Find All Lists In A Workbook

Mar 14, 2008

It's been a while since I've visited MrExcel, but I've been busy learning C# & ASP.Net & Visual Studio & SQL Server - work doesn't want too much from me :p

Anyway, I'm writing a procedure that plays around with lists in Excel (i.e. the type of list that would show up in CurrentRegion.
They're not connected to any outside data source, or as a pivot table - just columns of data that will have a header row in a different format than the data body.

Is there any way of cycling through each sheet in the workbook and identifying each occurrence of a list?

I've been playing with the code at the bottom of the post, and it finds the boundaries of each list providing (at the moment) that each list starts on row 1. There are other problems with it however.

And to identify the values in the header row? .....

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Find And Replace With Lists

Oct 10, 2007

I am trying to do a find and replace on two list of names which are in different formats to get the list in a correct format for processing in our system.

Sheet1 - Column A - (Has Duplicates)
Tom Jones
Homer Simpson

Sheet2 - Column A - (unique values only)

I want a macro/method of looking at Sheet1 Col A - finding the EXCAT name in Sheet2 ColA and then either Replacing Sheet1 Col A with the Text in Sheet2 ColA or putting it in Sheet 1 ColB next to the one i need to replace.

Desired Example

Sheet1ColA || Sheet2ColA || Sheet1ColB Or Sheet1ColA
-------------- || ------------- || -----------------------
Tom Jones || JONES TOM I1234 || JONES TOM I1234

I have Approx 4187 names to check like this and change to the same format as is in Sheet2 Col A

So a looping macros that looks at sheet1 col A and then finds the name in Sheet2 Col A i think is required, if it does not find a matching name it should leave it BLANK and then move on to the next one to find and replace.

I have tried to split up the cells in Sheet1 ColA into FName, Lname..then doing Vlookups, but thats not working for me

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Find Identical Lists And Sum

Jan 15, 2009

I need a formula to sum column C if data in column A and Column B are found anywhere else in the list. For Example


Column D would show

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Using Lists To Find Information In Large Db

Nov 20, 2008

I have a sheet with many columns of data relating to different companies as shown below (obviously my actual sheet has much more data):

NOTE: the Mr. Excel forums display the data in the correct form. I've tried to fix it here but obviously that didn't work perfectly, so if you want to view it correctly, click on the link above.

Comp Name Facility Name Product Name clean date
Comp A
Plant 1A Prod A1 11/11/2008
Prod A2
Prod A3
Prod A4
Plant 2A Prod A1000 12/1/2008
Prod A1001

Comp B
Plant 1B Prod B1 12/5/2008
Prod B2

In a new worksheet I want to see only the information relating to the Facilities, specifically the clean date of each facility, such that the information looks something like this:

Facility Name clean date

Plant 1A 11/11/2008
Plant 2A 12/1/2008
Plant 1B 12/5/2008

I know that I can use a simply vlookup formula such as the one below:
=VLOOKUP(C21,Info,3,FALSE), where C21 is the Facility Name and "info" is a list of the last 3 columns of my initial datasheet. However, I need to remember add each new facility name to the 2nd list when it is added to the main datasheet.

Is there a way to have the 2nd sheet automatically add the new facility name every time I add one on the main sheet, but without showing the many empty rows inbetween?

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How To Find Matching Records That Appear On Two Lists

Oct 14, 2011

I have two worksheets each of which includes a left column of unique email addresses (at least, unique within each lsheet)

The data on each sheet is structured identically. What I want is to generate a list of records that appear on both sheets.

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Find Common Values In Two Lists

May 10, 2007

I have two lists, one is 15,000 records, the other 100 records. I want to find the common records between the two.
I am using this formula currently, but is returning an incorrect result--

this is the record number in M2

it is returning
as the common record. This formula is from Joseph Rubin's book F1 Excel Formulas and Functions

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Workbook That Uses All Kinds Of Drop Down Lists

May 29, 2009

I've inherited a workbook that uses all kinds of drop down lists, which are awesome, I just haven't learned how to use them yet. There are 3 key pieces that I'm looking at, Department, Manager, and Process. All of the cells in the table have a drop down list to choose from any of the names/titles listed out on a separate sheet. The problem is that Process, which should be fed by Column L in the other sheet, isn't making that drop down tab for me to choose from. Does this make sense?

Basically, currently, I can select Department from a list, then Manager from a list, but not Process. It has the arrow, but nothing to choose from. I usually try to be more specific in my threads but I don't really understand lists myself...

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Filter Lists - Find Relevant Entry

Jan 12, 2013

A stab in the dark here, but is there any way to be able to 'jump' to a particular position within a filtered list. My list has around 20,000 items in it and I'm having to go through each one systematically to make edits on the relevant line and it is so laborious trying to find the correct place in the list every time.

Is there anyway to be able to may be key in the first letter or two letters to avoid all the continuous scrolling to find the relevant entry?

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Linking Data Validation Lists To Workbook?

Aug 12, 2014

I have a question regarding linking the content for data validation lists stored in a different workbook.

The scenario is as follows: I will have say 50 users using a template which contains various dependent drop-down lists. These lists work by using the INDIRECT function which calls the correct drop-down based on the previous selection. The drop-down entries are currently stored in named ranges on a hidden worksheet in each user's file.

However, if I need to make a change to the content of these lists, I will have to open all 50 files individually and change each one. So I'd like to have a master file to which all the templates would be linked which would contain the entries for each drop-down. So when I update a list in the Master file, it would automatically update the drop-down lists in each user's template with any additions deletions.

My question is, how do I create the links between the user templates and the master and have it so that the list ranges will be dynamic. So if a drop-down list contains say 10 entries and I add 2 more in the master, that those 12 now appear in each user's template?

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Find The Minimum Distance Between Two Points Using Two Separate Lists?

Jul 5, 2011

Is it possible to find the minimum distance between two points using two separate lists of different lengths without creating separate columns of equal row sizes

? I am trying to find the shortest distance form one point to another which is a fixed value. I am using the standard distance formula: =SQRT(((X2-X1)^2)+((Y2-Y1)^2)+((Z2-Z1)^2)).

My X1,Y1, Z1, has 2,000 rows in three columns that need to be compared to find the minimum distance from my one row/column of X2,Y2,Z2.

Is there a command that could go through and use each row of the X1, Y1, Z1, while looking for the MIN of the above formula without having to create an equal amount of rows for the X2, Y2, Z2?

I know I could do it by running this out the long way and then finding the min after I do all the math but I am wondering if there is an automated way for Excel to go through and do the forumla and then only return the MIN value?

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Add Or Remove Info To Two Lists In Sheet1 And Sheet2 And Difference Between Two Lists

Mar 29, 2014

My problem in the given excel file

1. Sheet1; how to Add "B000" in the List A or "B00" if the digits and 5 in the list
2. Sheet2; how to remove "B000" or "B00" from the list
3. Sheet3; how to highlight difference or find out the difference between to lists


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Open Workbook, Find Sheet That Contains Cell Value From Active Workbook

Jun 20, 2008

I'm trying to figure out a way to find a specific sheet in a workbook that does not contain the macro. Within the macro I have a cell which holds the name of the specific sheet I would like to find but I can't get it to work for some reason...

'Dim officen As Integer
'Dim thiswb As Workbook

officen = Range("A2").Value
Set thiswb = ActiveWorkbook
' Open the Active Info file
Workbooks.Open "C:My DcoumentsActive 20080616.xls", , , , "xxxxxx"
' Dim sourcewb As Workbook
Set sourcewb = Workbooks.Open"Active 20080616.xls"

RowCount = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count

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Lists, How To Make Drop-down Lists Optional

May 13, 2009

Is there a way to make a drop-down list optional? When I create drop-down lists the user has to make a choice from that list.

Example: a list of doctors. I need the user to be able to select from that list if the patient saw one of those physicians, but if the patient saw another doctor not on the list, I need the user to be able to enter the name of that other doctor. Currently the user has to select from the list or not enter a doctor. I am using Excel 2003.

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Find Same Value In Another Workbook?

May 17, 2014

I want to find the same value in another workbook

In A2 I have the number 112233 I want to know if this number is found in the other workbook in the entire workbook to search it in all the worksheets . if it is found then true if not falls

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Find Value In Another Workbook

Oct 7, 2007

I found the error a little further down the line, actually a few errors conspired together. Sorry to waste time, Moderators please delete this if possible. I have no idea how to improve on the thread title.

Windows("Race Strengths.xls").Activate
TRRowCount = Range("J1"). CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
TheRace = Class & NewTrackClass & MeetDay & AgeRest & HorseRest
Set look = Range(Cells(2, "J"), Cells(TRRowCount, "J")). Find(TheRace)
If Not look Is Nothing Then
h = look.Row
RaceRating = Cells(h, "I").Value

Cells(m, " AI").Value = RaceRating

Goto 155
End If

when I run the whole code without the STOP comand the corresponding ratings are wrong, when I run it and STop it and then continue with F8 the code produces the right results. Everything else is the SAME the only thing I change is I make the Stop a comment of not to enabel it or disabel it.

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Find A Specified Value In All Sheets Of A WorkBook

Apr 1, 2008

I have a short vb code to delete a list box value, but i now need to add a few lines to also delete the list box value IF it exists in cell J59 on a worksheet.

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Find A Text In A Workbook

Jul 28, 2009

I'm running this code to find a text in a workbook but i need to know if this code find nothing .

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Find And Use Data From Another Workbook?

Feb 9, 2010

Open the workbook called get_status.xls then run the user form. Enter 123456 into the textbox then click the Get Status button. I want to get info about the item from the workbook called object_status.xls which is on a network drive (known location) and is not open. Do I have to open this workbook to look for data in it?

So I have to find the matching text string, then get the value of the adjacent cell. If the text string is found in cell B5, then return the value from C5. Always look in the B column for the matching string. After the info is found, close object_status.xls and write the value to the label in the user form (lblResults) in the get_status.xls workbook. If 123456 does not exist in the object_status.xls workbook, then return "Unknown" to the user form.

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Find Cell From Another Workbook

Dec 6, 2013

I have to open another work book to get a certain cell with a value.

ex. in my source file (prod plan) i have columns A,B,C,D. in column B it contains Line1 up to Line10. In column C it contains Model and Column D it contains Quantity.

Prod Plan workbook

up to Line 10

I need to find all Lines (column b) as my reference to get the column D records using Excel Macro and paste or copy to another worksheet. Is this possible to use the IF to get the data from Column D or Looping. How to make this in Excel Macro.

Desired Result:


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Find Every Instance Of 0 Within A Workbook

Mar 27, 2007

I need a Macro that will find every instance of 0 within a workbook and then replace that value with an average of the values in the two cells above it and the two cells below it?

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Find And Copy To Another Workbook

Feb 11, 2007

What I'm looking for is to copy information from certain cells, G9 G11 G13 G16 G19 G21 in book1 into A B C D F and K into book2, like so G9 = A G11 = B G13 = C G16 = D G19 = F G21 = K

I tried running the macro and copying and pasting it in but what i need it to do is to find the next empty row down and enter new data rather than copy over the old.
The second, although really before copying is I'd like to the data in G11 to search collumn B and find if there are any existing entries containing that data and, if so, maybe pop up a window that says "Entry alreadyexists" or even loop it round and enter it in G11 saying the same thing and doesn't copy anything, but if the data doesn't exist in G11 then data in all cells on book1 is copiesd as aforementioned

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Find Last Row In Non-active Workbook

Feb 11, 2007

I have a number of files which I am opening, manipulating and copying the result to a master workbook

I am attempting to use code like this

Selection.EntireRegion.Copy Destination:= Workbooks(Master). Range("A" & LastRow)

Is it posible to define the value of LastRow without making Master the active workbook?

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Find Date Within Workbook

May 28, 2008

I have a workbook with multiple sheets (one total and one for each pay period, 27 in all) to track time and attendance. From the main worksheet where my totals are, I want to be able to enter a date and then jump to the worksheet that date is found on.

For example, if I want to enter time for June 25, 2008, instead of searching for the right worksheet to find that date, I would like some way to type 6/25/2008 (US date) and enter, and that entry will take me to the worksheet that 6/25/2008 is found on so that I may then key my data. My dates are formatted in US style with the first date hard typed and the rest are =Date +1.

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Cannot Find Link To External Workbook

Jul 31, 2014

I have a document (unfortunately I cannot attach it) in Excel 365 that each time I open it I get the usual prompt that it is calling an external link. As much as i'd love to hide the popup I need to find the link to solve to problem but I'm at a loss.

Simply breaking the links doesn't work for some reason, so I've tried updating the source to reflect the current file. No luck there.

I've searched the workbook for the name of the link in question, searching for all formula for name itself as well as variants of "[" and ".xlms".

I don't see anything in the name manager referencing that external file.

I don't recall if I copied from that particular document, I may have as it was a duplicate file. I tried looking over the cells I believe I copied from it but didn't see the reference.

I've installed Kutools and Bill Manville (MS MVP) FindLink Tool. Both of which says there is no external link.

I've looked at the compatibility checker which basically just says, yes there is an external link but give no insight on how to address.

I've tried a couple of macros, some of which crashed excel, some of which simply said that there was an external link but not how to find it. In my frustration I forgot which one that was but I'm about to try that approach again and look for that code.

external links.png

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Find Function Not Working In Workbook

Aug 13, 2014

I'm in a workbook, and I want to look up a name. CTRLF or clicking on the binoculars both bring up the expected dialog box, but when I populate "Find What" and either hit enter, click Find All or Find Next, nothing happens.

The only thing I can think of is that I created a macro to function in one sheet only, then saved this workbook as .xlsm. But that doesn't seem right.

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VLOOKUP To Find Data In Another Workbook

Mar 18, 2008

The table to the right is actually in another workbook, both workbooks will be linked. What I'm trying to achieve is a vlookup formula that will count the items in the left table that have numbers entered into them. (This table will be located within a different workbook).

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Find That Time In Another Sheet (which Is In The Same Workbook)

May 13, 2009

I want is when a user enters a time into a specific cell I want Excel to find that time in another sheet (which is in the same workbook) and give out the details of the cell which is next to it, see attached image file.

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Find Text From Cell Within Workbook?

Mar 16, 2013

I am trying to simplify process for the users of a workbook. This workbook has about 20 tabs and I would like the users to manually paste a value in C1 of sheet1 and have a macro button that will find that value in the whole workbook.

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Find Workbook With Specified Cell Value And Open?

Nov 6, 2013

I am needing a macro that will search all excel files in directory C: and open the workbook with cell F4 value equal to "Checklist".

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Find Then Copy And Paste Into Different Workbook

May 30, 2014

I am trying to find text in one workbook and paste it into another. I've tried a Vlookup, and now I'm trying a Find, and neither is working.

This is what I have so far...

Sub FindAddress()
Dim GCell As Range
Dim Page$, Txt$, MyPath$, MyWB$, MySheet$
Txt = "N.A.V."
MyPath = "T:01862a7R228 Reports2039067"

[Code] ...........

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