Form With Multiple Listboxes

May 6, 2014

How to put these multiple listboxes in my form that allow the end-user to make selections and then after they are done, click the submit button that queries the results. I have read so many books and nothing in the books works.

I created a query that includes all the fields in each of the listboxes. For example :

[Code] ....

This way each listbox and there are 11, has distinct values based on my qual_main table and it connects to whatever the other table is that contains the actual values I need to pull. The listboxes display correctly yet when I put the query in my button to run it based on what the end-user selected from the listboxes, it does nothing. I have tried several things and the last code I tried is as follows:

[Code] .....

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Clear Checkboxes / Listboxes From Multiple Sheets

Jun 19, 2014

I am trying to clear check boxes and list boxes on multiple worksheets within a workbook. Below is what I have,but doesn't work. Note: the "bottom " code does work to clear selected cells of their data. I tried to create a macro for the list boxes selecting "----" which I have as the last entry in the vlookup table but was totally unsuccessful at.

Sub cleardata()
Dim Obj As OLEObject
Dim ws As Worksheet


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Connect 2 Listboxes

Feb 28, 2014

I have a userform with a listbox that has 6 columns (D2:I50) which works great. In column J (J2:J50), I have data which needs wrapping so I plan on putting it in its own listbox. Is it possible to have another list box but one that operates as the first one is scrolled?

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Listboxes In Userforms

Jul 25, 2006

I am creating a userform with a listbox.

When I select multiple values from the listbox, how do I apply the selected set of values (user can select up to 10 out of 80) to a range of cells in a different sheet (in the same workbook), which cannot contain any blank cells?

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Populate Comboboxes And Listboxes Using VBA

Apr 12, 2010

Looking for examples of the following:

1. population a combobox in excel vba using code as opposed from a sheet
2. population a listboxin excel vba using code as opposed from a sheet
3. population a combobox in excel vba using text from a file as opposed from a sheet
4. Getting the values from a combobox on a form to populate cells on a worksheet

These list boxes and comboboxes will be on a form.

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Obtaining Information From Listboxes

Feb 4, 2014

I have a listbox (form control) on an excel sheet, where the user can select (or deselect) multiple entries.

Is there a way to have vba spit out which options are selected? if I choose "single" for selection type, it will tell me which option i have selected. Is there something similar for multiple?

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Using Two Multi-Select Listboxes

Jan 23, 2012

I'm trying to make two multi select listboxes in excel. I have tried I myself, but I know the excistence of VBA only since one week .

In sheet1 I have a number i.e. 50 in "A1" . First I want to make a list of this number, so cell "A2" = 1, "A3" = 2, .... "A51" = 50. This range has to be variable since the number can be 1 but als 100.

Then I want to populate ListBox1 in sheet2 with the list from sheet1. Next I want a second ListBox (ListBox2) and two buttons ("Add item" and "remove items") to move items from ListBox1 to ListBox2 and back.

Finally i want the selection that is made in ListBox2 to be put in sheet1 in a specific column (let's say C) where "C1" is the first selected item from ListBox2 "C2" the second and so on. This range has to be variabel since the number of selected items is not known.

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Iterate Through Listboxes On Worksheet?

Dec 26, 2012

I have a number of listboxes on a worksheet that I want to use to filter data on another worksheet.

I thought something like the following would work but I need the correct syntax and/or modifications to the method:

for each listbox in activesheet.listboxes
for each selection in listbox.selection
filter data accordingly on other sheet
next selection
next listbox

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List All Listboxes On Active Sheet With VBA

Aug 21, 2014

Any way to find out what list boxes are on the active sheet with vba? I have a massive file loaded with listboxes, some copied from other sheets. I am trying to copy the selected value from to the worksheets themselves. I can pull the selected item from the Cell Link's Index or the bound item, but only if I specify the listbox. There are 57 sheets and up to 6 listboxes on a sheet, Do I have to go through and give them all individual names, such as the sheetname_listboxname.

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Show Row Source Data In Listboxes

Jun 2, 2009

I have used a userform found on this forum (I cannot find the link) that displays row data from a range within a listbox. Unfortunately though you cannot determine the column width. As such I wondered if it was possible to show the data within other listboxes. So for example in listbox1 you can see 5 columns accross (from a range) however one of them is very wide.

Looking at Listbox1 you can only see the firsy 20 characters approximately in each column. Is it possible therefore that once this row of data is selected that the contents of the columns is duplicated in other listboxes on the same userform that can be expanded to accommodate larger text?

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Userform Listboxes - Data Comes As Being Too Long

Oct 25, 2011

I am using a userform and i have added some data to listboxes but it comes as being too long when it is only one character. I checked in properties to change the settings and tried to change everything but it doesnt work.

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Compare 2 ListBoxes & List Matches In A Third

Aug 13, 2008

I have two excel sheets, one loads up in Listbox1 and the other in Listbox2, i would like to be able to see if any entries in listbox2 match with entries in listbox1 and then to display the matches in listbox3 with a click of a command button. Is this possible? If so, how would i go about it?

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Show And Hide Listboxes Via Option Buttons

Mar 12, 2012

I have 7 different listboxes, laying on top of eachother. When I select OptionButton1 I would like to see ListBox1.

This works fine the first time I push the radiobuttons. But I can't go back again..

This is my codes for the optionbuttons;

Private Sub OptionButton1_Click()
If OptionButton1.Enabled = True Then
ListBox1.Visible = True


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Fill Multi Column Listboxes With Uniques

Aug 1, 2006

I am designing a userform that involves a listbox that I am having trouble with. Please note I have little experience with vba, so I don't understand most codes.

I want to make a mulitcolumn listbox, populated with the attached pivot table. I really do not know where to start, and there is no "populating multicolumn listboxes for beginners" instructions anywhere on google or in here. At least, none that I understand.

What I am trying to create is a 2-column listbox, where in the first column, the "code" fields are shown, and in the second column, the corresponding " Name" fields are shown. In the pivot table, you can see how several routes fall under a service, and several services fall under a pc, etc.

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Preselect Listboxes Based On Option Button Selection?

Apr 24, 2014

see the attached below.

A few things to sort if I may

How do I get the listboxes to pre-populate based on the Userid and Option Button selection? Furthermore, write back to the correct cell once the selection has been made?

How can I get the combobox to remove blanks in the Userid? (if each cell in row2 has to be populated then so be it)


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Enable Command Button If ANY Of 4 Listboxes Have Selection Made

Feb 12, 2014

I have a fairly straightforward UserForm with 4 listboxes and 4 option textboxes (the textboxes do not need to be a part of the validation I'm needing). I then have a command button that I want to be enabled ONLY if ANY of the 4 Listboxes have a selection. I've tried the "Change" event code below and it works upon the first selection of any listbox item.

However, if the user de-selects all selections in the listboxes (i.e. they are all unchecked), the command button remains enabled. I need the validation logic to enable/disable the button to persist as long as the user has the form open and if there is not a selection in ANY of the listboxes. The reason being is that if they click the command button it will update the cells in the worksheet, which if empty may overwrite previous work completed with blank cells.

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Populating Two Listboxes With Sheets Based On Cell Value; Printing Their Selection

Jul 29, 2009

I would like to do is have 2 listboxes. In the first listbox I would like the name of all the worksheets which contain the words "elective class: " in cell C7.

In the second listbox I would like the name of all the worksheets which do not contain the words "elective class: " in C7. I need this only to source from worksheet 7 onwards however.

The listboxes are called ListBox1 and ListBox2 respectively.

Also I am using this to print and I have a button which currently selects all the data in the first listbox and another button which prints all the selected data. The code being used for this is:

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Combobox And Listboxes: Fill A Combo Box On A Userform With The Data On Sheet1

Feb 15, 2007

i need to be able to fill a combo box on a userform with the data on sheet1 and when you select the item from the combobox it will populate the textbox below.

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Multiple Checkbox Form

Feb 26, 2014

What I essentially need to do is the following:

In Column J of my spreadsheet I have a heading of "Documents outstanding"

In the cells below this heading I would like multiple checkboxes that the user can tick or un-tick as the documentation is received.

For example

Passport []
Drivers Licence []
Bank statement []
Utility Bill []
Signed contract []

Now the problem I have is that I am able to make individual checkboxes for these, it becomes cumbersome in a large spreadsheet.

If I could get these options on a single form that I could repeat down the spreadsheet that would be perfect.

The form has to be contained within a single cell.

Is this possible?

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Multiple Combobox > Textbox Form

Feb 17, 2007

creating this excel file with multiple comboboxes, i was wondering if i can add another into the equation. so i can have sub-categories.

i have attached the original file and how i would like to change the layout!

i also have another question, see with the info that would go into the textbox is there anyway you can put writing on seperate lines,


all within the same cell?

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(Form TextBox) Multiple Fonts

Jan 4, 2010

I need to use two types of fonts to not only display a string of characters in a textbox but also past to a cell as viewed in the textbox.

An example string:


The above string in Arial font would look like this:


I am simulating a GD&T instruction (Geometric Deimensioning and Tolerancing).

My dilema stems from the first character "[" and the last character "]".
I use both of these characters to open an instruction and close the instruction (as if all characters are surrounded by a rectangle).

What I cant figure out is how to isolate the first "[" and the last "]" (They will always be the first and last characters of an unknown string length). The first "[" would be an "Arial font" and the last would be an "Arial font" everything in between is another font (in this case Verisurf).
See attached example jpg file.

Verisurf uses both "[" and "]" as alternate characters. I only need to capture the first and last character if: 1. The first is a "[" and or the last is a "]". They will never be vice~versa.

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Multiple Prints Form One Sheet

May 11, 2012

I work in a hospital laboratory and we are performing an antibiotic study. I have a work book consisting of 2 sheets

1 sheet is a list 7 antibiotics in a column for a1 to a8
2 sheet is a blank results sheet

What I want to do is print out the blank result sheet once for every antibiotic on sheet 1 with the name of the antibiotic in sheet 2 pos "a,1"

I have copied the blank 7 times and linked to the antibiotic list but this seems very untidy.

Is there a way to print out 7 identical sheet2's differing only by reference to sheet 1 a1 to a8.

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Multiple Image Names On Form

Dec 12, 2007

I cant find out how to get this to work

For e = 1 To 52

num = Sheets!Sol. Cells(e, 1) ' gets first number
nam = Sheets!Sol.Cells(num + 1, 12) ' gets first Image name

Sol.(“nam”) . Left = Sheets!Sol.Cells(e + 1, 13)

Next e

Sam Auto Merged Post;Just to clarify, i have a coloum which contains the names of all the images on a form and i want to perform the same function on each one, currently i have written all of them down but this is time consuming and i need to do similar things later in my program.
I have also tried listing "sol.image1.left" "sol.image2.left" etc in the relevant cells in coloum 20 and written this

For e = 1 To 52

num = Sheets!Sol.Cells(e, 1) ' gets first number
namleft = Sheets!Sol.Cells(num, 20) ' gets first Image name

namleft = Sheets!Sol.Cells(e + 1, 13)

Next e

but this just writes over the string 'namleft' with whatever is in Sheets!Sol.Cells(e + 1, 13)

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Multiple Text Box References From A User Form

Jun 12, 2008

I recently created a userform. I want the data to be placed into the leftheader, centerheader, and rightheader of the document after the user fills in the required fields. I have made the userform, and I can make the code for it to place one item on my userform in the left, center, or right headers. However, when I try to place more than one item in any of the headers excel deletes the first item and overwrites it with the item that is listed last in the VBA code for that respective header. I am new to VBA (this is actually my first program) so I do not know how to make the first value stay there and simply have the next value placed on the line below it.

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Print Selected & Multiple Rows To A Form

Jul 12, 2008

The file consists of 3 sheets:Orders,Order Form PO1 & Purchase Order. When I mark "x" in the row that I want to print, Order Form PO1 will be displayed with all data in the specific columns. However, it only allows me to select one row at a time. Now, I want to select multiple rows so that it will pass the data to the sheet Purchase Order.

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Form Control Combobox And Multiple Columns

Oct 22, 2013

I want to display mutliple columns in a form control combobox. Tried activex and the easy part was the multiple columns. I couldn't get the activex combobox to update properly when a cell value changed.

The form control combobox updates properly but it is only displaying the first column of my named range.

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Controlling Multiple Text Boxes On A Form

Feb 18, 2009

I have a userform with 40 text boxes in it. I have learnt how to restrict people entering anything other than numbers into a text box using the following code on the keypress property of the textbox:

Const Number$ = "0123456789." ' only allow these characters

If KeyAscii 8 Then
If InStr(Number$, Chr(KeyAscii)) = 0 Then
KeyAscii = 0
Exit Sub
End If
End If

Rather than have 40 of these blocks of code (one for each text box), is it possible to somehow group them so that a block of code is applicable to all of them?

For the sake of arguement, the textboxes are called data1 up to data40

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Form Range From Ranges On Multiple Sheets

Jul 20, 2009

Is it possible to form a single Range object from ranges on multiple sheets. So for example, would it be possible to set a Range object equal to cells A1:D146 from Sheet 1 and A1:B49 from Sheet 2 and if so, what would be the syntax? For the first I have:
but I wouldn't know how to proceed from there.

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Multiple User Data Entry Form

Jun 28, 2007

Basically at the moment our static data group use a generic sheet which lists all possible field variables. However, what I want to do is design something which only shows the fields that need to be filled out (ie if the field is shown it needs to be input).

Once the form is filled out it will get saved and sent via email, where it is then printed out and input by our data group. One way I thought about approaching this was to have 18 sheets which are hidden, and which are then selected when a report type is filled out. The other way would be to have IF statements but I think that would get complicated on the one sheet. Just really looking at ideas at this stage.... For example there are 30 fields on the sheet that we use now, but some reports may only need 5 of these fields - I therefore need to "hide" the remaining 25...

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Graph That Consolidates Multiple Inputs From Dropdown Form

Apr 22, 2014

1. I need a template that allows a user to select a location from a dropdown menu (Cell B1 of Example Data tab).
2. Titles in cells C1:V1 and B2:B8 will stay the same.
3. Data inputs within range C2:V8 would change for each location. The idea is based off the location selection from the dropdown menu, different data is shown within the range and available for updates.
4. The chart (see Example Chart) would sum all location inputs in range C2:V8

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