Format Individual Cells To Type In CAPS

Jul 29, 2009

how I can format individual cells to put text in caps. I have found how to format the whole worksheet, but I only want certain cells to do it.

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Format Cell To Display As All Caps?

Mar 21, 2005

Is there any way to format a cell so that text entered will always display in caps?

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Custom Date Format With Month All Caps

May 31, 2007

I am trying to get a custom date format that looks like:

I can get 30May07 with ddmmmyy but can't seem to find how to get the 3 letter month to display in caps.

Excel 2002 SP3 on WinXP

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Changing Text From All CAPS To Caps

Apr 20, 2009

Does anyone have a way to change columns of text entered in all caps to the initial capital letter and the rest of the text in small letters.

As in: JONES to Jones.

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Change ALL CAPS To Initial Caps Only

Sep 6, 2005

Add a column next to the first name. The in that column use the formula
=Proper(A1), A1 being the cell that contains the first name. Then copy that
cell down. Do the same for Last Names. Then keep the cell values, and delete
the original set.

Should be an easier way I think (selecting the entire column and using
conditional formatting) but MS hasn't seen fit to do this yet.

John C. Harris, MPA
JCZ Consulting Services, LLC

"Robert Judge" <> wrote in message
>I have an EXCEL worksheet with columns including first name and last name,
> all capital letters:
> Column A is JOHN
> Column B is SMITH
> How can I change all the names so that, for example, JOHN becomes John and
> SMITH becomes Smith?

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VBA Code To Get Individual Values In A List Placed Into Individual Cells

Apr 7, 2014

My current project involves sorting a spreadsheet, selecting specific qualifying data from the sheet, storing it into a variable, the pasting the individual values from the list into individual cells on a different sheet within the same workbook. Here is the code I have so far...

Sub Test()
'' freeze screen updating to remain on main worksheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'' move to Avaliable worksheet
[Code] ..

When this code runs the first item in the list pastes into Sheet10 A1, but no other values from the list are placed into Sheet10. Previous to this I had been using a variation of this code to push the list into a combobox list within a userform. In that case instead of

ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet10").Range("A1") = x

I had

Combobox1.list = x

And this worked perfectly; creating a list within the combobox (in fact I can use this modification to interrogate my code to determine if the list is being properly generated, and it is).

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Merged Cells: Format The Cell So That If There Isn't Two Lines Of Type In The Description It Remains Aligned With The Quantity And Price

Apr 22, 2006

I've attached part of the file I'm working with, and can't figure out how to align the text to the top in the merged cells titled description. How do I format the cell so that if there isn't two lines of type in the description it remains aligned with the quantity and price

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How To Format All Caps Text Into Properly Capitalized Text

Aug 8, 2014

I have a few tasks which I have been doing manually because I do not know if there is a way to accomplish these tasks automatically via some excel formulas.

My first task requires me to take an address, for example: 1234 CAMBIE STREET, and format it such that it is properly capitalized (only capital letters in the front of words) like this: 1234 Cambie Street

My second task involves taking an address, for example: 1234 1st Avenue W, and rearranging it such that the direction is in front of the street name like so: 1234 W 1st Avenue. What makes this task potentially even more complicated is that not all the addresses I am working with require the rearrangement, so I can't simply have a formula that puts the last group of characters in front of the first group of characters because that may screw up addresses that don't require this formatting.

My third task demands that 2 columns of names are combined into one column, while also simultaneously placing a "&" between the names. For example: Jonathan Parkinson | Sarah Parkinson turns into Jonathan Parkinson & Sarah Parkinson. Now I do understand how to use a simple combining formula (=a1&" & "&b1) but it isn't that simple. The columns are not all filled with names. Some pairs may have no names, whereas others may have only one name. Because of this, the formula I used as an example will result in many instances where all I see is a "&", and other instances where I see the first name, followed by an unnecessary "&".

So far, for the majority of these problems, I've been using a combination of manual data input, and the replace function, but I really do hope there is a faster and better way to go about these tasks.

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VBA: Format Amts Into Text $ 9.99 Type Format

Feb 13, 2008

Need to create a set of aligned text amts from various cells...Tried Format but unable to get right combination...I've looked at many threads and most seem related to getting amt from text instead of reverse.

Cell may contain nothing or a monetary amt, negative or positive. Output needs to be in format of "$9,999.99-" or similar...with leading zeros suppressed but a min of "$ 0.00" showing, so that above/below amts with be decimal point aligned in a fixed font situation.

I've almost gotten my routine finsihed but this is last remaining obstacle.

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Conditional Maximum (find The Maximum 'value' For Each Individual 'type')

May 15, 2009

I have two columns of data. The first column is the 'type' and the second column is the 'value'. I need to find the maximum 'value' for each individual 'type'

The 'types' are not necessarily next to each other and the data cannot be sorted to do so.

type value
A 15
B 6
A 21
C 7
B 13

I need to be able to say the MAX for 'A' is 21, the MAX for 'B' is 13 and the MAX for 'C' is 7.

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Determine A Cell's Format And Type

Nov 9, 2008

How do I determine a cell's type (e.g., numeric or string or formula) and if numeric, the format (e.g., currency, general, scientific) including the number of decimal places.

Is there a function that returns the object's properties? Must I use isnumeric, isformula, and so on or is there one function that returns this information?

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Vba Give Format To A Cell- Specify A Type For It

Jul 27, 2007

Does anyone have any clue of a VBA function that gets a cell and Changes the type of itīs contense?

I have been using the Cstr function as in the next example but I dont get the result I want

hojaRES.Cells(i, 6) = CStr(hojaRES.Cells(i, 6))
If IsNumeric(hojaRES.Cells(i, 6)) Then
MsgBox "nothin changes :("
Exit For
End If
hojaRES.Cells(i, 6) = "0" & "34" & hojaRES.Cells(i, 6)

My problem is that i want to add 034 prefix to a telephone number, and as it treats the data as numeric; number 0 (before34) is deprecated

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Format Cell To Show % As The Number Type-in

May 1, 2014

(3) examples when I type a number to a cell:
If I type a number "1", I want that cell to show 1.000% but not 100.000%.
If I type a number ".2", I want that cell to show 0.200% but not 20.000%.
If I type a number "25.5", I want that cell to show 0.255% but not 2550.000%.

I play around with the below custom format cells but they do not work.

I could use two cells one for number, other cell has a % mark. But I rather to format a single cell if it is possible.

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Time Between Date Format Of Type Yyyymmddhhmmss

Mar 2, 2009

I have 2 dates format like 200903021124 and 200903030254. How do I use excel or excel VBA to calculate what is the time that elapses between this 2 date format?

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Format Date: Type Library Is Missing

Nov 23, 2006

I have a problem with the format( Date) function.

On the computer I've developed the application everything works but when running the application on another computer I get a compilation error telling that the project or library doesn't exist

This is quite urgent so I really appreciate a quick solution.

On the computer that fails it says that Type Library is missing when looking at accessible references. Can this be something explaining the problem ?

Private Sub Workbook_OpenTest()
Dim varWeekW As String

varWeekW = Format(Date, "YYWW") ' Here it fails

End Sub

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Type A Number In A Blank Cell With The General Format

Aug 10, 2009

My excel recently the General number format so that when the general number fomat is used and I type a number in a blank cell with the general format, the number is always divided by 10.

E.g., I enter "102", the number is automatically improperly converted to 1.02.
However, if I enter "=102", the number is properly entered as 102.

How can I reset the General format to the original setting without this divide by 100 problem?

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Copy Row Or Individual Cells In Row?

Apr 23, 2012

I have a spreadsheet with multiple columns, column N contains different countries (some are blank). I want to copy all data in that row (except columnt H) to a new sheet if N = USA.

Macros are disabled so a formula(s) is needed.

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Hiding Individual Cells

Aug 2, 2008

is it possible using excel 2002 to hide individual cells instead of whole columns or lines

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Protect Individual Cells?

Mar 17, 2007

I am running a loop that changes the value in one cell at a time. Since this is for our entire company, I am trying to make it "idiot-proof" like most of you have done.
While in the loop, I want to unprotect a cell, change the value, then reprotect the cell. But the rest of the worksheet is going to be unprotected for now. is that possible? Or do I have to protect the whole sheet, and then .Unprotect the whole sheet first and then. Protect it at the end of the macro.

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Add Text To Individual Cells Which Can Be Written Over?

Aug 9, 2013

Is it possible to add text to individual cells which can be written over?

e.g. I would like A1 to have the background text of "slot 1"... Once user has inserted text then "slot 1" is removed... and when the user text is removed, "slot 1" reappears.

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Hiding Values In Individual Cells?

Apr 27, 2014

What I need to do is hide the value in an individual cell, dependent on whether a value (any value) has been entered in another cell. I know this must be possible somewhere in conditional formatting but I can't seem to figure it out no matter how much I try!

The table below should hopefully explain exactly what I'm after. I want to hide the value in the balance column (automatically calculated)when no transaction has taken place (ie, there is no date entered in the date column). At the moment this value appears all the time.



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Change Range To Look At Individual Cells

Jul 7, 2008

how to change an argument in VB to range to each and every individual cell in the range?

At the moment i have :

If 100 < Application.Min(Range("G5:O5")) Then
but i want to change it to :

If 100 < Application.Min(Range("G5 or H5 or I5 or J5 or K5, etc).

I think that "or" is the correct way to describe it.
I guess i mean that i want the formula to look at each individual cell instead of the above code.

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Use Individual Cells In A Text Story

Apr 11, 2007

I would like to be able to write an article with data extracted from an Excel workbook. An understandable example would be like the books for kids which are personalized.

For example, using this data:

Name Friend1 Friend2 Town State Pet1 Pet2
Karen John Harrold Portland Oregon Snippy Goldie
Luke Mike Mark Solon Maine Charlie Max

I would like to write to a text file, vba text box, something like:

One day, B2 went down to B3's house to play a game. B3's cousin, C3 was visiting from D3, D4.

Which would output:

One day, Karen went down to Harrold's house to play a game. Harrold's cousin, Mark was visiting from Solon, Maine.

The text can be simple, no font formatting.
The data is coming from different sheets in the same workbook.
The data includes text, dates, and numbers.

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Removing Duplicate Words In Individual Cells?

Aug 8, 2014

I have a column that is filled with various car brands that a dealership might sell. The data in the cell may look like CHRYSLER; CHRYSLER; CHRYSLER which I would want to just say CHRYSLER. If the cell says CHRYSLER; FORD; CHRYSLER; FORD I want it to just say CHRYSLER; FORD.

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How To Get Individual Cells To Work Like Word Document

May 7, 2014

I have a column for "Comments". Is there a way to make each cell work more like a word document? ie. paragraph formation, tabs, etc.

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Separating Text In One Cell Into Individual Cells

Jan 9, 2009

I have a spreadsheet which needs formatting I was wondering if anyone would be able to help with creating a macro to do so. The problem with raw report is that in cell A47 there are five columns worth of data in that one cell, then in B48 there are another two, in b49 and b50 one respectively. I manually format it by first joining the separate cells using

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VBA Delete Individual Cells In A Single Column

Sep 21, 2009

I have seen many threads on how to delete rows with no data in them (empty rows).. but I have a spreadsheet that has large "chunks" of column data separated by random empty cells. (It is like this from earlier manipulation of summing similar cells...)

Some columns do not have any empty cells and some have a many empty cells. I only want to shift the cell directly beneath it up, and only concentrate on a single column at a time.

So my main questions is:
How do you delete single cells, in a single column, and shift the data below up?

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Count Individual Values From Multi Value Cells

Mar 1, 2013

I have a column with (potentially) multiple values in, heres an example:

Marketing Specialism

Commercial, Multi-channel, Loyalty/Retention

Analytics, Partner


Commercial, Analytics, Segment


What I need to be able to do is count (and then chart) the number of each value, irrelevant of whether it appears with another value in a cell. e.g.

Analytics, Parter - Would count 1 Analytics and 1 Partner
Analytics - Would count 1 Analytics

I know there is a formula where I can specify the value to count, but as the column has so many different values I would have to write a formula with each separate value, this would take a long time.

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Creating Names For Multiple Individual Cells

Jun 6, 2008

I have a thing about named ranges and cells, but was wondering if there is a way to create names for multiple cells using set criteria. I think the best was to explain this is with an example that I have attached. Ideally I would like to name the individual cells in the range C3:d4 by concatenating the right column and bottom row to give one unique name. However this doesn't combine them. I have listed the names that they should be and corresponding cell in C8:D11

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Excel 2007 :: How To Lock Individual Cells In A Worksheet

Jul 23, 2014

How to Lock Individual Cells in a Worksheet excel 2007 .... i.e.


I want this selected area locked with password.

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