Extracting Names From A Column To Another Sheet Based On Criteria
Jul 6, 2014
I have a column containing names, blank spaces, numbers, a bunch of miscellaneous things. However all I want to do is extract only names, into another sheet, and not the numbers, blank spaces, etc. Youi'll see what I mean when you open the attachment. Offset isn't an option because the names don't appear in the column in an organized fashion.
Dummy workbook.xlsx
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Jan 18, 2008
I have a spreadsheet that is used to store statistical information on a monthly basis, some of this information may be incomplete and so will need to be acted upon month by month, What I need to do using VBA is: At the close of the spreadsheet check sheet1 and if there is any data (text) in cells N – Q on any line If there is move to sheet3 check for the next blank line then paste the data from only certain fields i.e. A,B, N-Q,R,S
Here is another problem
As the sheet will be used on and off during the month I don’t want data that is already been moved across to sheet3 to be copied again so there needs to be someway of checking if the info is already there? I have code now for the find last cell part of the problem.
Sub FindLastCell()
Dim LastCell As Range
With ActiveSheet
Set LastCell = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)
If IsEmpty(LastCell) Then
'do nothing
Set LastCell = LastCell.Offset(1, 0)
End If
End With
End Sub
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Jun 27, 2012
I have a table such that column A has a list of names, column B shows either "Yes" or "No" depending on if that person's info needs updating. I am trying to find a way to a populate a list (prefereably in column C) that has only the names of people from column a that show a yes in column b.
I know that i could just do =if(B2 = "Yes", A2, "") and then drag the formula down, but that leaves blanks in between the cells. If column A has 10 names and only 3 are Yes then I only want the first 3 cells in column C to be populated with the corresponding names.
I think I need to use a combination of INDEX and MATCH functions but i dont know how to do that with a criteria that falls in another column.
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Oct 29, 2013
There is no where else for me to go. My problem is: I have a table with over 30,000 rows and columns A - W. The first column A contains UNIQUE ID. Column G contains CATEGORY CODE.
Since Unique ID (column A) can be listed more than ones, I need to select only those records (rows) that correspond to the following: Category Code (column G) is either 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and not any other. I hope you can see the attachment, UNIQUE ID = a;does not satisfy my criteria as it does contain Category Code 14, it also contain other codes. The final result from the sample provided would be extracting data for UNIQUE ID = e (since it is the only record that does not contain any values other than 14, 15, 16, 17, 18).
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Nov 15, 2013
I want to extract text from column A into column D,E,F based on condition on column B. I am able to do this by IF statement, but the data is not continuous. I want to extract continuous data into D,E,F columns without any gaps.
Condition for Column D: >1
Condition for Column E: >0.5<1
Condition for Column F: <0.5
I am attaching the sample list for reference.
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Jan 3, 2009
Is there a way I can get a continuous list, ie no missing rows, from a much larger list. (New list in separate columns to the R of the list.) I want to extract data from column A, only if the data in col C matches my specified criteria - I want this info to appear as a list with no gaps, ie I can do this easily using "If" but there will be lots of blank rows doing it this way.
Furthermore, as I need two different lists from the same data block, I need to specify whether number (extract these to col N) or text (extract to col O).
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Jun 15, 2013
I have attached two documents. One is called "Zone Destination" which is a template I designed. The other file is called "Schedule5_4" which gets downloaded from a work server once a week that contains all employees and their shifts for the entire week. What I am able to do so far is extracting the first row using index and match but I don't know how to extract any of the rows that follow. an employee might have several rows for one day based on a lunch or if they are working in multiple zones during their shift.
Zone Destination File -- start tab has the template in place that gets copied over when you create a new tab.
-- employeeroster tab contains the employee roster that i use to match with the schedule5_4 file. i changed the names and also reduced the amount to make it easier to read. i have over 80 employees but for this example, i only made up a handful.
schedule5_4 File -- this file contains all the data that I need to pull from. The criteria that I am using is by employee and date. I'm matching from the employee roster tab and also the date in cell a1 located in the zone destination file.
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May 7, 2008
I have a sheet of data, and i need to extract rows that contains dates containing 5 in them. Eg, 5 Jan, 15 Jan, 25 Jan... 5 May, 15 May, 25 May and copy them into a new sheet. Is there a faster way to do it via VBA rather than manually extracting them?
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May 21, 2014
I need to filter a large database using multiple OR criterias.
Database is CUSTOMER NAMES in each row with CONSUMED PRODUCTS following in each cell.
I want to filter two or more products and list customer names in sheet2. Like listing customers using salt or pepper Filter criterias will be entered into cells in sheet2 with results shown below and I want search to be active and alive just like vlookup function.
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Jan 17, 2007
I have a file that has two sheets, I have some formulas in the first sheet named "Data",What i would like to have is, If column G in the sheet Data is "Closed", then i want that particular row to be cut from the sheet " Data" and pated in to the Sheet "Done".
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Nov 15, 2013
I am using Excel 2010 on Windows 7. Here is a link to the worksheet I have a question about : Example.xlsx
The only two relevant sheets here are "TestScores" and "Area 1." What I am trying to do is copy names over from the TestScores sheet to the Area 1 sheet based their test scores. It is important to know that a passing score is anything 85 or above. If you don't pass Phase 1, you move onto Phase 2, and if you don't pass that you move onto Phase 3.
Let me first explain how the TestScores sheet works. Here is a screenshot of the sheet:
I copied in column C, the names, from a roster sheet. Columns A, B, and D all VLOOKUP information from the roster as well. You can ignore columns E & F. Column G is just a test name that is manually inserted. They are all in the same order since this is an example worksheet I am doing the program on before I input the real data. Column H is also manually inserted, with data validation to only allow values 0-100 and a few different relevant terms (MS, EXT ABS, N/E). These next two rows are the formulas in columns I and J, starting in row 3.
I=IF(H3="N/E","N/E",IF(H3="EXT ABS","EXT ABS",IF(H3="MS","MS",IF(H3="","",IF(H3>=85,"N/A (PASS)","Need")))))
J=IF(H3="N/E","N/E",IF(H3="EXT ABS","EXT ABS",IF(H3="MS","MS",IF(I3="","",IF(I3="Need","",IF(I3>=85,"N/A (PASS)","Need"))))))
What these formulas do is the following: If N/E, MS, or EXT ABS is in column H, it copies those over to the next two columns. If someone scores 84 or below, it says "Need" in the next column. If they score 85 or above, it says "N/A (PASS) in the next column(s). The user is meant to write over these to insert the phase 2 and 3 scores.
Here is the "Area 1" spreadsheet I am working on that has the problem.
First off, I created these formulas by comparing them to another post and replacing my ranges and criteria. In column A, it returns all the names of Team Members who passed in Phase 1 (have a score 85+ in "TestScores" column H). The array formula is below and it works great.
In column E I have a similar formula, except it returns the names of those Team Members who have "Need" in column I of "TestScores." This formula also works great. The formula in column D is just a VLOOKUP based on column E and works well, too.
Here is where my problem is. In column F, I want to return all the names of people who passed Phase 2, which means they have a score of 85 or above in column I of the "TestScores" sheet. However, not only is it not returning the right names, I can't even figure out what criteria the names is returns has. The current list, in (mostly, oops) red, is incorrect. The formula, below, is almost the same as the formulas above, with only 1 difference in each case.
It refers to column I, instead of H, compared to the formula in column A. Its criteria is >=85 instead of ="Need", in comparison to the formula in column E. Nonetheless, it still isn't returning the right names! The other weird thing, is if I replace the ">=85" with "=90" it will return the names of team members who scored 90.
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Sep 27, 2013
I have data and after doing some data manipulation it looks like this
Job #
Part #
Lot #
Grand Total
What I'm trying to do is making a summary sheet that has only the first record with unique values using the Job number, part number, and lot number as the criteria. The grand total in the first record is the total for all of that job,part,lot so i need to bring that value over to the sheet as well. I have been able to do this easily with the duplicate finder, but need a formula to automatically do this.
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Feb 23, 2012
Excel 2007. I have an Excel file that contains a data dump from an external database file with numerous analytical sheets that perform calculations. Some of these calculations utilize the SUMIFs function that was introduced in Excel 2007. This function does an outstanding job of summing a column on the data sheet based on multiple criteria.
However, someone high up in management in my organization would like to "drill down" into the data behind the
SUMIFs formulas to get a quick snapshot of the lines in the database that roll into the
SUMIFs formula. =SUMIFS(DataBase!E:E,Data!A:A,C7,DataBase!B:B,D7,DataBase!C:C,E7,DataBase!D:D,F7)
If I double click on a cell with the formula above, Excel takes me to the Database tab and selects Column E which is close, but not exactly what I need. What I really need is for Excel to only show the rows on the database sheet that make up the total in the SUMIFs formula and not the entire data dump from the database.
At present, we have to manually apply the autofilter on multiple columns to show the rows in column E that make up the total in the SUMIFs formula which is a tedious and time consuming task. Is there a way to force Excel to do this? Suggested custom database application or pivot tables, but we do not want to reinvent the wheel.
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Jan 2, 2013
I have sheet full of data containing results of multiple tests on various equipment.The sheet contains many columns of data but below are the specifc criteria i want to use to extract the data. As maintenance is carried out regularly the list is always growing. I want to create a dashboard summary of the "Machines" which i will colour using condition formatting. I will list the machines in the columns and would like the rows below each machine to be populated with the results.
Column 1 Lists the various factories
Column 2 Lists the Machine
Column 3 Lists the Part
Column 4 Lists the result.
Results can either be "ok", "warning", "Alert" only
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Mar 9, 2009
I have written basic macros (probably not the most efficient solution, but its what I know how to do). Up to the present point things are going well. (I tried to attach file, but without success - So I will email the file directly it is pretty easy to figure out) I have option buttons tied to macros that populate a data sheet based upon the input.
This works out quite well and I am able to generate the statistics I desire quite easily. Now comes the second phase, (this is where I am stuck) - when I click the option button "no", I would like this to generate a line item in a separate existing worksheet which lists the item number, tells the discrepancy (as written in the column on the inspection criteria sheet), has a text field for the inspector to briefly explain the exact nature of the discrepancy, and also keeps discrepancies in proper order. Conversly, if "yes" is selected, I would like to be able to check the associated comment page, search the page for that discrepancy number, and if found, delete the line item, then re-oder the page.
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Mar 3, 2013
I'm trying to extract a list of names from an Excel 2010 table based on two criteria, thus:
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Jul 17, 2014
The following code works to update the target sheet based on matching column names within the source sheet.
However, I would like to bolster this by not only updating based on matching field names, but also the primary key in column A. Meaning the data from the source sheet isn't always in the same order (based on primary keys) as the data in the target sheet. So I want to keep the order of the primary key in the first column and then update matching field names in column B through the last column where the primary keys match between the source and target worksheets.
Sub CopyDataBlocks()
Dim SourceSheet As Worksheet 'The data to be copied is here
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Sep 19, 2013
I have created 70 "templates" in my workbook. I would like to change the name of each template to the name contained on a list in the "Data" sheet. The list starts at a4, and may have 70 or more names. I want to cycle through each name, place it in cell c8 of the template, rename the template with the same name, then move on to the next name, rename the next template, place name in cell c8, and so forth. So far I have this, which creates the "template" and renames it according to the list, but it doesn't insert the name into cell C8 of each new sheet.
Sub NewSheets()
Dim I As Integer
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim sh As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheets("Template")
[Code] ........
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Nov 30, 2009
I'm using this formula to count the number of times this statement is in Column "D"
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Feb 18, 2008
I need to extract the month name from a cell. E.g In one cell I have a time stamp, which comes up in this formart.
Cell A1 is "5/30/2007 10:03:37 AM". Basically i want cell B2 to say "May". Please note this format is using the american date format where the order is month/date/year.
Is there a way to do this? Remember one cannot look at just the first digit as what happens for months 10 & above? At the moment I do this manually.
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Oct 4, 2013
We use a bunch of equipment at work that spits out a pdf file that is going to consist the results of a particular test.
Those files are named in a unique format. It looks a bit like this:-
Out of this file name it consist of the serial number (F30C3105E00) of the equipment which is the first set off italics/bold and time(08_39) and date (2013_09_10) this test was performed.
So My question is there a way or a vbs macro or anything that will be extract these three different information and save them in three different cells on the spreadsheet. BTW Also I should mention that these files are going to be stored on a network drive
PS- The only way I have figured out to do this is to create a .bat file that runs the dir command and saves it to a text file.
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Jun 18, 2013
Here is an example of my spreadsheet: Excel example.xlsx
I would like to get all the bid/ask quotes for the different currency pairs in sheet 2 into sheet 1 sorted by the right date and time.
I need a formula which recognize the time + the currency from sheet 1 and search for it in sheet 2 then brings the right bid/ask quote back into sheet 1.
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May 18, 2006
As above, how do i retrieve excel file names in a specific folder and place the names into a specific column?
Say there are 2 files named UAT1.xls and UAT2.xls and i have a master file to put all this data in.
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Mar 4, 2008
i m trying to use the sumproduct formula, and OR but i cannot seem to get this right! =Sumproduct(--(A1:A10="Yes"),--(OR(B1:B10="Yes",B1:B10="Mayby")),C1:C10)
I have also tried Array Formula as follows; {=SUM(IF(A1:A10="Yes",IF(OR(B1:B10="Yes",B1:B10="Mayby"),C1:C10)))}
I have also used UDF to for the sumproduct, but cannot make that work! keep giving me value message
Function Customer(Service as Range, Outcome as String, Service2 as Range, Outcome2 as String)
Customer = Sumproduct(--(Service = Outcome),--(Service2 = Outcome2), Result)
-Didnt get thru this bit to start building on the Function! keep giving me #Value!
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Nov 3, 2009
I'm trying to create a function in a template invioce that will look up a value in another spread sheet (fees).The data will be based off three values entered in the invioce from drop down boxes. I've attached the workbook with the master sheet and the invioce (sheet 5) The three criteria that can be selected is the project, month and name and I want the amount of hours to be returned based on that information in column e. The projects are seperated and billed by month.
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Jun 11, 2006
I have two sheets,one called pattern of about 25000 rows and one called rp1,
which is a fresh sheet downloaded each night from the web. What I want to do is select the names in column 3 of rp1 and printout in the same or a new sheet every row containing this name from the pattern spreadsheet.So for every horse named in col c,I want its complete record,could be 1 row or maybe up to 20 rows output,from the pattern worksheet(for each). They will all be underneath each other. I simply want excel to extract all the data belong to these names in rp 1 from the pattern large sheet. The names are in col r of the pattern sheet.
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Jan 30, 2010
For my example, in column B I have a list of guest names. These names will repeat based on their entries.
In column C I have amounts next to their name.
If the total of all amounts next to their name equal $1,000 or more I want all the rows that their name is in to be highlighted.
I attached an example.
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Jun 15, 2008
i have a table in excel with 36 rows and 36 columns i.e. 36x36=1296 individual cells. Columns and rows have headers/labels i.e. 36 rows with row label headings and similarly 36 columns with column label headings. I would like to automatically create unique cell names for the 1296 cells based on where the columns and rows intersect using the row and column labels. The cell name format I would like to create is [ColumnLabel_RowLabel].
I've manually created the cell names in the attached file as an example of what i would am seeking (i've greyed the cells that I've done this for).
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Apr 24, 2009
I would appreciate some pointers on how to write a function(s) or macro to do the following in Office 2003:
- I get a weekly report (from Quickbooks) in Excel format which shows inventory usage.
Showing the relevant sections:
Col D Name
Col O Qty
Col Q PxQ
The report also throws out Total is Col D, but only for Col Q, not Col O (which is needed)
So, R5 thru 7 may show Apples
And R 11 shows Total Apples
Then R13-14 may show Oranges
And R15 shows Total Oranges.
The report has about 400 lines currently, and about 50 items......
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Jun 25, 2014
I am trying to create a summary Calendar that would display all the names of the people who are off on a given day. I have a grid where I display each day of the month and a person in the group has their own column. If they are out of the office for any reason their name appears in that row. In the big Summary Calendar cell for each day of the month I want to look across all the people columns for that day and then display the names of the people who are not going to be in the office. Can I do this by a formula or will using VBA work best.
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