Formula To Include Multiple Requirements In Different Cells

Aug 30, 2013

I would like a cell to show either OK or No depending on the requirements of three other cells as below

G4 is the cell to show a value. For OK a date in G6 must be more than todays date, a tick must be in F6 and a date in D6 must also be more than todays date.

I can get G4 to do each section individually i.e. (A4 has todays date in it, updating automaticaly)


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Editing Macro To Include Multiple Rows And Include Text Formatting For Leading Zeros

Apr 2, 2014

I need the values that are copied from the template to copy over in text form from the "Data" Tab. Secondly, the master sheet has multiple lines for each vendor. For the area highlighted in red I'd like for it to copy all cells in column C for the vendor and search the vendor by name. Then, move to the next sheet.

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Shading Cells Given Certain Requirements?

Aug 6, 2012

The logic is that I want the cells to be highlighted and have a border drawn for them as shown in the attached sheets (I have used record macro which will do this for rows 39 and 40 when the click button is clicked). The highlighting should start at the row number specified, stop once a merged cell is reached, skip the merged cell, continue highlighting, stop once a merged cell is reached, skip the merged cell, continue highlighting and so on and on until the last row (which is user specified) is reached. The first row after the merge cells should be highlighted in grey and yellow.

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Copy Data To Multiple Sheets (Specific Requirements)

Jun 30, 2006

I am trying to create a macro that will copy data from one sheet to four other sheets depending on some requirments in the data. I have a main worksheet that will store the data, the name on this sheet will change daily, so you cannot use a "named" sheet in your macro. The other three names of the sheets are "Esky", "Indy", "Gfld", and "Other". When copying the data, I need to copy the entire row of data to the required sheet. The data comes in such as:

MZ03948 134 126.23
PZ34533 128 12.28
IM04985 630 198.50
Z109384 40 35.65
2130494 76 12.28
2236326 12 45.63
5123132 12 12.23

Based on the FIRST TWO characters in the first column, I need to copy the data to the specific sheet. I would assume a simple LEFT() function would work for this. Here are the requirments for each sheet:

Esky - "MZ" or "51"
Indy - "IZ" or "Z" or "21"
Gfld - "PZ" or "22"
Other - Anything else

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Excel 2010 :: ODBC Connection String With Multiple Variable (WHERE) Requirements

Dec 29, 2013

With VBA in Excel 2010 I am connecting to a SQL server by using ODBC.

This is a two part process:

Part one:I have created a connection string that gets me the following data: A, B, C, D, E from sheet tpoPurchOrder Where B is equal to "1" And Where C is equal to a changing field under Sheets("Macros").Range("B2")

Here is part one


Sub Part1()
Sheets("Open PO by Vendor").Select
Sheets("Open PO by Vendor").Cells.Clear
With ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(SourceType:=0, Source:= _
"ODBC;DSN=Connection;Description=Description;UID=USER;PWD=PASSWORD;APP=Microsoft Office 2010;WSID=Workstation;DATABASE=Database" _
, Destination:=Range("$A$1")).QueryTable


Part one works perfectly.

Part two is where I have problems.Part two is a little different because I have the same connection, but what changes is the table that I am looking at "tpoPOLine" instead of "tpoPurchOrder" and the where is now going to have a variable number of commands.

I want part two to be depend on part one. Under part one I want the result from column E to be a where statement in part two.

As follows:

In particular: *E3 from Part 1*, etc.

"SELECT tpoPOLine.Status, tpoPOLine.POKey, tpoPOLine.ItemKey, tpoPOLine.POLineNo, tpoPOLine.UnitCost, tpoPOLine.ExtAmt" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & "FROM mas500_DII_app.dbo.tpoPOLine tpoPOLine" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & "WHERE (tpoPOLine.POKey=*E2 from Part 1*) OR (" _
, _
"tpoPOLine.POKey=*E3 from Part 1* ) OR (tpoPOLine.POKey=*E4 from Part 1*)" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & "ORDER BY tpoPOLine.POKey" _

Now my problem is that sometimes the E column from part one ends up being 1 row, sometimes it ends up being 50 rows. I would like the code to change accordingly.

1. Pull everything from the SQL server filter once in excel. This is not as efficient as the database has ~300,000 rows in the tpoPOline table and would take a lot longer then needed.

2. Create a nested if table and


WHERE (tpoPOLine.POKey=*E2 from Part 1*) OR (tpoPOLine.POKey=*E3 from Part 1* ) OR (tpoPOLine.POKey=*E4 from Part 1*)"

to the value of that nested if table

The nested if table would be something like =if(isblank(E2),"E1",if(isblank(E3)... etc for ~50 rows. I know the syntax is incorrect but you get my point.

3. Rerun the query for each value in column E. That would require the connection to happen ~50 times which would not be that great, as well as I would have to copy and paste the data after each run as the tables cannot overlap.

What I am looking for is a way to run this only once, on one sheet, without writing a nested if table with 50 if's.

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Filter Column A To Include Multiple Cells Of Data In Column D?

Mar 31, 2014

Is there a way to filter column A but ensure it includes multiple lines of data in a different column.

I have attached an example of what I am looking for:

I need to filter by community but keep all the information listed in columns, B, C, & D.
So when I filter to Thunder Bay I would still see the 5 members listed in column D.

I realize the easy solution is to fill all the empty cells in column A to pick up the data in the other columns, but I do not want to Fill all the empty cells to include the name "Thunder Bay" (not the look I want for this spreadsheet).

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And Formula To Include 0

Jan 29, 2007

At the moment I am using the formula

=IF(AND(B3>C3,D3,E3,F3),"eat less","eat more")

I want it to show me that if B3 is bigger than any of the other cells that you should "eat less". It works if a number is entered into every cell, but if a 0 is entered into one of them it comes up with "eat more" when it should be "eat less"

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Formula That Doesn't Include 0 Values

Dec 6, 2013

I'm calculating a variance for a set of actual numbers vs. variance numbers. When there are no actuals, I don't want the formula to calculate a variance. How can I do this?

Spreadsheet attached : Book1.xlsx‎

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Include Another Match Condition To Formula?

Jul 16, 2014

I have this formula =IF(EXACT($E3,N$2),$C3/$I3,"") This works

I now need to add another match condition to the formula using H3,J1 so it would be something like this =IF(EXACT($E3,N$2),(H3,J1),$C3/$I3,"")

But not working

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Include The Dropdownlist In VLOOKUP Formula

Feb 20, 2010

i want to include the dropdownlist to VLOOKUP formula. See the attachment

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Getting Sum Formula To Only Include Visible Columns

May 28, 2012

Starting from D6 to the end of the data (could be F6 or AA6) I need to sum the total, but only if the column is visible.

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How To Not Include Particular Cell In SUMPRODUCT Formula

Aug 28, 2012

With the formula I have as:

I want to dis-include the CC="06" in the summation. I tried using:

But it gives a wrong calculation

I use "--" because i have character in the cell

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Formula To Include A Match To Any 8 Numbers

Aug 5, 2009

I have a formula to pick up certain bits of information depending on the contents of a cell.

The data in column F has a mixture of 8 digit numbers including numbers starting with multiple zero's, the numbers 138-1 and 151-26, then some text.

Orginally the 8 digit numbers only started 00 so it was easy to pull out the relevent information, then they started 40 and then 8. I'm just worried that I'm going to end up with too many nested 'if' statements (and reach the max limit), so I was wondering if I could do 'any 8 numeric digits' instead of this current 'dead end' solution.

I'm not sure if I could use a wildcard of some sort with the MID formula

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Excel 2011 :: How To Include Multiple Ranges On Pivot Table

Mar 15, 2012

I have looked and experimented on how to include multiple ranges on a pivot table in excel 2011, i have found how to to it with the wizard but i can not find the wizard.

How to separate the ranges in the selection box? They are going to be going across sheet is that makes any difference.

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Formula To Include Cycle Of Occurrences In Sheet

May 13, 2013

I'm struggling to include a repeating 8 (or 4) weekly cycle in my sheet.

For instance, week 21 starts on 20-05-2013, than I would like to have the below cells filled untill 26-05-2013, following cells must be blank, untill 8 weeks are over, and the first date you see again is 15-07-2013, and so on. Using the MOD formula, I can get the first day of each cycle correctly, but I'm having difficult to get the next 6 cells entered and the next ones blank again untill 15-07-2013

I'm using now following formula, where B is the date:

but I need to nest another IF I guess that takes care of the rest.

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How To Not Include Blank Cells In IF Function

Apr 14, 2014

If have very simple =IF function, =IF(F4=H4;1;0) but don't wan't the 'value is true' value when both cells are empty, how do I need to change the function so it states 0?

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Change Array To Include New Cells

Aug 14, 2009

I am having a ton of trouble with this. I am trying to add a single text row in between existing data. I have tried multiple loops to try to place an array into Column G, but I cannot figure it out. Is there some coding that will produce the sort of result below in column G?

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Formulas That Include Blank Cells

Oct 9, 2008

I can't figure out how to make this formula work because I need to use cell AG46 and it contains an IF formula that leaves the cell blank if the sum = 0. I keep getting the #VALUE! error. How do you create a formula using a cell that has an IF formula that could leave the cell blank?

Basically this is what I need in cell I12:

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Calculate Range Without Cells That Include Zero?

Jun 20, 2013

A range of cells is populated by numbers and formatted as such, some of those cells contain zeros. How do you calculate a range of cells without the zeros in the range? The zeros skew the results.

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How Do You Include Specific Cells In The Email

Jan 14, 2008

I have the code to send a email based on the due date. The email will include the Due date for the purpose below of today 1/14/08 in the message. I cannot figure out how to use Offset in the email message portion to include

The Last and First names along with the Exp Date in the respective column.

Example below: row 3--due date shows up in email message, what would the Offset code be to include Grimm, Paul, Exp Date3, 1/14/08 in the message?

Then the same for row 2, the due date 1/14/08 which the Offset information would be different than line 3?

Since the due date can be in various places how do i still get the Last First and Exp Date"x" included in the message of the email? ....

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Dim Array To Include All Used Cells In Column

Jan 1, 2009

I m trying to use arrays in the wrong way. I simply want to create an array from values in a column and perform calculations on each element and store the results for each element. I therefor need a 2d array. I also dont know the number of values in the column and therefor dont know the number of elements that will be in the array. How would I declare this array. Ive tried Dim MyArr(1 To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count, 1 To 2), but that returns an error - 'Constant expression required'.

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Import Multiple CSV Files From Single Directory And Include All Or Part Of Filename

Jul 18, 2014

I am looking for some VB to import multiple csv files, stored in a single directory, into a single excel worksheet. However I am looking to also include all or part of the filename, so to differentiate each file.

I've attached an example spreadsheet, inc the below code, of what I am trying to achieve.

Current code is (this parsers all .csv files in the specified folder into a single worksheet):

[Code] ......

Attached File : csv_loader.xlsm‎

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Formula- To Develop A Code To Include Into A Spreadsheet For Work

Jan 20, 2009

I am having trouble trying to develop a code to include into a spreadsheet for work. It will be a live spreadsheet accessed by a few people who will have control over there own columns in the spreadsheet (2 columns are designated for one project) Each Project director is to edit the info about their project.

So my goal is to put a code in cell C3 that shows the date that cells C4-32 and D4-32 were last updated.

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Averaging Data Not To Include Null / Zero Cells

Mar 10, 2014

I am having difficulty trying to solution this:

Row 1 = Dates e.g. 1-Mar - 31-Mar
Row 2 = Day of Week e.g 1-Mar(B1) = Sat(B2) through 31-Mar ending at (AF)

Column A has hourly time intervals
A3 = 0:00
A4 = 1:00 etc to 23:00

Numbers fall into cells by date/day and interval up to today 10-Mar

What I am trying to do at is average the days separated by Weekdays and the formula at AG for interval for weekday would be =AVERAGE(D3:H3,K3:O3,R3:V3,Y3:AC3,AF3) weekends (Column AH)would be =AVERAGE(B3:C3,I3:J3,P3:Q3,W3:X3,AD3:AE3)

I want to average the weekdays and weekend numbers without having to group the weekdays and weekends in a custom sort in the final column. That way when I add the data every day, it auto calculates in AG and AH. If I do it as it shows above, the AVG is skewed due to the blank cells.

Attached a sample worksheet.

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Nesting IF THEN Calculation Solving For Cells That End With Or Include

May 5, 2009

Want to write an if then that states if a cell ends with (or includes) .com or .org then = "", if not then = "1".

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How To Count Average Of Selected Cells And Not Include Zero

Jul 7, 2011

average i want to count.

Say i want to count the average from differnet selected cells say

cell A1,B4,C9,D10,E12

and some of the cells have the value 0 in them, so i don't want the formula to include these as long as they have the value 0.

I have tried to divide with a sumproduct and i can get i to work if it is cells next to each other like A1:A20, but not if i want to do it with different selected cells

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Expand Table To Include Missing Times From Data And Sort Based On Multiple Criteria

May 6, 2014

I have a set of data (assume 2 columns, one with a long name and the second with a time). The names contain variables that must be used as criteria (a single entry may contain "Blue" and "On"/"Off") and times vary, based on when the Name turns "On" or "Off" [in minutes: 25 (On), 47 (Off), 89 (On), 100 (Off) and 137 (On)]. I need to create another table that automatically inserts values for all times, to include the missing times (0 min thru 24 and 26 thru 46, etc.). EX: If the first entry is "Blue-On" at "25 minutes", the cells from 0 minutes to 24 minutes are each "0" and become a "1" at 25 minutes - the following cells are "1" until 47 minutes (where it is turned off). (1 and 0 represent "On" and "Off", respectively)

How can I created a formula to insert the correct numbers into the correct places? I'm willing to have multiple cells with formulas and simply hide the columns that are doing the calculations.

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Sum If Satifies Two Requirements

Oct 19, 2009

Need to summing a column if it meets two requirements. First it has to be (column A)type1 A and (column B)type2 W. if type1 and type2 are true, sum column C. I also attached a file that explains what i'm looking for.

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Excel 2003 :: Include Text Criteria In Date Range Formula

Dec 20, 2012

Having a hard time putting this one together..Trying to do: Create a formula that counts how many cells in Column L, that fall within a date range and also have a specific category of "text" (Column E). What I've tried:=COUNTIF($L$4:$L$166,"

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Copy Cells (include Conditional Formatting) And Paste In MSPaint?

Oct 29, 2012

I want to copy cells (include conditional formatting) and paste in mspaint How can i write this code ?

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