Extract / Scraping DIV Data From Website And Copy To Excel
Aug 7, 2012
In the past, elements were more or less fixed and was able to use my very well known method QueryTables under Workbooks.open
This website below has a "div", called "div.sidemeta" wihick contains the information I want to grab. [URL]
I have tried a different alternative:
Sub Test()
Dim IE As Object
Set IE = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
IE.Navigate "http://www.webiste.com"
The data I get under "IEdoc.body.innerhtml" does not show that particular DIV. I have tried using getElementById,getNamedItem and getElementByName without any luck.
I have an excel sheet that has a lot of APN (parcel numbers) on it. I would like to run that through the assessors page [URL] to get the address and owners name. It seems like a very simple thing to do, but... How would I make it run each parcel through the assessors page to get the name and address information. Is there a tool I can install into Excel to make this easier?
My Excel Spreadsheet has columns named "Hospital Name | Overview | Address | Phone | Fax | Contact Person 1 | Contact Person 1 Title | Contact Person 2 | Contact Person 2 Title | Contact Person 3 | Contact Person 3 Title"
There is the list of hospitals starting from "Abbott Northwestern Hospital". I have two things in my mind to extract the information. If you click on the first hospital name "Abbott Northwestern Hospital". Below is an example text which I would like to transfer it automatically in columns given above;
This text should go in column named "Overview":
Abbott Northwestern Hospital bring twins into the Twin Cities -- along with triplets, quadruplets............
This text should go in column named "Address": 800 E. 28th St.Minneapolis, MN 55407
This text should go in column named "Phone": 612-863-4000
This text should go in column named "Fax": 612-863-5667
This text should go in column named "Contact Person 1": Jeffrey D. (Jeff) Peterson
This text should go in column named "Contact Person 1 Title": President
This text should go in column named "Contact Person 2": Daryl Schroeder
This text should go in column named "Contact Person 2 Title": VP Operations
This text should go in column named "Contact Person 3": Sandy Schmitt
This text should go in column named "Contact Person 3 Title": VP Strategic Development, Allina Hospitals and Clinics
Can VBA be used to extract a table from a website and output it on an excel sheet?
Basically we have to log in to a website and type data to our spreadsheet which is a bit tedious from the table on the website.
I'm guessing this can be done in some way but us having to enter username/password on website first to get to page we want will probably cause an issue would it?
Is it possible to extract data from a website into an excell workbook using data from the workbook?
I have rough workbook that i gather data from 3 different websites to calculate a rough market value for DVDs that I buy and sell. I am good with excel but have no idea about importing data into it.
Currently I copy and paste from the sites on an as needed basis but it is a slow slow task when I have several dozen or more to do per hour.
Code: Sub CopyAdressToCell()Dim n As String Set n = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert("http://www.google.com.br/images/srpr/logo4w.png") With Range("B2") t = .Top l = .Left End With With n .Top = t .Left = l End With Range("A2").Value = n '
From inside Excel, I wish to surf to a website and retrieve the bottom entry in a column The column updates dynamically with a new number added to the bottom on a daily basis.
Here is the website [URL].......
The column I am interested in is the second column from the left under the History section. The column contains close prices for the currency symbol EUR/$.
I have a tedious task of copy/paste from our website. have a look at below sample data. I have around 1500 rows of data like this.
Sheet1 A B
Column A has input data which i need to copy and paste in a web form. Column B will have results scrapped form webpage[ URL]. This webpage will need login details
If a code can be written which take value form column A of spreadsheet and paste in webpage like shown in above image and hit search button. Next webpage will be loaded with number of results like shown in below. Take the number of results and paste in column B of spreadsheet.
How can I using VBA do HTML scraping? A site which I have to use to update some data on a spreadsheet does not offer any web services. I have to copy data from the spreadsheet one cell at a time, paste into the search field and look at the results and decide what kind of modification is needed for that piece of data.
If VBA can do HTML scraping here is what I thought I could do. For each of the data in the cell, I need to go to a search field on a website, manually enter the values and hit search. Then the browser generates a url like "http://www.mysite.com/search?hl=en&q=SNX018923" and returns the result as an HTML page. How can I use vba so that I can automate this process of generating the url and load the returned html text into a variable. Then I can use the script to search for a pattern of text and do something to the active cell from where the data was taken. *nix has a curl command. What is the equivalent of curl in VBA? How do I use it to get the result I am trying to acheive?
I want to extract specific expense for my year 2009 work book. such as just rent with relevant data from all other expeses.
for example in my work book, I want to extract rental expense with relevant GST PST and Total for all three months. i attached a excel work book for broader idea.
I am looking for VBA code to extract data from each tab into master tab based on data.
I have 3 tabs (inputs)
Tab1 (Dept A-NAME) (RANGE B4:I7)
SL NO ID Date Customer Start Time End Time Trucks Supervisor
1 A 2/25/2014 Customer 1 10 1 3 ABC
[Code] .....
Tab 2 (Dept B-NAME) (RANGE B4:I11)
SL NO ID Date Customer Start Time End Time Trucks Supervisor
1 B 2/25/2014 Customer 3 10 1 3 RTY
[Code] .......
Tab 3 (Dept C-NAME) (RANGE B4:I7)
Is it possible to run vba code to get below result in new tab
SL NO ID Date Customer Start Time End Time Trucks Supervisor Result
1 A 2/25/2014 Customer 1 10 1 3 ABC Dept A
[Code] ......
Condition here is date 2/25/2014, is possible when running code message box pops up to ask date, when we give conditional date it extracts those dates.
I'm trying to extract data from one excel to another. I'm able to extract data without a problem copying cell to cell or a count, but I'm not able to get a return by calculating the sum. There must be a way?
I have a series of checkboxes, we'll say checkbox 1-5. These are all listed on a sheet called products.
If for example you select check boxes 1,3 and 5 I need those to then be listed in a column in that order on another sheet called purchased.
If I went back and then uncheck 3 and check 4 then purchased would be updated.
I understand that if you take a cell and name it P1 for instance..and then on another sheet enter =p1 in a cell that they will update and share data, but I dont know how to pull from a check box..nor do I know how to assign a row of cells to accept multiple and changing information from those checkboxes.
VLookup function, formula that will allow a user pull up data either by name or an ID number. Heres a scenario:
Cell (C5) requires user to input "name" of employee being search. Cell (H5) if you do not know the correct spelling then use their ID number. The array is called "agentlist" which contains Name, ID #, hire date, SSI, title, and personal address.
Here's the formulas that I came with but it returning with a "n/a" response.
The cells within paranthesis are the locations were the data will be displayed. Am wondering if I would need two different arrays, one to locate by name and the other by their ID number? Hope this problem is clear.
I'm tasked with looking up part numbers in Epicor's ERP database and entering the labor cost into excel. Is there any way to write a macro or VB program that lokks at the part number in excel, goes into epicor, pulls finds the part number and cut and pastes the cost data.
Bank a1a $50,000.00 1008:00 PM Bank b1b $51,000.00 2009:00 PM Bank c1c $50,000.00 30010:00 PM Bank a1a $53,000.00 40011:00 PM Bank e1e $54,000.00 50012:00 AM Bank f1f $55,000.00 6001:00 AM
I use a report daily at work that is filled in during the day; I'm wanting to minimize some of the work to be more efficient. VBA to search a particular folder in outlook (ex: inbox - cust info ) and search within those emails to verify 3 items match (Cust ID / $ / items) before extracting data and putting it into column F for that item. For instance, bank a and bank c have $ values that match, but the other criteria dont - Cust ID and items. Also is there a way to attach a copy of that email to the spreadsheet, say in column G, it doesnt have to populate in the spreadsheet, but maybe the attachment will open even 6 months down the road? I am worried that a link will eventually get lost if an email is erased.
I'm trying to put an excel sheet on to a website. The website allows HTML snippets and I know how to save the excel sheet as a webpage but I don't know how to transfer the webpage I've created on to the website. It asks me to post the snippet but I don't know what it wants? What is the snippet?
My task is to somehow access [url] and copy the exchange rates on the table to my Excel workbook. Obviously a macro will not record outside of the Excel program, so I am just wondering if this is possible at all (without hacking of course). My plan B is to have the user manually enter the exchange rates.
I'm doing some extremely repetitive work with a web tool at work. I need to import about 1800 tables for my first assignment and 5000 for my second. I did a search on the forum and found out that Excel and vba is able to import tables from a website's chart which is amazing. I recorded a macro and got
Sheets("Sheet2").Select Range("A1").Select With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _ "URL I can;t give out this information" _ , Destination:=Range("A1")) .Name = "index" .FieldNames = True .RowNumbers = False .FillAdjacentFormulas = False .PreserveFormatting = True .RefreshOnFileOpen = False .BackgroundQuery = True .RefreshStyle = xlInsertDeleteCells .SavePassword = False.....................
For each session I have to go to my site, log in with a username and password which is the same everytime then go to a specific page select the right drop down and import chart. The Chart under the drop down is the chart I need to import. The macro I recorded has no problem doing this but however it keeps grabbing the same chart, how do i fix that, so it knows to select the right drop down then import the right chart?
Is there any way in which I could get Excel to login automatically to this website [URL] .... for obvious reasons I cannot divulge the username or password.
This excel includes some text data, in each cell there is an email address along with additional text. I only want to get the email addresses from the entire data.
i want to compare two excel sheets and extract common data in either sheet. For eg: If sheet 1 and sheet 2 contains some common data, i need to compare or lookup or whatever i do but i need to pull out that common data in sheet 2.
What I am trying to do is extract all the data from a excel database based on criteria. When i specify the site and month I need to pull all the corresponding data and write it to a worksheet. Below is an example. I am not allowed to show all the data it is confidential.
Site Date Operator Month Chicago 12/3/11 Daniel December San Jose 4/8/12 Mike April New York 4/8/12 John April
I'm trying to download an Excel file from the internet and then extract data out of it. The problem is that I don't get any errors, yet the file downloaded is only 1kb in size. The extraction bit works, but the file is empty. The actual file is size 350KB.
Code: Sub ExtractDataTest()
Dim FileNum As Long Dim FileData() As Byte Dim MyFile As String Dim WHTTP As Object
I am looking to import data in text file to Excel sheet. Here is the main catch - All the data are not of fixed length and are in multiple lines as in the example below.
Text File: ID001 Dr Dang 01012011 Male USA Married 123
Below is how I expected the data extraction in Excel: ColumnA ColumnB CardID ID001 Name Dr Dang DOB 01012011 Sex Male Country USA Status Married Pin 123
I am trying cut and paste a list into Excel, and have Excel separate the different fields for me. There are 12 lines per each entry on the list. I use Firefox as my browser, and when I cut and paste using Firefox into Excel, this is how it looks:
James H. Patel, MD (space) Pediatrician (space)[code]....
I'm hoping for the final product to look like this:
Last Name----First Name----whether MD or DO----Street Address----City, State, Zip code----Zipcode(by itself)