I would like to have cell A3 contain two different formulas. I may be doing this wrong, so here is what I would like to do:
Cell A1 will contain a number that will change from month to month, but will need to show as $0 until then. Cell A2 will contain a fixed sum number from month to month Cell A3 will contain the difference between cell A1 and A2
I wouldl like cell A3 show as $0 until a number is inputted into cell A1
The formula I have in cell A3 is =SUM(A2-A1), but cell A3 shows $2000. I remember doing this before, cut can't remember the exact formula. Something like =if(A1
I need to know if it is possible to combine these 2 formulas (1. (RIGHT(C23,0)&RIGHT(C23,4)) and 2. LEFT(E23,2)&":"&RIGHT(E23,2) into a single cell. I have a date time group that is in text format. I need to take the last 4 digits (the time) and pull it out into another. Then take that cell and convert it into an actual time ie 2:30.
example: 01may2014 0831 first formula pulls the 0831 into another cell. then the 2nd formula converts it into a time 8:31.
After this occurs, I can then subtract times from different categories in my spreadsheet.
My, problem, is that I cannot combine the two formulas. They work great by themselves. I am just trying to make formulas more compact and hopefully more efficient.
I'm looking for a way for Excel to combine formulas together into a more compact form for me.
Attached is a very simple version of what I want, my actual formulas are very complex but I'd still like a way to have them automatically combined into a single cell.
Alternatively, what is a good way to break down a very complicated one-cell formula and still keep things organized?
Here is the one-cell version of a formula I work with.
[Code] .......
That formula is difficult to work with in one cell, so on another sheet I have it broken down into parts so that if one part isn't doing what I want I can change it. This takes up a LOT of space because of the other steps I do (the above formula is just one step) and I'd like to combine it together.
Attached File : Excel Formula Combination Question.xlsx‎
the biggest problem is that this formula does not work as it is. Or is there some other function than networkdays that i could use?
The purpose of the formula is to count how many "objects" that are in service have been there for over 20 days. There a a few other criteria also, but sumproduct takes care of that. Can networkdays even be used the way i´m trying to?
i have 2 worksheet function IF statements that of course look for certain conditions, but in some instances i need to combine the IF statements in one cell, the 2 i need to combine are below:
so what i need is for the cell to show either Sick, Swapped or the contents of Sheet2!B3 however if both C1 and G1 show Line Off then cell must be blank, which is what i achieve with the second if statement.
I have an excel sheet that have a large set of datas. In these datas in one column most of the datas are indicated as green but some of them are red. I can pick the red ones by using filter option but I also wanted to show the red cell values in one cell. For example, Cell1;Cell2;Cell3 like this (the ; should be between them). I try to use macros but that is not the program that I have full knowledge about it. S
I have two formulas that I have worked out to deliver the results independently. I would like to join them together into one formula and add an If condition that if the two match then add a "+" to the end of the string.
#1 finds the base value : =IF(ISERR(FIND("/",I2)),I2,LEFT(I2,FIND("/",I2,FIND("/",I2)-1)-1))
#2 verifies the value is a valid color: =INDEX(M1:M41,MATCH(J2,M1:M41,0),1)
I would like to join the two formulas together and if they match then add a space, " " and a "+" to the end of the string. If there is no match then return the base value.
i have about 100 worksheets in my workbook ..i need to combine them into one worksheet ...all my 100 worksheet has many formulas in some of the cells.
i want to combine all the worksheets one below the other with a gap of 5 blank rows after each worksheet contents....i just want the values in each worksheet to be pasted and no formulas...
I need to combine the following formulas into one but obviously it won't work due to the limitations. Would the following be better using VBA? If yes. At the moment, they are in 3 separate columns and working but indepenantly. It basically says, if the agreement is older than todays date, write expired, if not if its for 12 months, then calculate the percantage according to number of days. and so on for 24 months and 36 months...................
I am using a lot of linked reports that have to be rewritten each month. For example smaller formulas look like this:
=('S:PUBLICProductionJob CardsMOLDING201311 November[440A SIDE SPOILER JOB CARD.xls]Production Parts'!B$228*2)+'S:PUBLICProductionJob CardsMOLDING201311 November[440A SIDE SPOILER JOB CARD.xls]Production Parts'!B$262+'S:PUBLICProductionJob CardsMOLDING201311 November[440A SIDE SPOILER JOB CARD.xls]Production Parts'!B$292
What I want to do is extract the file path from the above formula and make it a composite of several cell references.
So what I need is to have a cell where they can change the month and another where we can change the year. So I set up several named cells that look like this:
I am creating a Sales Pipeline. I have learned everything I know about excel on my own...lol. So probably not so much. My problem is I need a formula that can total a range of cells only "if" they meet "2" different criteria. Is this possible. I am attaching my workbook. I have formulas in there but Im not getting totals. I dont know where Im messing up. (all info in work book is fiction)
I am in need of a way to pull keywords listed in B2:B10 from text in A2:A10 and then those pulled keywords combined in cell C11.See attached document. So I have colors for keywords in column B and some random text in the column A including the keywords in parenthesis. Is there a way for a formula to find all keywords in A2:A10 and then list them in cell C11 with commas in between.So the result would be one cell C11 showing BLUE,GREEN,BLACK,ORANGE, etc.I have been trying to mess around with index and match and while I could get one to pull up I don't know how to combine it.
I've been struggling with the following problem for hours now and getting nowhere fast.
I've got '=(100/X6)*L6)' in cell M6 which gives my percentage fine but I need to round to the nearest integer with '=ROUND(M6,0)' Question is how do I combine both functions to provide the nearest whole number in M6 ??.
I have to combine two value and use them as a cell name, So far this gives me the cell name =("A"&A3) where A3 has a value of 2 and the autcome for the code =("A"&A3) is A2 but I wanna use that as the cell name for my formula and not have it projected as a value only if you see what I mean.
Basicaly the reason for this is that when I write a formula in the cells and drug it down it moves 3 numbers at the time as the colomn H is split in 3 per row, so I have for example
=(B1) =(B4)...
and so on, where I want it to be
=(B1) =(B2)...
Therefore I am using the colom A to assign a row number, that the reason for the formula A"&A3
but when I try to write a formula it doesnt work as it doesnt use the outcome A2 as a cell name but as a text value only
I have just two columns, one with numerical codes (A), the other ones with text (B).There are duplicate codes with different values, for which I would like to be able to combined their text values on a single row.
A | B xx | text 1, xy | text 2, xz | text 3, xz | text 4, xu | text 5, ...
to be formated to:
A | B xx | text 1, xy | text 2, xz | text 3, text 4 xu | text 5, ...
The resulting column B can be with/without space delimiter between the text values (there is a coma after each text value)
I have a list of columns filled with data, say b thru d. What i want to do is combine the cells in the same row (b thru d again) and put that value in column a like this : valueb-valuec-valued
I want to keep going down rows until there is no data left and then I want it to stop. So far I have this (which doesn't work at all, as usual)
enter the phone numer in cell a1 enter the phone break down hour in cell a2 enter the phone break down date in cell a3 combine the cell a2 & cell a3 in cell a 4 enter the phone fixed hour in cell a5 enter the cell fixed date in cell a6
combine the a5&a6 in cell a7 subtract a7-a4 and show the result in hours
Creating a macro that is a combination of other cell values. the cell order is listed below:
C57 = contains a unique number that will change from time to time eg. 1234 H57 = 1 (this will always be the value of 1) N57 = contains text eg. AUDUSD V57 = contains text eg. BS AB57 = contains a number eg. 1.8954 AH57 = 0 (this will always be the value of 0) AN57 = contains a number eg. 0.01 AS57 = contains a number eg. 1.7954 AZ57 = contains a number eg. 1.9954 BH57 = conatins either 1 or 0 eg. 1
the cell needs to contain the above examples like this : BT57 =OpenPosition(1234,1,"AUDUSD","BS",1.8954/0,0,0.01,1.7954,1.9954,1)
This will be needed for a total of 14 rows (57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83)
The cell with the results cannot have any cell references contained in the end results and must be formatted as above so that the add in program can read and pass on the information.
In column A I have product names, in B I have product categories and in C:H the product categories from column B are titles and the name of the subcategory is written in the cell. Because there are mutlipule sub categories that a product can belong to the report produces mirrored lines with one sub category on each line. What I need to do is combine all of these subcategory entries into one cell separated by a comer (,).
I have a column of data that will vary in length and I'm trying to write a macro to combine it all into one cell. Basically I need to do the equivalent of entering "=A1&A2&A3..." for the entire column. I started by creating an array string variable and have the data in grp() but now I'm stuck trying to figure out some sort of loop to keep adding onto the same cell or something
I want to combine both an 'if' and a 'vlookup' within a single cell. So I want to say if the value in cell a1 can be found in columns c1:d100 then return a 'yes' if not return a 'no'. How do I do this
Is it possible to combine the results from 1 Text Box and 2 Combo Boxes to return to 1 Cell?
For example, i am using this code to write username to Sheet 2 Sheet2.[c9].Value = txtFullName.Value
and this code to write account number to Sheet 2 Sheet2.[d8].Value = txtAccountNumber.Value
BUT - i would really like to take the Value from txtFullName and take the Vaule from txtAccountNumber and combine that into (1 cell only) with space separators please.
I would like to combine variables and paste them into one cell. For example, I have a city stored in the variable "city", a state stored in the variable "state", and the zip stored in the variable "zip".
So I need something like... Range("A1")=city, state zip