Excel 2010 :: Sort By Every Other Row?
Jul 11, 2012
I have several long lists (each is 600+) of vocabulary words & definitions and need to alphabetize/sort the words, but need to keep the definitions w/ the words.
A1 = word 1
A2 = def. 1
A3 = word 2
A4 = def. 2
A5 = word 3
A6 = def. 3
Standard sort will alphabetize all rows & the words will be separated from the definitions. I could group rows 1 & 2 together, rows 3 & 4 together, etc. but that's clunky & time-consuming.
I'm using Excel 2010.
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Sep 25, 2013
I am looking for some to create a simple macro to sort multiple rows in ascending order based on the values in a particular column in the selected range. I want to sort A4:AI1004 in ascending order by column D. I recorded the following macro in Excel 2010:
Sub sort()
' sort Macro
' sort by column D (Sequence #)
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
First of all, I think this code can probably be simplified. Secondly, it does not work in older versions of Excel. In 2007 it always ends in a runtime error. How can I clean this up so that it will work in both versions of Excel?
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Oct 24, 2011
I have a filter on the Qty column but when I sort Z -A or A - Z it does not work. I have tried formatting as number but no success, I have never seen this before, why the sort wont work? I am using Excel 2010 in Win 7
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Nov 13, 2012
Is there a way to sort out the sheets into alphabetical order in excel 2010?
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Dec 11, 2013
I have 5 worksheets that I currently have to add information to and cut/paste information from one to another. The initial information stays the same but I have to cut and paste it into one of the other worksheets based on wether or not we; need to decide on a job, are working on the job, lost the job, won the job or the job is complete.
I would like to create one master worksheet where the information can be entered with a drop down cell stating the status of the job (listed above). I created the master tab and linked the 5 subordinate tabs using an IF formula, but how can the subordinate tabs filter or sort the references and organize them on the top of the page rather than leaving a bunch of blank rows (because the info in these blank rows went to a different subordinate tab)? I want to enter the info in the master tab and simply change the pull down cell to change which subordinate tab the information shows up on. This should allow me to print the subordinate tabs as reports without having to manually cut and paste the info or filter it, correct?
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Jan 3, 2012
I am trying to sort each "Pct" column in descending order. Of course, I can do this manually, but I have over 100 to do, so I'd like to know how I can automate this (of course, the two columns to the left of "Pct" must move along with it).
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Nov 6, 2012
I've only recently began to use excel, but I've really dived deep into it, I'm clueless when it comes to VBA but now I'm stepping into that realm. Anyway, I'm using this code....
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A:A")) Is Nothing Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
Me.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("A:A"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
With Me.Sort
Credits to VOG
Link: auto-sort for excel 2010.... to auto sort 2 columns of data. However, it is extremely tedious to enter data as it sorts itself every time you enter a new data point. Moreover, using any random number generator to fill the columns takes ages! Is there anyway to make it so the code only runs when the worksheet is refreshed (F9 pressed.)
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Nov 4, 2013
See post below. I want to have the column listed as per to auto sort to the largest to smallest value. This value will change throughout time.
I have data in columns a-n and rows 3-14. I want column "l" or the 12th column to auto sort from largest to smallest value.
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May 7, 2014
find macros to sort fixed ranges but not an entire column with existing header rows from 1 to 4.
Added to that is the need to keep the code compatible with Excel 2003 even though I have Excel 2010 at office (it's a file that needs to be "openable" in both versions so the vb code needs to be in XL 03.
Column currently starts at C5 but goes down to C47, at this point. But it's a growing list. Some of the rows are blank at the bottom, too.
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Apr 16, 2013
I am using Excel 2010. I am a novice user.
I have a lot of data to filter / sort. I want to initially to create a filter for a column of data - which has the format similar to hierarchical paths to files. The data is a mix of text/numbers. e.g.
[Code] .........
Doing an alphabetical sort of this date would return the following order. As you can see while each strings in unique - there are many instances where they are simialr - if you ignore the unique numeric values at the end of the string.
[Code] ......
So what I want to do is to create a filter for the strings - but ignoring the numeric bits at the end i.e.
The strings are obviiously of varying length and the number of hierarchical paths is different, so I can't split string on "/".
Similarly folder paths names can contain "_" so can't split string on this either.
As I don't know how many "/" or "-" instances there will be in the string I don't believe I can use the find function. Also as the amount of number will be different i don't think I can use =right(a1,X) either.
I may be able to search for the pattern above - as this is probabay unique - so maybe it's something like the following pseudo code:
Function GetString(txt As String) As String
With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
.Pattern = "reg_d+(_)+d+//d"
GetString = .execute(txt)(0)
End With
End Function
If I do require VBA code - how do I then use this for creating a column filter? Or will I have to extract the filtered data first from the column (and its associated row data) into another worksheet to use?
Once I have the filter in place I want to create tables using the filtered data - so for example each column value above has a lot of associated data values in each row e.g
26 pathA/path_123/path_456/data_out_reg_0_0/d
32 pathA/path_123/path_456/data_out_reg_17_0/d
8 pathA/path_123/path_456/data_out_reg_4_0/d
So my table would show the name "data_out_reg" and the range of values 8-32
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May 15, 2013
I have read that there is a VBA macro in F11, but I also read that it would only sort the workshhet names, but not the data. I have Excel 2010.
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Mar 25, 2014
I am trying to send bulk emails from my excel 2010 - however I am getting a POP UP. find the screen shot in the enclosed word document So every time a new mail is sent from excel we need to press the button allow Is there a way where I can turn off this warning.
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Mar 5, 2012
I have created a macro in excel 2010 which enable the file to save (extract) data into separate location and name. The vba code for macro is as follows: Question: How can I save this workbook with reference to the value containing in cell B2? (it is named temporary now - as defined in the code)
Sub aaa()
' aaa Macro
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Jul 9, 2012
Recorded macro. The hope is to insert a excel formatted table a set number of times. I have found a loop code that references a Cell A1 and repeats that amount of times. So if A1= 10. There should be 10 tables inserted. However on the second time there is a fault with the table name. I need the name to change each time the loop is run. ie Table1, Table2, Table3 etc up until the loop stops (A1 contents).
I am using excel for windows 2010. The macro that i have so far is below.
Sub LoopTest()
Dim n
Dim V
V = ActiveCell.Value
[Code] ........
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Apr 1, 2014
I am trying to adjust the below macro so that it will work in Excel 2010.
Sub OpenAndProcess()
Dim fs As FileSearch
Dim I As Integer
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Jun 3, 2014
On the intranet we have some reports in PDF file when I open it in excel i get this kind of results: from pdf opened in excel.xlsx
Now I want to sort values in that way to operate, calculate and to be more organized.
Let me explain what does mean each parts of values in report from intranet..
Red text in A column = type of event
in C column = start of event
in D column = end of event
in E column = duration of event
in F column = control number
Blue text in H column = material name
Green text in B column -> if in A column text is green and write "Komentar:" then in B Column is comment typed by employees, If in A column text is green and write "Pri dogodku:" then in B column is type of event where was comment above writen if in A column text is green and write "Vnesel:" then in B column is name of employees wich write comment
The name of line where that event has been is in D column if in A column is date with black text (hope u understand see in attachment)
So I want to paste this report to one sheet and have in other sheet report in order A column is DATE, B LINE, C TYPE OF EVENT, D EMPLOYEES WHO WRITE COMMENT, F COMMENT, G DURATION OF EVENT, H CONTROL NUMBER, I MATERIAL NAME
In each row is details of event so I could see how many event I have, which kind of, duration etc
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Apr 4, 2013
I want to analyze a survey which I made. Below you see an example of how I structured the answers.
Now I would like to rank the answes (rows 2-6) in a list according to often each item was mentioned.
I could do transpose the data manually and delete items which were mentioned various times. However, since it was a pretty big survey, it would take to long. Is there a formula to do it?
Person A
Person B
Person C
Example of how it should look like:
3 (times mentioned)
100% (because everone mentioned it)
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Oct 5, 2007
I have a macro that should be sorting the last column of data, but it gives me an error code of "400". No explanation of the error, just the number.
I have a feeling it is because I have formulas in place to pull the data from other sources, and the associated "#Value!" error is whited out by using the conditional formatting.
Is there a way to have this macro only look at numeric values?
--------BEGIN VBA--------
Sub SortLastColumn()
Dim myRange As Range, myCol As Integer, sortCol As String
Set myRange = ActiveCell.CurrentRegion
myCol = myRange.Columns.Count
sortCol = myRange.Item(1, myCol).Address
Selection.Sort Key1:=Range(sortCol), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
IgnoreControlCharacters:=True, IgnoreDiacritics:=True
End Sub
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Apr 1, 2013
how to soft vaue of date in excel 2007. only arrange by date (not including month).
for examples:
it like that:
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Jun 11, 2013
I created an excel workbook with multiple cell reference throughout the various worksheets. I did this because I was creating a dependent drop down list. When I try to sort my data alphabetically, all my cell name references get changed. How I can sort alphabetically without losing my cell name references?
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Aug 14, 2013
Ok just started using Excel 2013.
Trying to sort 3 columns:
Column 1:
Column 2:
Team 1
Team 2
Team 3
Column 3:
Column 3 is just a ranking from 1-30. So I select all the data in columns 1 and 2 and hit sort from largest to smallest and it looks like excel computes, but nothing changes and it doesn't sort from largest to smallest? A
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Jul 8, 2003
Is there a way in Excel to have a list of names with values automatically re-sort whenever any of the values change.
The default sort I have in mind is ascending by values.
Sydney 100
Boston 200
London 300
Moscow 400
Houston 500
The values change to:
Sydney 5000
Boston 250
London 8000
Moscow 300
Houston 50
I now want Houston 1st, Boston 2nd etc - automatically - without me having to do a sort again by Value.
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Nov 17, 2011
I am struggling with doing a sort, of a group of alpha characters within a cell (Excel 2007). My data was exported from Oracle 8 as a varchar2 and consists of letters.
Example of what I have
Example of what I want
All I could find were these complex looking solutions involving cursors, plsql, etc. I'm hoping there's a simple solution, maybe within Excel. I've tried different formatting, made sure no other characters were sharing the cells, and tried typing fresh data into a cell (instead of the exported data).
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Feb 20, 2013
Running excel 2003 and have a number of sheets where i want buttons along the headings to sort a selection of rows.
For Eaxample one sheet i have data in range A6:AD135. i would like to assign a macro to various buttons on row 5 to sort by that column ie button in column b sorts all data in the range by column B.
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Nov 20, 2013
I'm using Excel 2007.
Is there a way to write a formula for the below?
Basically i want Excel to remove the duplicates in column D and show the results in column E (so my formula will start in cell E4)
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Apr 24, 2014
I am currently using Excel 2013 inside of Windows 7.
I have 3 different data sets and in each data set the only unique identifier is the card number. I currently have to manually sort each of these fields because of the different variables in each data set. My overall goal is to align every user across each row so I can verify whatever status I have for the Card # in the first data set is the same across the other data sets. Is it possible this process can be automated by using a VBA macro that sorts, aligns and leaves empty spots when needed. Once again the only unique identifier that matches across all data sets is the Card #.
User Name
Card #
User Name
Card #
User Names
Card #
John Smith
John Smith
John J. Smith
In Use
[Code] ..........
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Feb 5, 2008
Create a macro for a soccer table.
image : http://i25.tinypic.com/1tk0na.jpg
sort all characteristics (Win,Draw,Lost and and so forth)
D2 =IF(B9>C9;1)+IF(B11>C11;1)+IF(C13
D3 =IF(C9>B9;1)+IF(C12>B12;1)+IF(C14>B14;1)
D4 =IF(C10>B10;1)+IF(C11>B11;1)+IF(B14>C14;1)
D5 =IF(B12>C12;1)+IF(B10>C10;1)+IF(C13>B13;1)
E2 =IF(B9=C9;1)+IF(B11=C11;1)+IF(C13=B13;1)
E3 =IF(C9=B9;1)+IF(C12=B12;1)+IF(C14=B14;1)
E4 =IF(C10=B10;1)+IF(C11=B11;1)+IF(B14=C14;1)................
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Jul 10, 2012
I am trying to sort a bunch of data by a custom list from left to right and after running the macro successfully excel crashes upon saving. I have tried this on different computers, resaved, started from scratch and it always crashes so there must be something with the macro that is causing this.
here is my macro:
Edit: It seems that the last line of code is causing my problem. I have started from scratch and gone though all the code one at a time and saved after each run. everything is fine until the "Application.DeleteCustomList Application.CustomListCount" is run. after that excel crashes when saved.
Sub Macro3()
' Macro3 Macro
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Mar 1, 2014
I am on a Macbook Pro, using Excel 2004 for Mac ...
I have used Conditional Formatting to determine duplicates identified by a color other than black. Is there a way to sort a list according to the color of the text?
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Feb 22, 2013
I am building a country ranking model which ranks several different macroeconomic indicators and applies a weighting to each of the indicators. I have an overall ranking column which is an average of all the ranks. The problem is whenever I change any of the individual indicator's weighting it obviously affects the country's overall ranking. Is there a way that the model can automatically "re-sort" the overall rankings without me having to manually click on the sort by smallest to largest filter each time?
PS I'm using Excel 2007.
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