Excel 2007 :: Convert Dates And Times In A Column To Numbers
Aug 11, 2014
I have a column in my data set that consists of dates and times in this format: 2014/08/02 01:46:49 PM. I am trying to convert these dates and times to numbers so that I can actually use these values for calculations and regression analysis. When I click on one of the cells, I get a number that is revealed along with decimals. For example, the cell with 2014/08/02 01:46:49 PM had a stored value of 41853.574. I tried to highlight the entire column of dates + times and click on the format cells button. I selected the number category under number but that did not work. I also tried to use the =DateValue(Cell #) function but that did not allow for distinguishing between the same date but different times.
What are my options for converting these dates and times to numbers that I can work with? Is there a way to get the entire column of dates + times to show each cell's numeric stored value?
I am in strange situation where I have a data with Invoice Dates. These dates are in Text. However, when I convert it into reall excel dates. For some reason the dates do not come right. convert my text dates into excel real dates. I did a lot of google search and apply these three methods but all of these gave me strange result I was not expecting. These are the methods I used and the result of each method.
Method 1 : Using Text to Column Wizard (Excel 2007)
I highlighted invoice column and went into text to column wizard. I clikced on Date button, and selected MDY format. Strangely enough, my result was day, month and year i.e. DMY which does not seem right.
Then I press Control ~ on this data as shown in second view.
2nd Method - Using formula to convert text date to real dates When I used formula, I get the following result. As you can see, formula is converting text dates into different system dates than the first method.Further strange things is when I take these system dates i.e. 4283 and in 2007 excel format use "Short Date" the same system date gets converted into wrong year as shown in the second view.
We are using Excel and Outlook 2007 and 2010 in our office and this program needs to work with both versions of each, Excel and Outlook. I need to have a csv file exported from outlook to identify locations of meetings and when they occur. I can do this manually but it could be used at multiple times by different people
1- I dont know why but sometimes excel 2010 converts numbers to dates automatically in my workbook. I use this macro to solve the problem, but since last week it is not working. I get an error: "Method 'NumberFormat' of object 'Range' failed".
2- because it should work in all cells of the workbook, the macro must make changes only in the cells with absolute numbers (ex: 1223) but must not change if in the cell there is a date like 12-may-2012 (numbers with hyphens).
This is my function: _____________________________ Sub PuxaDatas() Dim sht As Worksheet For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
I am using Excel 2007 and am having some trouble formatting a column for dates. I am setting up a template spreadsheet for the company I work for. The template spreadsheet has a sheet for entering the raw data and a sheet for summarizing it. I need new dates that are to be entered to be formatted correctly. I have set up a sample spreadsheet and inputted some sample data which looks like the following:
Date 06.11.13 07.11.13 08.11.13 05.10.13 06.09.13
Now if I format these cells as English(UK) dates with the "dd.mm.yy" format the data>sort cannot sort these dates from oldest to newest. I can correctly sort them by using "text to columns" however if i do this then it only format's the cells that currently have a date entered into them and not any new date entries.
So in summary: Format cells into a date format does not allow dates to be sorted using the data>sort tool. (I assume that as they cannot be sorted ,a formula that searches for cells with dates before a certain date will not work either) Text to columns does not allow new entries to be formatted in the same way as the cells that had data in them when the text to columns tool was used.
Is there a way to format blank cells so that they will recognize the data inputted as a date?
I am setting up a Cattle management system in excel 2007. In the column F are the date of births for each individual animal. Example: F2 13/03/2013 F3 23/05/2013. I would then like to highlight the cells with the dates in to find all the cattle that are under the age of 16 months from the current date.
I have a workbook that has many linked cells and formulas. Some of the times were entered manually in hh:mm format and are located on tables that are used to get a number from. On another worksheet, there are times taken from the internet that show up in general format. So 00:05 shows up as 5. I have tried to change these into number formats but it always shows up as 00:00 and tries to include the date in the formula bar.
These various cells are linked and are used to look up other values but the formats are different and not talking. I am looking for a way to get them to work with eachother without using formulas if possible because many of the cells already have formulas in them.
Is there any way changing general four digit number into hours and minutes?
I have almost 31000 rows of imported data, showing arrival and departure times with four digits (dep 2130, arr 0130) without colons and I need to subtract dep from arr to get block hours. Is there a way to add colon to multiple cells or some other solution to my problem?
Adding colon to 62000 cells one by one does not sound that good to me.
I basically want column A to be like Column C. The logic is that every time the row that have 1, skip a row and run the numbers until the next 1 appears.
Excel 2007 Q: I have a combo box (ActivX) that I want to be able to choose a a date from a range of dates in column A on sheet 'Working Copy'. I want a cell to update with the number/position of the date when the date is chosen i.e. the first date in the range yields 1 the second date yields 2 and so on. I also want the date to be displayed in dd-mmm-yyyy format. I am able to get the cell to give the correct position of the date but the date reverts to five digit number in combo box. I can change the code to return the correct date in the combo box when the date is chosen but then the cell just returns 0.
How can I make it so that the combo box returns the correct date and the cell updates with the position instead of jsut one or the other?
Here is the code I am using
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() ComboBox1.Value = Format(ComboBox1.Text, "dd-mmm-yyyy") End Sub or Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() Sheets("Working Copy").Range("G1").Value = ComboBox1.ListIndex + 1 End Sub
I get a spreadsheet every day that has a column of numbers that contains dates that are not in a date format. Is there a way to convert these numbers to a date format? The numbers come from an outside source so I can't modify on the front end. look at the attached spreadsheet with representative data of what I'm trying to ccomplish.
I import data from my works server and dates are represented in text. example text format is yyyymmdd/19790310. What I'm trying to do is add and subtract from this date. I was trying to utilize formula and havent got close. I have a couple of parameters:
In column L I would like to represent the following
if column "B" is "A" add 38 years to column "J" dates are represented as TEXT if column "B" is "B" add 35 years to column "J" " if column "B" is "C" add 30 years to column "J" " if column "B" is "d" add 30 years to column "J" "
Column "M" I would like to find the difference in column "L" and "C" I know days will be difficult it can be represented in years and months only.
I have no preference on whether I use VBA or a formula but have failed on on formula and was attempting to use VBA Case method but no success. I have 10000 rows of information and am open to any ideas attached an example of my data.
In the attached spreadsheet I would like to locate the peak values of the numbers in column "F". I don't know if this is best done with a series of functions or by using a macro.
Column "F" translates to the light blue line on the attached chart. Column "F" (MACD) is the difference between a 12 week exponential moving average (EMA) and a 26 week EMA.
I would like the peak values from column "F" re-stated into column J,K,L or M. Ideally I would like to find the highest peak that occurred in a rolling 12 weak period. So not all peaks would need to be posted. By doing this I would only be identifying longer trends .
I'm using Excel 2007. 25 years experience using Excel and functions. Limited experience with Macros though long ago I used to write C code.
I need to find the average numbers on sheet 1 column D. Column D contains numbers as well as Blank cells. The info will be presented on sheet 2 in a monthly view. In other words i need to ssearch awithin a date range and determin the average of those numbers. This works on some months but return a DIV/0 erro most of the time.
look at the attached file - it was a CSV file. i want to convert the column of dates to say Mar 14 2009 type date. but it only converts some of them. note some are on the left and some on the right.
I have a spreadsheet which monitors the hours employees work - one of the rules is that an employee must have 12 hours rest between shifts...
I am using the below Data Validation formula in column I to highlight when an employee has less than 12 hours rest and an alert to appear
Now this works perfectly with the exception of when an employee finishes at say, 18:00hrs on a Friday, and starts at 22:00hrs on a Saturday - Excel Calculates the Rest hours as 04:00, when it should be 28:00
I've had a suggestion to use the following:
(I2 being the saturday date, A2 being the Friday date) - this does work but only for Cell I4, If I copy the Data Validation down the column all cell references change - is there a way to keep the I2 and A2 in the formula without having to retype in every row?
I have a 2007 Excel spreadsheet (saved as .XLS) with worker names in column A and error types in column B. Column B can have multiple entries (which are sometimes duplicative of each other) separated by a hard return.
What I need to do is run tallies to determine the number of errors by type for each person, counting the value every time it appears, even if it is more than once in a particular cell. The ultimate goal is to generate a formula to track the number of occurrences for all error types types for the person in Column A (i.e. one formula each to track ABC's Procedural errors, ABC's Technical errors, ABC's Admin errors, DEF's Procedural, etc) though ideally I just need a formula to calculate any one of those and I can edit it to get the rest. Here's a sample screenshot:
The COUNTIFS formula is where I started but that only seems to count cells with the value as opposed to occurrences of the value. I did find this formula in my searches but it doesn't seem to work:
I want to convert Hex to Binary. I want the Binary in 8 different cells.The hex input would be lets say A1 I would want to convert that to eight different cells Bit7 G10, Bit6 G12, Bit5 G14, Bit4 G16, Bit3 E10, Bit2 E12, Bit1 E14 and Bit0 E16.
Then I want another Hex input on A2 and convert that to eight diferent cells.
I have an Excel report that I import from IBM Clear Quest tool (Web App). A field, 'Submit_date' in this report has data in the following format:
'Jan 12, 2012 12:00:00 AM'
If I double-click in the cell the cursor is after the AM. When I click outside of the cell, the date time stamp changes to 1/12/2012.
My question is, how to change the entire column so that all data gets converted to short date (mm/dd/yyyy) and thereby making it a data sortable field.
I have a Billing Data where i want to Calculate TAT between two dates in Excel 2007.. I received the Invoice from Vendors on specfic date but due to discrepances, i rejected the invoice, after few date i received a rectified Invoice from Vendor... so how can i calculate the TAT from 1st Receipt to Rejection..
Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F (Receipt Date) (Rejected Date) (Re-Receipt Date) (Rejected Date) (Final Receipt Date) (Formula for Finding Rejection TAT)
E.g : In Column F, TAT to be calculated from 1st Receipt Date to Rejection Date, but if i received the rectified bill & after inputing the Re Receipt Date in Column C, then the Cell in Column F will remain blank, but again if it is rejected due to some error, & after mention the 2nd Rejection Date in Column D, then the TAT to be calculated from 1st receipt to 2nd Rejection (Column D), but if i received the Final Rectifed Invoice & after mentioning the Receipt Date in Column E, then the Cell in Column F will remain blank.. but pls note, if the invoice is not rejected the, the Cell in Column F will remain blank..
I have tried IF Forumula but in vain.. i can only nest 1st receipt to 1st rejection i.e : =IF(AB6= "", "",(TODAY()-AB6))
Problem: The macro will be assigned to a command button and will be used by laypersons when they finish filling in data on a worksheet in Workbook 1. The sheet contains maybe 30 columns and 50 rows with a mix of fixed values and values generated by Vlookup and Indirect formulas. I need to copy the sheet from Workbook 1 to Workbook 2. Workbook 2 will be for archival purposes so I want to convert all formulas to fixed values. The catch is dealing with some cells that contain hyperlinks to PDF files...
Current Solution: I currently do this with a macro that moves/copies the sheet from Workbook 1 to Workbook 2, it then selects all cells in the new sheet in Workbook 2, copies all cells, then pastes-special "as values" to the exact same cell locations. This works great for me since the cell formatting and data in the sheet are VERY irregular and I have merged cells all over the place. This method keeps the exact formatting I need maintain:
The problem is that a few of the cells have hyperlinks with "friendly names" and I lose the hyperlinks when I convert to values. The hyperlinks are not inserted directly, they are created by a formula, =HYPERLINK("N:Filepath"&C16&".PDF", "Click_For_PDF"), and the row and column that contains the hyper link will vary for each sheet I want to migrate from Workbook 1 to Workbook 2 using this macro. I want to keep the hyperlink active with the clickable friendly name in Workbook 2.
Possible Solution: I'm open to all types of solutions, but is there a way to essentially use my existing macro but AFTER converting to values with paste-special, go back to the original sheet in Workbook 1 that still contains formulas (or maybe a temporary duplicate sheet I migrate to Workbook 2?), search for all cells with a "value" of "Click_For_PDF", copy ONLY those cells and paste (normal) into the corresponding cell locations in the sheet in Workbook 2 that now contains fixed values? ALL of my hyperlinks have the friendly name "Click_For_PDF" so it should be an easy way to identify the hyperlink cells. The cell location of the hyperlink copied in Workbook 1 needs to carry over to Workbook 2 and I said before, the row and col vary with every sheet I want to archive with this macro.
How do I enter a formula in excel 2010 that will give the total amount of times each number is in this group. Example : how many times (total) the number 12 showed up , how many times the number 27 showed, and so on for each number that is in the entire group of numbers, from 1 to 80 .
Here is the page I will copy and paste into a workbook sheet from the internet that i want to evaluate the times each number was called.
Very new to all this , I am a bit aged and need not to learn excel A to Z, just need to know what correct statements /formulas have to be entered to do what i desire.
I am only interested in the total count of the small bold numbers 1 to 80, each single digit 1 to 9 and double digits 10 to 80 will be in their separate cells. The large bold three digit numbers and dates/times will have to be erased (manually) before the calculation takes place.