Formula To Extract Numbers From Alpha Numerical Entry

Jan 8, 2014

I have a sheet with thousands of rows of ID's which are made up of a series of letters, numbers, underscores and or spaces. Within the sheet there are numerous duplicates so I need to able extract the numerical element, which is the key data to be able to identify the duplicates.

The numbers I need to extract are mainly 6 and 7 digits long however don't always sit in the same place within the ID. I don't need the 3 digit number sequences, just the 6 & 7 number sequences



I've found a formula that strips out all the numbers, however it also included the 3 digit numbers which I don't want. I've also used Text To Columns to break up the ID across a number of columns however that leaves me with 2 and sometimes 3 columns where a 6 digit ID appears

Is there a simple way to extract the number if it's a certain length? i.e. 6 or 7 digits long

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Formula Return The Address Of The Last Numerical Entry

Feb 25, 2010

It's a spreadsheet of about 300 rows, each row corresponding to a certain department. each row is filled with various data, both text and numerical, including various different scores and averages. the columns include daily scores and weekly averages. I want to be able to create a new column that will calculate the time (in days or weeks) since the last score/average was entered.

1. a formula that will return the address of the last numerical entry in a given row. (I've got a MATCH formula that will do this, although it doesn't let me specify different cells or ranges, only the entire row)

2. whichever cell is returned will give the date instead of the value. (for example, if the last value entered is in $F$63, and Column F is headed 23/11/09, then the formula will give the date)

3. then finally, calculate the time between that date and the present time

I've tried various different things, both in normal Excel and the VBA editor, and I'm beginning to think maybe this isn't even possible.

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Data Validation For 5 Digit Alpha Entry Only

Dec 3, 2008

I require a formula for custom data validation to permit entry 5 digit aplha characters only.

No spaces, or numbers permitted.

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Status Formula (find Out The Formula Where Numerical Valued Between 1-2000 Equals True And Numerical Under 0 Equals False)

Dec 12, 2009

I'd like to find out the formula where numerical valued between 1-2000 equals True and numerical under 0 equals False. Examples are in the attachment.

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Extract Alpha Numeric Values

Sep 17, 2007

I have cells with alphanumeric values. I need to extract the numeric values based on certain criteria and put these values in adjescent rows.

The sheet I am using has 3 rows . Row B contains data. Row C is Amount, Row D is Month, Row E is Action

To put values in Rows C, D and E , I need the data from row B in following criteria.

data in B row is as follows :-

RS.555/STMT 020907/BP12/ OFFER
ANNFEE RS 555/- / STMT 020907 / BP 12 / FIRST TIME
RS595/STMT 0807/BP12/ first time
MEM FEES RS 525 /STMT 120807 / BP12/1ST TIM

criteria for row C
if the cell contains "AMT" or "RS" or "INR" or "AMNT" or "RS."then extract the value till first "/" or "" and put it
under Amount row. ( E.g: "AMT 595 /" or "Inr 595/" or " Rs. 595")

criteria for row D
if the cell contains "stmt" or begins with "0" or endswith "07" then extract the value till first "/" or "" and put it under Month row.

criteria for row E

if the cell contains "BP" or "OP" then extarct the value till first "/" or "" and put it under department row. ( e.g " BP01 /" or "OP 02 ")

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Extract Number From Alpha-numeric Data -

Jan 17, 2008

Aguirre: The Wrath of God 552
Ai No Corrida 619
Aileen Wuornos: The Selling of a Serial Killer 821
Airplane! 671
Akira 764
Albero degli Zoccoli, L' 641


I want to extract the page numbers (the final numbers) and place them into a new, separate column.

I am using Microsoft Excel X for Max Service Release 1.

I am competent on basic excel but not familiar with complicated formula etc.

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Extract Numerical Month

Feb 3, 2007

Cell is input as 01.01.2007. Using =MONTH
formula I am unable to get 1.

Any thoughts on how to extract the month from the middle

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Extract Numerical Data

May 18, 2007

if it is possible to create a formula to just extract numerical data. It is formated in text or sometimes general format.


John Doe - 1202939402093
109230920933 - Jane Doe

Is there such a formula that will read the cell, and extract the numerical part of the cell and place it in another cell?

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Formula That Extract The Numbers

Mar 17, 2007

Need a formula that will extract the numbers in Col C into this format
C2 2,2,1,0,0,0 to 221000. Thanks for all suggestions. I can copy the numbers into Notepad and do a replace, but there has to be a better way in Excel.

******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - FL LOTTO 6-53.xls___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutC2=
CDEF22, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0 32, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0 42, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0 52, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1 62, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0 72, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0 82, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0 92, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2 102, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0 112, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0 122, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1 132, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0 142, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0 152, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2 162, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0 172, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1 182, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0 Sheet9
[HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name box

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Formula To Lookup The Numbers From Above And Only Extract A Number Once

Nov 27, 2008

I have a spreadsheet on a weekly data with diferent reference names

what I want is a formula to lookup the numbers from above and only extract a number once

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VBA Find Cells Containing Numbers Or Alpha

Feb 5, 2007

i need to see what cell in the collum is empty. how can i do that in vb?

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Sort Column Of Number & Numbers With Alpha Characters Attached

Jan 7, 2010

Have a spreadsheet that contains a column of 3 digit numbers as well as 3 digit numbers with 2 trailing alpha characters.



Need to sort by this column, but, with the parameter of sorting first by the numeric only, and then by numeric with alphas. So, the above list would look like this sorted properly:


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Arranging Numbers In Numerical Order

May 26, 2012

I'm looking for a formula that will rearrange a row of numbers in numerical order and by their last digit also in a numerical order, I hope it's clear enough !!!

2 1235781114162022273139667197110113128136139153225250328428508576772 3
4 2011025011131712227723113153145225166613657672797812832842850839139 5

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How To Convert Numerical Numbers To Words

Jun 20, 2014

how to convert numerical numbers to words in MS excel & MS world

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Extract Alpha From A String And Compare With Another String

Aug 23, 2007

I have a problems here. The problems is attached in the file. I wanna extract alpha/char from a string. Example: I wanna extract the words "(M)" with the bracket from the string "Toothbrush (M)" in column A. After extracting the (M) out, I wanna do a validation to compare the (M) in column B with another data in column C, if the (M) is same as the data called "Medium" in column c, the validation will return "Match" in the column d!

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Formula To Look For A Number Entry On One Worksheet And Return Another Fixed Entry?

Mar 14, 2014

Is there a formula that will allow me to look for the existence of any number value in a row of one worksheet and then return a specific number value in a cell on another worksheet? For example, if the formula finds any number value it will always return the number 15 to a cell on another worksheet.

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Next Alpha Number Formula

Jul 18, 2006

I am trying to create a formula (or if VBA is better) where when a name is put into a field the next alpha mumber is created. Have attached example.

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Find Most Common (x5) Numbers Within Numerical String Range?

Apr 2, 2014

I have a range of cells containing a string of numbers separated by ';' e.g.


I am looking to find the top 5 most common/repeated numbers within this range. I have found a formula to work out the largest number within the range:

=MAX(IFERROR(0+TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(";"&B3,";",REPT(" ",LEN(B3))),(ROW(A$1:A$200)*LEN(B3))-1,LEN(B3))),0)) (REF

How to modify it to work with e.g. the mode function.

I know I could separate all the numbers out using 'text to columns' but I will need to work this out regularly on large quantities of data ...

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Extract Numerical Pixel Gray Values From Gray Scale BMP Image

Oct 21, 2013

I have a *.bmp image file. It is gray scale only. It amy be up to 1000 x 1000 pixels.

I want to extract the numerical value of each pixel and deposit the values into an Array for further processing.

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Macro For Putting Index Reference Numbers In Numerical Sequence?

Nov 12, 2012

I have a document that is a subject index for book that has terms that reference page numbers. The structure is for example: Employment, 587, 592, 553, 605, 233 The term is always following by comma and then space and listing of page numbers that subject reference applies. In many cases the page number references are out of sequence and I need them to be in numerical sequence. i.e. Employment, 233, 553, 587, 592, 605 There are many subject terms in index and need to check and fix sequence of page references for each.

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Remove Non-alpha Characters From Alphanumerics With Option To Remove Numbers

Aug 8, 2009

I have found a very useful UDF for removing non-alpha characters from strings. (See below, Credit for posting to Stanley D Grom - Ozgrid post ´Removing Non-alpha Characters From Text´).

Option Explicit

Private Function RemoveCharacters(InString As String) As String
Dim intLoopCounter As Integer
Dim intStringLength As Integer
Dim intASCIIVal As Integer
intStringLength = Len(InString)
InString = LCase(InString)
For intLoopCounter = 1 To intStringLength
intASCIIVal = Asc(Mid(InString, intLoopCounter, 1))
If intASCIIVal >= 97 And intASCIIVal <= 122 Then
RemoveCharacters = RemoveCharacters + Mid(InString, intLoopCounter, 1)
End If
Next intLoopCounter
End Function

Two requests:

1. Could the UDF be modified such that any part of a string contained within brackets is also removed (e.g. "NLGA High Street (West-Enfield), EN6" becomes "nlgahighstreeten")?

2. Can an argument be added to the format of the UDF, such that numbers (0 to 9) are either included or excluded (e.g. RemoveCharacters(A1,1) where the argument ´1´ would include any numbers (0 to 9), so "NLGA2003 High Street (West-Enfield), EN6" becomes "nlga2003highstreeten6")? ´blank´or ´0´would exclude these numbers, i.e. would return "nlgahighstreeten"

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Extract Numbers From Text Para And Sum Extracted Numbers?

Jan 27, 2012

I have a text string in cell A1 as below:

repairs booked in Dec,11 (INR 37k)
training fees Dec,11 (INR 42k)test Fee Reimb for 03 emp Dec,11 (INR 56k)
skill fees booked in Jan,12 INR 52k
Reimb for 01 employee in Jan,12 INR 8k fee accounted- xyz INR 250k, Quick solutions INR 52K, ABCD India INR 272K, Layer Technologies INR30K and complex mgt INR 21K

Note: (INR 37K) means negative number i.e. -37

Now my task is to manually total the above amounts in calculator, i.e.

-37-42-56+52+8+250+52+272+30+21 = =550

like this there are 100s of cells, could derive a formula for this task.

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Alpha String Formula - Remove Duplicates When Starting In Cell Going Downward

Aug 22, 2013

I have a string of letters in cell column L20 through L3019.

The letters are A, B, C, and R . No other letters.

I wanted to find out if it is possible to remove any duplicates when starting in cell L20 going downward.

For example:

L20 = B
L21 = A
L22 = A
L23 = B
L24 = C
L25 = C
L26 = C
L27 = C
L28 = B
L29 = R
L30 = A
L31 = C
L32 = C
L33 = C
L34 = R
L35 = R
L36 = B
L37 = B

In the range L20 through L37 all the letters have appeared so my goal is to create a formula where the outcome is BACR. Starting with the first letter B in cell L20

Cell range L20 through L37. Looking for the next letter which would be either A,C, or R. Since we already used the letter B. In this case it's the letter A

Cell range L20 through L37. Looking for the next letter which is the C or R. In this case it's the letter C

Finally range L20 through L37. Looking for the letter R which is in cell L29.

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Formula - Find First Entry, Second Entry

May 28, 2008

say sheet 1 has 2 collums A & B

collum A is Names Collum B is Dates

Bob Fenton 05/04/08
Rob Smith 05/06/08
Al Feth 05/08/08
Al Feth 05/18/08
Al Thomas 04/23/08
Rob Smith 05/23/08
Bob Smith 04/22/08
Bob Fenton 05/15/08
Al Feth 05/10/08

sheet 2 has unlimited collums in collum A is the name of the person in collum B to Z (or more) i would like a fomula that will search sheet 1 and return the dates for each entry of that name.

so sheet 2 would be like ....

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Sum Formula For Non-numerical Fields

Nov 21, 2007

I have a column of dates (2007, 2006, 2005 etc...) and a column of data ranging from "unsatisfied" to "very satisfied". I want a formula to provide, for example, the total number of occurences of "very satisfied" in "2006".

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If Statement Formula Which Brings Back A Numerical Value

Aug 26, 2009

cell AT7 is a formula which brings back a numerical value i.e. 15.

in cell AS7 i need a formula that displays the value of cell AT7, as long as that value is less than 15, if the value is 15 or higher then 0 should be displayed.

I dont know why i cant get this, seems like a simple IF statement to me, but who knows.

Once this formula is done i need to drag it down about 2500 cells and autosum to get a column total...

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Applying Numerical Values To Letters In Formula

Feb 28, 2007

I'm putting together an Environment Threat Assessment for work and want to automate as much of it as I can to alleviate the amount of time ppl have to spend putting values in. My main problem is I have three very important columns: Likelihood, Success Rating and Risk Rating. Likelihood and Success Rating values will be selected from the following:

VL - Very Low
L - Low
M - Medium
H - High
VH - Very High
Each of these is given a value: VL = 1, L = 2, M = 3, H = 4, VH = 5.
The Risk Rating is the result of multiplying the Likelihood and Success Rating. So a Likelihood of Medium and a Success Rating of Low will give a Risk Rating of 6. Therefore, the cells on my spreadsheet would look like this:

Likelihood Success Rating Risk Rating
M L 6
The issue is I want a couple of things to occur. Firstly I want keep the values in my Likelihood and Success Rating cells as letters (ie. VL, H, VH etc) rather than numbers, while still generating a number result in the Risk Rating cells. Secondly I'd like to be able to change the colour of the Risk Rating cell to reflect the number it gets assigned. For example Green for < 8, Amber for 9 – 14 and Red for 15 – 25. I've been trying to do this with array formulas and am basically going around in circles with no success.

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Keep Data Entry Between 2 Numbers

Aug 24, 2006

I need to have a message box appear if a user tries to enter a value not between 992200000 and 992299999 in the range B11:B1182. I used the following code to test this out (only for B11).

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Range("B11").Value < 0 Then
If Range("B11").Value < 992200000 Or Range("B11").Value > 992299999 Then
MsgBox "Please enter the Associate ID"
End If
End If
End Sub

The problem is A: I need to apply this to every cell in the aforementioned range. And B: I need to only restrict this when there is a number in the cell (I tried to add the first If statement to do that, but it didn't work).

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Excel 2002 :: Modify Formula To Merge Numerical With Text

Apr 21, 2012

I am using the following formula to find out the No. of "HH" in the range given and I am getting the results simply with numerical value as 2, 3 etc. I want the result should be displayed as 2HH, 3HH depending upon the No. of "HH" available in the given range. The result should be displayed as (the No. added with the text "HH").


I use excel 2002.

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Data Validation Formula For Set Of Numerical And Text Based Values

Apr 30, 2014

I am quite inexperienced with Excel and I am struggling to understand how should I set up a formula, within the data validation function to achieve the following:

I need to restrict a certain set of cells, for people to be able to input only the following values: "1", "0.5", "A", "H", "0.5A" (or 0.5a), "0.5H" (or 0.5h)

And I would need the data validation tool not to include blank cells.

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