Excel 2010 :: How To Combine Two Different Formulas Into One Cell

Jun 24, 2014

I need to know if it is possible to combine these 2 formulas (1. (RIGHT(C23,0)&RIGHT(C23,4)) and 2. LEFT(E23,2)&":"&RIGHT(E23,2)
into a single cell. I have a date time group that is in text format. I need to take the last 4 digits (the time) and pull it out into another. Then take that cell and convert it into an actual time ie 2:30.

example: 01may2014 0831 first formula pulls the 0831 into another cell. then the 2nd formula converts it into a time 8:31.

After this occurs, I can then subtract times from different categories in my spreadsheet.

My, problem, is that I cannot combine the two formulas. They work great by themselves. I am just trying to make formulas more compact and hopefully more efficient.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Combine A Formula And Text In Same Cell

Jun 20, 2014

How do I combine a formula and text in the same cell in excel 2010.

What I am looking for is the sum of a number of cells, followed by text.

e.g. something like =SUM(E4:E50)"/35"

If the sum result of cells E4:E50 was 10, I would be expecting to see visible in the cell '10/35'

How do I write this formula?

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Excel 2010 :: Conditional Formatting 1 Cell With 3 Different Formulas

Feb 16, 2014

Excel 2010

Conditional Formatting 1 cell with 3 different formulas

I am monitoring tank levels using a program called "PI". I need to know if the tank is rising, lowering or staying the same.

I am using conditional formatting to turn red if high, blueif low and yellow if stays the same. Column B, F and J are tank volumns, Column C is in feet and D is in inches.

2 7:00 3628 18 11 9:00 3456 18 0 11:00 3321 17 3

1305 5600 3600

I started using formals =$B$2=$AD$2 COLOR YELLOW

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Excel 2010 :: Combine Rows Of Data Into One Row

Mar 7, 2013

My business I work for is a collection agency and from time to time our clients send us files that are beyond recognizable for our collection software to understand nonetheless import into our database.

The file was a PDF at first but I have since been able to convert to excel format.

The data isn't too scrambled just scattered throughout rows. I would like to have rows of patient data into one row.

The file after being converted was all in row A but I have since used text to columns to divide into separate rows. However now one patient information is on multiple rows and I need each patient info on one row.

The file looks like:

1.John-----|Doe-----|123 Main St|
2.New York-|NY------|
3.11100----|SSN----|Balance Owed|

I would like the data from multiple rows to continue on row 1 like this:

1.John----|Doe---|123 Main St.-|New York---|NY-|11100|SSN-|Balance Owed--|

I am no programmer in the least and have very little to no experience in pivot tables.

This file has about 7000 accounts with patient info spread through 3-4 rows for each set of data.

How I could go about doing this without manually copying and pasting into additional columns on the same row. That will take hours if not days.

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Excel 2010 :: Combine 2 Columns Containing Numbers On It?

Sep 18, 2013

I would like to combine 2 columns, containing numbers on it, is it possible?

I have found the other option how to do it

=A2&B2 but then this doesn't work

I have
12345 0000

The result I want would be= 000012345

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Excel 2010 :: How To Combine Multiple Workbooks To New One Workbook

Jan 9, 2014

I have three workbooks. Every workbook has 50 persons IT information. Those are CPU list, Monitor list, UPS list. I would like to create another workbook. Where all user's IT information will be available. Like X user's information required, under x information his CPU, monitor and UPS information link will be available. How to create link of the CPU, UPS monitor sheets with new workbook?

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Excel 2010 :: Combine Two Columns And Remove Duplicates Then Sum

Nov 15, 2013

I have a data in sheet1 as below :

Excel 2012ABCDE1Sr. No.PriceSr. No.Price

[Code] .........

And now looking for output in sheet2 as below :

Excel 2012ABCD1Sr. No.Price1Price2Total

[Code] ........

The sr.no. codes and price will keep changing in sheet1, it should automatically update in sheet2. Is it possible with either vba or formula?

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Combine 2 Formulas In One Cell?

Feb 3, 2014

I would like to have cell A3 contain two different formulas. I may be doing this wrong, so here is what I would like to do:

Cell A1 will contain a number that will change from month to month, but will need to show as $0 until then. Cell A2 will contain a fixed sum number from month to month Cell A3 will contain the difference between cell A1 and A2

I wouldl like cell A3 show as $0 until a number is inputted into cell A1




The formula I have in cell A3 is =SUM(A2-A1), but cell A3 shows $2000. I remember doing this before, cut can't remember the exact formula. Something like =if(A1

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Excel 2010 :: How To Find All Unique Values Then Combine In A New Column

Jul 9, 2013

I have a wookbook with serial numbers in column A and barcodes in column B. There are 51940 rows in total.

Is there a way I can search through column A, and for each unique value found , concatenate all of the barcodes that relate to that serial number in column C?

Serial Numbers | Barcodes | Combined Values
abc123 abc12300 abc12300,abc12301, etc etc
abc123 abc12301
def456 def45600 def45600, def45601, etc etc
ghi789 def45600

i am using Excel 2010.

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Formula To Combine Multiple Formulas Into Single Cell?

Mar 12, 2014

I'm looking for a way for Excel to combine formulas together into a more compact form for me.

Attached is a very simple version of what I want, my actual formulas are very complex but I'd still like a way to have them automatically combined into a single cell.

Alternatively, what is a good way to break down a very complicated one-cell formula and still keep things organized?

Here is the one-cell version of a formula I work with.

[Code] .......

That formula is difficult to work with in one cell, so on another sheet I have it broken down into parts so that if one part isn't doing what I want I can change it. This takes up a LOT of space because of the other steps I do (the above formula is just one step) and I'd like to combine it together.

Attached File : Excel Formula Combination Question.xlsx‎

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Excel 2010 :: Text Contained In Formulas?

Feb 29, 2012

I am working in Excel 2010.

I am looking over spreadsheets in a new job, and I am coming across formulas I am unfamiliar with?

For example, =(G16*G17/C13-G24)*hrs and =I25*elec.

hrs and elec??

After using the "Trace Precedents" feature, the "hrs" and "elec" are still a mystery to me. Are these variables that the creator of the spreadsheet has defined? They don't appear to be named data sets because they exist in just a few cells.

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Excel 2010 :: Running Total Sum Formulas

Apr 10, 2014

I Need to Understand Running Total Sum Formulas. I'm using Excel 2010. and I'm typing in the basic correct formula to arrive at a running total for each ajacent cell to the left of it.

I put in the correct formula in Cell (B1) of Sum=(A1)

I then put in the correct formula in Cell (B2) Sum=(A1:A2) I then highlight the A1 part of the formula with an F4 Key to lock it in.

I then drag the B2 Cell all the way down the excel page to capture all of my running total coming from the (A) Column just to the left of my formula.

Why even though I'm getting the answers I want in the running total does it put an error message in each of the correct answers in each of the cells in the (B) column where I put my formulas.

I tryed to delete the error message spot but I don't know how to delete all of the error spots without going into each cell one by one.

How can I get rid of all the error message out of each cell without having to click on each cell one by one to do it when I might have over 500 or more cells to click on.

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Excel 2010 :: Crashing When Pasting Formulas As Values

Nov 8, 2013

I recently received an .xls book which I then saved as .xlsx (I'm using 2010). There are just under 8,000 rows and 20 columns. File Size 1MB.

The only formulas in the sheet are the ones in a column which I inserted and copied down for all 8,000 rows. Nothing too complicated: no arrays or anything. The sheet calculates fine.

I am simply trying to copy and paste these formulas as values (into the same cells), though at every attempt Excel crashes. I tried on smaller sets of the column and just got it to work for a few hundred rows, though it struggles with any more than that.

I opened a different workbook of mine, and tried the same operation on twice as many cells containing complicated, lengthy array formulas and the action completed instantly.

There is no Conditional Formatting in the book, no code, no 'last cell' issue, no Named Ranges, no external links.

I have even copied the data to a new workbook, then copied the text of just one of the formulas over into this book, added an equals sign, copied down and recalculated, then tried to paste as values again. Still crashes.


=IF(AND(N3>1,ROWS($1:1)<>MATCH(M3,$M$3:$M$7979,0)),"Exact Duplicate","")

is far more resource-hungry than I thought, though if that were the case, wouldn't the issue be during calculation (which, as I said, is fine) and not during a paste attempt? No, it can't be this.

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Excel 2010 :: Convert Formulas To Corresponding Text Based On ID

Jul 22, 2014

I have an excel file with 2 sheets. Sheet 1 has a column that contains formulas (ie (18299*11151)/20067 ) Those numbers are IDs referencing questions stored in Sheet 2. What I would like to do is find a way to look up those questions and place them into the formula instead of the ID numbers.

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Excel 2010 :: Use Automatic Fill In Feature Of Formulas?

Oct 18, 2011

Still adjusting to 2010 Excel...How do you use the automatic fill in feature of formulas; e.g. when typing =convert....a fx function appears....not sure how to use it

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Excel 2010 :: Formulas Increase Incrementally Per Column

Jun 8, 2013

I am trying to find the frequency of lottery numbers that occur within 10-day periods (see row 7). Instead of having to manually write each formula for each column, is there a way I can automate it, so that each column will "advance" 10 days?

Excel 2010


[Code] .........

Array FormulasCell


Entered with Ctrl+Shift+Enter. If entered correctly, Excel will surround with curly braces {}.
Note: Do not try and enter the {} manually yourself

Worksheet Defined NamesName
Refers To

'am (2)'!ball
='am (2)'!$A$8:$A$17

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Excel 2010 :: How To Hide Unwanted Values Created By Formulas

Apr 16, 2014

I am trying to create an inventory list that automatically updates the supply quantity when items are taken away from inventory. I have created entry cells where the quantity of items taken out of inventory can be entered (example, cell F2 of the attachment), and the new overall inventory count is adjusted accordingly for each stock of items (example, cell B3). These automated adjustments are repeated for each subsequent row for every time items have been taken from inventory and recorded.

I managed to get it to do what I originally intended with exception of the fact that it still present values on rows where there were no activity - or quantity of items taken from out of inventory (row #6 and beyond of the attachment). Is there a way of "hiding" these values without removing the formula, or possibly set conditional formatting where no values are displayed if no changes in inventory has been entered?


Using Excel 2010

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Excel 2010 :: Hiding And Locking Columns And Formulas Together Via Passwords?

Mar 8, 2014

Is there a way in Excel 2010 that the administrator of a excel document can not only hide some columns but lock the columns by some kind of password so it remains hidden? I know user can hide/unhide columns but can some columns be hiddens and locked with passwords?

Secondly can formulas like IF and vlookups statements be hidden and locked with some kind of password?

In maybe via VBA or by some other means, is this possible?

The end user should only be able to type and select certain cells only.

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Excel 2010 :: Count Number Of Populated Cells Containing Formulas?

Jun 26, 2013

Excel 2010

Sheet 1 contains range B12:B353 with names of people. Sheet 2 range B12:B353 contains a formula to extract the names from Sheet 1 if range D12:D353 contains a certain value:

=IF(Sheet1!D12:D354="A",(Sheet1!B12:B353)," ")

At the bottom of each column in Sheet 2 I am trying to get a total count of populated cells (a running count of names actually visible). I have inserted formula:


Which should count the number of cells with text in them, right? But I believe it's somehow counting the formula as text because I inserted the value of "A" in Sheet 1 Column D for 3 names. It returned a number of 331 at the bottom of my column in Sheet 2. First off, a return of 331 doesn't make sense in any way (still scratching my head at this return. It should have returned a value of 3.

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How To Combine Three Formulas

Mar 29, 2014

Ok, These are the three formula's. How do I combine them or can I.

=IF((B2="GOV"),[@[Gal Billed]]/1000*1.5)

=IF((B2="NPROFIT"),[@[Gal Billed]]/1000*2,0)

=IF((B2="COM"),[@[Gal Billed]]/1000*3)

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Two Formulas Need To Combine As One

Nov 9, 2007

I have two formulas that i need to combine as one, but i dont now how.

This is the other formula:

=SUMPRODUCT((Huollot!I2:I500="Ty”n alla")*(Huollot!K2:K500="Warranty")*1)

The other one:


the biggest problem is that this formula does not work as it is. Or is there some other function than networkdays that i could use?

The purpose of the formula is to count how many "objects" that are in service have been there for over 20 days. There a a few other criteria also, but sumproduct takes care of that. Can networkdays even be used the way i´m trying to?

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Combine 2 Formulas - Approved Value

May 9, 2014

I would like to combine the 2 formulas below but I don't know how to do this.





I would like to display the value of formula 1, unless the value of formula 2 is "Y" in which case the value would be "APPROVED".

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Combine Two Formulas With Average And Sum

Feb 20, 2008

Working on the same simple chart NBVC helped me on, but this is for AVERAGE instead of SUM and with an added variable.

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Combine Multiple If Formulas

Nov 14, 2006

i have 2 worksheet function IF statements that of course look for certain conditions, but in some instances i need to combine the IF statements in one cell, the 2 i need to combine are below:


=If(Or(C1="Line On",G1="Line On"),Sheet2!B3,"")

so what i need is for the cell to show either Sick, Swapped or the contents of Sheet2!B3 however if both C1 and G1 show Line Off then cell must be blank, which is what i achieve with the second if statement.

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How To Combine If Formulas With Visual Basics

Aug 12, 2014

I have an excel sheet that have a large set of datas. In these datas in one column most of the datas are indicated as green but some of them are red. I can pick the red ones by using filter option but I also wanted to show the red cell values in one cell. For example, Cell1;Cell2;Cell3 like this (the ; should be between them). I try to use macros but that is not the program that I have full knowledge about it. S

( Like this
A(i)= red
end if

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Combine Two Formulas And Add A Condition If True

Jul 23, 2007

I have two formulas that I have worked out to deliver the results independently. I would like to join them together into one formula and add an If condition that if the two match then add a "+" to the end of the string.

#1 finds the base value :

#2 verifies the value is a valid color:

I would like to join the two formulas together and if they match then add a space, " " and a "+" to the end of the string. If there is no match then return the base value.

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Combine Worksheets....just Values No Formulas

Aug 3, 2009

i have about 100 worksheets in my workbook ..i need to combine them into one worksheet ...all my 100 worksheet has many formulas in some of the cells.

i want to combine all the worksheets one below the other with a gap of 5 blank rows after each worksheet contents....i just want the values in each worksheet to be pasted and no formulas...

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Nested IF - Is VBA The Answer: Combine The Formulas Into One?

Jun 12, 2006

I need to combine the following formulas into one but obviously it won't work due to the limitations. Would the following be better using VBA? If yes. At the moment, they are in 3 separate columns and working but indepenantly. It basically says, if the agreement is older than todays date, write expired, if not if its for 12 months, then calculate the percantage according to number of days. and so on for 24 months and 36 months...................

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Excel 2007 :: Combine Text And Date1 And Date2 Into One Single Cell?

Mar 12, 2014

I've got problem with combining 3 cells into one. First cell contains text, second have date yyyy-mm-dd and last one is as previous. I'm using formula .

[Code] .....

And I'm getting: TEXT_41694_41701. How can that be corrected to use formatting for date format to get TEXT_yyyy-mm-dd_yyyy-mm-dd?

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Excel 2010 :: How To Save Excel File As Cell Reference Using Macro

Mar 5, 2012

I have created a macro in excel 2010 which enable the file to save (extract) data into separate location and name. The vba code for macro is as follows: Question: How can I save this workbook with reference to the value containing in cell B2? (it is named temporary now - as defined in the code)

Sub aaa()
' aaa Macro


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