Filter Column A To Include Multiple Cells Of Data In Column D?

Mar 31, 2014

Is there a way to filter column A but ensure it includes multiple lines of data in a different column.

I have attached an example of what I am looking for:

I need to filter by community but keep all the information listed in columns, B, C, & D.
So when I filter to Thunder Bay I would still see the 5 members listed in column D.

I realize the easy solution is to fill all the empty cells in column A to pick up the data in the other columns, but I do not want to Fill all the empty cells to include the name "Thunder Bay" (not the look I want for this spreadsheet).

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Filter On Two Columns And Results Include Text From Either Column?

Jul 5, 2012

I have a file with a bunch of columns in it. Columns C and D have names in them. I want to filter on these two columns where the results show all rows where the selected name is in both.

Example, If I filter on Column C first on 2 specific names (Joe and Chris), it will not show the results in column D if that name was aligned with a different name in column C (Mark and Steve). I need all rows to come back.

Column C
Column D

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Filter Data By Matching 1st Characters In Column With Multiple Words

Mar 27, 2008

excel filters.

I have excel document over 50 pages and i need to filter lines that begins with certain letters like ADS, SGH, FAQ. I know how to filter one by one but i need all 3 to filter in same time-

How can i make multiple lines to filter in one search?

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Dim Array To Include All Used Cells In Column

Jan 1, 2009

I m trying to use arrays in the wrong way. I simply want to create an array from values in a column and perform calculations on each element and store the results for each element. I therefor need a 2d array. I also dont know the number of values in the column and therefor dont know the number of elements that will be in the array. How would I declare this array. Ive tried Dim MyArr(1 To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count, 1 To 2), but that returns an error - 'Constant expression required'.

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Filter Pivot Table Date Column By Labels Using Data In Other Cells

Jul 16, 2014

On a sheet called, "Details", I have a pivot table that has three fields in the column area, Calendar type, Description, and Dates. I want to filter the pivot table based on a label filter in the Dates column. The filter should be between two dates (in D4 and D5) that are entered on another sheet and passed to the Details sheet through formulas in cells D4 and D5.

I have attached the following code to a button on a different sheet.

The code successfully filters for the employee name (which is a report filter in the pivot table) which is in a named cell.

I am having trouble with passing the start and end dates to my pivot table filter. I do not get any errors, the filter is simply blank.

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim Employee As String
Dim SDate As String
Dim EDate As String


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Convert Column B As Multiple Column Titles And Move Data In Column C Into New Columns?

Jun 30, 2014

I have a excelsheet that looks like this:

Column A | Column B | Column C
Los Angeles | Fire Dept | 3
Los Angeles | Health Services | 12
New York | Fire Dept | 8
New York | Health Services | 22
New York | Internal Services | 100
New York | Public Works | 7
Chicago | Health Services | 15
Chicago | Public Works | 56
Chicago | Social Services | 4

And I am trying to make it look like this:

Fire Dept
Health Services
Internal Services
Public Works
Social Services

Los Angeles

New York




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Sort On Column, But Not Include Any Rows With An X In Other Column

Jan 10, 2010

I believe that the best way to evaluate this request is to look at the example. I have 2 buttons to demonstrate what I need, along with written instructions.


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Filter 1 Column With Multiple Criteria

Sep 25, 2007

I currently use this filter to display rows with exact values as shown in this example:

Sub New_SheetUnpaidInvoices()
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Worksheets("Closed Yr. 07").Activate
ActiveSheet. Range("$S$1:$S$1127").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:= Array( _
"BOB JONES", "JIMMY SMITH", "SUSAN LEE", "JONES SMITH LEE"), Operator:=xlFilterValues
End Sub

Sometimes, however, the worksheet cells contain simply combinations of last names like "JONES SMITH LEE" or other combinations. And, the last names appear in random order. So, I'd like to able to filter all rows that contain portions of the string without having to worry about the order and the exact string, etc. If the autofilter can return rows anytime it finds Jones, Smith or Lee regardless of order, that's be great.

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Advance Filter For Multiple Criteria In One Column

Sep 25, 2008

I'm trying to use the advance filter for multiple criteria in one column. It works fine if the criteria is ="*10*" (ie where the cell in the range has 10 in the string) plus other = criteria. What I cannot get to work is where the range doesn't equal 10 in the string. I've tried ="<>*10*" and other variations to no joy.

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Moving Data Cells From Multiple Columns To Single Column

Nov 14, 2011

I'm trying to work out how to take all cells with data from multiple columns and stack them in a single column.

Here's the history...

I have multiple part numbers in single cells in column A. I perform a text-to-columns function. The resulting part numbers spread across multiple columns (say, B through K). Now I need to get all the part numbers, in their own cells, stacked in column A for one continuous list of single cell part numbers.

Is there a VBA option for cutting only the data cells from Column B-K and pasting the data at the bottom of column A while avioding blank cells?

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Editing Macro To Include Multiple Rows And Include Text Formatting For Leading Zeros

Apr 2, 2014

I need the values that are copied from the template to copy over in text form from the "Data" Tab. Secondly, the master sheet has multiple lines for each vendor. For the area highlighted in red I'd like for it to copy all cells in column C for the vendor and search the vendor by name. Then, move to the next sheet.

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Filter And Clean Cells Based On Another Criterion Column

Apr 26, 2014

I need to filter and clean the criterion based on another column cells.

If the R column has the value 1, then it is filtered and cleaned only the cells of column J

My spreadsheet needs to stay current with the strange layout.

[Code] ....

Attached File : LayOutStranger.xlsx‎

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Remove Filter Arrows In Some Column Heading Cells?

May 2, 2014

I have a table with a filter applied. I don't want all of the column headers to be filtered because the data in those column is not suitable filter criteria. Is there anyway I can remove the individual arrows on the right hand side of the cells in question?

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Formula To Transfer Column Data To Another Column But Omit Cells With No Data?

Dec 12, 2013

I need a formula to automatically transfer data in a column into another column, omitting cells in the 1st column that do not have data in them.

So, for example, transfer the data in column "A" below to column "C" below omitting any blanks when the formula automatically copies data over:

Example Spreadsheet.xlsx

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Include Value In The Sum Of Column C?

Jun 20, 2013

I want to sum number values in a column. I have used "=SUM(C4:C100)" and it works a treat. Now the twist. I have an adjacent column (Column D) and only want to add values in Column C, where a corresponding value is in Column D on the same row.

So for example if I have C5 as $1000 and D5 as 13/5/13, I want to include the $1000 value in the sum of Column C. However, if I have C5 as $1000 and D5 as blank, I don't want to include it in the sum.

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Count How Many Cells Have Data In One Column If Within Date Range In Another Column?

Jan 22, 2014

I am trying to Count (or counta?) cells in one column if they have data but only if within a date range in another column.

So, in the example below, I would want to count how many cells in column E have data in them, but only if the date in column A falls between Jan 1 2014 and Jan 5 2014. (In this case, result should be 4).



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How To Make Filter On Data Column By Using Value

May 1, 2012

I have 2 date values in excel spreadsheet ( i must use it by the sheet) and i want to flter table by the date column and AutoFilter, when the start date and the end date will be taken from the sheet itself.

but when i defined date variable like starta and edit the filter (Criteria1:=">=starta") it didt work (the value was starta and not the date in the starta) how to edit it?

sub abcd
Dim starta As Date, enda As Date
starta = Worksheets("periods and options").Range("a1").Value
enda = Worksheets("periods and options").Range("b1").Value
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=">=starta", Operator:=xlAnd _
, Criteria2:="

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Summing Cells In Column Based On Data In Another Column?

Feb 27, 2012

I have a statement from an account (which happens to be the government) in which they list every invoice they are paying and each item on that invoice. But they don't have an invoice total. I'd like a way to add up the item totals for each invoice and put the total in column D. Each invoice could have 1 to 10 different items on it.

A(invoice#) B(Item) C(total) D(invoice total)
111 widget 1 $5
111 widget 2 $10
111 widget 3 $8 XXXXX
222 widget 1 $5
222 widget 5 $15 XXXXX
333 widget 2 $10 XXXXX
444 widget 5 $15 XXXXX

I had thought an IF formula would be the way to go.

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Copy / Filter Data Based On Data In Column Occuring X Times

Mar 7, 2008

I have a excel worksheet with the following columns: First name, Last Name, Email address, domain of email, product type, date registered. The list consists of about 50,000 entries. I want to sort the list by the domain of email(which I am able to do already) Once this is done, I want to find all instances of where a domain appears at least 10 times on the list(such as appears 40 times, so I want to get that data).

For those instances where the domain appears at least 10 times, I want to pull those rows out of the intial list and put them in a new list(the new list will be sorted by domain and will only have people who have a domain which appears at least 10 times). To make this a bit more clear, The initial list I have is a list of people who registered to use the software my employer makes. We are trying to locate companies which may have many people using our consumer version of the software. When there is a large amount of people in the same organization using our software, it would benefit them to upgrade to the enterprise version due to enhanced managment features. By running this filter, I can see which companies have at least 10 users registered to use our software. Of course I will remove any Gmail/yahoo mail/msn/hotmail... pretty much any public email domains and just leave the ones that are obviously corporate emails.

So far, I think it probably has to be done with a pivot table... I was able to get a table that tells me how many instances occur from each domain, but I cannot get it to display the actual data(it just says IE. 200, yahoo 120, etc... I need it to show me the 200 rows of emails and extract them to a new sheet so that I can then follow up with and see if they are interested in the corporate version.)

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Filter If Data Value In Column Repeats Or Duplicate

Jul 30, 2012

I have row of data from cell A2:E2 to A5000:G5000

in Column B I have customer account number, and they should not repeat but some reason some customers repeat more than once,

so out all column A B C D E if there if customer repeats only thing can be same is customer account number
so for example below, account number 12 repeats so I want to only few all account number 12 so I can compare both row and delete the only i need to delete and go back to original




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Pivot Table - How To Use Same Data For Filter And Column Header

May 13, 2014

I have a list of S/N with Pass/Fail result next to it. A specific S/N can appear several times in the list:


When creating a pivot table of SN vs. Result (count) I get:


I want to get the FAIL count of SN in which PASS > 0 (First two rows)

BUT I can not figure out how I can filter based on the values of the pivot table itself (rather than the values of the original list). When I try to use 'Result' field as report filter, I can not get it as a Column label (and vice-versa). In this case I get:

I get:
111 | ...1
222 | ...1


111 |...3...1
222 |........1

Desired (alternative):

111 |...3
222 |...0

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How To Filter Rows With Same Column Data And Print Result

Sep 28, 2013

I have an excel spreadsheet example attached. I want to filter all rows in my full spreadsheet which have "OA" under Group code column and then be able to print these to their own spreadsheet. This way I don't have to scroll through thousands of rows to find each one individually.

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Formula To Include Multiple Requirements In Different Cells

Aug 30, 2013

I would like a cell to show either OK or No depending on the requirements of three other cells as below

G4 is the cell to show a value. For OK a date in G6 must be more than todays date, a tick must be in F6 and a date in D6 must also be more than todays date.

I can get G4 to do each section individually i.e. (A4 has todays date in it, updating automaticaly)


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SUMPRODUCT Criteria - Do Not Include Value From Separate Column

Apr 11, 2014

I have a criteria issue with a sumproduct formula i'm using. The criteria is essentially supposed to say "if the value in column I (in Sheet2) equals ANY value in column O (in Sheet1), then do not include that line in the SUM. Here is the complete formula:

[Code] ............

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SUMPRODUCT Criteria To Not Include Values Within Column

Apr 11, 2014

I'm looking at the formula in Sheet3, cell F5. You'll see that the criteria "--(Sheet2!I:I<>Sheet1!O:O)" does not seem to be working. I need the formula to not include any values from Sheet2!E:E, where the corresponding value in column I does not equal any value in Sheet1!O:O. Also, these values can change by user so its not as simple as just typing them in to the formula as an array...

That VBA part of this is that it's in a macro, so if there is any way to make this easier using code instead of a simple formula.

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Modify Sumproduct To Include Helper Column

Dec 17, 2007

I'm using Excel 2007 and have an Employee Scheduling Program that keeps track of 10 employees on a monthly basis (1 worksheet per month). The days of each month are in columns (I thru AM) and my 10 employees are in Rows 6 thru 15, which creates a grid of cells. I use Conditional Formatting to highlight the Weekends, Todays Date, and Holidays. My Sumproduct formula (shown below) is in each of the cells of my grid and places a number (1 to 10 for each employee) from start date to the end date. My Current formula works great as it finds every occurrence of the argument but I need to modify it to include the contents of the Helper Column.


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Expand Range To Include Non-contiguous Column?

Apr 1, 2014

How to make the below selected range, which represents column Q, also include column A?

Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlDown)).Select

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Data Manipulation - How To Dynamically Filter And Sort Multi-column Dataset

Mar 15, 2013

Data manipulation question here: how to dynamically filter and sort a multi-column data set? My end goal is to be able to (1) quickly collapse all columns into one single column, (2) remove all duplicates, and (3) sort the information in ascending order. A reference sheet is attached in case it's useful.

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Inserting Multiple Cells And Shifting Down Column Multiple Rows In IF Statement

Sep 7, 2012

how to shift data in a column down multiple rows while in an IF statement. I am assuming you cannot just simply repeat the insert cell formula.

Here is my code - it's ugly but it was working when I just needed it to move down one cell:

lastrow = Range("A2").End(xlDown).Row
For i = 2 To lastrow
Range("B" & i).Select
If Range("B" & i).Value = Range("B" & i).Offset(-1, 1).Value Then


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If Column Contains Data Then Insert A Blank Column And Shift Specific Column To The Right

Apr 22, 2009

What I'd like to do is; If column C contains data then insert a blank column and shift column C to the right.

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