Fill With Blank Spaces
Jul 11, 2006
I have a worksheet where the user input data and i have to make a macro that exports certain cell from the worksheet to a text file without any separating symbol, just like “CONCATENATE and EXPORT”. This is not hard to do, i’ve done it already. But the difficult part is here. My customer wants this macro to be interactive with the user and with an AS400 server that takes the textfile and reads it to find the value of certain variables, something like the opposite process of CONCATENATE. The hard part for me is that if any of the cells concatenated is blank i have to fill the text file with blank spaces.
If the concatenated cells are:
|one| two| three| tour| five|
the exported text to the text file will be:
But if one of the cells is blank:..................
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May 12, 2013
I need to clear a value in a cell(what ever may be the value) based on a condition in another cell and set it to blank. Ex: If cell A is blank and then i need make cell B also blank, if cell A has some value then i should not disturb B I need to do this using formula. I have tried the below, but no use, IF(AA1="",REPLACE(Y1,1,10,""))
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Jul 12, 2007
I have blank spaces between data that I wanted to fill up with the same info as a group. the problem is it is not in a fix format.
For example 1
1_aaaa____data a____data a____data a
2_________data a____data a____data a
3_________data a____data a____Total
4_________data b____data b____data b
5_bbbb____data b____data b____data b
6_________data b____data b____Total
I need to fill A1 & A3 with aaaa and A4 & A6 with bbbb
Is there a way I can do that? the data is seperated only by the "Total"
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Jul 19, 2009
Am i able to remove blank spaces from cells retrospectively?
i.e. i have 1000 cells with names appearing in a cell thus " john smith" i want it to be "john smith".
so just removing the leading blank space only.
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Jun 16, 2009
I'm compiling several old worksheets into a single database for a research study. The worksheets contain patient data. Some of the worksheets have the patient's last name, first name, and middle initial entered all in one cell like this: Smith,John R. Compounding the problem is the fact that sometimes the name is entered with a space between the comma and the first name, sometimes not.
I have formulas to break the name out into three separate columns "lName, "fName", "midInit". However, if the name in the original cell has a space between the coma and the first name, then the “fname” column will contain a blank space in front of the name. This is problem because patients names can appear in the database more than once. Some patients are in the database several times.
If patient “John R. Smith”, for example, is entered in the database as”
“Smith” “John” “R “
and also as
“Smith” “<space>John” “R”
then the database won’t recognize them as the same name when I search for John Smith’s data. Right?
If so, then I need a way to eliminate the empty spaces in front of the first names. Like I said, some have empty spaces and some don’t. I could do this by hand, but there are over 1000 entries in these worksheets.
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Aug 19, 2014
I am having trouble trying to figure out how to insert blank cells:
I need to insert cells, in columns B through H, equal to the number of returned IDs in column B.
Please take a look at the spreadsheet I attached.
Here is the code I am using to separate the IDs in column B so that I get one ID in each A cell. When I do this it separates them great, but then I have to manually go in and insert cells down so that the rest of the rows match up with the right ID.
Sub Macro1()
Dim fromCol As String
Dim toCol As String
Dim fromRow As String
Dim toRow As String
[Code] .....
sample of separate.xlsm
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Nov 19, 2005
I am trying to get excel to sum totals, but exclude answers that are outside
of a certain range. I can get it to do this by using =IF(Z8>0.5,Z8,0).
However, I need it to display absolutely nothing in the cells, rather than a
zero because it alters future calculations.
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Apr 18, 2007
On a userform, I have three textboxes, one listbox, and an OK button. When the user presses the OK button, the information in these boxes is pasted onto a worksheet. I am wondering how I can detect if any of these boxes have been accidentally left empty, so as to prevent the user from pasting an incomplete entry onto the worksheet. This is what I have so far (this is part of the routine that executes when the OK button is pressed):
If EnterGrowerTextBox.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please Enter the Grower Name"
Exit Sub
End If
If EnterAmountTextBox.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please Enter the Number of Chicks"
Exit Sub
End If
If EnterBreedTextBox.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please Enter the Breed"
Exit Sub
End If......................
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Oct 16, 2013
I have a lot of numbers in different columns:
1 1 2
2 4 6
3 6 9
4 8 .
5 9 .
I want to to order them so they leave blank rows if they don't this:
1 1 2
4 4
6 6 6
8 8
9 9 9
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Aug 15, 2008
Every AM I run a report that has ALL of our company order numbers from the 2 systems we use. I get those reports and put them into 2 columns. instead of manually inserting so they all match up, is there a way to do this automatically? ....
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Mar 28, 2007
Here's what I have.. (on a much smaller scale)
(notice how the lines that match are now even.)
[Edited by admin~ *Link* to large images, don't display them]
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Aug 12, 2013
I have a workbook with 15000+ Isometric drawing nos. in column A and and joint nos. in Column B. I want to fill the blank cells with the isometric drawing no.s for the corresponding joint nos. A sample worksheet is attached.
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Apr 5, 2013
I have lot of data in column B. I need to copy the first cell and paste content to next ones before empty cell.
Replacing xxx with the data in first cell all the way to the end of column B.
After :
[Code] ........
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Jul 10, 2007
I have two columns with data (length of column B represents total length of database.) Column A only has some blank cells.
I need to fill Column A blanks with the contents of cell above.
[blank cell]
[blank cell]
[blank cell]
***end of column B
Therefore VBA to place Tuesday into blank and Thursday into the two blanks before bottom of the range of Column B.
Using record macro doesnt give me go to first blank etc.
something like
Start column A2 to End
Find first blank, copy active cell -1
Next blank cell. (ins some cases it will copy the name it has just filled into cell above.
Finish at last cell in Comumn B
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Apr 3, 2008
Is there any way to fill blank cells going up instead of down, other than having to go to each section and dragging the fill handle. I'm looking at a list of data that has a summ code at the bottom of each section of data. I need to fill the blank cells above the summ code for each section.
For example:
D2-NHL RACE .001515
A0-ATBV TRIO DV .018989
C0-ATBV C HN .017676
C0-ATBV C HNAC .0011
43-ATBETRIOHN .014646
Everything above NV needs to be filled with NV and everything aboveNH needs to be filled with NH. There are over 13000 lines of data. How do I accomplish assigning or filling the related summ codes in the blank cells in between?
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Mar 14, 2014
I am using this formula:
Now, if that cell happens to be blank, I want it to be grey. But if data is drawn into the cell, I don't want it to be grey.
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Feb 3, 2009
Fill with (blank) when no data found
I have the following data lets say:
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Jan 28, 2008
I have a worksheet with a column with words, but a lot od the cells are empty. I want these replaced with the word above. I know I can do this with fill handle, but as there are thousands, it would help with a routine - a program - that I could run on the column and thus fill out all the empty cells.
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Mar 6, 2012
I am trying to add the following code to fill in a certain range only if the range is blank. I can get it to fill in with the formula but it will still enter over if the cell already contains information.
Sub YTD()
Dim isempty As Boolean
isempty = True
For Each cell In Sheets("YTD%").Range("December").Cells
If cell.Value! = "" Then isempty = False
[Code] .......
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Aug 21, 2013
I would like to get some code that will fill blanks in a range.
I have not used the board facilities properly. In the following table I need each blank cell in column B to be filled with the text from the preceding cell that has text in it.
i.e. B2 to be populated with "text1". Cells B4:B6 to be populated with "text2".
The code needs to know that row 9 is the last row to populate.
[Code] ........
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Jan 22, 2009
I need to automate a conditional fill down in excel. I have a sheet, some of the columns have rows of empty cells (the amount of empty cells varies). Whenever there is an empty cell I need to fill down, however when a new value is encountered that must then be filled down and so on. This bit I have as:
Set rngWBSv1 = Range("c2", Range("c65536").End(xlUp))
For Each clWBSv1 In rngWBSv1
If clWBSv1.Value = "" Then clWBSv1.Value = clWBSv1.Offset(-1, 0).Value
Next clWBSv1
Set rngWBS2 = Range("d2", Range("d65536").End(xlUp))
For Each clWBS2 In rngWBS2
If clWBS2.Value = "" Then clWBS2.Value = clWBS2.Offset(-1, 0).Value
Next clWBS2 ......................
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Nov 29, 2006
I wonder if soeone could change the following macro so that the bottomcell
is set to be as far down as there is content in Column "A". As it stands if I fill in blank cells in Column "C" and the last cell with data is say C10 it does just this. But if the actual last row with data in column "A" is A14 then cells C11, C12, C13, and C14 are ignored. C11, C12, C13, and C14 should be the same as C10 above them.
Sub FillBlankCells()
Dim topcell As Range, bottomcell As Range
Set topcell = Cells(1, ActiveCell.Column)
Set bottomcell = Cells(16384, ActiveCell.Column)
If IsEmpty(topcell) Then Set topcell = topcell.End(xlDown)
If IsEmpty(bottomcell) Then Set bottomcell = bottomcell.End(xlUp).Offset
Range(topcell, bottomcell).Select
Selection.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C"
End Sub
Other macros recognize the actual last row.... but have issues with columns formatted as Text. The macro above doesn't create problems with columns formatted as "Text".
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Nov 30, 2006
I am trying to fill down data in columns A:C but only if there is data in column D. I have butchered VBA into this working bit but the fill down stops too early.
Sub fillall()
Set x = Worksheets("Paste"). Range("A3", "c3")
Range(x, x.End(xlDown).Offset(-1, 0)).filldown
Set x = Range(x.End(xlDown), x.End(xlDown).Offset(0, 2))
Loop Until x.End(xlDown).Offset(0, 3) = 0
End Sub
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Dec 7, 2006
I have a set of integers in the ranges of: B11 to B40, C11 to C40, D11 to D40.
Occasionally the values in the cells are deleted and thus left as a "blank" cell.
I wish to create a macro that will find these blank cells in these ranges and replace them with a simple 0.
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Jan 4, 2007
I want to copy an active cell in row 2 (I dont want to fix a cell as it can be any cell at any time). I want to copy it all the way down to a cell where the next row after it, is completely blank on all the 256 cells.
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Oct 8, 2007
If A1 has a value of ABC,
A2-A5 are blank
A6 has a value of DEF
A7-A10 are blank.
Is there a formula that will fill A2-A5 with ABC,
look at the value of A6 and see that it is different from A1-A5,
or not blank,
change the fill value to the new value, A6,
then fill down the value of A6 into A7-A10
instead of manually using the fill handle?
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Feb 1, 2014
I am looking for code that fills empty cells found in columns A-F by copying and pasting the value from the cell of the previous row (of the same column) ignoring columns G onwards. The copying/ pasting then should stop when it encounters its first completely blank row.
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Aug 31, 2009
I just did a Group Subtotal. How do I fill all the blank cells in a column with the information in the cell above it without going to every individual cell?
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May 15, 2013
I use a system which produces excel spreadsheets similar to this example (although much larger than this!). This makes it extremely difficult to carry out sorts and to tidy up the spreadsheet - generally I have to do this manually. I am hoping that there is a way that I can easily add in the data as per document 2 in red.
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Feb 28, 2013
I have been using this code I found awhile back to fill blank cells in a column with the preceding value. but it leaves the very last cell blank. Like this.
[Code] ........
Is there a way to add possibly a "Do until column B is null or """?
Sub FillBlanks()
Dim rRange1 As Range, rRange2 As Range
Dim iReply As Integer
If Selection.Cells.Count = 1 Then
MsgBox "You must select your list and include the blank cells", vbInformation, ""
[Code] ........
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