Excel 2013 :: Calculating Value Based On Multiple References And Dropdowns

Jul 19, 2014

Using Excel 2013.

I have two sheets in a workbook.

Sheet 1 has the following columns on it, with the following possible values.
People (Dropdown with value between 1 and 8)
Modifier 1 (Dropdown with Text 1, Text 2, Text 3)
Modifier 2 (Dropdown with Text 1, Text 2, Text 3)
Modifier 3 (Dropdown with Text 1, Text 2, Text 3)
Modifier 4 (Dropdown with Text 1, Text 2, Text 3)

Sheet 2
Contains a set of values (Distance) that correspond to the value of the People dropdown (ie. People 1 = Distance 5, People 2 = Distance 6 and a table that looks like the following:

Mod 1
Mod 2
Mod 3
Mod 4

Text 1

Text 2

Text 3

What I want to happen is that the Result field value on table one is the result of:

Distance*(Modifier 1 + Modifier 2 + Modifier 3 + Modifier 4)

For example:

On sheet on I select People = 2, Modifier 1 = Text 3, Modifier 2 = Text 1, Modifier 3 = Text 1, Modifier 4 = Text 1 which I want to result in the following formula:

6*(7 + 0 + 0 + 0)

This might be exceedingly simple, but I just cannot wrap my head around how to do it.

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Excel 2013 :: Working With Tabs And Calculating Across Multiple Ones

Jan 6, 2014

I am working on a commission report for our veterinarians. I have a tab/sheet for each year, with a column for each month, a row for each of the veterinarian. Each vet is on the same row, year to year. I need to be able to calculate the %, year to date, for each vet, across the past 2 years. I can do the auto sum, but do not know how to do percentage. I have row 3, column b3 thru m3. I want to do 2012 and 2013. Each sheet is name the year.

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Excel 2013 :: Calculating Count Of Persons Of Certain Ethnicity Relatively To Place Of Birth

Mar 16, 2014

I am Using Excel 2013 on windows 8 OS,

I have no programming background but I have an Idea about it and I try to write some VBA Macros.

I have 27 Excel files which contain each of them 257368 Row Concerning personal information about persons
the File Format is as Follows:

Place of Birth (POB); Name; Father's Name; Family Name; ID Number; Ethnicity,>>

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Excel 2003 :: Get Sums Based On Codes In Dropdowns By Week?

Jan 24, 2014

I am using Excel 2003.I need two distinct sums:

I need to calculate out the loan amount of approved loans by week (weekending on Sunday). For example for the week ending December 28th, 2013

$1,234,567,890 in total loans

I also need to have a list of sums of the loan amounts per code types of approved loans. For the week ending December 28th, 2013

$123,456.00 in total loans for Code: LTV/TLTV > Guideline max
$987,654.00 in total loans for Code: FICO > 10 pts below Guideline min

I need to ignore any loan amounts and codes for any loans that have not yet had a approved date entered and also ignore all loan amounts for any loans that are denied. I have tried doing this in many different ways with Pivot Tables and I am not getting the results I need.

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Excel 2013 :: Enter Multiple Arguments In IF Formula

Aug 21, 2013

I need entering multiple arguments in an IF formula in Excel 2013. Here is the formula with just 1 argument.


I need to combine it with the following.........


So to say, if the sum totals more than 3000 but less than 10000, then I want the cell value (G15) multiplied by 80% (.80). if it is greater than 10000, i want the sum minus 10000. If both arguments are false (sum totals less than 3000) then the value placed should be 0.

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Excel 2013 :: Change Same Cell In Multiple XLS Files

May 2, 2014

what I need to do to update a folder full of files. There are 120+ .xls files in one folder, the merged cell A30-V38 needs to change its current text to "4th Quarterly Printer Preventative Maintenance".

I have zero prior knowledge of visual basic, and have Excel 2013.

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Excel 2013 :: Saving Large Multiple Worksheet File

Aug 11, 2014

I have an Excel file that's updated monthly. when it does save its around 16mb and can take up to 12 hours to save, and sometimes just doesn't.

I have tried saving as binary, I have made sure exact size of area to be saved is required, I have tried save with no calculations.

Basically the only reason I need to save it is so that another analysis spreadsheet can pull data from it. The file is heavily formatted, charts, vlookup tables etc, none of which is needed when analysis spreadsheet links to it.

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Excel 2013 :: Saving / Opening Workbook With Multiple Windows

Aug 7, 2013

With excel 2013 you're now able to open multiple windows or views of the same workbook. However when a workbook is saved with multiple windows open, the next user to open the spreadsheet will also open it with multiple windows. Which can be very annoying when most people work off of one window vs. multiple. Is there a way to disable saving the multiple windows or a macro to force open excel in 1 window?

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Excel 2013 :: Select Date Based On Userform Selection?

Apr 5, 2014

I am working with DatePicker calendar. I have two userform with date entries. In one userform I will have 2 textbox to enter dates. In the other one I will have 4 dates to enter. I used to have Excel 2007 with Calendar Control and used to work fine but had to make multiple calendar to control individual Textbox in multiple Userforms.

I am looking for a way to, If a userform is selected to trigger only the textbox name that is within that userform. If I add more entries the code adds automatically the date from the previous userform in the next one.


I was thinking that this would work but it still adds the date to my frmdashboard userform if I am in my frmdata userform.

Is there a way to trigger only the userform that I am currently in?

Using Excel 2013.

Note: I also have a "Clear All" VB Code that will delete every entry in my userform on Initiate but I am looking to not go this path.

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Excel 2013 :: Playing WAV File Based On Cell Value Change

Aug 6, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with a database query attached (refreshing every 60 seconds) showing a stock summary by product.

I need the spreadsheet to play a .WAV file when values change. i.e.;

If cell A1 <6, play sound1.wav
If cell A2 <6, play sound1.wav
If cell A3 <6, play sound2.wav
If cell A4 <6, play sound2.wav

This may need to be repeated several times based on certain criteria. I have a total of about 30 cells which I need to be looked at individually (not a sum of) and to play the relevant sound.

I have seen different people try to tackle this in different ways. The ideal way would be creating alarms in VBA and triggering them using a formula, but I cannot get these to work in Excel 2010 or 2013.

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Excel 2013 :: Create New Values Based On Number In One Cell?

Jul 21, 2014

I have the following data set with about 500 rows. It has one large value in column A, followed by a number between 1 and 24 in column B.

I am trying in Excel 2013 to develop a formula that will: divide A by the value in cell BPlace in cell C, D, E, F... the result of this division, where the number of times the value is repeated depends on the value in B. E.g.

Example of source values/data set:




(about 500 rows more)

An example of the output result that I am looking for:


In above example, the value in column B is 2, so the result of the division of value A with value B is repeated twice. In case value B would be 18, the value would be repeated 18 times...

I have been trying to do this in Excel for more than 2 hours, but I did not manage to complete it.

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Excel 2007 :: Variable References To Multiple Workbooks?

Jan 10, 2012

i make a lot of "trending" files at work where i link a cell to a seperate workbook where all workbooks are in the same folder.

these workbooks all have the same name with the date at the end

workbook 06-01-2011
workbook 06-02-2011
all the way to
workbook 12-31-2011

usually i use find replace to change the date one at a time, but doing that 365 (x how many cells i have referencing) times is redundant

i have seein INDIRECT of the cell changes but nothing for the workbook name chaning

here is what i am trying to do:
='C:File Path[WorkbookX.xls]Sheet1'!A1
where the X WorkbookX is variable (the date at end of file name)

i have a list of all workbook names or just the dates and would like to do something like:

where D1 is the full path name
='C:File Path[Workbook"D1".xls]Sheet1'!A1
where D1 is the date name

using excel 07 i prefer not to use a macro for how i am doing this but if a macro is the only way then i cannot have it actually open the files to pull the data. i prefer no macro since i set it up for future dates so when the new file is created it automatically updates the reference.

my end result i usually have something like A1=referenced cell from first workbook, A2= cell from 2nd book, etc. sometimes B1 would = a different cell from first workbook and so on if i am trending multiple cells from the workbooks

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Excel 2013 :: Macro - Paste To Column Cell Location Based On Variable?

Jun 16, 2014

I have data in E6-E67 on Sheet 1. Based on the date in A2 on that sheet, I need to paste to a column in Sheet 2. In excel, I am able to get the cell location through vlookup and get the correct column number/cell reference. When it gets to the paste location, I am stumped on how to format that line of code? Do I need sometime of variable? I tried to use the address/lookup code but it does not work.

I have excel 2013.

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Excel 2013 :: Making Numbers Display With Color Based On Text Inputted In Different Cell?

Nov 20, 2013

EXPENSE MASTER 2013 sample color.xlsx

I have numbers that will display in column G. I have payment types entered in column E. So if 'C FUEL','FA','C M/C', is entered in column E I want the number in column G to be red.

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Calculating Number Based On Multiple Variables?

Jan 24, 2014

What I am trying to do is calculate a particular charge based on two main variables the city and weight chosen (each of which will correspond to a particular value) .I have these cities and weights which correspond to a particular price per 100kg when two are selected

My excel data is set up like this

1. City
2. Toronto....................................$5.50..................$4.00..................$3.75..................$3.50

3. Winnipeg....................................$3.20..................$3.75..................$3.6..................$3.21

4. Saskatoon..................................$5.4..................$5.2..................$4.90....................$4.70

(I added a,b,c,d and 1,2,3,4 for reference when explaining the formula)

I have a separate row where I am able to enter a weight in one column (A24) and and choose the city from a list in the second column (B24). I need the next column (C24) to display the dollar charge per 100kg from my data that corresponds to the city I have chosen and the weight entered. I am trying to figure out a formula for C24 that allows for instance $5.50 to be displayed when I type in 800kg for A24 and choose Toronto from a drop down list in B24. This row will look like this for reference:

..................A............................ B..............................C.
..................Weight..................City..................Charge per 100kg

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Calculating The Average Of A Column Based On Multiple Conditions

Feb 21, 2008

How do I calculate the average based on multiple conditions? Is my syntax incorrect?

Here's what i'm looking for:


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Single And Multiple Choice Dropdowns In Same Worksheet

Mar 23, 2012

I've finally figured out the correct code to allow multiple selections from one of my drop down lists. Now, when I try selecting an item from a separate list (which I only want to be able to choose one thing), it's accepting multiple items. How do I have both working properly?

This is the code I have for my multiple selection list (which is only in column M):

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rngDV As Range
Dim oldVal As String
Dim newVal As String
If Target.Count > 1 Then GoTo exitHandler
On Error Resume Next


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Triggering Different Dropdowns Based On Original Dropdown

May 12, 2009

I have several different categories of data, with each list named after the full category title. The data is stored on another worksheet. On the worksheet that will be interacted with, there is a dropdown menu that allows you to choose which category of data you want.

I am trying to get a macro that produces a dropdown menu the next column over of all the items in that category. Here is the code that I have so far.

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Excel Query - Calculating Result Based On Three Possible Factors?

Jan 9, 2013

I am working with data and I am trying to identify people that have moved departments using the following criteria, a person are classed as a mover if their:-

Manager AND Dept ID have changed

OR Job Code has changed

OR Status has changed

I have been trying to come up with a formula but just can't get one to work?

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Spreadsheet - Output Choices / Multiple Dropdowns In Sequence

Mar 14, 2014

I am looking to create a spreadsheet wherein the user can choose multiple drop downs in sequence and then have it output each choice to a template or empty space within the spreadsheet.

For example, lets say column 1 said what is your favourite colour and had a dropdown with two choices red and green. Column 2 says "favourite place" and had a drop down with two choices "London and USA". Then once the user chooses an answer in each column it would output these choices to notepad or a large space within the spreedsheet.

In this example it would output:


if the first two answers were chosen from each column. Obviously it would be a much larger scale than the simple example above.

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Creating Contact List With Dropdowns / Lookups For Multiple Offices

Apr 4, 2013

I've attached my .xlsx file for easier understanding.

What I want to do is segment out a contact list by "market area" and "department" and pull the corresponding data with those labels from the Contact List tab into the main tab when validated by the dropdowns.

1.) The Market Area dropdown represents different offices.
2.) The Department dropdown represents departments within each office.

What I want the user to be able to do is to select the 2 dropdowns at the top and view an entire listing of the roster of those departments based on how they are labeled on the Contact List tab. I'm still a relative newbie to vlookup/hlookup so I've tried using them and encountered issues with it returning more than one value or being difficult to fill down the next series of values, etc. I simply want it to return the entire set of employees that fit the identifying dropdowns.

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Method Of Interleating Multiple Dropdowns Or Form Control Boxes

Apr 18, 2008

I need to establish a method of interleating multiple dropdowns or Form Control boxes. The purpose is to select one item and have a selection of multiple items associated with the selected item. Example:

Computer training dropdown box 1 offers selections of word, excel, powerpoint, ... If selection is Word, then dropdown box#2 offers advanced in room #15, Intermediate in room #16, Beginning in room #17. If Box 1 selection is excel box 2 selections would be different.

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How To Use Form Control Dropdowns To List Items Based On Condition

Jun 16, 2014

I have 2 dropdown lists.

The 1st shows the portfolio list and the 2nd one should display project names based on the portfolio selection in Dropdown1.

My data resides in another sheet where Column B is the Portfolio list,Column C project list and Column D to X some data related to the project.

I have to give cell link reference to the project selected in dropdown 2 so that the other values in the dashboard changes based on a vlookup formula.

I have attached the sample sheet for reference with some dump values.

Dashboard sample.xlsx

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Excel 2013 :: Separate Time From Date To Sort Time Frames Over Multiple Days?

Jun 17, 2014

I have a time column (A) that when looked in the cell only shows AM & PM times, but the cell itself (not showing) contains dates too, keeping me from be able to do a sheet wide sort of time or time frame occurrences.

Can I do some thing to sort these cells with their corresponding rows based on time only disregarding dates?

I am trying sort out all rows that in column (A) is time equal to or greater than 4:00 PM OR even maybe sort all rows that column (A) shows a time between 4:00 PM & 7:00 PM. The date in the cell is the problem, I think. Excel 2013

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Excel 2013 :: Change Text In Cell Based On Date In Another Cell

Apr 14, 2014

I have the the following spreadsheet: [URL] My formula in Columns A to E is the following:

=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE)),"Branch Not Open",VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE))

I would like to do the following in Column A: If the date in Column C is greater than today, then Column A must also say "Branch Not Open". I have tried the following:

=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE)),"Branch Not Open",VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:J,10,FALSE)),IF(C:C<=TODAY,"Branch Not Open, IF(AND(C:C=>TODAY,VLOOKUP(Query1_2[@Branch],Master!A:I,9,FALSE)))

But Excel does not like the formula at all.

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Excel 2013 :: Set One Columns Text To Color Based On Another Columns Results?

Apr 9, 2014

how to set one entire columns text to two different colors based on another columns values. So for example I have column A and B. Column A has two values called Internal and External. Column B is a title table so the entire column is just titles. We'll say it goes for 20 rows if you need a row count. What I am looking to do change the text in Column B to Red for External and Blue for Internal. I tried the conditional formatting and I just can't seem to find the right option.

I'm using Win 8.1, Office 2013.

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Excel 2013 :: CF With 2 Option Buttons / Multiple Option Groups?

Sep 6, 2013

I have several option groups (Y & N in each) linked to cells to display TRUE / FALSE depending on which option is selected in each group. I have another cell which I want to apply conditional formatting to if EITHER Y or N is selected in all groups. At present I use COUNTIF to check for FALSE=0 in the linked cells which works if all the answers are Y. How do I apply CF if there is a mixture of Y & N (TRUE / FALSE) in all groups (I'm not sure if I've explained that well or not).

Excel 2013

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Excel 2013 :: Mail Merging From Excel Database To Outlook

Apr 15, 2014

Using EXcel 2013, Windows 8

I have an Excel worksheet with one column being e-mail addresses. Other columns are Christian names, etc

Ideally can I create a full Mail merge with Outlook using whatever data I want. But probably just e-mail address and Christian name?

Otherwise be able to send one e-mail to all the e-mail addresses, without a major re-type.

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Calculating Median With Multiple Part Numbers That Have Multiple Unit Prices

Dec 27, 2012

I have a list of part numbers which repeat when there are multple prices they were sold at. For each unique part number I need one median price. The list if of about 500 parts but with the various different prices the file is 3700 rows. How can i do this quickly? For each unique part number I need one median price.

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Excel 2013 :: Average Readings Per Day

Jul 2, 2014

Working in Excel 2013......... I take 3 readings per day, I would like to see the daily average per day

In cases where the data is blank or "0", just average the 2 readings.

Sample Data

Date Speed


[Code] ..........

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