I want to identify the 2 minimum valued greater than 0.00% in rows with percentages only. Then identify the 2 maximum values greater than 0.00% in rows with percentages only. The sheet changes in size (rows and columns) each day. C4 Row 4 is a constant starting place if that is necessary. I have been tweaking this code all night, but no luck. I keep getting a highlighted yellow error in editor @ oRg.Find(What:=iMin, _
I also don't know what an oRg is, I am using 2001, that may be the problem.
Is there a way i can have a macro find the unique values in these 3 columns and highlight them yellow.
They should find uniques using all 3 columns, not find them within each column.
I included a file which shows what i start off with and what it needs to look like. Also if it matters the contents in the cells are from links. ( i know that matters because you have to put look in values in the code ).
I have a worksheet with lots of data on it, resulting in a very busy layout. I have been using "FIND" to search for various numbers within the spreadsheet, however often times it is hard to see which cell "FIND" selects.
Is there a way to enable Excel to highlight the selected cell? For example could "Find" turn the cell yellow when it finds a match?
I have received a workbook containing lists, unfortunately the names are listed in individual cells - several per cell, separated by commas. I need to highlight wherever a particular name occurs without splitting the data from the cell, ie like Find but within the cell.
I want to enter a unique ID into an input box which will tell which row that id is available and then it will again ask me which column the cell needs to be highlighted. Once i enter the data, it will then ask me what is the change in data (again via input box). i can then enter the change data and then it stops.
I'm finding it hard to explain what I am trying to do (which may be why I can't find a solution through Google), so I have an example. I am using a much larger spreadsheet than this sample(18,000 rows)
ID First_Name Last_Name Company
I want to highlight rows if there are multiple instances of ID and # values - I included a column at the end showing which rows in this data set would be highlighted.
The idea is to add compare the cells of the first column with the third column. Where same letters/words exist, the corresponding value of the first column should be added to the second column (where no letter exists equally, the space remains empty), so it will look like this
A111 AA1122 B222 C333 D444
the third column always will have at least the same letters as the first column, but new letters/entries can occur.
I have attached an example worksheet which I think will explain better than I can but here goes.
There is a user form which forces the user to select from all the three comboboxes boxes. The comboboxes are NOT populated from the worksheet. The Date of Shift get today’s system date and the previous days date. The shift pattern and shift duration are set entries. When the update button is hit the object is to look in column "A&B" to see if a row has an existing entry which matches the user’s entry. If an existing entry is found then it will update the cell in column "C" in that row for the matching DATE and PATTERN If no matching entry exists it will append a new row with the user entry.
I have been trying to do this for a while trying what I know and then I found the Find matching X sample written by ozgrid. Tried it out and found that it used the columns to populate the comboboxes and did not like using a date also I do not need a list box
So I decided to try and modify ( 2 whole days over the weekend, so I am no programmer just try as best I can) it to suit the needs outlined above. I have reached the limits of my skill and now get "Object Variable or with block variable not set"
I have two spreadsheets. Spreadsheet 1 has 6 columns and column E has a list of numbers. It runs from E2:E739.
Spreadsheet 2 has 9 columns and column A has the numbers I need matched against. Column A runs from A9:A5027. How can I find the numbers from Spreadsheet 1, Column E that are also in Spreadsheet 2, Column A. Once matched I would like to highlight the ROW on spreadsheet 1 that has a match.
I would like to have a macro that searches a selected area for a number (there may be many of them in the spreadsheet) and highlight it in yellow. Please be noted that I don't only want it to search and highlight the number in its respective order, but also every one of its possible arrangement. To make it easier, please also be noted that all of the numbers I will need to search are only 3 digit numbers.
Refer to the attached document : Highlight Number Desired Results.xlsx‎
I have a spreadsheet with a stock list. Each item has an individual number. I have a code below, which I have doctored from other various sources. The problem I have is that if I search for number '12' the spreadsheet highlights every cell with 12 in (120 121 122 123 etc...) Is there any way I can change the code so that it returns only the 12 and not every cell that contains 12? The current code is as follows:
I have a large spread sheet. I need to find 38 accounts in the spreadsheet, highlight them across the span of the spread sheet and then do a sum if to the side. I need to use this Macro monthly on a new ageing and some months some of the accounts may not be in the ageing.
see attached sheet. Column A has File Name. Need to highlight the duplicate data as you can see there is 2 duplicate data which i have manually highted ( C19 is duplicate of C12, C83 is duplicate of C84).
I have a workbook with 2 sheets - [Names] has with a list of Staff Ids column B, [Access] has a list of their system acces - with their staff ids in column A and access in F (There could be more than 1 type of access),
I am looking to create a code that :
For each ID in [Names] B lookup in [Access] A
if found create a string with value in F ( so I have a list of all access )
And paste into F in [Names]
I have tried all sorts of things and just can't get it working.
In cell C8, I need a formula that finds and matches the values in C5:BF5 on this worksheet with the values in Col's D:I on worksheet 1, if a match is found return the draw number,if no match, return a blank. In Cell C9, I need a formula that counts the number of draws since the number in C5 has appeared.
2. In Cell C10 find the draw number for the second appearance. In C11 the number of draws between first and second appearance.
I realize, I'm asking for alot, but if this can be done, I would greatly appreciate it. The values in the cells are the expected returns.
******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - MM_Example_File CONVERTED.xlsx___Running: 12.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutA5=ABCD5White Ball Number 126Current Draw # 7Picked in this draw? 8Drawn #'s 1st Appearance? 3844089GAP Between Appearances 381410Drawn #'s 2nd Appearance? 382396GAP Figures [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.
First Worksheet ******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - MM_Example_File CONVERTED.xlsx___Running: 12.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutA5=ABCD5White Ball Number 126Current Draw # 7Picked in this draw? 8Drawn #'s 1st Appearance? 3844089GAP Between Appearances 381410Drawn #'s 2nd Appearance? 382396GAP Figures [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.
I am looking to find a cell value on a spreadsheet that has cells with multiple values listed in it. For example. If I CTR F for i.e. (745) on a spreadsheet that has this value in a cell that contains i.e. (684, 362, 745, ABC) all in one cell I get a no results. Ultimatelly, I'd like to run a Vlookup function on this file.
I have a very large spreadsheet (46,000 rows). There are a couple hundred rows I need to find and highlight, and also insert potentially-linked contract numbers in a second column.
Is there a quick way to do this without using find and replace to highlight all several hundred of these rows? I have an hour and a half until I leave work and my boss wants it today! Compounded is the problem that there are about 100 versions of this spreadsheet I need to do this for.
I have 12,000 rows on my excel spread sheet of data and my average volume for all those days are 17,661,398.6 I noticed that the so called average did not show up not even once in all of the 12,000 rows. Thus I conclude that the average is not normal ? How to find & highlight the most frequently occurring number, the usual, and or the normal numbers?
I have 100,000 lines of data and an trying to highlight values in column B based on those in column A.
For example if 1 appears in A then several times in B then it should highlight each instance in B where it appears in B. However is 2 appears twice in B - but not in A - then it should not highlight any cel.
Column A is the criteria list I think there are 140 unique values.
Column B is the data I need highlighted there are around 100,000 rows. In there values from column A appear multiple times. I need all of the multiples in B - where they match a value from column A - highlighted.
I am looking to create some vba code that looks for a specific value in column 'm' (Z-AUD) for example and where it occurs within my data range copies and pastes the values in columns O,P and Q in to columns K,L and M.
My code is always failing on the findnext method. I'm thinking that the findnext method fails because it loses it's cell reference when the row gets deleted.
Sub findwbs() Dim rngFind As Range Dim strFirstAddress As String
I have one sheet in my workbook called 'mapping' which has a list of codes on it, the length of which will vary on a periodic basis.
I have another fairly large sheet on the workbook called 'data' (around 2000 rows) that will also vary in size. I want to do a search on the data tab for each code that is contained on column 4 of the mapping tab and if the code is found, enters the corresponding value from column 1 of the mapping tab to the cell 6 columns to the left of where the code was found on the data tab (cols H and B in this case).
The issue I have is the codes maybe contained more than once on the data tab so I need the find/replace command to search the whole of the data tab and perform the task each time.
I guess this would work in a similar manner as Solver, but where Solver tweaks cell values to equal a given total, I've got a set of cells and I need to find the combination that equals an amount in another cell. Is there a way to do this?
Working on an export from an e-commerce application that lists the item purchased, unfortunately not by item #, but rather a lengthy description. I'm trying to construct an item number based on that description which contains several constants.
Each item ordered appears in a single row, comprised of ORDERID, QTY, PRODUCT DESCRIPTION
I have several tables to pick out PRODUCT TYPE, COLOR, SIZE, etc. I need a formula to search to see which of the unique values appears in each in the cell and return the shortcut of that value.
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION example "Sweater - Blue - Large - Wool"
COLOR TABLE: Blue BL Green GN Purple PL Black BK
I would have separate tables for each part of the description.
The formula I'm seeking would search the PRODUCT DESCRIPTION cell for the range of values for each 'part'. So it would search to see which of Sweater, T-Shirt, or Jeans was in the cell and then return the one that was - SWTR in this example. I would modify this formula for each 'part', in its own cell, and then use an =cell#&"-"&cell#&etc... to combine these returned values.
I know I can write a large if- chain using ISERROR & FIND, though some of these lists will get lengthy.