Multiple Checkbox Form

Feb 26, 2014

What I essentially need to do is the following:

In Column J of my spreadsheet I have a heading of "Documents outstanding"

In the cells below this heading I would like multiple checkboxes that the user can tick or un-tick as the documentation is received.

For example

Passport []
Drivers Licence []
Bank statement []
Utility Bill []
Signed contract []

Now the problem I have is that I am able to make individual checkboxes for these, it becomes cumbersome in a large spreadsheet.

If I could get these options on a single form that I could repeat down the spreadsheet that would be perfect.

The form has to be contained within a single cell.

Is this possible?

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Run Macro When Form Control Checkbox Changes

May 30, 2013

I have many Form Control Check Boxes that all link to another sheet on row 3.

I have many changes to make but only want to implement the change related to the check box.

This code works perfect when you manualy type true or false on row 3 but not if the check box makes the change.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
ThisCol = Target.Column
If Target.Row = 3 Then
RESULT = MsgBox(Cells(1, ThisCol) & " = " & Cells(3, ThisCol), vbOKOnly, "CLICK RESULTS")
End If
End Sub

Why does this not work when a check box changes the value in row 3?

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VBA - Disable Form Checkbox In Worksheet

Jan 18, 2013

I want to have a Checkbox (Form) that is in my Worksheet to disable/gray-out once it is selected. I don't want people to be able to uncheck it again. I want them to be forced to click another Checkbox to enable it again.


Two Checkboxes:

Check Box 1 = "Apply"
Check Box 2 = "Delete"

Once "Apply" is checked, gray it out. This will force a user to click "Delete" in order for the "Apply" button to be enabled again. I do not want a user to click "Apply" once selected as their way of 'deleting' the information.

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Enter Form Details Into Different Sheets On Checkbox Value

Nov 30, 2009

I've got one more problem to solve with my current project. An example of the workbook is attached.

What i want to do is change the code on my 'enter button' of the 'input form' which can be shown by clicking the 'Add New Hedge' button on the summary sheet.

The change i want to make is when the user clicks 'enter', if the 'settle now' checkbox is false to add the details of the form to the unsettled hedges form as it currently does.

If the 'settle now' checkbox value is true then i want the form details to be added to the next available row on 'settled hedges' worksheet, in the same way it currently does for adding into the next available row of the 'unsettled hedges' sheet. Also here, i would want the value of the 'returns' textbox added to be added into column L rather than the text "unsettled". This would also mean when the 'settle now' checkbox is true that the 'returns' textbox needs to have a value before adding any details.

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Code For Simple Checkbox On User Form.

Jan 21, 2010

I really don't know how to code a checkbox correctly. On the sheet, I have a form with CheckBox1 and Checkbox2. I would like Checkbox2 disabled until Checkbox1 is checked. Also, when Checkbox1 is checked, display Image1, otherwise Image1 is hidden. When CheckBox2 is enabled and checked, display Image2, otherwise Image2 is hidden. I know this is real beginner stuff, I'm still a rookie.

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Remove Checkbox Ticks From Last Use Upon Opening User Form

Jun 2, 2009

I am simply trying to write a macro or code that will set all the check box values to "False" each time I initiate the User form. So that the user form does not "carry over" check box values from the last time the User form was used.

However I had to make sure I cleared the value from the cell that each control is associated with.(the controlsource in the user form properties.)

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Excel 2007 :: Clicking Checkbox In Oracle Form Using VBA

Jun 7, 2012

One of my engaging tasks at work is to disable/enable general ledger accounts (accounting speak) in our Oracle ERP application using one of their forms.

In this case it would be a list of gl accounts and to the left of the gl account would be a check box that I can click.

Checked means enabled.
Blank would mean disabled.

If I have a list of currently enabled gl accounts that are to be disabled (unchecked) then I have to do so one by one. I can click with the mouse on the checkbox or I can using the keyboard use the space bar followed by the down arrow key and repeat. As fun as that sounds sometimes I'm faced with dozens or hundreds at a time.

Therefore my question is can I automate this using VBA? or any other tools out there.

Using Excel Office 2007, Oracle ERP (9.5.8) I think - it's old

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Checkbox Form Control Application Caller When Grouped

Aug 27, 2012

I have coming from the Forms Controls within a Sheet 6 CheckBox.

for the following countries: "Spain", "France", "UK", "Italy", "Germany" and "EUROPE"

when Europe is selected the I select all the Check Boxes at once by Macro, if Europe is selected and I unselect Europe, then I unselect all the countries by Macro.

When Europe is selected and then I press for eg in Spain, the Spain is not selected and then I unselect Europe, by macro.

This works fine, and my macro does the job OK.


Sub mCountries()
On Error Resume Next: Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim wCaller As String: wCaller = Application.Caller
Dim aCheckBoxes(): aCheckBoxes = Array("cBoxSpain", "cBoxFrance", "cBoxItaly", "cBoxGermany", "cBoxUK")
Dim X As Long: X = -4146
Dim Y As Long


But if My 6 CheckBoxes are grouped... the Macro does do the job How can I refer to a shpes withing the Grouped Shape to apply the selection and/or to unselect??

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Change Form Checkbox Fill Color For ALL Checkboxes In Workbook When Checked (True)

Nov 20, 2013

I have a multi-worksheet workbook that has many forms control checkboxes throughout it. I'm looking for some VBA that will change the background (fill) color of ALL the checkbox when it is checked (True). I've seen code for a single checkbox, but not multiple/all boxes. I know just enough VBA to be dangerous, but I'm up to learning anything new.

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Excel 2010 :: VBA To Change Form Control Checkbox Background Color When Checked

Nov 22, 2013

I have an Excel 2010 workbook with many worksheets using hundreds of Form Control (not ActiveX) checkboxes. I need a bit of VBA to change Checkbox background color of each checkbox whenever the user checks the box. I assume this needs to be a click event? I don't even know the Checkbox property name I need to change I'm learning VBA as quick as I can

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VBA - Displaying Values In Multiple Lines If Multiple Checkbox's Are Selected

Sep 10, 2012

In my userform I have a list of check box's that can be selected. Currently if more than one is selected, they will appear in the spread sheet in the same line one after another with a space between them. How do I make it so they either appear with a comma appearing after each, so the next value appears on the next line below or most perferably the cell turning to a drop down list with the values?

Current code

If CheckBox1.Value = True Then ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value & " " & CheckBox1.Caption
If CheckBox2.Value = True Then ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value & " " & CheckBox2.Caption
If CheckBox3.Value = True Then ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value & " " & CheckBox3.Caption
If CheckBox4.Value = True Then ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value & " " & CheckBox4.Caption
If CheckBox5.Value = True Then ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value & " " & CheckBox5.Caption
If CheckBox6.Value = True Then ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value & " " & CheckBox6.Caption

Spreadsheet current cell appearence if all 6 are selected ' Chinnook EH101 Lynx Puma Sea King Fixed Wing'

Required appearence:
Sea King
Fixed Wing

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One Checkbox To Do Multiple Actions

Sep 10, 2012

This Coding is correct for CheckBox49. This code Changes the Color of one Cell from Black to white and the cell below it from white to black...(its a dipswitch) when the check box is checked... When its unchecked it does the opposite....

' ACM 1 Switch 1
Private Sub CheckBox49_Click()
If CheckBox49.Value = True Then
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
[Code] ........

Now what needs to happen is this.... I'd Like to have this Happen if checkx49 is checked...

With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid

[Code] .......

If Checkbox49 is unchecked do this... Put in D26 Reader Name? in Italics.

With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlNone

[Code] .........

Also...what ever information is entered in D23.
Put that in F50 with RDR at the end...
Whats in D23 Put in F51
Whats in D23 Put in M50 and concatenate with a space from cell U49
Whats in D23 Put in M51 and concatenate with a space from cell Y49

Lastly code to select K50, K51, R50, and R51...=Len whats in F50, F51, M50, and M51 when the box is checked...and dont len when the box is unchecked.

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Selection Of 1 Out Of Multiple Checkbox

Feb 16, 2009

In one of the worksheet. I have list of questions in column A.

In column B I want to have the following 3 checkbox

1> YES
2> NO
3> Not sure.

Based on the question, user selectts one of the check box.

User should not be able to select multiple checkbox. i.e. User can select only 1 out 3 possible options.

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Multiple Checkbox If Statements

Jan 18, 2010

I have a userform with 14 independant checkboxes on and would like it when the operator presses the 'go' button for the code to look at each box and if ticked put a "Y" in the column on a spreadsheet associated with that checkbox.

I have this portion of code set for each checkbox within the sub function, but it's a lot of code for something relatively simple:

If GroupFinder.firstbox.Value = True Then
Worksheets("Number one").Range("C" & grouprow).Value = "Y"
Worksheets("Number one").Range("C" & grouprow).ClearComments
Worksheets("Number one").Range("C" & grouprow).AddComment
Worksheets("Number one").Range("C" & grouprow).Comment.Text Text:="Added by:" & Operator & Chr(10) & "On:" & Date

Is there an easy and quicker way of doing this without all this code for each of the 14 checkboxes? I'm sure there is, but I can't figure it out.

I'm trying to keep the code simplified for others who follow after and might not follow VBA so well.

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Assign Multiple Macro To One Checkbox!

Dec 3, 2008

i want to know how to assign a macro which will remove and place a number in a certain cell. so if i click and tick the box, then a certain figure will come into a cell(this will be a formulae) and when untick the the number will disappear.

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Multiple Checkboxes To Tick 1 Checkbox

Feb 21, 2009

I have 4 checkboxes: a, b, c, and d. if all three check box a,b, and c is checked, then check box d is checked. if any of a, b, or c is unchecked, then check box d is unchecked.

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Clear Multiple CheckBox Controls

Jan 1, 2007

I have a sheet with 550 checkboxes (form toolbar). I want to be able to reset the boxes to unchecked with a button. I found an example here but I seem to need the label (Ex: "Check Box 1")

Sub UnCheckit()
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Check Box 1").ControlFormat.Value = False
End Sub

It doesn't make sense I would need to leave the label showing on the sheet, but the label seems to be the identifer for each checkbox, not the named cell. So I am a little confused how to alter the code.

So when it works it looks like:
[] Check Box 1 Click this box to indicate something

While I wanted it to look like:
[] Click this box to indicate something

(I guess control checkboxes was the way to go but we are here now.)

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Checkbox That Selects Multiple Checkboxes

Aug 9, 2007

I have a worksheet with approx. 100 form checkboxes. The cell behind each box holds it's TRUE/FALSE condition, which is something I check for elsewhere on another worksheet.

I need one 'SELECT ALL' checkbox which, when selected, will 'check' every one of these 100 checkboxes (change their conditions to TRUE).

Ideally this would be done thru an excel formula, but I've looked everwhere and not found anything that will permit this.

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Sum Multiple Checkbox Values In Single Cell

Jul 1, 2014

I have an assigned value of 10 to each checkbox that is checked. If the checkbox is selected I want to automatically sum the totals in a cell on my active sheet. Checkboxes are activeX placed directly on a worksheet. I currently have a work around but considering the number of checkboxes I have, coding is going to be a nightmare as I would have to code each one separately. Right now I am summing each box on another sheet and linking the summed total back to active sheet.

[Code] ....

I would like to do all check boxes with one code and sum the total in the active sheet in cell "I7". The set of checkboxes is 1 to 26.

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Multiple Checkbox Date And Time Stamps In One Row

Jul 21, 2014

I need a date and time to appear and disappear in the corresponding cells when the checkbox is ticked and unticked. I got it to work but that was before i had multiple checkboxes on one line and added merged cells.

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How To Create Multiple Checkbox Lists In Each Cell

Feb 10, 2014

I would like to know if there's a way to create a checkbox list in a cell that influences other cells:

For example, I would have column A as "Materials Accepted", and each cell would have a dropdown list with the options "Wood", "Drywall", and "Metal", in checkbox format. Then to the right of that, I would have each of the Materials as actual columns so that column B is "Wood", column C is "Drywall", and column D is "Metal".

The way I would want it to work from there is that whatever options I select from the dropdown, it would then put a TRUE flag in that column. So if I select "Wood" and "Metal" on the dropdown checkbox list, columns B and D would both read TRUE on that particular row.

Just wondering if something like this is possible, as I wanted to apply this concept to a much larger scale (About 29 columns for 29 Materials, scrolling left and right is really time consuming). So far I've only seen guides on how to create a SINGLE checkbox on a row, and none with multiple checkboxes that would function in this manner.

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Toggle Multiple Checkbox Values On Focus

Jul 26, 2007

I have a userform with 54+ textboxes and and a checkbox. I would like to change the value of the checkbox from true to false using the keyboard when any of the textboxes have the focus. I can do this using a 'IF keycode' routine but I have to paste the code into each textbox. Is there a way of having the code in one place only, to prevent duplication?

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Checkbox : Married, Widows, Single Checkbox Is Selected

Feb 25, 2009

married, widows, single checkbox is selected

macro solution
good work.

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Stop Checkbox Sub From Jumping To Other Checkbox Subs

Apr 16, 2014

I have 3 checkboxes; when one is checked, a set/range of rows should be visible. Only 1 checkbox should be checked at a time.

If checkbox 18 is already checked, and checkbox 20 is then checked, I want the first checkbox unchecked and the rows for checkbox hidden.

I'm using the following code. It works great as long as I check and uncheck the same box before attempting to check another box. But if Checkbox18 is already checked with its rows showing, and I then check checkbox20, the checkbox20 sub runs and as I step through, it jumps to sub checkbox18.

How can I stop my subs from jumping from one to another?

Private Sub CheckBox18_Click()
If CheckBox18.Value = True Then
Worksheets("TRF").Rows("36:41").Hidden = False
Worksheets("TRF").Rows("42:64").Hidden = True
Worksheets("TRF").Rows("65:76").Hidden = True
CheckBox19.Value = False

[Code] .........

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Send Multipage Userform Checkbox Selections To Multiple Rows Of Category

Apr 17, 2014

I have a multipage wizard like userform that for each page has check box selection choices a user can pick from. The sample I've attached uses animal attributes for 2 animals. What I'd like to have is code that populates the worksheet with the animal under consideration (determined by the Frame Caption) in say A5, then populates the attribute selections made starting in B5 with no blank rows in between if they chose not to mark a checkbox.

So for animal one on page 1 of the multipage form, if the user selected attributes 1, 3, 4, and 6 and clicked the "NEXT" button on that page, animal one appears in A5 and then those attribute selections would be in B5, B6, B7, and B8. If the user then selected for animal 2 on page 2 of the multipage form, attributes 2 and 6 and clicked the "NEXT" button on that page, then animal two would appear in A9 with the selections appearing in B9 and B10.

I should mention that the number of rows in Table 1 may grow (or shrink) row size with additional rows added (or deleted) by the user. Not sure if it matters.

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Using Checkbox To Filter Multiple Data / Delete Multiple Data

Apr 23, 2014

with below example i m using multiple data filter but i want to delete the multiple data using checkboxes instead of filter.

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Hide/Unhide Checkbox Using Another Checkbox

Dec 14, 2008

How can i hide and unhide one checkbox using another one? Can it be done using IF formula?
And also i am using this checkbox to function something else as TRUE/FALSE.

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Form With Multiple Listboxes

May 6, 2014

How to put these multiple listboxes in my form that allow the end-user to make selections and then after they are done, click the submit button that queries the results. I have read so many books and nothing in the books works.

I created a query that includes all the fields in each of the listboxes. For example :

[Code] ....

This way each listbox and there are 11, has distinct values based on my qual_main table and it connects to whatever the other table is that contains the actual values I need to pull. The listboxes display correctly yet when I put the query in my button to run it based on what the end-user selected from the listboxes, it does nothing. I have tried several things and the last code I tried is as follows:

[Code] .....

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Multiple Combobox > Textbox Form

Feb 17, 2007

creating this excel file with multiple comboboxes, i was wondering if i can add another into the equation. so i can have sub-categories.

i have attached the original file and how i would like to change the layout!

i also have another question, see with the info that would go into the textbox is there anyway you can put writing on seperate lines,


all within the same cell?

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(Form TextBox) Multiple Fonts

Jan 4, 2010

I need to use two types of fonts to not only display a string of characters in a textbox but also past to a cell as viewed in the textbox.

An example string:


The above string in Arial font would look like this:


I am simulating a GD&T instruction (Geometric Deimensioning and Tolerancing).

My dilema stems from the first character "[" and the last character "]".
I use both of these characters to open an instruction and close the instruction (as if all characters are surrounded by a rectangle).

What I cant figure out is how to isolate the first "[" and the last "]" (They will always be the first and last characters of an unknown string length). The first "[" would be an "Arial font" and the last would be an "Arial font" everything in between is another font (in this case Verisurf).
See attached example jpg file.

Verisurf uses both "[" and "]" as alternate characters. I only need to capture the first and last character if: 1. The first is a "[" and or the last is a "]". They will never be vice~versa.

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