Fill An Empty Cell With First Data Cell In The Same Column, Next Row(s) Down
Sep 19, 2009
I am looking for advice on how to move cells containing data (columns D to K in EXAMPLE A), upwards so that the information lines up with data already existing in columns A to C (to be included as part of an overall VBA routine).
In the upper example data in cell D2 needs to move upto D1, E3 to E1, F4 to F1, G7 to G1 etc and K9 to K1. Now, data on following rows is to move upto row 2 eg: E5 to E2, F6 to F2, G8 to G2.
The first 'block' of data starts at row 1 and finishes in this case at row 9.
The next 'block' of data starts at row 10 and finishes at row 18.
Row 19 shown is the start of the next 'block'. These 'blocks' may have upto 20 rows ....
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Apr 15, 2009
Is there an easy way that if any cell in column A is blank it can copy the value from the closest non-blank cell above it? I eventually have to export data from a workbook into a database. But I cannot have any cells in column A as null or blank.
1. There are no blank rows, and at least 1 cell in each row has a value.
2. The person who constructed the sheet did not fill in all cells in column A for each row, they imply that if the cell is blank then it belongs to the same value as whatever the cell above it has. Ie, all similar rows are grouped together.
3. Of course, I only need column A filled in for rows that have data in at least 1 of their columns.
4. Simple worksheets with no formulas to worry about.
Additionally, if it is possible to get a macro so I can apply the code to all worksheets in my workbook at once, can I get that too? In the example below (where .... are blanks) I would like A2 to read 'Fruit' and A4 to read 'Meat'
ColA ColB Colc
---- ----- -------
Fruit apple red
.... grape green
Meat ham pink
.... beef brown
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May 15, 2014
I have two columns,
I want to extract first data from column Name where in the data corresponding to it in Column Marks is blank, and if that is filled, i want the next data to be shown automatically
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May 6, 2009
I have a spreadsheet that has a bunch of empty cells that I need to fill in. Someone else needs to know which ones I have filled in after I am done. Is there a way that I can have Excel automatically highlight the cell after I put something in?
I know I could highlight the cell manually after I put something in it but if Excel can do this automatically for me, that would be the best as this is a very large spreadsheet and there will be many blanks to fill in. I am using Excel 2003.
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Apr 20, 2006
I have a userform that I am using to populate a column with data. I have the following code to find the next blank cell on the first row to enter the data from the first textbox in the userform
ActiveSheet.Range("av1").End(xlToLeft).Offset(0, 1).Value = TextBox1
I was then going to populate the rest of the cells in the column by changing the range "A1" to "A2" and so on. The problem I have is that not all of the cells have a compulsory entry so when the end(xlToLeft) function may not always end in the same column and the data will be staggered.
First Entry
Second Entry
What I want to do is find the first blank cell in the first row, as that will have a compulsory entry, and then fill the rest of the cells in the same column. So if the first blank cell is D1 i want to go down then D2,D3,D4 etc.
I can do it going across the rows but cannot figure it out using columns.
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Sep 5, 2013
I need a macro that will examine column A starting at A2 and working its way down copying the data in the first cell (A2) and then delete that row. If the next cells are empty (usually the next 5 cells) it should paste this copied value in each of the empty cells until it comes to the next cell with data in it. At this point it should copy this next value and delete the subsequent row and copy this value in each of the empty cells directly following (again, usually 5) until it finds the next cell that has data in it. At this point, again the whole process begins again repeating it self until it comes to the end where no more data is.
Here is an example of what I need done:
This sheet:
Item Number
Type 2
[Code] ...
Should look like this:
Item Number
Type 2
[Code] .....
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May 8, 2014
I am looking to find all visible cells in column E that are blank, and then add ''B'' to those empty cells.
I am using code similar to the below:
[Code] .....
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Apr 27, 2009
I have rather large Excel file that spans around 245 columns & has multiple users responsible for certain columns. Columns are chunked to provide data about a specific group. Every 72 hours, I need to provide to managers what’s currently on this file in a specific summary format.
I’ve recorded a macro that gets me half way there. Here’s where I’m clueless. After my macro deletes unnecessary columns, what remains are the columns for “Main Data” group + each of the 5 “Business” groups (Investors, Lawyers, Credit, Finance, and Support) which would have identical column headings.
(1) Name (2) Address (3) ID# (4) Control#
Furthermore, for each of the 5 “Business” groups, there are 9 slots (ie- a user can enter up to 9 unique entries for a particular group.)
Example- The Investor group contains 9 slots. Each slot will contain the 4 columns mentioned above. So there are 46 slots in total – 1 for Main Data, 45 (5 groups x 9 slots) for Business groups.
MAIN DATA (columns A-D)
Investor1 (columns E-H)… Investor2 (columns I-L)… Investor9 (columns AK-AN)
Lawyer1… Lawyer9
Compliance1… Compliance9
Finance1… Finance9
Support1… Support9
MY PROBLEM: I need a macro to now cut & paste all data from each of the 45 Business groups slots & then paste at the bottom of the MAIN DATA slot.
The final file would be 4 columns (as listed above) wide. Data from each of the 45 business group slots would be one below the other- all of it underneath the data in the Main Data group.
I attempted to record a macro where I’m copying a section’s data range starting from row2 to row4000 (I know there will never be 4000 entries. I did this just to ensure that all future data would be captured) then pasting that after the last entry in the Main Data.
Example- I’d copy data from Investor1 slot(starting at column E2-H2) & go about 4000 rows down. Then I’d press CTRL+Down Arrow key in column A & then click the down arrow one time to take me into 1st empty cell where I would paste my copied data. I was going to repeat this process for the remaining 44 slots.
I’ve added some extra entries to test the macro & the problem is that the recorded macro is pasting data in specific cell location in column A instead for looking for the 1st empty cell in column A & then pasting the copied data.
So far I've gone thought the net & tried to paste in a few VBA posts/tips that I thought would work. Here's what I have so far from tinkering around. I need someone to tell me what to replace the xxxxxxx line with. This would be the language to tell Excel to paste copied data range into the first blank cell in column A. I've gone thought the net & tried to paste in a few VBA posts/tips that I thought would work.
Here's what I have so far from tinkering around. I need someone to tell me what to replace the xxxxxxx line with. This would be the language to tell Excel to paste copied data range into the first blank cell in column A.
Sub transposedata()
End Sub
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Feb 26, 2009
I have a workbook with over 900 worksheets.
The macro I have is looping all sheets looking for empty cells in a specific column, and when it founds an empty cell the value for one cell is copied to the empty cell.
But in one worksheet it stops with the error:
Run-time error '1004'
Application-defined or object-defined error
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Jul 30, 2013
Is this possible using code: Copy Cell A1 and Paste in first empty Cell down Column D. This would be connected to a command button. Both Cell A1 and Column D are on the same spreadsheet.
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Dec 27, 2007
I need VBA code to fill a column with a color. I need it to stop when there's no more data. instead of filling column to the end of the entire page. and each sheet i open will have different amount of rows.
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Oct 29, 2008
I am trying to create a macro that will allow a user to click a button, enter a text string that will be an email address into a field and have it added to the first empty row in column A or column C on sheet 1. I have not been able to record this with the macro recorder. The input box will be in cell E9 on sheet1.
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Jul 18, 2012
I am using a worksheet to scan or enter students into a school event and determine their eligibility to participate in the event. Everything is working great but I need to do the following on Enter Student button click:
1) Cut scanned value (ID number) from input Cell A1
2) Paste value into next empty cell in column A (Rows build as students are inputted)
3) Copy Eligibility status (text) from column F into A6
I have a limited VBA/Macro background and have NEVER got a button to work.
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Aug 8, 2014
I have data like Data have
for example i want to fill the 2nd row with data from first row, same way 5th row also with data from 4th row like 7 and 10. I am expecting my data table should have like this finally Expected
Attached file : row fill.xlsx‎
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Aug 16, 2012
I need to achieve the situation below with a formula. I have tried simply doing, for example, = B3+1 but this throws an error, probably because the value being checked is alphanumeric.
Add next number (A003) when data entered in cell to left
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Dec 20, 2013
How do I write this formulae ??
For cell range M6:AV6 fill with N/R If the data in cell D1 = Wont have
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Sep 2, 2006
I am using a Pivot Table to sort, combine, and sum data. After this is complete I want to copy the pivot table and paste it (values only) to another worksheet and use the data again. The problem is the pivot table does not fill in all the blanks and leaves empty rows. The there a way to force the pivot table to fill in the labels?
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Mar 13, 2014
Formula for this? If a cell in column T is empty, use column U (but make it negative)??
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Sep 26, 2007
I want to have several buttons, that put a certain value in the first empty cell in a specified column in antoher Woorksheet.
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Jun 18, 2009
I am trying to have some automation to my WS and what I want to do, is if a certain column (column 104) is changed, it will fill out that column with the data entered as long as the account is the same (column 5). Here is the code I tried, but realized very quickly, it puts me into a loop. This is being called by a change worksheet fuction
If Target.Column = 104 Then
If IsEmpty(Target) Then
testacct = Cells(Target.Row, 5)
temptest = testacct
s_TempSwitch = Target.Value
Testoffset = 0
Do While temptest = testacct
temptest = Cells(Target.Row + Testoffset, 5)
Cells(Target.Row + Testoffset, 104).Value = s_TempSwitch
Testoffset = Testoffset + 1
End If
End If
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Sep 3, 2012
I want to hide the row when value "x" is entered in column C
I tried this code in the sheet, but nothing happens.......
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column = 3 Then
ThisRow = Target.Row
If Not Target.Value = "" Then
ThisRow.EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
End If
End Sub
So when a "x" is entered in cell (115,C), row 115 must be hidden. When a "x" is entered in cell((9,C) row 9 must be hidden to, and so on. When a cell in an other column is changed, the macro does not need to start.
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Feb 12, 2010
I would like to select the next empty cell in columb A after running this macro, what code do I need to add to this to enable that.
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Dec 9, 2011
I need the code to paste my selection in worksheet SORT, into the first available cell in column A. Intention is not to overwrite existing values in column A.
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
'I need the code to paste my selection in the first available empty cell in column A, so I don't overwrite any existing values in column A
End Sub
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Mar 23, 2012
This macro
when run locates the next empty cell in Column A perfectly. But.... how can I get this to work from a button located at the top of the spreadsheet?
I am only a copy and paste man where macros are concerned!
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Jul 23, 2013
I need a macro which will manipulate my data like this:
If a blank cell is found in column C, then I'd like to have the contents of that row in column D shifted to the right.
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Mar 21, 2014
I have a column of data that I need to add sum total whenever there is a break in data. The row will vary on a daily basic so a set autosum will not work if I am summing 4 numbers today and 5 tomorrow.
This is what I have: the header titled Sizing is in cell C1 and the remaining data is below that, where I show a space below that is where I have an empty cell.
Column C
[Code] ......
What I need is code to sum where there is a blank cell.
Column C
[Code] ...........
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May 28, 2007
How do I code in VBA - I need to select the next empty cell down in a column - ie blank field so that I can transfer the next set of data
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Aug 5, 2007
I need a macro to do something very easy. I have blocks of data in an excel worksheet separated by one column. The First block begins in column B and ends in col G. Next block begins in column H and ends in L.
I'd like to copy the value from the first cell in the start of each block (b1) and paste it in the left column seperating each block (left empty column - a1) all the way down to where the data in that block ends (b60), and do this for the next column. So in the above exmaple it would populate column A (range a1:a60) with the value from cell B1.
The number of columns is the same but the number of rows vary. The value to be copied is always in the first row and first colunm of where a data block begins - so in the case above - b1, h1 etc.
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Apr 24, 2008
I am running this macro or some variation of it, depending on the column I need the time entered into:
Sub MacroD()
Dim LR As Long
LR = Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Range("D18:D" & LR).Value = Now
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
UserForm1.ListBox1.Text = "Time"
' UserForm1.Show
End Sub
When I need to run the same macro again (say I've run Macro D once, and now I need to run it again to get the next time), the forumla overrides the previous timestamp. I need the macro to find the next empty cell in column D and enter the timestamp there.
Sheet1 *ABCDEFGHIJKLMN15Major EventMajor Event Clock TimePUSH#########SPREAD########OUT FWD########REV########OUT REV########Delay########1617Start10:55:09*10:55:27 *10:56:24 *10:56:26 *10:56:19 *10:56:28 ####10:55:59 18W-U10:55:180.40010:56:23 0.01710:56:24 0.03310:56:26 0.01710:56:27 0.01710:56:28 0.03310:56:30 19MTT10:55:26######*0.000*0.000*0.000*0.000*0.000*20**0.000*0.000*0.000*0.000*0.000*0.000*21****0.000*0.000*0.000*0.000*0.000*> Excel Jeanie HTML 4
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Sep 12, 2006
I want to use the Find method to find an empty cell in the first column. But at the top of the data taqble, there are some empty cells, so I don't get the one I want. So I thought about searching in the column 1 excluding the first cells. Here is my
Dim rFoundCell As Range
Dim rFilledCol1 As Range
'I define the column excluding the cells that contain empty cells
rFilledCol1 = Columns(1) - Range("A1:A10")
Set rFoundCell = rFilledCol1.Find(What:="", After:=Range("A11"),
LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False)
But I get a Syntax error. Do you know why?
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