$100General

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Excel 2007 - Vlookup / Index / Match With Two Datasets On Two Sheets

May 22, 2014

I have two data sets across two worksheets. The first worksheet contains sales order numbers (Sheet1:column A) and other data . The second worksheet contains sales order numbers (Sheet2:column A) and the product details.

On sheet1, I had to manually duplicate a sales order number (inserting another row) if the number of units of the order is greater than 1. I then need to fetch the product details from sheet2 for each unit for that specific order number. However in sheet2, there are multiple products for one sales order number.

How do i create a lookup/match to fetch the product details for each sales order number without duplicating the product details if there are multiple products for one sales order number?

I know a simple vlookup function will return the values that it matches first and that is not what i want.

Example: Sheet1

Column A (Sales Order#) | Column B (Quantity)

0417436GPCP | 1

0417436GPCP | 1

0413412FACY | 1

0413412FACY | 1


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Excel 2007 :: Get Value From All Sheets In Same Cell Into Summary Sheet (in A List)?

Feb 20, 2014

How I can have a summary sheet that takes a number from the same cell on each sheet in my workbook and display it on the summary sheet in a list. one for each sheet.

And is it possible to create a summary page that automatically updates every time I create a new sheet? (adds the name of the sheet to the summary list (alphabetical order) and the value of the specific cell)? Excel 2007

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Excel 2007 :: Populate Table With Tasks Listed On Three Different Sheets Using Date

Apr 16, 2013

I am using excel 2007. My issue is i have a front sheet that I want to list all my tasks due within five days of the day of the month the spreadhseet is opened.

All the tasks are on two different excel sheets though and one of them i update with different tasks 2-3 times a week.

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Excel 2007 :: VBA For Print Header For Multiple Sheets From One Source Sheet (but Not All)

Apr 18, 2013

I am working on a "3 worksheet" excel workbook. The first worksheet does not require any header.

I'd like to enter data into the second sheet (say cells A1 and B1), and use VBA to pull from those cells to generate the same custom header for both the second and third worksheets.

For example, I'd like the header to pull "# 123456" from cell A1, and "789" from B1 in sheet two, putting them in a centered header for both sheets two and three (same reference cells from sheet two for both, not new values of A1 and B1 from sheet 3 for sheet 3 header). I'd like to format in a way that looks something like this:



I'm currently running Excel 07, and was able to pull from a cell on one worksheet into that sheet's header but couldn't get it to span multiple sheets.

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Excel 2007 :: Hide Sheets On Opening And Password Protect Viewing

Nov 1, 2009

I have an Excel 2007 workbook which has five sheets in. I just wondered whether it is possible to hide all five of them when the workbook is first opened. Also I would like the user to be asked for a password when they wish to unhide a sheet, with the password being different for each of the sheets.

Is there also a way to do this which won't be affected by Excel disabling all Macros when the application initially opens.

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Excel 2007 :: Copy And Paste Pivot Table To Multiple Sheets?

Dec 14, 2013

for my school project, I am right now doing time tracking for all of my activities throughout the day with excel. Here is basically what I am doing: For everything I do, I record and put in start time and end time for the activity.(I use simple formula to subtract these twos) If my day goes on like study, break, study, meal, study, break and each activity takes one hour for each, I have total of 3 hours studying, 2 hours taking break and one hour for meal. I am using pivot table to show all totals for each activity.

Pivot table is working best as far as my knowledge goes as I can choose and look up total of multiple activity combined. The problem here is I am making one sheet per a day and I need to continue this for three months. (So that seems like 90 worksheet). What I was thinking is I make Sheet 1 as master sheet. Then, copy and paste the entire sheet for 90 sheets assuming all formulas including pivot table go along with them. then, when I put in new data to other sheet,magic happens and values in pivot tables will change relatively after refresh. You might be probably laughing hard at me right now. I know..I tried it for like 3 sheets. Simple formula to subtract endtime and start time still work accordingly with new data. But, Pivotal table is playing dead at all.

I researched and found that that might be problem with reference and absolute cell reference thingy. ( to make pivotal table work for different worksheet). All the cells used ( including column and row ) will be entirely the same for all worksheets. The only difference aka problem is different sheet. I want to use sheet 1 as a template and copy it down to next 90 sheets taking all contents except data. Is there anyway I can copy and paste the whole template to another 90 sheets while making pivot table work and calculate and update itself according to relative data from each own worksheet? I use excel 2007 btw

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Excel 2007 :: Lookup One Value And Returning Multiple Values (Horizontally) With Two Sheets

Jul 31, 2014

I'm basically working from 3 sheets for this so I'll start with an example of the data I'm using:

1st sheet:

table.tableizer-table {
border: 1px solid #CCC; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif
font-size: 12px;
.tableizer-table td {
padding: 4px;
margin: 3px;


I have 180 rows of data like this one in the first sheet

Second sheet(named sheet 1) is not used for this

Third sheet(named sheet 2):

table.tableizer-table {
border: 1px solid #CCC; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif
font-size: 12px;
.tableizer-table td {
padding: 4px;
margin: 3px;


Basically I'm trying to find column #3 value in my third sheet and return the second column value. Problem is that the data is located more than once in the third sheet so I need the value of each one of them. So, with this example, Q5942X is located twice in the third sheet and each time, it has a quantity of 2. I would need either to return the value 2 twice horizontally or even better, add the two together. The first sheet, the example is row #45.

This formula should be in the column following "majoration".

I am using excel 2007 and windows 7.

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Userform VLookup For Spreadsheet Reconciliation?

Mar 19, 2014

excel macro through userform for spreadsheet reconciliation.Can we have userform for doing spreadsheet reconciliation(Only by using VLOOKUP). Here are the things i need in userform

1)First box that will ask you Lookup Value (column range)

2)Second Box will ask you Tabel_array say (column range)

3)Third box will ask you Col_index_num (column range)

4)Fourth box will ask for range_lookup (0,1)

5)Fifth box will ask for the column where you need your result in excel

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Reconciliation Data Of Multiple Worksheets

Oct 31, 2009

The macro able to extract the value of each 'Summary' sheet A1 and B1
But it couldn't identify the value of 'total day(s)' of work/leave/unpaid leave.

This is because the location (rownumber) of 'total day(s)' rows is not same for each worksheet.
(depending the number of staff)

Actual Result:

Expected Result:
department:security 2875

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Reconciliation Formula(s) - VLookup Two Cells And Return TRUE / FALSE For Match?

Mar 26, 2014

I'm trying to create a rec report, ideally on one page, for multiple criteria. The situation is we get a report on our trade positions (investment stuff) from an outside service we use. We also have a report internally from what we've booked. We're looking to tie out are basic things like price, original par, revised par, trade date, counter-party banks, etc. I've consolidated data from both sources on one page (DATA) where all data points are lined up (say EXTERNAL is from rows 1-500, and INTERNAL is 510-1010). Now I need to create a front page showing the result of each tie-out. The lookup value will be a combination of the fund name + trade ticket number which would almost guarantee a unique ID (fund name XYZ, ticket number 12345 = XYZ12345)

Current tabs on spreadsheet: DATA, EXTERNAL, INTERNAL. I need to add a REC page

Question: What formula can I use to check on each and return TRUE/FALSE? The goal is to have about 8 columns on the REC, each for one of the tie-outs (let's use price as an example.). I know the basic VLOOKUP to return one value, but it appears in this case I will need VLOOKUP to check two matching values based on unique ID XZY12345, compare the price, and return TRUE if they match, FALSE if they don't

Here's something I saw from one of our spreadsheets that I think does the same to confirm counter-party, though I have no idea how to read this lengthy formula.


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Bank Reconciliation - Many To One Matching And Partial Cell Matching

Nov 19, 2009

programming 2 macros in a bank reconciliation sheet I am trying to create.

Basically the data consists of two sets: the ledger side and bank side. Both sides consists of multiple columns that include date, description and amount.

The following two situations can occur and which need to be covered with a macro.

Many to one matching
When we make payments to say 100 different suppliers at once, the ledger side will show 100 lines with the different amounts. However on the bank side it will only show one line with a total amount for the transaction. As the description on the ledger side is the same for all transactions done at the same time, it should be possible to have a macro add these lines and compare the total with entries on the bank side. Once a matching amount has been found, the macro should place an ‘x’ next to all entries on the ledger and bank side, in order to show that these transactions have been reconciled.

Partial cell matching
In this case we are only dealing with one line on both the ledger and bank side. The issue is that the description does not always perfectly match with one another. The ledger side might say ‘Brown Corp.’ and the bank side might say ‘Brown Corporation’. I want to come up with a macro that can recognize this partial match and still reconcile the lines by placing a ‘x’ to both the ledger and bank entry. The match however should be done with a combination of description, date and amount as several different bookings might be done for the same supplier in the same month.

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Hide Sheets Based On User Using VB In 2007

Jul 31, 2009

I see this forum and the example works perfectly in Excel 2003.. But we are using Excel 2007 now and it doesn't appear to be recognizing the user and is always refering to the "else" in the vb codes. Does this code for not work in 2007? Oh and I am refering to Post #10 on there with the attachment that will hide different sheets depending on which user is getting on the file.

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Excel 2007 :: Create Visio Diagram From Excel?

May 9, 2014

I need to write a code to create visio flow diagram with excel inputs(Excel 2007). Attached is the requirement.


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Excel 2007 :: How To Convert MDB As XLS

Nov 7, 2008

I have big Access file .mdb. I need to work with the file in Excel.

The Excel read the file and I tryed to save the file as .xlsx

I receive a message saying only 64k rows will be saved.

How can I translate the file to Excel 2007?

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Excel 2007 Tmp Files

Jan 29, 2009

I use Excel 2007 which is creating a whole load of tmp files of the spreadsheet that I work on.

Is there a way tostop Excel from creating and saving the tmp files?

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Excel 2007 :: How To Use Datevalue

Oct 11, 2011

I am trying to use Datevalue in Excel 2007

When I put in =datevalue("08/22/2008") I get the error #Value!
If I put in datevalue("2008/08/22") 39682 which is what I was expecting. If I use =datevalue("08/08/22") I also get the right answer, anything else I get #VALUE!

I didn't think that Datevalue mattered with how the date was in?

Do I have a setting wrong of something that could be causing the error?

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Excel 2007 :: If Then Else And Validation

Feb 14, 2012

I am failing on the logic and syntax to achieve the following. Basically it has to take the sum of 1, or 2 fields and validate it against the value of a 3rd field. I can get it to work for 1 field if DefPercent = 100 but not when looking at the total of 2 fields if DefPercent < 100.


- DefPercent (if = 100 LiabilityAmt2.Enable = False) (this works fine already)
- TotalLiability
- LiabilityAmt1
- LiabilityAmt2

Output Required: logic only

If DefPercent = 100 And TotalLiability LiabilityAmt1 Then
MsgBox "error....."
Exit Sub
Else continue

If DefPercent < 100 And TotalLiability LiabilityAmt1 + LiabilityAmt2 Then
MsgBox "error...."
Exit Sub
Else continue

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Excel 2007 :: How To Add Validation Of Yes And No

Oct 11, 2012

I am facing issue in Data Validation,

Currently i am using Excel 2007, in that i need to add a validation of Yes and No.

After entering the Validation in the drop down if any one copy any data and paste in the cell(Validtion) the validation vanishes.

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Excel 2007 :: Look Up Min / Max Values

Oct 23, 2013

I am working with excel 2007 in windows 7. I am working with small animals that have been outfitted with a RFID (radio-frequency ID) tags with unique UID codes. In a sheet called Tag_info I have a list of the unique UID's of the tags that are in use along with a number of parameters (the colony in which the animal with this tag is situated, if it was treated with something, its age etc). I left out most of the parameters because they aren't relevant to my question, but it looks like this with each UID only once in the list:



[Code] ........

In a 2nd sheet, a ton of data is saved by the scanners that read the tags as the animals pass by scanners in a number of locations. The relevant data for my problem is basicly the timestamp (UTCTime_Rounded). Since animals pass by the same scanners multiple times, and scanners may read the same 'passing' as multiple signals the column with UID's here contains tons of duplicates (unlike in the Tag_info sheet where every UID is only displayed once). Once again, I left out the irrelevant data for simplification so that the data looks like this:


Age at read

[Code] ........

So finally, what am I looking for? I want a formula to look up the UID's from the Tag_info sheet to find and return the first and the last timestamp (UTCTime_Rounded) for that UID in the RFID_Scan_values sheet.

So that formula basicly has to return the min and max values for UTCTime_Rounded, for each of the UID's in Tag_info. The output would look like this (I did it manually for this dummy dataset since I didn't get any formula to work yet):


First scanned

[Code] ........

Tag info And then a similar column for the Last scanned, max values.

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Excel 2007 And Tabs

Jan 22, 2008

I have just started using Excel 2007 after many years with 2003 and I must say that the new one is totally amazing except for one thing and Im sure there is an easy answer to this although the HELP was NO HELP

One the sheet I am working on I hide the sheet tabs through 2003 and now I see there is no options to unhide them. How do I do this.

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Excel 2007 :: Macros Enabled But Will Not Run?

Oct 27, 2010

I have an excel file saved as macro-enabled that is perfectly functional and can be opened on my computer (via Security Warning - Enable Macros). The file is saved on another computer, through which I am accessing by a network.

This other computer is unable to run the macros, and when we open the file in excel there is no security warning that pops up (like there is on my computer). I have gone to the Excel Options and entered the trust center settings, and finally the Macro Settings. It is set at Disable all macros with notification. (same for both computers... but on one of the computers there is no security warning that pops up)

We tried enabling all macros (temporarily) and tried re-opening the file and running a macro. We got an error message saying that macros were not enabled.

We also made the file a trusted location and saw no changes.

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Excel 2007 :: How To Create Hyperlink Using VBA

Oct 26, 2012

I am using MS Excel 2007.

I have column "A" a list of my PDF filenames and File path in Column "B". I want to establish hyperlinks for each of these PDF filenames (column A) and link it with the file path that I generated in Column B.

=HYPERLINK(B1,A1) did it very well, but unfortunately when converting to PDF, the hyperlink is not working, and I believe the conversion retained is only in text, so now my only resort is hardcoding it by VBA.

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Excel 2007 :: Retrieving Value Of Corresponding Cell In Same Row

Aug 6, 2014

I am currently struggling with a spreadsheet that has been created in Excel 2007. Essentially, it has a number of items (individually identified by "S code" in the first column) that need to be tested at the specific dates over a one year period (i.e. at "2 weeks", "4 weeks", "8 weeks", etc) as shown in the screenshot below.

A user manually enters "Complete" into the corresponding cell in the "In-testing status" section of the spreadsheet when testing has been completed for a certain item at a particular time point.


I already have set up conditional formatting that highlights cells with dates older than the current date red. What I need to do now is to check for a particular item and date whether or not the corresponding "In-testing Status" cell reads "COMPLETE". If it does, I need to use a conditional formatting rule to return formatting to normal.

What I am unsure of is how exactly to retrieve the value of the corresponding "In-testing Status" cell.

Unfortunately I can't use a macro-enabled workbook in this environment

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Excel 2007 :: Multiple Value With Criteria

Oct 6, 2013

I have use excel 2007. In our sheet i have in cell "B3" product name i.e. "abc" , "xyz" etc. That is called sales of goods.

In cell "C3" i have number of quantity
If "B3" is "abc" then only calculate below :

1st option : If product name is "abc" then only calculate (which is cell "B3") & cell "c3" is >=15 & cell "c3" is<19 then message shown as "one mobile free"

2nd option : If product name is "abc" then only calculate (which is cell "B3") & cell "c3" is >=20 & cell "c3" is<39 then message shown as "two mobile free"

3rd option : If product name is "abc" then only calculate (which is cell "B3") & cell "c3" is >=40 then message shown as "three mobile free"

In view of the above which formula applicable.

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