Filling Blank Spaces

Jul 12, 2007

I have blank spaces between data that I wanted to fill up with the same info as a group. the problem is it is not in a fix format.

For example 1
1_aaaa____data a____data a____data a
2_________data a____data a____data a
3_________data a____data a____Total
4_________data b____data b____data b
5_bbbb____data b____data b____data b
6_________data b____data b____Total

I need to fill A1 & A3 with aaaa and A4 & A6 with bbbb

Is there a way I can do that? the data is seperated only by the "Total"

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List - Filling In Each Blank Cells With Value Contained In First Non-blank Cell Above It

Feb 27, 2013

I have a list that looks something like this:

Column B

Row 4 Item 1
Row 5 Item 2
Row 6
Row 7
Row 8 Item 3
Row 9
Row 10 Item 4
Row 11
Row 12
Row 13
Row 14 Item 5

The range of cells in column B containing the items has a name "ColStreams"

I need to go through the list, filling in each blank cells with the value contained in the first non-blank cell above it - so, in this case, rows 6 and 7 would contain "Item 2", row 9 would contain "Item 3", rows 11-13 would contain "Item 4" and so on.

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Filling Up The Blank Cells

Mar 6, 2009

Got two columns one with group name and other with value. given below is the data which i have

Retail group25635012030Technology group24520520245Wholesale group24334024450
the green cells are blank , i want them to fill up by the group name i.e first four rows belong to retail group, so i want retail group to be filled in the blank cells upto technology group from thereon technology group to be filled in till whole sale group.

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Filling In Information In Blank Cells

Dec 18, 2008

I have a sheet that has been created with a pivott table, and as such has a lot of blank cells in the description column, and I want to do a little macro to fill all of these. Basically, what I was thinking, was that the macro finds the last cell with data in it in column A. Then it moves up one cell and checks if its empty. If it is empty, then it copies the information from the cell immediatly below then moves up one and does it all again. If it is not empty then it just moves up one cell and does it all again.

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Filling In Blank Cells With Value From Another Cell

Apr 9, 2009

What I would like to do is to take the name values in column B and fill that into the region of blank cells below. I know that a special cells function could probably do this paired with a looping structure. I'm new to VBA and am trying to learn it so that I can use it comfortably.

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Filling Blank Cells In A Column

Sep 1, 2009

I have 6,000 rows of check detail. The check number is listed in both columns B & C.

If the check paid multiple invoices the check number is not repeated in columns B & C.

I would like to fill the cells in those columns with the appropriate check number. Data looks something like this-

item ck_01 ck_02 vendor ck_date
1 10100 10100 ABC 09-01-09
2 10101 10101 ALLIED 09-01-09
3 ALLIED 09-01-09
4 ALLIED 09-01-09
5 10102 10102 BEACH 09-01-09
6 BEACH 09-01-09
7 10103 10103 CAP 09-01-09
8 10104 10104 DART 09-01-09

How can I fill the balnks with the check number (above)?

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Filling End Of Report With Blank Rows

Jul 19, 2006

I have a sheet that pulls hundreds of names with a query. These names are ordered by department and each department prints (in gridded table format) on a separate sheet of paper. I would like to set it up to add additional empty rows to the bottom of each table if there is any space available on the page. I'm clueless how to go about it, though...

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VBA Macro For Filling Blank Cell In Whole Column

Mar 1, 2012

I need a VBA macro for filling the blank cells in whole column "D" with some conditions.This condition work for whole column.



Fill the blank cell in D column with "Easy", if Column A is "CN" and column B is "EA"
Fill the blank cell in D column with "Medium", if column A is "DE" and column B is "MA".

After Run the macro:

I was used "if" condition but I can't able to run.

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Removing Blank Spaces

Jul 19, 2009

Am i able to remove blank spaces from cells retrospectively?

i.e. i have 1000 cells with names appearing in a cell thus " john smith" i want it to be "john smith".

so just removing the leading blank space only.

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Fill With Blank Spaces

Jul 11, 2006

I have a worksheet where the user input data and i have to make a macro that exports certain cell from the worksheet to a text file without any separating symbol, just like “CONCATENATE and EXPORT”. This is not hard to do, i’ve done it already. But the difficult part is here. My customer wants this macro to be interactive with the user and with an AS400 server that takes the textfile and reads it to find the value of certain variables, something like the opposite process of CONCATENATE. The hard part for me is that if any of the cells concatenated is blank i have to fill the text file with blank spaces.

If the concatenated cells are:
|one| two| three| tour| five|

the exported text to the text file will be:


But if one of the cells is blank:..................

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Removing Blank Spaces From The Beginning Of Cells

Jun 16, 2009

I'm compiling several old worksheets into a single database for a research study. The worksheets contain patient data. Some of the worksheets have the patient's last name, first name, and middle initial entered all in one cell like this: Smith,John R. Compounding the problem is the fact that sometimes the name is entered with a space between the comma and the first name, sometimes not.

I have formulas to break the name out into three separate columns "lName, "fName", "midInit". However, if the name in the original cell has a space between the coma and the first name, then the “fname” column will contain a blank space in front of the name. This is problem because patients names can appear in the database more than once. Some patients are in the database several times.

If patient “John R. Smith”, for example, is entered in the database as”

“Smith” “John” “R “

and also as

“Smith” “<space>John” “R”

then the database won’t recognize them as the same name when I search for John Smith’s data. Right?

If so, then I need a way to eliminate the empty spaces in front of the first names. Like I said, some have empty spaces and some don’t. I could do this by hand, but there are over 1000 entries in these worksheets.

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Insert Appropriate Number Of Blank Spaces In Cells B Through H

Aug 19, 2014

I am having trouble trying to figure out how to insert blank cells:

I need to insert cells, in columns B through H, equal to the number of returned IDs in column B.

Please take a look at the spreadsheet I attached.

Here is the code I am using to separate the IDs in column B so that I get one ID in each A cell. When I do this it separates them great, but then I have to manually go in and insert cells down so that the rest of the rows match up with the right ID.

Sub Macro1()
Dim fromCol As String
Dim toCol As String
Dim fromRow As String
Dim toRow As String

[Code] .....

sample of separate.xlsm

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How Can I Replace Zeros With Blank Spaces During Calculations

Nov 19, 2005

I am trying to get excel to sum totals, but exclude answers that are outside
of a certain range. I can get it to do this by using =IF(Z8>0.5,Z8,0).
However, I need it to display absolutely nothing in the cells, rather than a
zero because it alters future calculations.

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Preventing Blank Spaces On Userform Textboxes

Apr 18, 2007

On a userform, I have three textboxes, one listbox, and an OK button. When the user presses the OK button, the information in these boxes is pasted onto a worksheet. I am wondering how I can detect if any of these boxes have been accidentally left empty, so as to prevent the user from pasting an incomplete entry onto the worksheet. This is what I have so far (this is part of the routine that executes when the OK button is pressed):

If EnterGrowerTextBox.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please Enter the Grower Name"
Exit Sub
End If
If EnterAmountTextBox.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please Enter the Number of Chicks"
Exit Sub
End If
If EnterBreedTextBox.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please Enter the Breed"
Exit Sub
End If......................

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Rearrange Columns By Number Leaving Blank Spaces

Oct 16, 2013

I have a lot of numbers in different columns:

1 1 2
2 4 6
3 6 9
4 8 .
5 9 .

I want to to order them so they leave blank rows if they don't this:

1 1 2
4 4
6 6 6
8 8
9 9 9

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Fill Cell With Blank Spaces Using Excel Formula?

May 12, 2013

I need to clear a value in a cell(what ever may be the value) based on a condition in another cell and set it to blank. Ex: If cell A is blank and then i need make cell B also blank, if cell A has some value then i should not disturb B I need to do this using formula. I have tried the below, but no use, IF(AA1="",REPLACE(Y1,1,10,""))

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Formula To Sort And Leave Spaces Blank Where One Column Doenst Have The Same Value

Aug 15, 2008

Every AM I run a report that has ALL of our company order numbers from the 2 systems we use. I get those reports and put them into 2 columns. instead of manually inserting so they all match up, is there a way to do this automatically? ....

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Sort Column To Match Pair In Other Column, Skip Blank Spaces

Mar 28, 2007

Here's what I have.. (on a much smaller scale)

(notice how the lines that match are now even.)

[Edited by admin~ *Link* to large images, don't display them]

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List Of Values With Spaces And Make New List Without Spaces

May 20, 2013

I have a list in Column A" Job List" (the amount of entries will change based on job openings). There are some cells that are blank; randomly throughout. I need to create a new Column B "Current Jobs List" with no spaces. I have to do this weekly and each time I update my "Current Jobs List" from the new data in the "Job List" without any spaces.(I do not want to just do a filter) .

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Automatic Filling

Feb 14, 2010

I’m not even sure I can do this- but- I want to be able to have a few columns, 3 of them I want to be Item #, Item, Cost.

Is there a way to put the Item # (Number) in, then have the other 2 automatically come up?

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Filling A List From The Top?

Jan 18, 2013

I have a table of information on a worksheet and one of the columns determines whether the item in that row is active (there will be active and inactive items in this "Main List")

On a seperate worksheet (in the same file) I want to only display the active items in a new table (Overview) and always ensure it has no empy spaces other than at the bottom of the list, so if row 1/2 in the Main List are inactive items then the first row in the Overview List would display row 3 from the Main List.

Ideally I would rather do it in a formula than VB if possible.

I've attached a file showing what I am trying to explain, where the Overview tab currently has the data typed in it should automatically populate based on column "I" on the MainList tab.


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Filling Down A Column Using VBA

Sep 25, 2007

I want to be able to have a macro that will compare one cell to the rest of the cells in a collum. I have used the COUNTIF() formula and it's getting on my nerves a bit because it seems as though everytime i sort the data, it totally messes up the formula (as in it changes the cell refernces to seemingly randomly generated numbers, but that is a different matter! lol). here is the formula, and it will be followed by the formula that is in the cell directly below it: =COUNTIF(F2:F65536, F2) and the one below it: =COUNTIF(F2:F65536, F3). Only one number needs to change, but when i fill down in excell, it wants to add one to every number, even when i click COPY cells... oh well. So i want to write this macro that will do just that. That way, it has fixed reference parameters e.g. F2:F65536, and one variable parameter e.g. F2, F3, F4 and so on. I'm not too savvy with this whole VBA stuff... the university insisted that everyone uses C++ nowadays, lol. I would like this macro to output its data into an adjacent cell ex. if F2 was compared, the data will be placed in H2.

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Filling Down A Series.

Aug 3, 2009

I m looking to fill down a column where I am assigning a number that maps to a certain week of the year. In essence after every 7th value the number should increment by 1.

Date Day ConsumptionWeek number

1/01/2009Thu 827 1
2/01/2009Fri 907 1
3/01/2009Sat 1,013 1
4/01/2009Sun 1,051
5/01/2009Mon 1,097
6/01/2009Tue 1,155
7/01/2009Wed 1,044
8/01/2009Thu 976 2
9/01/2009Fri 1,034 2
10/01/2009Sat 1,107
11/01/2009Sun 1,073
12/01/2009Mon 1,161
13/01/2009Tue 1,395
14/01/2009Wed 1,172
15/01/2009Thu 1,060
16/01/2009Fri 1,008

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Filling Log By Qty Values

May 1, 2009

I fill mentioned data by Qty values in Sheet2?



Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

Required result like this.



Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4

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Filling Out A Worksheet

Nov 12, 2009

im filling out a worksheet.

on the rows i have this data ex. (123467.00) is there a way i can format the cell so the final product is this ex. (1234.67).

i've tried may things but what i get is (123467)

i have multiple worksheets like this just want something that can do automatically instead of manually.

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Filling Up A Listbox

Feb 24, 2010

How can you fill up a listbox on a form with data from a couple of cells.

For example you have the worksheet Colors and you have these values in the cells of column A

A1 = red
A2 = yellow
A3 = blue

Now I want red, yellow and blue to be in the Listbox.

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Filling Down A Column

Sep 26, 2006

In my worksheet I have a column with the number 1 in cell G3 ,I want to fill down the column with the number 1 as far as there are rows that have text in them. How do I tell Excel to fill down only as far down as the end of my table.

I would like to run this in a macro.

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Conditional Filling

Jan 31, 2007

I have searched the site but cannot find an appropriate solution. I have a list of names in column a, some of the names are repeated if the name is repeated then at each occurence of the name I would like a '1' to be placed next to it in column B.

I am trying to adapt the conditional formatting formula:

= COUNTIF($A$1:$A$25,$A1)>1 and then I guess I need to add a '1' else ' null' command but I just can't seem to get the syntax correct.

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Index Row Reference Not Filling Down?

Jul 22, 2014

I have a workbook where one worksheet is referencing cells from another worksheet. I need every third cell to pull from every single cell on the other sheet.

I have found on other threads that =INDEX('WORKSHEET!B:B, 1*(ROW($B$4:$B$4)+1)) worked. However when I filled down it wont increase the row reference.


=INDEX('WORKSHEET!B:B, 1*(ROW($B$4:$B$4)+1))
=INDEX('WORKSHEET!B:B, 1*(ROW($B$4:$B$4)+2))
=INDEX('WORKSHEET!B:B, 1*(ROW($B$4:$B$4)+3))


The other threads mentioned it should fill down fine, but not working for me.

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Filling Cells According To Time

Jul 22, 2009

I'm working on some data dealing with time fields, and I need to have them counted in 15 minute intervals.

For example, one of the entries listed in a column has an event starting at 02:25:00 and ending at 02:55:00 (30 minutes). Along the top row are times listed in 15-minute intervals, e.g. 13:00:00, 13:15:00, 13:30:00, etc. In the corresponding cells, if the entry took place within a particular interval, I need it to say "1", otherwise have it say "0" or "-" or something denoting no event.

An IF statement was used, but it didn't seem to work.

If that's a little hard to follow, check the example attachment for a better idea of what I'm trying to describe.

In the example spreadsheet, Row 2 (manually typed in) is what I'm looking for. Row 3 is the (failed) attempt to use the IF statement.

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