Find Most Common (x5) Numbers Within Numerical String Range?
Apr 2, 2014
I have a range of cells containing a string of numbers separated by ';' e.g.
I am looking to find the top 5 most common/repeated numbers within this range. I have found a formula to work out the largest number within the range:
=MAX(IFERROR(0+TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(";"&B3,";",REPT(" ",LEN(B3))),(ROW(A$1:A$200)*LEN(B3))-1,LEN(B3))),0)) (REF
How to modify it to work with e.g. the mode function.
I know I could separate all the numbers out using 'text to columns' but I will need to work this out regularly on large quantities of data ...
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Feb 1, 2009
Everything is explained inside the attached WB.
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Mar 24, 2013
find the first numerical in a text string that is immediately followed by an x
so that i can extract the packing size from packing description workbook attached
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Dec 4, 2013
Find the most common occurring string in my spreadsheet based on a lookup value. For example, if my table is as follows:
- I want to calculate the most common value chosen by user 234 (A in this case), user 524 (B in this case)... and so on.
- I want to calculate the percent of the chosen value. So in the previous point, A was chosen ~67% of the time by user 234... and so on.
I'm not sure which formula to use. I am able to find the most common occurring value in column B using the formula below (which I found here), but how can I do that for a specific value, a user ID in this case?
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Apr 9, 2009
I have 300 number groups and each group has 22 different numbers (from 1 to 80).
Can I find the most common 5 or more numbers in these groups by excel, macro or any program?
for example, let us suppose that 4-15-23-36-45 are the most common numbers and these numbers are in 8 groups from 300.
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Aug 26, 2008
I need to find out common numbers between columns. Each column has multiple number entries seperated by a comma. For example:
Column A: "5592,12222" and Column B: "1,2,3,4,5592,123123" and Column C: "3, 4"
I need to find out any numbers that are found in more than 1 column. Hence, the result should be something like "3,4,5592". If no match is found then maybe can indicate by coloring the cell. My data is over 50,000 rows and 30 columns. I need to do this for each row one by one.
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Mar 21, 2008
I work for a charity and I have to cancel the donations of people whose credit card donations have been declined in three consecutive months.
If in Column A I have a list of donor IDs whose credit cards were declined in Jan 2008, in Column B I have a list of donor IDs whose credit cards were declined in Feb 2008 and in Column C I have a list of donor IDs whose credit cards were declined in Mar 2008, is there a way of showing in a fourth column which donor IDs were common (repeated) in Columns A, B and C? I would have a title for each column in A1, B1 and C1, and also the column where the repeated donor IDs would be displayed.
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Dec 12, 2009
I'd like to find out the formula where numerical valued between 1-2000 equals True and numerical under 0 equals False. Examples are in the attachment.
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Apr 7, 2009
I have a large block of numbers in a spreadsheet and I am wondering how I can look at the whole block and pull out the top five most common numbers. So perhaps the number 4 is repeated the most times, it would be number 1, number 18 might be repeated the second most number of times so it would be in the number 2 slot etc etc.
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Sep 11, 2012
Is it possible to create a string with a range of numbers
Result: 1,3:6,8,10
Result: 1:4
Result: 1,3,5,7
Where consecutive numbers are separated by a ":" and other numbers by a ",". I use the following function to create the ","-concatenate, but I don't know how to create the ":"-ranges.
Function AConcat(a As Variant, Optional Sep As String = "") As String
'By Harlan Grove, March 2002
Dim Y As Variant
If TypeOf a Is Range Then
For Each Y In a.Cells
[Code] .........
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Mar 20, 2013
I am working with a somewhat lengthy worksheet with over 60,000 records. oOne of the columns within the worksheet is the "Account Number" column, which typically consists of 14 numerical characters, but can sometimes have additional or fewer characters. I need to set up a conditional format to pick up any account number that ends in an alphabetical value, (e.g. a through z). The account number is located in column G.
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Dec 23, 2011
I have a text string "Area" which relates to an entry in a named range "AreaCodes", which is stored on a non-active sheet. How can I activate the cell contaning the string other than using this, recorded, code
Cells.Find(What:=Area, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:= _
xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False _
, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
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Jun 24, 2009
For some reason, it seems that this following line returns the value its supposed to be searching for instead of the range where it finds the value.
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Oct 6, 2009
I have account information with 4-digit customer location identifiers beginning at character 9 and ending at character 12:
No matter what changes in this string, these four digits (9, 10, 11 & 12) will always be in the same position.
What I would like to do is (I think) use the FIND funtion and then perform a VLOOKUP against an already defined table/range which identifies the actual location in the destination cell. Will FIND be the easiest for me to do this our should I use something else?
The what to interpret characters 9-12 (using 3600820040030500050005271000 as an example):
4003 is the location information which consistantly breaks down:
4 = Region Name
003 = Office / City (001 thru 024)
There are 7 possible regions with 24 possible Offices/Cities. I want to believe I can make this lookup happen using VLOOKUP tables that break them down - but I just don't have the brainpower to identify those 4 digits and then break them out for a look up.
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Oct 23, 2013
I have almost 300-400 records of such data which needs formatting. There are n number of IDs in the first column & corresponding data in columns 2 & 3.
For those rows which have identical ID numbers, I need to fill those rows with some unique shade of color. If you look at the next sheet, I have manually colored the rows & that is my desired outcome. The shade of color does not matter. It just needs to be unique for each ID.
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Mar 11, 2013
How to find the greatest common divisor of two numbers? I can not use the built in common divisor function.
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Oct 22, 2008
I am currently trying to automate some excells workbooks that my company uses. The one i'm working on is a listing of all the change orders we have. Unfortunatly there are roughly a 1000 rows, each containing the information for the change- change #, Date opened, part numbers, change description, status, date closed.
Order 0001 - 10/22/08 - 0156, 7251, 9901 - delete bag - closed - [blank] -
Order 0002 - 10/22/08 - 0018, 0612, 0875 - add notes - open - [blank] -
What I want to do is type a part number in, it checks to see if there are any rows that already have that number and have an open status (as apposed to closed) and then tells me where the conflict is. so in the above example if I typed in 0612 it would tell me that number is already in use. I am using excel 2003 if that makes any difference.
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Sep 6, 2007
Assume Cell A2 + A3 as the fraction: 60/100. How can I get the smallest fraction (3/5 in cells B2+B3). I do not want to use the build in cell format for fractions)
There are a few samples of want I would like to get a s the result (Red Digits). I will appreciate 2 ways: via VBA Code and via Sheet Build-In Functions.
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May 26, 2012
I'm looking for a formula that will rearrange a row of numbers in numerical order and by their last digit also in a numerical order, I hope it's clear enough !!!
2 1235781114162022273139667197110113128136139153225250328428508576772 3
4 2011025011131712227723113153145225166613657672797812832842850839139 5
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Jun 20, 2014
how to convert numerical numbers to words in MS excel & MS world
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Dec 11, 2013
I have a fairly large timecourse dataset and I need to find all common values within all 3 columns. Also, when I find these 'common values' is there a speedy way to retrieve data in the same row that is associated with these values, instead of going back one-by-one and copying and pasting beside the value that the function has returned?
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Jan 1, 2014
I have 3 sets of data in three columns A, B and C. Data in Column A is the base data, now i have certain common records in columns A, B and C. Considering the column A as the base, I want to find out in Column
D = Common records in A and B,
E = Records only in A not in B
F = Records only in B not in A
G = Common records in A and C,
H = Records only in A not in C
I = Records only in C not in A
J = Common records in A, B and C
if possible also in Column
K = Common records in B and C
L = Records only in B not in C
M = Records only in C not in B
I have about 5000 records in column A, B and C each.
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Oct 12, 2009
In column A I have 50,000 cells, each containing 1 to 10 keywords. For example
A1 = "jobs"
A2 = "jobs in milton keynes"
A3 = "it jobs in milton keynes"
A4 = "sales jobs in milton keynes"
A5 = "well paying brickie work in spain"
At first I was trying to find out the most common keywords in column A, and I used the following code to do so
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May 10, 2007
I have two lists, one is 15,000 records, the other 100 records. I want to find the common records between the two.
I am using this formula currently, but is returning an incorrect result--
this is the record number in M2
it is returning
as the common record. This formula is from Joseph Rubin's book F1 Excel Formulas and Functions
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Mar 29, 2006
What i am trying to do is to to determine the common material that is
used among different model do product in a product family. I have the
column C the various part number for the product family. Each product
model is made up of different combination of the parts.
In I3:U3 i have the model number for each product. Under each are the
combination of various part that make up each model. What i need to do
is in column G conditional formatiing that if all the different model
use a particular part (part number). The respective cell in column in
the row will be color. This will help me to determine what are the
parts that are common to all the product.
Column C Column G Column I .........................Column U
Part no Common Product 1 Product 2 Product 3 Product 4
12-1234-56 no color 1 4 0 6
13-2345-45 color 2 3 2 2
14-1234-56 no color 0 2 4 2
14-1234-56 no color 0 2 2 2
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Jul 25, 2012
I've found a vb script via Google that displays the most common words in a list followed by a number.
Sub HTH() Dim vArray As Variant Dim lLoop As Long
Dim rCell As Range With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For Each rCell In Range("A1", Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
[Code] .......
At the moment this results in 1 word followed by a count.
How do I alter this so it shows 2 or 3 words, ultimately showing the most common phrases?
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Apr 24, 2013
Problem description: I need to put together twelve arrows each comprised of four components; field point, front insert, shaft & fletch and nock. Therefore, I have forty-eight components in an Excel table. Each of these components may differ slightly in weight. My objective is to mix and match all of the components to create as many arrows as possible of the same exact weight.
Two questions. 1) How should I be thinking about setting up the problem? 2) Which Excel function returns the results I'm looking for?
Total weight
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Aug 18, 2009
I have a list of parts in Column A, often times with duplicates in the column.
I have a list of parts in Column B (from another source), again, with duplicates.
What I need is - leaving columns A and B alone;
Column C to be unique Column A parts
Column D to be unique Column B parts
Column E to be parts in common between Columns C and D.
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Jan 8, 2014
I have a sheet with thousands of rows of ID's which are made up of a series of letters, numbers, underscores and or spaces. Within the sheet there are numerous duplicates so I need to able extract the numerical element, which is the key data to be able to identify the duplicates.
The numbers I need to extract are mainly 6 and 7 digits long however don't always sit in the same place within the ID. I don't need the 3 digit number sequences, just the 6 & 7 number sequences
I've found a formula that strips out all the numbers, however it also included the 3 digit numbers which I don't want. I've also used Text To Columns to break up the ID across a number of columns however that leaves me with 2 and sometimes 3 columns where a 6 digit ID appears
Is there a simple way to extract the number if it's a certain length? i.e. 6 or 7 digits long
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Apr 1, 2014
I've been racking my brains trying to find a way of doing this. I have a list (column A in Excel) of over 50,000 organisations and I'd like to know what the most common words used in the names are. Ideally it would great if I could produce a top 10 list of the most common words at the top e.g. Ltd, School or Church with a count in the next column of how times that word it appears
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