Extracting Rows In Dataset Based On IF Criteria?

Jun 15, 2013

I have attached two documents. One is called "Zone Destination" which is a template I designed. The other file is called "Schedule5_4" which gets downloaded from a work server once a week that contains all employees and their shifts for the entire week. What I am able to do so far is extracting the first row using index and match but I don't know how to extract any of the rows that follow. an employee might have several rows for one day based on a lunch or if they are working in multiple zones during their shift.

Zone Destination File -- start tab has the template in place that gets copied over when you create a new tab.
-- employeeroster tab contains the employee roster that i use to match with the schedule5_4 file. i changed the names and also reduced the amount to make it easier to read. i have over 80 employees but for this example, i only made up a handful.

schedule5_4 File -- this file contains all the data that I need to pull from. The criteria that I am using is by employee and date. I'm matching from the employee roster tab and also the date in cell a1 located in the zone destination file.


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Extracting Certain Rows Based On Multiple Criteria?

Oct 29, 2013

There is no where else for me to go. My problem is: I have a table with over 30,000 rows and columns A - W. The first column A contains UNIQUE ID. Column G contains CATEGORY CODE.


Since Unique ID (column A) can be listed more than ones, I need to select only those records (rows) that correspond to the following: Category Code (column G) is either 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and not any other. I hope you can see the attachment, UNIQUE ID = a;does not satisfy my criteria as it does contain Category Code 14, it also contain other codes. The final result from the sample provided would be extracting data for UNIQUE ID = e (since it is the only record that does not contain any values other than 14, 15, 16, 17, 18).

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Extracting Rows Based On Date Criteria

May 7, 2008

I have a sheet of data, and i need to extract rows that contains dates containing 5 in them. Eg, 5 Jan, 15 Jan, 25 Jan... 5 May, 15 May, 25 May and copy them into a new sheet. Is there a faster way to do it via VBA rather than manually extracting them?

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Filter Rows By More Than Two OR Criteria And Extracting Results Into New Sheet?

May 21, 2014

I need to filter a large database using multiple OR criterias.

Database is CUSTOMER NAMES in each row with CONSUMED PRODUCTS following in each cell.

I want to filter two or more products and list customer names in sheet2. Like listing customers using salt or pepper Filter criterias will be entered into cells in sheet2 with results shown below and I want search to be active and alive just like vlookup function.


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Extracting Sublist From List Based On Criteria?

Jun 27, 2012

I have a table such that column A has a list of names, column B shows either "Yes" or "No" depending on if that person's info needs updating. I am trying to find a way to a populate a list (prefereably in column C) that has only the names of people from column a that show a yes in column b.

I know that i could just do =if(B2 = "Yes", A2, "") and then drag the formula down, but that leaves blanks in between the cells. If column A has 10 names and only 3 are Yes then I only want the first 3 cells in column C to be populated with the corresponding names.

I think I need to use a combination of INDEX and MATCH functions but i dont know how to do that with a criteria that falls in another column.

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Extracting A Continuous List Based On Criteria?

Nov 15, 2013

I want to extract text from column A into column D,E,F based on condition on column B. I am able to do this by IF statement, but the data is not continuous. I want to extract continuous data into D,E,F columns without any gaps.

Condition for Column D: >1
Condition for Column E: >0.5<1
Condition for Column F: <0.5

I am attaching the sample list for reference.

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Extracting A Continuous List Based On Criteria

Jan 3, 2009

Is there a way I can get a continuous list, ie no missing rows, from a much larger list. (New list in separate columns to the R of the list.) I want to extract data from column A, only if the data in col C matches my specified criteria - I want this info to appear as a list with no gaps, ie I can do this easily using "If" but there will be lots of blank rows doing it this way.

Furthermore, as I need two different lists from the same data block, I need to specify whether number (extract these to col N) or text (extract to col O).

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Excel 2010 :: Extracting Name From A List Based On Criteria

Nov 15, 2013

I am using Excel 2010 on Windows 7. Here is a link to the worksheet I have a question about : Example.xlsx

The only two relevant sheets here are "TestScores" and "Area 1." What I am trying to do is copy names over from the TestScores sheet to the Area 1 sheet based their test scores. It is important to know that a passing score is anything 85 or above. If you don't pass Phase 1, you move onto Phase 2, and if you don't pass that you move onto Phase 3.

Let me first explain how the TestScores sheet works. Here is a screenshot of the sheet:

I copied in column C, the names, from a roster sheet. Columns A, B, and D all VLOOKUP information from the roster as well. You can ignore columns E & F. Column G is just a test name that is manually inserted. They are all in the same order since this is an example worksheet I am doing the program on before I input the real data. Column H is also manually inserted, with data validation to only allow values 0-100 and a few different relevant terms (MS, EXT ABS, N/E). These next two rows are the formulas in columns I and J, starting in row 3.

I=IF(H3="N/E","N/E",IF(H3="EXT ABS","EXT ABS",IF(H3="MS","MS",IF(H3="","",IF(H3>=85,"N/A (PASS)","Need")))))
J=IF(H3="N/E","N/E",IF(H3="EXT ABS","EXT ABS",IF(H3="MS","MS",IF(I3="","",IF(I3="Need","",IF(I3>=85,"N/A (PASS)","Need"))))))

What these formulas do is the following: If N/E, MS, or EXT ABS is in column H, it copies those over to the next two columns. If someone scores 84 or below, it says "Need" in the next column. If they score 85 or above, it says "N/A (PASS) in the next column(s). The user is meant to write over these to insert the phase 2 and 3 scores.

Here is the "Area 1" spreadsheet I am working on that has the problem.

First off, I created these formulas by comparing them to another post and replacing my ranges and criteria. In column A, it returns all the names of Team Members who passed in Phase 1 (have a score 85+ in "TestScores" column H). The array formula is below and it works great.


In column E I have a similar formula, except it returns the names of those Team Members who have "Need" in column I of "TestScores." This formula also works great. The formula in column D is just a VLOOKUP based on column E and works well, too.


Here is where my problem is. In column F, I want to return all the names of people who passed Phase 2, which means they have a score of 85 or above in column I of the "TestScores" sheet. However, not only is it not returning the right names, I can't even figure out what criteria the names is returns has. The current list, in (mostly, oops) red, is incorrect. The formula, below, is almost the same as the formulas above, with only 1 difference in each case.


It refers to column I, instead of H, compared to the formula in column A. Its criteria is >=85 instead of ="Need", in comparison to the formula in column E. Nonetheless, it still isn't returning the right names! The other weird thing, is if I replace the ">=85" with "=90" it will return the names of team members who scored 90.

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Extracting Names From A Column To Another Sheet Based On Criteria

Jul 6, 2014

I have a column containing names, blank spaces, numbers, a bunch of miscellaneous things. However all I want to do is extract only names, into another sheet, and not the numbers, blank spaces, etc. Youi'll see what I mean when you open the attachment. Offset isn't an option because the names don't appear in the column in an organized fashion.

Dummy workbook.xlsx

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Extracting Unique Data Based On Multiple Criteria With Formulas

Sep 27, 2013

I have data and after doing some data manipulation it looks like this

Job #
Part #
Lot #
Grand Total


What I'm trying to do is making a summary sheet that has only the first record with unique values using the Job number, part number, and lot number as the criteria. The grand total in the first record is the total for all of that job,part,lot so i need to bring that value over to the sheet as well. I have been able to do this easily with the duplicate finder, but need a formula to automatically do this.

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Extracting Data Based On Multiple Criteria - Index Match Array?

Jan 2, 2013

I have sheet full of data containing results of multiple tests on various equipment.The sheet contains many columns of data but below are the specifc criteria i want to use to extract the data. As maintenance is carried out regularly the list is always growing. I want to create a dashboard summary of the "Machines" which i will colour using condition formatting. I will list the machines in the columns and would like the rows below each machine to be populated with the results.

Column 1 Lists the various factories
Column 2 Lists the Machine
Column 3 Lists the Part
Column 4 Lists the result.

Results can either be "ok", "warning", "Alert" only

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Extracting Rows Of Data Based On A Cells Text?

Jul 9, 2014

one of my suppliers can only provide me with a basic .xls product list as shown in the attached test sheet.xlsx.

Is it possible to create and run a macro from test sheet.xlsm that will extract data from test sheet.xlsx, specifically from below the heading on row 64 down to and above the heading on row 123 and paste into the (new) worksheet in test sheet.xlsm

This sheet is updated daily and all the heading rows are constantly fluctuating as products are sold and added.

I can do this manually easy enough but if there's any way that this can be automated

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Filter A Dataset Using The Criteria In A Hidden Column

Oct 23, 2007

IS there a way to filter a dataset using the criteria in a hidden column? Auto-Filter will not allow this, and Advanced Filter is not user-friendly for the end-user of this file.

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Macro For Procuring Values From Dataset Using Different Matching Criteria

Dec 3, 2013

I am recording and editing steps in order to procure unique ID's from a dataset and eliminate the manual intervention for this process. Macro works seamlessly in most of the scenarios except for the one mentioned below where it performs a step which is not really required.

Let me explain the scenario in detail:

-Sheet 1 contains the list of trades as per client's system and Sheet 2 contains the trades as per internal system
-Need to do several permutation and combination in Sheet1 in order to extract the unique ID's from Sheet 2
-Scenario 1 - lets assume I have 100 records I concatenate few common fields in both sheets and use the simple code mentioned below to fill the all rows with the lookup formula

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select

First scenario itself might populate the unique id's for all the 100 trades or might give partial result which will prompt for the next scenario. If the first scenario generates the Unique ID's for 99 records I can filter on "#N/A" and update a different formula to fetch the unique id using different combination. However in the initial stage I wouldn't know the # of unmatched records because of which I have the standard selection till end and fill down codes in the macro, which would end up filling all the blank cells till the end, which takes unnecessary time.

simple validation code which ensures that if the # of unmatched record is more than 1 only then the selection till end and fill down codes comes into picture otherwise simply update the formula and populate the result.

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Match With Multiple Criteria To Dataset Of Unique Values?

Jul 8, 2013

In one sheet I'd like the user to select from 3 dropdown lists certain predefined values.

On the second sheet there is a long list of unique cells (one column, that can't be split into usefull columns with text to columns or something). I want to find the cell that holds the three text choices. These can be in different order to make things more complex. How do I create a search that finds that one match.

The user selects "AAA" and "DDD" and "FFF" from the dropdown lists

The formula should find that one cell that holds this value: "FFF JJJ GGG DDD CCC AAA". This is the only cell that holds all three chosen values in one text. In the end I would need to have the row number of that cell,

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DeletE All Rows In A Dataset

Mar 29, 2007

I am looking for a macro that is capable of deleting all rows in a dataset where the following statements are not true: column B is equal to "OP00" (o, p zero zero), the left hand character of C is equal to "L" and D is equal to "CC", as in the scenario below. I basically need to keep all rows which match the structure below, i.e. to clean the data.


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Patient Dataset - Consolidating Rows

Dec 3, 2013

I have a large patient data set consisting of one column that includes their zip codes and one column that includes the number of times they were seen at a hospital over a period of time. I want to try to consolidate the data so I just have the number of total cases (for all patients) in a certain zip code over that time period. There are several thousand patients and it would be great to avoid doing it manually.

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Rearrange Dataset From Columns To Rows

Feb 23, 2014

Rearrange dataset from columns to rows

However, the solutions do not work if "species " are text instead of numbers:



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Delete Rows Based On Criteria & X Rows Below

Mar 5, 2008

This sheet has A:K columns and 1:3212 rows. There are 'page headers' that are in the text file that I want to delete (the text file was exported from an AS400 program). The first row that starts the page header has SA341 in column 1. Each page header has 5 rows. I used this code from one of the other threads on deleting rows, but I obviously do not understand the code as it deleted all rows that contained SA341.
Sub DeleteRows()
Column_To_Check = 1
Start_Row = 1
End_Row = ActiveSheet. Cells(Rows.Count, Column_To_Check).End(xlUp).Row
MsgBox End_Row
Search_String = "SA341"
For Row_Counter = End_Row To Start_Row Step -1
If ActiveSheet.Cells(Row_Counter, Column_To_Check).Value < SA341 > Search_String Then

End If
Next Row_Counter
End Sub

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Sumproduct With OR Logic - Count Number Of Rows In Dataset

Jan 17, 2014

I'm trying to count the number of rows in a dataset where column A is something, B is something, C is something, D is not something, D is not something else, and column E > 0 OR F is something but I just can't get the result I want.

My actual dataset is a staggering 294,000 rows and 46 columns so here's a simplified version:

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How To Search Dataset And Return Maximum Value Based On 3 Using (array)

Dec 6, 2012

I want to search a data set and return the maximum value based on 3 criteria using (array) formulas.

Say the data set contained the following:

Row 1: column headings (date, name, data 1, data 2, data 3, etc)
Column A: dates
Column B: names
Columns C through G: data

I want to find the maximum value for a given name, in a certain month, and a nominated data column (e.g. data 2). For example:

Month = June
Name = Geoff
Data column = Data 2
Max value = ????

All of the data in the data columns is numeric.

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Cut Rows Based On Criteria?

Jan 19, 2014

There are two workseets involved. Inventory is the main and Pending is the second. There are 28 columns of data in each that match based on row 1 headers. I need to figure out how to cut all the rows with "Pend" listed in Inventory column Z to one row below the data in column A of the Pending worksheet. The data can be dates and also notes but no matter what is in column Z it must be cut and moved.

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Deleting Rows Based On Two Criteria?

Jan 30, 2013

I have a column with dates (dd.mm.yy) and I have a column with names. Moreover, several dates and names are repeated. What is needed, is to delete all the rows in which the difference between dates is smaller than 1825 days (5years) for the same name. (Namely, if I have three rows 01.01.1996 - "A"; 01.01.2002 - "A" ; 01.01.2005 - "A" I want all the rows with "A" to be deleted)

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Delete Rows Based On Two Criteria Within Each Row

Sep 24, 2009

I have a sheet with say 1000+ rows that is a QA report of possible mistakes found in a employee rostering tool.

The report finds all occurrences where the staff member only has one coffee break rather than the two they are entitled to. However, on days where they have training, or other half day commitments, on of the coffee breaks is not entered into out tool. This means we are getting a whole lot of entries that we do not require(i.e. one coffee break error).

The tool uses icons but the cells do have a single unique character under each icon type. For example, the coffee break cells have a "T" and training cells have a "&" underneath the icon (without quotes). The staff members day is separated into 15 minute blocks and each block occupies a cell in a column. This means each staff members day spans many columns in a row (i.e. C=8am, D=8:15am, E=8:30am etc...).

What I have been trying to accomplish is to create a macro in VB code that will locate any row with both a "T and a "&" and delete it. This will eliminate occurrences that we are aware of and leave only genuine errors. There are other combination's that I would like to include also such as:
"T" "["
"T" "#"
"T" "@"
"T" "]"

The first row is headers and the first two columns contain team names and staff names which I am trying to exclude (because names contains "T"'s ).

I have spent many hours now looking for example code on Google, this forum and other forums, however most of the examples I have found are looking for two criteria within a column or specific criteria that is not suitable to my application (i.e. values <> certain numbers etc...).

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Hide Rows Based On A Criteria

Oct 6, 2009

What am I doing wrong here?

I have a code and it doesn't error out, but it won't hide the rows either. I'm pretty sure the red is what needs to be altered. I've tried adding "Selection.", "Rows." and "Cells." and none of them are working.

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Delete Rows Based On Criteria?

Jan 23, 2010

I had a raw data sheet in which i need to prepare a statement just like the attached worksheet.

My requirement is to delete all those rows in the department column except the department which starts with "C" Just like "CNN" & "CNN-IN".

Rows with data containing the words starting with "CNN" should not be deleted .The rows can contain words with "CNN" or "CNN*"(here * denotes anything after the word CNN)

I had just formatted the whole worksheet for easy reference.Actually the raw data is extracted from other program which is very clumsy & irregular.

The department column might be in any column.

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Counting Rows Based On Different Criteria

Oct 28, 2008

I've got two worksheets. One contains data from a query, the other worksheet should count rows in the queryresults based on two criteria. See example.

I tried doing it with sumproduct in the normal variant and the array-variant...

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Hiding Rows Based On Criteria

Dec 22, 2011

I am stuck with a task.

I need to hide all rows in a worksheet except the rows which contain the word which the user inputs through find (CTR+F).

The input word should be captured in a variable and this should be searched in all rows & hide all other rows in the sheet which does not contain this word.

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Deleting Rows Based On Criteria

May 29, 2012

I have this excel file where I every day have over 10.000 rows. I have 2 sheets, one called "Data" and once called "Include list".

The Data sheet contains a list of all of our customers and their customer IDs. The Include list sheet should contain the Customer ids which I want to keep in the Data sheet.

So what I have done is to loop through the Data sheet. If you are in the Include list sheet you should not be deleted fromt he Data sheet. If you are not then the row should be deleted.

I have actually done this and it works but the problem is it take a lot of time to run. I tested in earlier today and I had to break it after 20 minutes which is way too long for our users to wait.

This is the code I wrote:

Sub Include()
Dim FindString As String
Dim Rng As Range
Dim RowNr As String
Dim Lookup_x As String

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

[Code] ........

So my question is, is there any other way to speed this process up? The ScreenUpdating part I have tried but it didnt really speed it up as much.

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Deleting Rows Based On Two Criteria?

Apr 20, 2013

I have a very large spreadsheet (>10,000 rows) of data. I did Conditional Formatting based on duplicate values for the serial numbers column (B) and then sorted to "Put Selected Cell Color on top". Next I did a sort by the Last Scan Date column M (Oldest to New). The date/time format appears as follows

I used the following macro to delete rows with duplicate serial numbers but retain the row that has the newest time stamp. When I run my macro it's doing the opposite where it deletes rows with the newest time stamp and retains the oldest time stamp.


Sub Test()
'for Macro to Delete Duplicate Rows and Retain Unique Value
Dim LR As Long


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