Formatting Headers By Adding The Information Of The Below Cell Respectively?
Mar 6, 2014
I am trying to fix the headers of this table. Basically, I want to:
*Copy the information that is below (dates) the "Principal header" (Sales Units, M's, Currency) +
*Adding that info to the principal header without overwritting the original informaton. Ex: Sales Units Jan 13 - Jan 13, Sales M's Jan 13- Jan 13 etc..
I have a spreadsheet with a number of tabs and I want to add a logo to the header of each tab. My question is this: Do I have to add the logo to each header of each tab "one at a time" or is it possible to (somewhere) select and apply to all tabs?
look at the script im running in the attached spreadsheet. It auto generates an email to the email address in c so long as column H has a yes in it. However there are things i would like to change. I would like it to say: contact xxx to discuss your outstanding resource center loan titled: {then put the title of the load in here - column E} which was due back on {then put due back date here column G}.
I decided to format my data as a table so that excel will auto-fill my formulas when inserting new rows which works quite well. I have one snag though, when trying to insert a new row at the very top (i.e. inbetween the header and first row) and choosing Format As Below, it also applies Data Validation and Conditional Formatting to the header. The inserted row, however, is actually formatted fine and works well.
How do I stop this from happening, and why would Excel do this anyway (as it is effectively applying formatting to TWO rows when only one row is being inserted)?
I have a set of data that I formatted as a table, including headers. It seems that the columns are numbered, and after the column header is a number. i.e., Sales 2, GP Freight 3, etc.
I have spent some time researching this and came up empty. Is there a way to disable this part of table formatting?
I'm using Excel 2007. I would prefer to stay away from the scripting side of the house if possible. This is basically a 3 day forcast weather chart. The top is the actual weather data, the bottom portion is a color coded reflection of how the weather affects various things.
This product is created in excel, but will be embedded into a powerpoint. It will be updated daily. Here is what I would like. I want the color chart at the bottom to update automatically based on the data I enter above. I have a grasp that I can update the color through conditional formatting, although im not exactly sure what that will look like with all of those cells.
I also figured out that I can insert the letters in those lower cells with something similar to " =IF(C6>90, "T", "") " which would put in a 'T' for Temperature when the temperature got above a certain degree.
I run into a problem when I have multiple factors affecting a single cell. For instance on the example in day 2 of my image. Personnel are affected by Temperate AND UV Index. How would I set up that cell to pull that information from both of those cells and display it accordingly? I would prefer the letters to stay separated by the comma, but I could live without that. The default cell color will be green, with the potential to be yellow or red. I left a few examples of possible situations on day 2 and 3.
a daily report I have to create. On a daily basis I will be provided with dispatch information from a warehouse. What I need to do is create some sort of report that will add the data and then calculate totals on a daily basis. There are five columns on the daily report that I will be provided with but I am only interested in two colums: that is the product code and the quantites. I will then save under a week number or month.
I have two excel sheets in the same workbook. I've linked column B2 in Sheet1 with column A1 in Sheet2. It works great!
The only problem is that when I add a row in Sheet1, it appears in Sheet2, but the rest of the data on that sheet doesn't move alongside the rest of the rows. So if Sheet2 looks like this:
Abby 16 Amy 15 Jenna 14
And I add in another name in Sheet1, lets say Ben, then Sheet2 will look like this.
I will be adding a weekly report to each sheet, which will have varying rows within it, but always the same column headers.
I want a master sheet that will automatically pull all the rows of data through from each sheet, create a new row if needed but merge rows with the same data name and combine the figures.
I have a userform for inputting information to a spreadsheet using the code below. It works fine however if the user does not select a radio button to select a score its saving the rest without it. How can I ensure the user selects a score,,,, ob10, ob8, ob6, ob4, ob2, obna.
I have been asked to create a clash grid that shows when promotions for specific customers are on for specific products.
I've got all the information collated, and I suck it all up into a cover sheet that splits it by product, by customer, and then shows the weeks each product is on promotion. The issue I have, is I wish to colour code each customer so it is easier to read for those who aren't excel savvy.
I've tried conditionally formatting it, but have stumbled a couple of times. I can write an 'if' statement for it, but can't work out how to get the conditional formatting to follow the statement (I'm not sure this is the best way to do it, but figured it was worth explaining).
Attached is a 'How it is' and 'What I want it to be'.
I have a userform with two listboxes in them, i have set the columns in the listbox to 9 and would like to populate the column headers in the listboxes with the column header of one of the sheets.
It is company policy everytime we get a new client, we create a new worksheet. In the Header Top Left Section we always have "Client Name", In the top middle section we have "Subject" and in the top left Section we have the "User Intials" and " Date".
Finally in the bottom left section of the footer we have "Page of Pages".
Is there anyway i can get the header and footer to automatically update from a certain cell.
Example : B1 - Could contain the clients name, so it automatically is added to all headers on the workbook.
C1: Could contain the subject, so again it automatically updates the headers.
I would like to know if there is an option available which will allow me to reference a cell on the active sheet and print it as part of the sheet header. The contents of this cell change often so the header should also reflect the change when the sheet is printed. Also, this header should be alinged in the center.
I'm working on a macro, where some of the action has to do with adding zeroes in front of numbers, so that every number gets the same amount of digits. 4 to be exact. This means that the number 1 is transformed to 0001. 12 -> 0012, and of course 123 will be 0123. You get the point. Every number gets 4 digits, and 0 is the filler.
I am a total newbie when it comes to these things, so my script consists of shameless cutting and pasting from other peoples works. This also means that I don't have the slightest clue of what to do when things aren't going my way.
Everything is going perfectly, except for one important thing: The macro treats numbers with decimals in a way I absolutely don't want it to. I want for example 12,3 to become 0012,3 -- but the macro insists on not changing it at all. I figured this happens because the comma (and the numbers behind it) are counted too. Therefore, a number like 12,3 already has four digits. But I want it to be 0012,3! This is making my head hurt.
My question is: Are there any way of making the program ignore the comma and all the other digits behind it? So that they are not counted. Or is there another way of dealing with this problem?
I have only recently started playing around with macros, and am slowly getting into them. I do however still struggle a bit to ‘read’ them. Having played with formulas for years I can generally translate a string of formula text into English, like ‘if this cell value is greater than that cell value, then do this, if it is not then if it is equal to that cell value, do that, if not return 0’. Babbling like a child basically.
With visual basic I have managed to record some handy macros and then tweak them a little manually but I am still struggling to follow it going through it step by step reading it like a formula. So I hope you won’t mind me asking some very stupid questions. I mean well; I’m just a bit slow.
At present I am trying to do two different things on two different sheets, and I was wondering if perhaps one of you could nudge me in the right direction.
1: I am trying to insert a blank row above every row that has a certain word in column B.
So basically ‘find value “Example” in column B, and when you find it, insert an entirely blank row directly above it’.
2: Is a bit more challenging. I want to change the colour of a cell if the value in the cell corresponds with the value of another cell in the same column.
For example, I have a long list of surnames in column A. When I add ‘McNeil’ at the bottom, I would like to be able to run a macro that checks if the name McNeil appears anywhere else in column A, and if it does, that it changes the colour of the cell.
Preferably both of the cells that say McNeil, but one would do very nicely indeed.
If that is possible, I wonder if it is possible to do the same with the first name in column B, but only if there was a match for the surname in column A on the same row. So, if McNeil does not appear in column A, don’t bother, but if it does, does the corresponding first name appear in column B?
If both of that is possible, the next step would obviously be if McNeil appears in column A (say twice, once in A123 and once in A678), do cells B123 and B678 match as well?
I have a conditional formula that highlights dates red when it meets a certain criteria. The file named MS Working, the conditional formatting formula (formula below) works as it should with no issues. The other file MS NOT Working, the conditional formatting formula (formula below) has stopped working as it should. What I did? I inserted a new column to the left. Where the MS Working file has only 1 column to the far left, the MS NOT Working file now has 2 columns to the far left.
It seems as if the formula adjusted itself when I inserted the new column; however, its not working.
MS Working Conditional Formula: =AND(TODAY()>B3,NOT(ISODD(COLUMN())),B3<>"",OR(C3="",C3=0),B3<>0)
MS NOT Working Conditional Formula: =AND(TODAY()>C3,NOT(ISODD(COLUMN())),C3<>"",OR(D3="",D3=0),C3<>0)
I'm using Conditional Formatting for an entire column to check the value of each cell and compare it to the value of a cell in the same row but a different column. (Cell Value equals =$D2) It works great until I insert or delete a cell in the formatted column. The reference does not change as one would expect. I've played around with formulae such as =$D2<>$P2 but the reference only changes for the P2, not the D2. I've also tried using =CELL("contents", ADDRESS(Row(),4)) but this causes excel to complain.
I have created a userform that allows input of information and then deposits the information on a specific sheet. I am looking for a way to have that information not only deposited on the specific sheet it is already set to but also to another sheet based on a selection made from a combo box.
I'm trying to analyse all of my bank statenments to see where all my money went!! I've got online banking so I thought it would be a relatively easy process of copying and pasting each month into excel.
Well, that in itself was easy, the problem is with the formatting of the financial numbers. Excel doesn't seem to recognise them as numbers, so at the moment I can't do any manipulation with the numbers. I have tried everything such as:
Format Cells > Number > Number and Currency Copy and Paste Special > Values only Copying into Notepad and back into Excel
Even if it appears to have changed the numbers to 'number' or 'currency' formatting by right justifying the numbers, if I try to add up the numbers using the SUM function, it doesn't want to know.
For some reason nothing seems to work - what am I missing?
For an example, I have attached a snippet of the spreadsheet with my starbucks transactions.
Basically I am trying to create a worksheet in which everytime I input information into Sheet 1, it is copied into Sheet 2. I want to have each entry in succession on Sheet 2 such that my first entry would be on Row 2, second on Row 3, third on Row 4, etc. However, everytime I put something new in Sheet 1, it just overrides the information in Sheet 2.
Basically I type in ticket sales in sheet 1, it calculates the prices and keeps a transaction log in sheet 2. But everytime I do a new ticket sale, it just overwrites the previous transaction witht he new transaction information. I've pasted my VBA below:
Sheet 1 VBA:
Code: Option Explicit
'Form level variables - used in more than one event Dim intAdult As Integer Dim intStudentSenior As Integer Dim intBalcony As Integer Dim intChild As Integer Dim sngAmountDue As Single
[Code] .......
Sheet 2 code:
Private Sub cmdSummary_Click()
'Declare Variables Dim intCount As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim intAdult As Integer Dim intStudentSenior As Integer
I have a cell that has data like the following: ab 4111 / nw 2652 / ev 8741 up to 5 or 6 entries in the cell. If I just want 1 of these entries say the ev 8741 how can I have that be the only data that remains in the cell?
I'm trying to build a macro that copies the information from cell D2 and then special pastes it into the next free cell on that specific row (as the information is from a vlookup so don't want to paste the formula) - ideally I'd like it to paste from H2 onwards but can move the spreadsheet around if that's not possible! I'd then like to do this for every row until there is no data in a row.
I've been using the below which I've found on the internet but this only pastes into column H and then just goes down the column rather than across the row, and I can't figure out how to do this.
Sub Summarize() Range("D2:D25").Select Selection.Copy Sheets("Pot 2").Select lMaxRows = Cells(Rows.Count, "H").End(xlUp).Row Range("H" & lMaxRows + 1).Select Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _ False, Transpose:=False Range("D25").Select End Sub
I have spread sheet with 2 tabs (MASTER LIST & CYCLE COUNTS), on each tab I have 2 columns(LOCATION1 & DATE1 and LOCATION2 & DATE2) I need to verify if I any cell from LOCATION1 is repetead on LOCATION2 and copy the informacion from DATE2 to DATE1. then if I update the CYCLE COUNTS sheet I want the MASTER LIST update by it self.
This is the formula that Im using but Im having problems with the range..... =if('Master list'!$A2$:$A$15000='Cycle counts'!$A2:$A$15000, 'Cycle counts'$B&2:&B&15000,0)
And what I want to do is use this information further down in my excel-sheet. So whenever I plot in "Location 1" I want "Security" and "John Johnson" to magically come automatically.
I have several thousand cells where I need to pull out some information at the end of each cell. So for the examples listed below, all the information resides in the "A" column. For example:
M55116/14-5 CONN,RECEPT,6 PIN,U-228 TYPE B EA A AS 17 85.00 1,445.00
M39029/30-222 CONTACT,#0,RED-RED-RED B EA A AS 96-0327 46 6.75 310.50
M39029/44-288 CONTACT B EA A AS 93-0852 400 2.18 872.00
I am trying to pull off (starting from the end) all of the information to the first space. So I would like the following results returned: 1,445.00, 310.50, and 872.00. Can anyone recommend if there is a Function or equation that I could use that would pull everything from the end of the cell until the first space?
I receive a workbook on a monthly basis and it arrives in csv format. I need to format it and split it into several pages prior to sending to managers. I'm comfortable with the vba for formatting and splitting it into several pages but I have a problem with some cells that always have data in them in the same (incorrect) fashion.
how to go about fixing these cells and then I can get on with writing that into the macro.
Currently looks like:
A || B || C No requested || No Supplied || Percentage 4 || 4100% 12 || 875% 6 || 350%
Should look like:
A || B || C No requested || No Supplied || Percentage 4 || 4 || 100% 12 || 8 || 75% 6 || 3 || 50%
I was thinking of some kind of Left() formula to extract the leftmost character and place it into it's new cell BUT realise that sometimes I might need to extract 2 (or perhaps even more) characters.