Excel Reference That Tabs Information Into Summary
Dec 6, 2011
I have a worksheet that contains 26 tabs all of which have the same format but contain different data based on that pay period. i would like to create a summary tab which will allow me to enter the pay period at the top (1,2,3 ect) and have excel reference that tabs information into the summary. Is this possible?
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Oct 12, 2009
I have a summary page that includes the titles for each tab within the excel 2003 workbook. I want to use the names of the tabs in the summary page and create it into a formula to lookup fixed cells within the various tabs. Sorry for not uploading an excel doc but I was at work earlier and the thread did not load for some reason, so I am reposting it.
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Oct 4, 2011
I am currently working through a macro and got stuck about halfway. I have a number of files in a folder on my drive that I am pulling the first tab from into a Master workbook, and then I want to have a summary tab for all of those tabs(they are all identical). Some of the cells will be text(say range A5:C105), some will be SUM(E6:G105) and some will be AVERAGE(D6:D104) formulas needed. These formulas will not change, but will need to pull the data from all tabs that are pulled into the file.
So far I have this code that pulls all of the first tabs together:
Sub Staff_Plan_Update()
Dim wbDst As Workbook
Dim wbSrc As Workbook
Dim wsSrc As Worksheet
Dim MyPath As String
Dim strFilename As String
Call TimeStamp
[Code] ......
I was going to record a macro that creates a summary table every time, but not sure if it is easier to create a blank template for the summary tab that will update every time all of the tabs are pulled into this file. The problem I ran across with that is that I will be taking the SUM of all tabs, but the number of tabs/name of tabs will be different.
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Jan 28, 2014
I have multiple tabs with information in the same cells on each tab (each tab is a different product). Is there an easy way of pulling this information for each tab onto a summary page?
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Dec 23, 2013
excel 2010. This workbook has 4 worksheet(Process Engineer,OSBL,OSA,Lab Operator) I want to know what is the best excel formula/function to summary this 4 worksheet.
Example:I want a formula/function to summary all the statement from 4 worksheets and total number of answer "1" per statement from 4 worksheet.
Sample Statement below
"Demonstrate Interpersonal (People-to-People-) Skills" Question:What is the formula if above statement contains this statement in 4 worksheet?As i checked the total is 4 then What is the formula to get all total answered ICC on this statement from 4 worksheet?
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Jan 9, 2013
I have multiple tabs and each tab has an invoice. In the summary tab, I want to grab certain cells ie. Invoice #, Number of items, and total invoice amount.
The tricky part is, although the format for each invoice is the same, the product list for some invoices may be longer in some invoices (which will affect the total amount - aka total amount may be in cell F40 instead of F10).
Since I get these invoices on a regular basis, I would really like to create a macro where it will just find the items I need and paste it in the summary. I have no problems making this file work if the items are all in the same cell and format for each tab.
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Jan 14, 2014
I have a summary tab in which I am trying to sum data based on specific variables from 30 other tabs in the worksheet
- In the summary tab, I have months (one year worth) over the top row and consultant names in the first column
- Each other tab represents a project
- I want for consultant 1 in summary tab, to have:
For january, the sum of dollars spent in january in each project (so across all tabs)
Same for february to december.
I have attached an exemple Note that the consultant names will always have the same syntax but will not necessarily be in the same cell in each tab.
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Jun 11, 2014
I have a macro that takes data in rows 1 through 500 from many tabs and collects them in the summary tab.
I would like to write a macro that only selects rows that have data in Column A. Therefore, reducing the number of rows copied from all tabs from 500 to only a few that contain data that I really need.
This is what i currently have:
[Code] .........
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Oct 6, 2009
I have run into a problem trying to capture some summary information. Here is a brief description:
I have the following fields:
Game ID
Team ID
Player ID
I want to know, for each Game ID, how many goals were scored by the players within each team ID. A pivot table gets me close but I need this information in the following format: Game ID | Team ID | Goals.
I am guessing there is some sort of sumif function that can get me close but I am struggling with the correct calculation. Here is a data set of 1 game (keep in mind there are 700 games, otherwise I would do this manually)
I would like to know that team 1 won game 1 by a score of 1-0 here.
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Feb 3, 2013
I have several tabs, 100 or so, and would like to have cost per West, South region etc onto a summary sheet. The summary must separate these costs per individual company per tab/worksheet. I'm looking for a formula, a macro or both to execute this work for me. The tab list grows every time i.e. new ones are set up all the time so the formula has to take this into consideration.
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Aug 18, 2013
I am trying to setup a file that has three tabs - LIST, COLOR AND PLANT.
I want to be able to select a color or colors (red, blue, yellow, green) and a plant or plants (tree, shrub, flower, grass) using radio buttons, maybe?
If i chose red and blue for a color and chose tree, shrub and grass for plants, i would like to populate the LIST tab with these items.
I'd also like to give an associated value to each color and plant. for example, for the colors, i could choose values between 1, 2 and 3. if i chose red 1, it would add "red 1" to the LIST. if i wanted to later change it to 3, i could do that on the COLOR tab and the LIST tab would update automatically.
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Apr 14, 2014
I have a summary sheets for my report that my department no longer wants to use. Rather they want to have a longer, more detailed version of the same thing, but rather than 1 sheet summarizing it all, they want it 1 widget, 1 sheet.
How can I have my Checksheet tab (see upload), turned into multiple tabs. In the specific example I provided, there are 10 widgets, so therefore I created the result in 10 tabs.
How can I get a macro to turn Checksheet tab into the next 10 tabs (see excel upload)?
I have attached the excel sheet of how my summary sheet is, and how it's supposed to look like.
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Feb 27, 2009
I need 2 different formulas to generate commission reporting information on the Summary tab of the attached sample Excel file. The first is highlighted in green. For these cells, I need a sum formula that reports the total commissions (column H of the "Data" worksheet) for items Ordered in the month listed in column B of the "Summary" worksheet, but not invoiced until the month listed in the column D, E & F headers of the same worksheet. Date of item order can be found in column A of the "Data" worksheet. Date of invoice can be found in column E of the "Data" worksheet.
Now, the problem that I think I am going into is the way Excel handles dates and times. All columns and data highlighted in orange on the data sheet need to be maintained without being changed, as eventually I am going to have a report setup by our operating program drop in there so that it automates the information without any additional labor by our employees who have varying levels of Excel proficiency. Unfortunately, the report from our operating program cannot simply list a date without a time. Feel free to create any column or field to the right of the orange columns in order to complete formulas based on those orange columns. I will just lock those cells when finished so that coworkers don't accidentally blow the shizel up.
The second sum formula that I need is highlighted in yellow on the "Summary" worksheet. Basically, I need a formula that sums all commissions in column H of the "Data" worksheet for those items that are cancelled AFTER invoicing. Column D of the "Data" worksheet lists the cancellation date. There are explanations for each of these on the worksheets for quick referral.
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Jul 19, 2006
I have an excel file that contains 93 tabs, all with the
same type of information, and I need to take the information from each
tab and combine it so that it has all the information from all 93 tabs
in one.....without having to copy and paste each tab,
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Sep 22, 2012
I have been trying to get Excel (2007) to change the colour of tabs to match other tabs in the workbook
Using this code I get the colour code of the current tab
x = ActiveSheet.Tab.ColorIndex
But when I use this value in a procedure like this:
ActiveSheet.Tab.ColorIndex = x
The tab is a different colour!
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Mar 11, 2013
I am looking for a macro to rename tabs based on information in A1 on each tab. The thing that is causing me issues is the cell A1 has a formula in it and it changes on a daily basis with days of the week but the tab only updates when i double click A1 and press enter.
I need it to update automatically.
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Jul 17, 2009
I want to have a summary tab calculate figures of other tabs. For example in "Summary" tab, I want to Sum (a:a) for tab "January" =January!sum(a:a)
Does not work. I have also tried other options as well. Is it possible to use formulas when referencing other tabs.
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Mar 1, 2013
I am trying to create a summary sheet from the matrix to do further analysis. I want to pick out the welds done everyday with weld inches as you will see in the summary sheet. How can summary sheet be automatically updated when I enter the inspection date rather than copying and pasting? I can use vlookup to get the weld dia once I get the weld numbers on that date. I have attached the file.
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Oct 9, 2008
I've manually inserted of what I'd like the program to be able to figure out, and a description of what I've tried, and failed at, so far.
The product codes and prices would of course all be unique, I've just mashed this together so there's some generic info, and I'm not divulging confidential.
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Apr 23, 2014
I need to create a page (call it a dashboard) in excel whereby drop down fields (doesn't have to be drop downs, just how I imagine it to work at the moment), are used to refer to information in another worksheet, which updates several charts on the dashboard.
So, for example, I have several additonal tabs in the spreadsheet called 'Company 1', 'Company 2' etc, which in each tab contains information (monthly results) in exactly the same layout and format. However, on the front page, I would like to be able to select 'Company 1' (or 'Company 4') and then sub-select 'March 2014' results within that, referring to the data in the 'Company 1' tab. If possible, it would be handy to have this information displaying in a grid on the dashboard, which updates when you change between months and/or company. This could be the source data for the chart.
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Feb 4, 2014
I have encountered some difficulty in modifying a macro I wrote into what I need. I created a macro that searches a column (Column C) for a cell value of, "stop", and then it copies everything above that cell and pastes it onto another sheet. In the sample data set that I was using, "stop" first occurred in cell C541, so the macro copies C1:C540 and pastes it onto another sheet. The problem is that the macro created an absolute reference to C540. What I desire is for the macro to use the 'Find' function to locate the first occurrence of, "stop", offset one cell above that cell, and then reference the active cell (which was positioned by these last two steps) in the range that should be copied. Basically, I'm hoping to have cells C1 through the active cell copied and then pasted onto another sheet.
Code below.
Sub FAIL()
' FAIL Macro
Selection.Find(What:="stop", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt _
[Code] .......
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Apr 28, 2014
I have a very large table that I want to be able to summarize neatly and columns that have zeros for a specific person, so its easier to input data later.
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Oct 31, 2012
Using Excel 2010, I can't find the Summary tab under Property of *.xls, *.xlsm, *.xlsx files.
The Summary tab is very useful in writing down critical Comments, Keywords, etc.
Where did the Summary tab go ??
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Nov 18, 2013
Date Jan-14..........Jun-14............Dec-14...........Jan-15..........Jun-15............Dec-15
Date 2014 2015 2016
I have two tables, examples above In the first table, Jan-14 is a dropdown value that updates all the values to the right by a month increment when a specific date is selected
I then have some code that populates the cells which have 2014,2015,2016 in them.
What I need to do next is populate the 2nd table with values based on the date ranges in the above table.
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Aug 21, 2012
I have created a comparison sheet and compares my old one from last week to the new one I create for this week.
It populates cells with the differences and shows me the data from the new sheet. But since my they are so massive A5:AZ20,000 I want to create an auto summary or something.
Column A has each properties Unique Identifier And the rest is various info for the property. I would like it to return my unique ID and then the columns with new data that has showed up from the comparison some are text and some are numbers.
Also I am using Excel 2010.
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Jan 6, 2013
Excel 2010ABCDEFGH1DATESAMPLECUSTOMERSHADEREF #ARTICLE"BRAND"REQD2REQ # CONES302.01.139118CNS-BACLAS-40463-2TEX-60-2000M PP(29/3)SILVER FALCON2402.01.139118CNS-BACLAS-40463-2TEX-30-3000M PP(40/2)SILVER FALCON2502.01.139118CNS-BACLAS-40463-2TEX-27-3000M
[Code] ......
I have like above 12 sheets (JAN-12 to DEC-12). I want to make a summary in new sheet base on bellow condition.
All the 12 sheets , data need to copy to new sheet & same time if Column "C,D & F" values are repeating in same sheet or any other sheets then that repeating rows column " H" values should summarized (only one entry should display in summary).
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Apr 11, 2014
How to create a summary/index sheet for multiple sheets in single excel file...
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Feb 20, 2014
How I can have a summary sheet that takes a number from the same cell on each sheet in my workbook and display it on the summary sheet in a list. one for each sheet.
And is it possible to create a summary page that automatically updates every time I create a new sheet? (adds the name of the sheet to the summary list (alphabetical order) and the value of the specific cell)? Excel 2007
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May 5, 2014
I'm trying to update a the summary sheet that will run through the 10 worksheets and bring back the entire row (or the columns I specify) that matches the creteria MS.
MS will appear against each row in the same column in all the tabs.
So in the summary sheet I would see all the rows individually that appear in tabs 1-10.
Excel 2007.
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Jan 22, 2008
I have just started using Excel 2007 after many years with 2003 and I must say that the new one is totally amazing except for one thing and Im sure there is an easy answer to this although the HELP was NO HELP
One the sheet I am working on I hide the sheet tabs through 2003 and now I see there is no options to unhide them. How do I do this.
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