i need to replicate what i did using array formulas with VBA macro (array variable). to make things clear and simple i created an example for illustration only. look at it & u will find what i did & what i need to do ,much of it
in writing so that i accurately describe my problem. attached is my example
I'm only starting to get to grips with arrays. I have what I consider to be a lot of data that I need to 'cut' into separate workbooks. I have written some code that does this by simply looping through each line, 250k+, checking against a variable and copying the row into a separate sheet. This took longer than it would have doing it manually. It was suggested to me that I use arrays to speed up the process. I have managed to store the test data into an array but am struggling to find a way to loop through and pull out an entire 'row' from the array based on a variable. I have looked for 2 days in various places to find some way to loop through the data held in the array, but to no avail.
That code will appear here from about 8am GMT tomorrow. I know that once I've cracked this I'm on the road to some very significant time saving and comprehensive report writing.
I am running an array formula which is working fine except that I now need to add a further condition: that a one of a number of values in cells C1:C8 is found in range $a1:$A500. I've tried Or with comma separation and with * separations but nothing seems to work.
Is it at all possible to refer to a array that may change in a formula?
For example I need to use a Vlookup formula, however the table array will change depending on the value of another cell.
I need the user to be able to select the column heading that the lookup should work off from a drop down list. So if the user selects column heading C, the array should start from column C though it will always end at column Z. If the user selects column heading Y the array would be Y:Z.
Here's my Sub ArrayTest() ' ' ArrayTest Macro ' Dim Array1() As Variant, Array2() As Variant Dim R As Integer, ilR1 As Integer, iLR2 As Integer ilR1 = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row iLR2 = Cells(Rows.Count, 7).End(xlUp).Row ReDim Array1(1 To ilR1) ReDim Array2(1 To iLR2) For R = 1 To ilR1 Array1(R) = Cells(R, 1) & Cells(R, 2) & Cells(R, 3) Next R For R = 1 To iLR2 Array2(R) = Cells(R, 7) & Cells(R, 8) & Cells(R, 9) Next R For R = 2 To UBound(Array1) If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(?????, Array1(R)) > 0 Then Cells(R, 4) = "old" Else Cells(R, 4) = "new" Next R ' End Sub
Basically, the macro concatenates the content of three columns from two different tables into two arrays. Array1 contains the current stuff and Array2, the old one. If I CountIf items from Array1 into the content of Array2, I should get what's new (count 0).
Now, ? in the code should refer to the content of Array2. How do I do that?
The errors I get are 424 object required [Array(iLR2)], 1004 method 'Range' of object '_Global' failed [Range(Array2) or Range(Array2(2), Array2(iLR2))], or type mismatched [Array2].
I have the following array function that I am trying to get to work properly:
ActiveCell.FormulaArray = "=SUM(IF(NCR!O2:O100=39326,NCR!Q2:Q100,0))" 39326 is the value of 9/1/2007, and this formula works properly.
I am looking for a way to use this formula but replace 39326 with whatever date is in the first row of the same column as the active cell when it is run.
That is, if the macro was run with cell B8 as the active cell, "39326" would be replaced with whatever value was in cell B1.
I'm working on a project in Excel (for a restauraunt) and I basically need to make a formula to work out what an item is, using it's ID number and referencing the certain menu that it is in.
as you can see the table array is defined in cell E3, but i still get a #N/A result, and when I replace the "E3" in the formula with "Deserts" it produces a result.
Say I have 3 columns of data: A1:C10 and I want to run a Match() function on them all together to see if I get a match any one those cells, say the value of have in X1.
Since, Match only allows a One-Column lookup array.. is there a way to "concatenate" or "append" the 3 columns together within a formula so now I would be looking to Match in an array that is 1 column * 30 rows?
Basically want to convert =Match(X1,A1:C10,0) to =Match(X1,A1:A30,0) without moving around the raw data in the sheet.
And I want to avoid doing an AND or OR formula that uses 3 separate MATCH() for each column.
I have a hunch that the MMULT or MMULT/TRANSPOSE functions are involved, but can't seem to get it right.
I have a large table of data sorted by date and I need to get the last value for a given variable. in certain instances using LOOKUP(9.999999E+307,sheet1!A:A) works but not when I'm trying to get values for past dates
Her is an example table:
Date Month Value Variable 1/2/14 1 11
If i need to find the last value for the month of February, in this case 514, what combinations of formulas should I use? I feel like this should be easier than I making it out to be.
Basically have a spreadsheet to track an athletic competition going of for the purposes of a fantasy game (like fantasy football). The scores from each event are being copied and pasted into a data pages and then other pages pull from that for calculations. I'm using rankings (rank.eq equation) on a calculation tab, and then using those rankings on a leader-board tab find placement via the VLookup function. The issue I'm running into is ties, when two people are ranked the same. I've been playing with this:
Where it checks for an error in the Vlookup, if its not an error then it does the VLookup, if it is then if looks up the previous ranking and the VLookup array uses Lookup to find the position of the last rank, increments it by one and starts the new Vlookup there.
I've successfully copied the array of equations using the VBA that Pjoaquin enlightened me with from my last thread. The outcome was Sheet2!A2:O2 being successfully populated with the equations from my first sheet... but here comes the problem: I'm looking to autofill A2:O2 down to the last record in Column P. But the number of records in this table is varable.
should deliver me the same values i.e changedname 123456 and true
for testarray(0),testarray(1),testarray(2) i am getting the values but I am not able to change the variable values for custname ,custaccount and worthcredit, although I am accessing the same elements.
I have a variable array, that is, the first cell of the array is variable and the last cell is variable. I have dimmed the first cell , "firstcell" as a range. I have dimmed the last cell , "lastcell" as a range. I'd like to sort the array but first I have to select all cells in the array. Need the proper syntax to select all cells between "firstcell" and "lastcell" in my macro.
Code: Dim MyArray as Variant Dim Address MyArray = Range([a1], [b10]) For varRow = 1 To UBound(MyArray, 1) ' I want to know the current address of the cell right here, ' For instance I want to know I'm working with A1 right here ' Is that possible?
Next I guess my question is how do I find out the originating address of the cell I'm working with in an array. I need to check the font color of A1,B1,C1 etc while working in that range and I have no idea how to access it.
how to do is the assignment of GoodArray1 to CurrentArrayToUse, i.e. "CurrentArrayToUse = GoodArray1" below:
Global NextArrayToUse() Global CurrentArrayToUse() Global PreviousArrayToErase() Global GoodArray1(), GoodArray2(), [etc] Global CurrentGuessNumber As Integer
[bunch of code, part of which assigns a number to CurrentGuessNumber, then the following...]
Select Case CurrentGuessNumber Case 1 CurrentArrayToUse = GoodArray1 NextArrayToUse = GoodArray2 Case 2 CurrentArrayToUse = GoodArray2 NextArrayToUse = GoodArray3 PreviousArrayToErase = GoodArray1 ReDim PreviousArrayToErase(0, 0)
=VLOOKUP($B$54,'R:OperationsPerformance ReportingSales ReportsFTW North - INT2006Daily7 July7-02-2006[Sales TL Base Report.xls]MAXimize Summary'!$A:$BA,E$3,FALSE)
I would like to make date in the table array (07 July7-02-2006) a variable, but keep getting an #NA with my limited experience. From what I can gather the single quotes are causing the problem?
I have a workbook with several sheets, some are permanent and then there are certain sheets whose quantity varies depending on how many sub-contractors we use on a given job. The workbook starts as a template and there are 10 sub-contractor sheets to start with, if we only have 5 subs then the last five sub sheets are deleted. The sheets start out with the tabs named "Sub 1" "Sub 2" etc. but after the book is set up the sheet tab names are changed to the sub name. I've included some partial code below, with the goal being to run code on the sub-contractor sheets no matter the tab name or how many there are.
So the workbook has 5 "non-sub" related sheets, I was thinking that if I could do a sheet count -5, and get that number into the array it would accomplish what I want to do. And if someone added a new sheet it would still be processed with the others.
Public Sub SubConEstNum() On Error Resume Next Dim S As Worksheet, names As Variant, i As Integer names = Array(6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15) For i = LBound(names) To UBound(names) Set S = Sheets(names(i)) S.Range("T3").Value = S.Range("S3").Value S.Range("T1").Value = S.Range("S1").Value S.Range("T2").Value = Sheets("Bill").Range("K1").Value
I am trying to pass information that is filled by user in a userform into an excel sheet. Let's say a user would click on a control button in a userform and Macro would ask him what value to store for the first variable. If user clicks one more time then Macro would identify that it was a second click and ask what value to set for a second variable. It is easy to do with limited number of variables, but is it possible that the variable which stores a number of clicks would become a number for variable to store the value?
1 click - a1 = .. 2 click - a2 = .. .... n click - an = ..
I've created a userform that uses parallel arrays to display strings that another macro pulls from a worksheet and the 2nd array holds strings of what the user types in. I've uploaded a workbook with the userform in it.
Part 1: I want to pass the 1st array (pSource) in during the initialization of the array and I want to send back the 2nd array (pUser) from the submit button, but I have no idea how to work it. I've tried a couple things from older posts in the forums, but had no luck with them.
Part 2: The arrays will be the same size, but the size isn't a constant. Is there any way to change the size of an array? I've been using 0 to 3 for testing the rest of the userform, but for the final product, I'll be passing an array in of a variable size.
Private pSource(3) As String 'Modify to work with variable size Private pUser(3) As String 'Modify to work with variable size
in C a string is nothing more than an Array of characters ending with a null character.
in VBA this does not seem to be the case.I am trying to use the BlowFish code from David Midkiff for some encryption, however the code sometimes fails:
When encrypting a string a string of a specific length should be returned. however sometimes one of the characters of the encrypted string is a null character, and the returned encrypted string (with a embedded null character) is causing me problems. I want to check for the null character and if present redo the encryption. But how do I check for the presence of this null character in a unicode (double-byte) string?
Checking with Len(encrypted) gives the correct length (!) but trying to move each (unicode)character into an array fails when using the Mid() function past the null character in the string.
Now I can use
byteArray() = StrConv(unicodetext,vbFromUnicode)
to get the lower byte of each character into an array easily, but how do I do this for both bytes of the unicode characters?
Using an integer array does not work other than through
intArray(j) = CInt(AscW(Mid(Outp, j, 1)))
which fails on the nullstring in my encrypted text.
I have tried with variants but so far no luck. I thought if the string was entered into a variant then I could also address the variant as an array of bytes, but that does not seem to be accepted by VBA.
I am trying to populate many arrays with the same code using something like this. For this test, assume the following data in A1.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
Code: Sub populate() Dim firstArr(5), secondArr(5), thirdArr(5), fourthArr(5), fifthArr(5) As Integer Dim r, c, num As Integer
The above code does not work of course and falls over. I am unsure whether I should try and concatenate with something like this eg "" & arrName(i) = Cells (r,c) or go down a different route.