Find Minumum Value Array
May 21, 2009
I have this formula: (an array formula)
It does the trick to give me the minumum value in column F, based on the constraints in columns C and T.
What I need is the formula to return the Value in Column Q based on these same constraints. So, once the formula finds the minumum value in Column F, it should return whatever is in column Q.
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Aug 15, 2014
Assume that I have in Sheet2 a list of CUSTOMIZED name.
Now in Sheet1, I have data in column A that has strings consist of the customized name.
For example
[Code] .....
What function should I use that could give me the result of the CUSTOMIZED name?
I was thinking of a formula i.e.
[Code] ......
Obviously, the above formula give me error. Even if it works, it'll not give me the customized name ...
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Mar 31, 2014
I am trying to do a sort of index match thing using VBA. What I am attempting to do is to use the prefix of a long number and try to find that exact prefix in a string array, and output that string array value. So this is what I have so far as a test:
So I can match the text exactly so if I put PREFIXB in cell A1 in this example, i will get the msg box saying "YES", but if I make it PREFIXB1231k4j3jj1kj32cj, it will display "NO". I want to get it so that PREFIXB will be displayed in the cell that I put the formula in. So if A1 = "PREFIX1AAA100CF" and cell B1 = "=ABC(A1)", cell B1 will display "PREFIX1AAA".
Now the thing is that these prefixes can have different lengths, but will never encompass the exact prefix of another. So if I had a prefix of: PRE1AB, I won't have a prefix of PRE1A.
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Mar 28, 2014
I have a sheet (Lookups) of names like the following.
I have another sheet (Values) where they could have the following variations.
AA 2
AA 3
What I want to do is write a formula where it looks at Lookups and returns that value if it finds it.
So AA 2 will return AA
AA 3 will return AA
BB12 will return BB
I am using IFERROR(LOOKUP(2^15,FIND(LOOKUPS!Range,VALUES!Cell),VALUES!Cell) and it returns either 1 or the Values!cell when it doesn't find it. What I need to find out is how to grab the position in my lookup rangte?
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Dec 19, 2009
I have a list of codes which I want to swap into more meaningful names. For instance, say
I want to do a find replace to turn these into
Is it possible to have these written into a single piece of code ? Or, do I need to have separate pieces of code for each Find/Replace ?
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Jan 6, 2010
I need to find out how to create an array from multiple sheets and find the last sheet in the array. I've looked all over online, and can only find how to create an array of cells. Specifically, I need a loop to place each sheet in the array based on the value of a cell in the sheet (A1), and then with the last sheet, give the value of another cell (B1).
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Oct 5, 2013
In the following example, I need to create a formula to identify the cell address containing the string value "X"
Assuming this was row A, the formula needs to return $A$6 (or A6).
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Mar 4, 2007
I have 40 or so case studies on one worksheet. Each case has four columns- the first is the year, and the next three are values for that year. Each study is 140 years long, but they don't all start in the same year. What I want to do is pluck all the values from the fourth column of each study, and total them up for each year.
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Nov 13, 2009
I am working with imported survey data - all the questions are sorted by columns with each respondent's answer in rows. One open ended question on the survey asks people in which states they have lived, so each response cell can contain multiple text values if they have lived in multiple states (and they often respond in full sentences - as in, "we lived in Texas for three years then moved to Arizona"). How do I search all the rows in that whole answer column to count all the mentions of each state? (To complicate matters, the search cannot be case sensitive - although I guess I could do a find and replace to fix the variance).
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Jul 19, 2014
I have a sheet ("ORDEM"), i need paste values in sheets V1, V2 ...V5, but change array.
Look my file, i make manual result in V1
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Nov 21, 2008
I have a simple list of about 4 hundred addresses. Like most US Address, they all start with a street number, for example 1234 Main St. What I would like to do is have a cell where I can type some of the address, maybe just the number itself, and another cell with search the array for all possible matches. So if I type is my criteria cell 1234, I will ahve a result cell that displays 1234 Main St. And if there are multiple address witht he nubmers 1234, such as 1234 Main St. and 1234 Poplar Grove Rd. and 1234 Bennington Ln then I would like for my result cell(s) to display all possible matches. Does anyone know an easy(ish) way I can do this with formulas?
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Jul 30, 2014
I have this code:
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim myarr() As String, size As Integer, i As Integer size = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets(1).Columns(2))
user = Environ("username")
when the FOR-LOOP finds the username inside the column B (many times will have more than one result) I would select all the rows that have this username and display that data into a listbox but not only the rows that have the username but also I would like to get the next column C and D in the same row and display all those data into a listbox.
taking the table above as example I have USUARIO2 twice in the column B so I would like to get that row and also the DATE and the STATUS from this USUARIO and display it in a listbox. If I'm the USUARIO2 and I click in the button Then I will have a listbox like this:
What should I add into my code to get this result?
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Mar 3, 2008
I have named cells. Rw1, Clm1 and Blk1
I have the numbers 1 through 9 in cells A1:A9
I need to create formulas to find a certian number.
A2 would have the value 2
If $A$2(value 2) is in Rw1 or Clm1 or Blk1 then "" if not $A$2
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Nov 10, 2008
I have 13 columns (C-O) of data that will span up to 1000+ rows. I want to put a single row of cells at the top of the sheet that will display the last row of data from all 13 columns. I want the row at the top to always represent the last row of data, which will always be the most current data.
This is what my data will look like: ....
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Jun 2, 2009
Is there a good way to find out after the exists returns True in which place in the array the Z is located in ?
With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
Z = a(i, ii) & ";" & a(i, ii + 1)
If .exists(Z) Then
msgbox "The array location for existing Z value is ..."...
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Jun 29, 2009
(Thread: Max array with multiple columns) I got the following array formula:
Here, where the value in A45:A47 is equal to A28, the maximum value is pulled from the same row, within cells B45:D47.
A28 = Apples
A45 = Pears
A46 = Apples
A47 = Bananas
B46 = 10
C46 = 20
D46 = 23
The formula returns 23.
This is great. However, in order to control for a potential situation that will arise, I need to adjust this to find the first matching value within the data set. I do not know what the MAX should change to in order to find the first matching value.
Using the above example, if the data was now:
A45 = Apples
A46 = Pears
A47 = Apples
B46 = 10
C46 = 20
D46 = 23
How do you get the formula to return 10?
The position of "Apples" will change, hence the need for an array formula.
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Mar 6, 2007
I have 40 or so case studies on one worksheet. Each case has four columns- the first is the year, and the next three are values for that year. Each study is 140 years long, but they don't all start in the same year. What I want to do is pluck all the values from the fourth column of each study, and total them up for each year.
Here's how the sheet is set up- row 6 is a header row with four repeating column heads- year, value1, value2, value3. So year is in col A, E, I, M, Q, etc. up to FM. Value3, the one that I want totaled is in col D, H, L, P, etc up to FP. Each year column begins with a different year, (with some repeats) but each is 141 rows long, so that the first study begins in 1994 and ends in 2134, the second is from 1985-2125, the third is from 1991-2131, etc. I want excel to find all the value3's from 2007 and total them, all the value3's from 2008 and total those, up through 2145. The data range is A7:FP147. I tried adjusting some of the suggestions, but no luck. I was thinking I'd have column FQ with all the years 2007 on, and FR by the total of all the value3's from that year.
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Jun 25, 2014
Cell P14 = 4.7
My array is H42:N72, in H42:H72 I have numbers 15,14,13....0,-1,-2,-3, etc...
In N42:N72 there is a corresponding $ amount that I would like to return based on finding the value which is greater than 4.7 (so, looking to match the $$ amount to the number 5 in column H42:H72)
I've tried using INDEX MATCH but can't figure this out.
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Apr 11, 2014
how do you find the number of rows and columns of an array?
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Jan 28, 2014
I am working on data that needs to be cleansed of the symbols i.e. *&/- etc so I am hoping that I can automate this as their are over 30,000 rows of data and takes time to go through each find and replace.
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Jul 6, 2007
I have a list of cell entries that I want to find and replace with different text or a number.
My code below is 4 of them.
I am trying to do the replace over 3 different sheets at the same time but I am only changing the 1st sheet with my efforts.
Sub Find_And_Replace()
Sheets( Array("Resolution", "Response", "Open")).Select
Cells.Replace What:="1 Widespread*", Replacement:="1", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
Cells.Replace What:="2 Critical*", Replacement:="2", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
Cells.Replace What:="3 Non*", Replacement:="3", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
Sheets(Array("Resolution", "Response", "Open")).Select
Cells.Replace What:="4 Require*", Replacement:="4", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
End Sub
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May 8, 2014
I have three columns of Data. A is vehicle number, B is miles and C is a Date. I want to be able to pull the miles for the newest date when the user types in a bus number next to the formula. I think It can be done with an array formula but I am not 100% sure on how to do it. Also is it possible if they enter a vehicle number and a date that a different formula finds the miles for the most recent date to the date entered.
Excel Help.JPG
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Jul 17, 2009
= IF(AND(MATCH($B8, [AXS.xls]Sheet1!$E$1:$E$400,0) - 2 = $C8,
INDEX([AXS.xls]Sheet1!$B$1:$B$400, MATCH(CX$2, INDEX([AXS.xls]Sheet1!$B:$B, $C8 + 16):INDEX([AXS.xls]Sheet1!$B:$B, $C9), 0) ) ),
INDEX([AXS.xls]Sheet1!$A$1:$E$400, MATCH(CX$2, INDEX([AXS.xls]Sheet1!$B:$B, $C8 + 16):INDEX([AXS.xls]Sheet1!$B:$B, $C9), 0), 3), " ")
i have this formula, and i think it will work if i find a way to correct the blue areas. they are trying to define the match array. i tried using the address and cell functions with no luck. i just want the array to return something like B2:B15 (from the AXS sheet) so the match function works. in the current sheet, C8 and C9 have values that refer to rows in the AXS sheet
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Feb 5, 2012
I am really struggling with the following formula:
I am trying to find the cell in the named row "Ann_TaylorRegularBust" that is closest to the input bust size in cell B4. This formula works when I use actual range instead of the named array.
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Feb 22, 2013
I am trying to find a value in an array based on partial input from a user.
The user will enter the last four digits of a number.
Then the formula should find the number in a list and return that complete number
I will explain using example.
Here is the list of numbers (array):
User input= 3233
formula output = 3003283233
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May 28, 2007
I have a col of dates that change, 9/15, 10/15, 11/05 and reside in col. I
I then have a corresonding cell in row I136, M136, Q136, U136, Y136 and AC136.
I want to find the starting at the earliest date starting in I36 , M136, Q136...
So I136 would be updated to 9/15, M136 = 10/15, Q136 = 11/05, ...
I am thinking a CSE type formula would be a possibility, but need assistance in this or in a piece of code..
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Jan 28, 2009
How can I write a piece of code to initialise an array with all the worksheet names. I cannot be sure how many worksheets will be in the file as it generates different numbers each time.
I used to just declare with sheet names, but I can no longer do that.
arrVals = Array("Subnets1", "Subnets2")
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Aug 21, 2008
Given three criteria (category, name and date) I want to find the specific value within the table or array. refer to attachment.
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May 14, 2009
I have a table with subtotals that I need to find the largest value for the subtotal results and then return the cell contents for the corresponding row.
I have attempted to use the hlookup function, but keep getting a #ref error (probably because I am just not that familiar with the entire formula requirements).
I attempted to nest in the 'largest' function to the lookup function, but have so far been stymied....
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Aug 12, 2011
I've scoured the internet for this answer and have not found a formula that works.
I have a list of domain names/URLs in column A of workbook 1:
I have a list of domain name extensions in workbook #2:
I want to determine if the cells in column A workbook one contain any of the strings in workbook 2 - note that I need to look at the string, not the entire cell in workbook one. If there is a match, true, if not, false for that cell within workbook one.
It's sort of a reverse array lookup with text. It seems that cross workbook and text is what causes the challenge.
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