Fill Array Variable From Range

Jun 14, 2008

I've created a userform that uses parallel arrays to display strings that another macro pulls from a worksheet and the 2nd array holds strings of what the user types in. I've uploaded a workbook with the userform in it.

Part 1:
I want to pass the 1st array (pSource) in during the initialization of the array and I want to send back the 2nd array (pUser) from the submit button, but I have no idea how to work it. I've tried a couple things from older posts in the forums, but had no luck with them.

Part 2:
The arrays will be the same size, but the size isn't a constant. Is there any way to change the size of an array? I've been using 0 to 3 for testing the rest of the userform, but for the final product, I'll be passing an array in of a variable size.

Private pSource(3) As String 'Modify to work with variable size
Private pUser(3) As String 'Modify to work with variable size

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Fill Range From Multi-dimensional Array

Jul 20, 2007

I searched and found a few posts about transposing arrays into a range of cells, but none of them seemed to solve my problem. So, my problem is, I have a .Net assembly which provides various functions to allow Excel to access our Oracle DB stored procedures/tables, etc. This assembly is exposed via COM Interop. I call the GetSPINTypes() method, which returns me a list of type pairs (ID, Name), in a CSV string format.

I split the CSV into rows, and then put each row into a 2-dimensional array.
I then need to dump that array into one of my sheets in Excel, so I try to do the usual Range.Value = Array, but this sometimes tells me there is a type mismatch, and most times just doesn't fill the range. I've checked my arrays in the watch window, and they have definitely been filled in correctly, the values just don't appear when they are put into the sheet. See the code I'm using below:......

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Fill Array From Range Selecting All Rows And Some Columns

Jul 21, 2014

I want to fill an array from values in range A1:H10. I want to fill the array with all rows in range and only columns B,C and E. I have the code below so far using index function.

Is there a more direct way to select all rows from desired range to avoid the need to create an array of rows from 1 to LastRow and then use Application.Transpose(RowsArr) (in red) inside Index()?

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Using Array Variable To Populate Range

Dec 17, 2008

I'm trying to populate a worksheet using arrays.

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Store Range Values In Variable Array

Apr 20, 2008

I have a list of names from cell A1:A10 in sheet "Input." Each of these names has its own corresponding sheet in the workbook. I want to be able to run the same exact VBA code for each sheet. In other words, I am trying to get my name variable to automatically change to the next value on sheet "Input." I'm sure this is pretty simple to do, but I can't seem to find anything that works!

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VBA To Output From Array Based On Variable In One Element Of Array

May 2, 2013

I'm only starting to get to grips with arrays. I have what I consider to be a lot of data that I need to 'cut' into separate workbooks. I have written some code that does this by simply looping through each line, 250k+, checking against a variable and copying the row into a separate sheet. This took longer than it would have doing it manually. It was suggested to me that I use arrays to speed up the process. I have managed to store the test data into an array but am struggling to find a way to loop through and pull out an entire 'row' from the array based on a variable. I have looked for 2 days in various places to find some way to loop through the data held in the array, but to no avail.

That code will appear here from about 8am GMT tomorrow. I know that once I've cracked this I'm on the road to some very significant time saving and comprehensive report writing.

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Using Array Variable Instead Of Array Formula

Jun 30, 2006

i need to replicate what i did using array formulas with VBA macro (array variable). to make things clear and simple i created an example for illustration only. look at it & u will find what i did & what i need to do ,much of it
in writing so that i accurately describe my problem. attached is my example

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Fill Series :: Declaring A Variable

Jul 28, 2009

Prior to declaring a variable i used this code and it worked:

Sheets("442000ON-1+6").Range("C7").formula = "my formula"
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("C7:N7"), Type:=xlFillDefault

Than i declared a variable b/c i have a number of formulas i need to use but still needed it to fill the formula in a series after the formula ran. I started getting an error.

Fix was:

Dim formula1 As String

formula1 = "=SUMIF(Pivot!$A$6:$A$108,'442000ON-1+6'!$C$3,INDEX(Pivot!$B$6:$BP$106,0,MATCH('442000ON-1+6'!$B$1,Pivot!$B$5:$BP$5)))"

Sheets("442000ON-1+6").Range("C7").formula = formula1


Set SourceRange = Worksheets("442000ON-1+6").Range("C7")
Set fillRange = Worksheets("442000ON-1+6").Range("C7:N7")
SourceRange.AutoFill Destination:=fillRange

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Fill Listbox With Array Of Folders

Jan 26, 2010

(Modifying some code by Leith Ross) I am stumbling why I get an error trying to fill the listbox with folder names. (See code in red for error location) ....

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Fill Array To Execute Loop?

Apr 25, 2014

how to fill array with cells form selections and loop my macro for each cell of that array.

'this is macro I need to execute for each cell in my selection. Here I threat each cell from selection as solo selection.

Dim z As Integer, q As Integer, X As Boolean, I As Integer, txt As String
Dim tmp As String, J As Integer, K As Integer
Dim sStrip As String


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Fill ComboBox With 2 Dimensional Array

Oct 9, 2004

I can set up a 2 dimensional array by using

array = Workbooks("Workbook.xls").Worksheets("Data"). Range("D_all")

as range D-all contains 2 columns and 20 rows

I can send that list to a combo box by using

Me.ComboBox1.List() = array

If I have ColumnCount set to 2 then both columns will be listed

If I have ColumnCount set to 1 then the 1st part of the array will be listed

But how do I list just the 2nd part of the array

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Fill Array By Looping Worksheets

Aug 23, 2007

I am trying to write code that will loop through one sheet, fill an array and then use that array to populate cells in another sheet. I have a sheet with group names in column A, then in column B through Column IV there are the members of that group. There may be no members in a group or every cell through Column IV could contain data. I need to loop through each row, one at a time, see if a cell contains data, if it does, put it in the array, if it's empty then the array is done for that row. I then need it to go to another sheet and dump that data, however, now it needs to drop it in five consecutive cells in a row, then drop to the next row for the next five cells, etc.

Once this is done it then goes back to the first sheet, drops to the next row nad starts over.

I know how to loop through the rows, I just am not sure how to fill an array using variables for rows and columns. i.e., I can't say fill array with b1 to b30 instead I have to say fill array with intRow,intFirstColumn through intRow, intLastcolumn.

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Fill Array With Userform ComboBox Names

Apr 13, 2009

Is it possible to count the number of comboboxes on a userform? Or better yet can I fill an Array with all the combobox names on a userform? I can count the controls on a userform but I'm trying to count just the comboboxes? Instead of all the labels and textboxes and frames.

I would like to loop through them for validation instead of doing it by each one by itself!

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Fill MultiColumn Listbox With Part Of Array

Sep 21, 2007

I have a multicolumn listbox, and a multidimensional array.

I want to put just SOME values of the array into the listbox, but I ger errors using both .list or .column to access single items, and even using .additem .

I have:
dim variable(2000,2) as string
variable(1,0)="aaa": variable(1,1)="bbb": variable(1,2)="ccc"
variable(2,0)="www": variable(2,1)="awasd": variable(1,2)="asdfa"
variable(2000,0)="www": variable(2000,1)="awasd": variable(2000,2)="asdfa"

I don't want to store all 2000 elements, just some ones: how can I do it?

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Fill & Rearrange Multi-dimensional Array From Another

Feb 26, 2008

I've got the folowing array's




But these are not the array's that i need for a correlation that i want to make.
Is it possible to transform the array's above to an array such as:


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Copy Range Into Array Then Array Back Into Range

Jul 25, 2012

I want to know how to copy a range into an array then an array back into an range.

Dim a(3,3) As Double
a(3,3) = Range("C3:E5")
Range("C10:E12") = a(3,3)

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Using Conditional Formatting To Fill Certain Cells Based On Variable?

May 23, 2013

The spreadsheet I've been working on is functionally working how I would like, but I am looking to improve it cosmetically. I have a range of cells in which I input scores. Those scores are averaged in blocks of the value of cell B1. I would like to fill the cells yellow if they are a multiple of the value of B1.

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Series Fill Based On Variable Input Data?

Mar 21, 2014

I have a spreadsheet where the start date is manually entered in Cell B1 and an end date is calculated in Cell B3. I would like to have the dates between the start and end date, with a step value of 7 days show in the rows under Cell B3. How do I get this to work?

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Fill UserForm ComboBox / ListBox With Variable List

Mar 2, 2008

i want to use a listbox or combobox on a userform with the values coming from column A in the MAIN sheet. what i need is if the colour i want is not there i type the new colour in it then adds the value to the end of values in coloumn A and too the list for the next time i use the userform. is it possible to do this and how?

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Last Value For Given Variable In Array

Apr 2, 2014

I have a large table of data sorted by date and I need to get the last value for a given variable. in certain instances using LOOKUP(9.999999E+307,sheet1!A:A) works but not when I'm trying to get values for past dates

Her is an example table:

Month Value


If i need to find the last value for the month of February, in this case 514, what combinations of formulas should I use? I feel like this should be easier than I making it out to be.

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String Variable To Call Defined Range Variable

Nov 10, 2006

Say you define a public range variable called Inputworksheet and you set it to refer to the worksheet called Inputworksheet. You have a separate string variable with the value Inputworksheet. How do you get this string variable value to call/control the range variable Inputworksheet?

I am getting an excel worksheet value from a lookup function that corresponds to the name of a VBA range variable. Once I have this worksheet value, I would like to use the range variable that has the same name as the worksheet value.

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Fill In A Number Of Rows With Array Formula's In The Adjucent Cells

May 15, 2009

I got the following loop that is very slow. The main way (I think) to speed it up is to avoid looking at all the 65000 cells. The columns used in the calculations have data varying from a few hundred cells up to (rarely) dozens of thousands. I assume it would be better if I could replace the 65500 with something indicating the "end" of the data in the column. Also, is there another way to do this process without using a loop?

I am trying to fill in a number of rows with array formula's in the adjucent cells. I use the loop because the number of rows depends on a selection of another parameter which sets the row number before calling the loop.

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Variable Array In VLookup

Jul 25, 2014

Basically have a spreadsheet to track an athletic competition going of for the purposes of a fantasy game (like fantasy football). The scores from each event are being copied and pasted into a data pages and then other pages pull from that for calculations. I'm using rankings (rank.eq equation) on a calculation tab, and then using those rankings on a leader-board tab find placement via the VLookup function. The issue I'm running into is ties, when two people are ranked the same. I've been playing with this:

VLOOKUP($J16,INDIRECT("Men!A" & LOOKUP(J16,Men!A1:A43)+1):$G$43,7,FALSE))

Where it checks for an error in the Vlookup, if its not an error then it does the VLookup, if it is then if looks up the previous ranking and the VLookup array uses Lookup to find the position of the last rank, increments it by one and starts the new Vlookup there.

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VBA Selecting A Variable Array

Apr 3, 2009

I've successfully copied the array of equations using the VBA that Pjoaquin enlightened me with from my last thread. The outcome was Sheet2!A2:O2 being successfully populated with the equations from my first sheet... but here comes the problem: I'm looking to autofill A2:O2 down to the last record in Column P. But the number of records in this table is varable.

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Cannot Change Variable Value Through Array

May 12, 2009

I am trying to change the variable value in my following code through array.
What I want is that both the statements

Debug.Print testarray(0) & "........" & testarray(1) & "......." & testarray(2)
Debug.Print custname & "........" & custaccount & "......." & worthcredit & vbCrLf & vbCrLf 

should deliver me the same values i.e changedname 123456 and true

for testarray(0),testarray(1),testarray(2) i am getting the values but I am not able to change the variable values for custname ,custaccount and worthcredit, although I am accessing the same elements.

Here is full ....

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Assign Array To Variable

May 19, 2009

My question is about assigning an entire array to a single variable. In this case, I want to assign an entire array to one element of another array.

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Syntax For Variable Array

Aug 11, 2009

I have a variable array, that is, the first cell of the array is variable and the last cell is variable. I have dimmed the first cell , "firstcell" as a range. I have dimmed the last cell , "lastcell" as a range. I'd like to sort the array but first I have to select all cells in the array. Need the proper syntax to select all cells between "firstcell" and "lastcell" in my macro.

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Get Address Of Array Variable?

May 13, 2013

Dim MyArray as Variant
Dim Address
MyArray = Range([a1], [b10])
For varRow = 1 To UBound(MyArray, 1)
' I want to know the current address of the cell right here,
' For instance I want to know I'm working with A1 right here
' Is that possible?

Next I guess my question is how do I find out the originating address of the cell I'm working with in an array. I need to check the font color of A1,B1,C1 etc while working in that range and I have no idea how to access it.

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How To Assign An Array To A Variable

May 15, 2008

how to do is the assignment of GoodArray1 to CurrentArrayToUse, i.e. "CurrentArrayToUse = GoodArray1" below:

Global NextArrayToUse()
Global CurrentArrayToUse()
Global PreviousArrayToErase()
Global GoodArray1(), GoodArray2(), [etc]
Global CurrentGuessNumber As Integer

[bunch of code, part of which assigns a number to CurrentGuessNumber, then the following...]

Select Case CurrentGuessNumber
Case 1
CurrentArrayToUse = GoodArray1
NextArrayToUse = GoodArray2
Case 2
CurrentArrayToUse = GoodArray2
NextArrayToUse = GoodArray3
PreviousArrayToErase = GoodArray1
ReDim PreviousArrayToErase(0, 0)

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Recursively & Conditionally Move/Loop Through Folder Hierarchy To Fill Array

May 7, 2008

i am use dir to put into an array all the folders in a folder then enter the first folder and repeat. the problem i am having is when it encounters a file it also puts it into the array and then errors once it trys to enter that "folder" (which is a file)

right now the code doesnt do anything but the plan is then to call another subroutine that lists all the files im looking for in a folder (that sub does work)

what am i doing wrong? all the things i can find on google show it the way i am doing it.

Sub GetDirList(topfolder As String)
Dim FolderArray() As Variant
Dim FolderCount As Integer
Dim FolderName As String

FolderCount = 0
FolderName = Dir(topfolder, vbDirectory)
' Loop until no more folders are found
Do While FolderName <> ""
If Not FolderName = "." Then
If Not FolderName = ".." Then
FolderCount = FolderCount + 1
Redim Preserve FolderArray(1 To FolderCount)
FolderArray(FolderCount) = FolderName
End If
End If

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