Freeze Horizontally And Vertically At The Same Time

Mar 22, 2007

How do you freeze horizontally and vertically at the same time?

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Autofill Horizontally And Vertically?

Mar 27, 2014

Basically I want to see more dates, as you can see I've dropped down Cell B1 (31-Mar) to the B28 (27-Apr) Obviously if I wanted to see past 27-Apr I would just continue the drop down but I want to keep it within 28 rows and carry the dates onto cell C1-C28, D1-D28 etc, is there any way to do this using the drop down function or will I have to drop down each column individually then look date in the last row of that column and type the next date myself on the next column and drop it down?

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Incrementing Formula Vertically And Horizontally

Jan 16, 2014

I have a spreadsheet with a summary tab and 30 data tabs. The data tabs are named page-1 to page-30. In the summary page I have the following formula in cell C39: 'page-1'!C20

I want to be able to drag horizontally across 30 cells and have it increment to 'page-2'!C20, 'page-3'!C20 etc.,
and also drag it vertically and have it increment to 'page-1'!C21, 'page-2'!C22 etc.

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Freezing Panes Horizontally And Vertically

Aug 22, 2009

I know I can freeze panes eithe across a column or row but is it possibleto do both at the same time so that I can have a header row and a few columns on the left of the screen frozen?

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Locking Panes Horizontally And Vertically?

Dec 7, 2012

I'm trying to lock the cells of my work book both vertically and horizonatlly. There are "header criteria" on both colums and rows that I want to lock so when you scroll down or over the title bars stay. When I've done it in the past it won't let me lock both correctly.

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How To Display Text Horizontally Instead Of Vertically

Feb 27, 2014

I have a list of numbers I want to display horizontally instead of vertically. Is there a simple way to do this other than retyping each number?

My worksheet is attached.

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Transpose And Consolidate Data Horizontally To Vertically?

Jun 4, 2014

In the attached spreadsheet, I have the original data display horizontally (sheet2). Col A is Patient #. The header in row 1 are the test codes. Each patient took only 1 test and have result reported either neg, pos, pending or not eval. How do I transpose the header and have the test results consolidated in 1 column accordingly as display in sheet 3.

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Table Automatically Extends Horizontally But Not Vertically?

Apr 17, 2014

For what reason would a table not extend vertically on it's own when an entry is made in the next row directly beneath it? On all of my sheets I could swear the table will automatically extend vertically, but on one workbook that has 10 duplicated and then modified sheets with tables (I mention that for it might have been something from the original that was copied that is the problem), the table easily expands horizontally when a value is placed in a column next in line, but not the same for the next row!

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Pivot Table Filtering - Display Sums By Date Horizontally And Not Vertically

May 14, 2013

I am working on a pivot table just like the one on the picture here [URL] .......

Ideally I wanted the sums by date to be displayed horizontally and not vertically as shown in the picture, but was unable to do so. Anyways, I want to be able to filter those dates, so I can display data just from an specific date, and then change this date whenever I want and the new data will show up.

I tried doing by the checkbox that appears under the "data" dropdown on top of the column; However, when I uncheck a specific date, it dissapears and I have to add it again if I want to see it. Is there a way to keep the values on the dropdown even after I uncheck them? Or even another way to filter the information? Below is the pic of the dropdown I get when trying to sort the data, But as I said If I uncheck one of the values, it dissapears from the list.

[URL] ........

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Auto Time Freeze

Feb 8, 2006

I have a long sample list, (names and telephone no.), once a name and number
are used an outcome code is entered in the end cell like so ...

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Freeze Row And Column At A Time In Sheet?

Aug 8, 2013

can i freeze a row and a column in one time?

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Freeze Time Or Not Changed In Cell

Oct 28, 2008

I know that =now() will give me the time, and keep updating itself, but is there a formula I can use that will give me the time the cell was written into and maintain that time .. example, if I entered something into the cell at 3:45:21pm I want that time recorded in that cell and not change as they day moves on

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Freeze Panes Via VBA Selects Wrong Freeze Point

Jun 1, 2012

I have a macro which I recorded, then modified. The first thing it does is to freeze the top row, then it goes looking for a particular row and inserts some formulae. Nothing complicated at all.

It WAS working perfectly, but I wanted some improvements in the insertion of the formulae. I got that working just fine, but now the panes freeze in the wrong place. No matter what I do, it freezes at cell I16. I want only the top row frozen.

Found this code which was reported to work:

PHP Code:

    ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = False    Range("A1").Select    ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True 

It still freezes at I16. I have tried shutting down Excel, and even my computer, in case it is some weird bug where something is stuck in memory.

I tried recording another macro to format some cells and also freeze the top row. Same result.

PHP Code:

Sub wraptext_top_row()'' wraptext_top_row Macro''    
Rows("1:1").Select    With Selection        
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter        

[Code] ..........

Same result. I tried copying the contents of the worksheet to Notepad, then into a fresh workbook, just in case there's some weird hangup in formatting that I can't see.

There is NOTHING in the original code that references that cell, or even that row or column. NOTHING. How it got hung up on that one cell I cannot fathom.

The Freeze Panes command works normally if I apply it manually. Any cell, anywhere, it works as expected.

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Dragging Vertically

May 27, 2009

In row 3 I have values horizontally. (A3 to Z3)

i link C5 to A3.
If I drag it vertically it does not give the correct values.
Is it possible to drag it in a correct way?

I tried =INDEX($A$3:$X$3,ROWS($A$3:$A3))

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How To Display Data Vertically

Sep 9, 2013

How can I submit the data from userform in the spreadsheet vertically like A1,A2,.....

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Incrementing Formula By More Than One Column Vertically?

Apr 10, 2013

I have a formula that i'd like to "click and drag" down but while i do i want it to increment through columns



in cell A1 i'd have the formula

VB: =max(c1:c5)

and it will spit out 15, that's great but when i drag the formula down i want cell A2 to give the value 20

i'd like

VB: =max(c1:c5)

to somehow turn into an equivalent

VB: =max(g1:g5)

by only dragging down, not to the side

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Drag Vertically And Copy Cells Across?

Sep 5, 2008

I am trying to link from one spreadsheet to another and drag the cells down to copy the forumula, however I want to drag vertically on Sheet 1, and Copy the values horizontally from sheet 2.

For example, in sheet 1 I link cell A1 to equal cell A1 in Sheet 2. If I drag down the formula in sheet 1 A1:A10 then it will copy the values in cells A1:A10 in sheet 2.

Now what I want it to do is for me to drag the formula in cell A1 down to A10 in sheet 1, but for this to return the values of A1:J1.

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How To Display All Sheets Name At The Left Vertically

Nov 18, 2013

The default sheets are at the bottom. I would like to move the bottom horizontal sheets to left side vertically.

How to display all sheets name at the left vertically permanently?

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Apr 19, 2007

is it possible to concatenate the contents of several cell vertically into a single cell? like using (e.g. B47&B48&B49&B50&B51&B52) in a statement but make it vertical? and make some parts blank if it does not contain data.


(please see attached file for reference)

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Text To Columns (vertically Stacked)

Jul 22, 2009

Had a quick browse through the forums for an answer but as it is quite hard to describe i cant quite find the answer.

Basically I need to split some cells but they have stacked text in them i.e

Cell a1 shows:

part 77777 x 20
5x s452563

Cell b1 shows:

1x 254684564
3x 4481211111 & 5 ea g8373


When i run the text to columns function i only get the first line of the data, i could ideally like to split the data by spaces and/ or line breaks.

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Combining Worksheets Horizontally

Oct 15, 2009

I have a project that requires merging several worksheets into a "Master"worksheet in the same workbook. But because each of the worksheets have a different number of columns, I need to add each worksheet to the Master horizontally. The finished Master should appear just like each of the origional worksheets are lying side by side.

The code below adds the Master worksheet, copies each of the worksheets, and inserts it into the Master. So far so good. It does so perfectly on the first worksheet to be copied. But as it loops through the rest, the column widths get messed up. Is there any way to keep the column widths the same as the origional on my master worksheet?

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Arrange Sheet Horizontally

Aug 9, 2006

Would like to know if there is a way to arrange two different sheet under the same workbook horizontally? I have used the excel help box but did not manage to find a way.

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Pick Data From Every 2 Columns And Arrange It Vertically?

Apr 19, 2013

i want to pick data from every 2 columns and arrange it vertically, one under the other ;

sample data:
A 579751 579800 52151 52175 126721 126750
B 546451 546500
C 608971 609000 508081 508110 548941 548970
E 962701 962750 24851 24875

desired outcome:
A 579751 579800
52151 52175
126721 126750
B 546451 546500
C 608971 609000
508081 508110
548941 548970
E 962701 962750
24851 24875

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How To Divide Excel Sheet Vertically Into 4 Parts

Feb 16, 2013

I have many excel sheets with 1000 columns and 100,000 rows. I have to import these sheets into SAS system which wont let me import more than 250 columns per sheet (it misses the remaining columns, though rows it can import all of them). So, one solution is break each such sheets into 4 individual sheets. Ofcourse I can manually take the cursor to 250th column and copy/paste that data into another sheet and so on. But this is cumbersome and also means there is chance of mistake.

Is there a way I can divide the sheets into 4 sheets separately with each sheet having equal number of columns? Another thing I need to do is that on the top row there are company codes -most of them start with a letter which is fine. There are few which start with a number and I have to add a dummy letter x before the number. Now since there are 1000 columns, I have to scan the top row of all 1000 columns to find number codes which are scattered unevenly. So I was wondering if there is a way to tell excel to change all such number codes with extra x behind each number?

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(Userform) Textbox, Center Text Vertically?

Jan 6, 2010

We can center horizontally with TextAlign (Left, right or center). Can we center text in a textbox on a userform vertically? I am working with multiple fonts, when a user selects a font I attempt to format a textbox as a display to show what is being created (Best WYSIWYG as I can). I have this particular font that is just ugly but is required. My textbox is set for a 12 point font but the displayed characters partially appear below the lower portion of the textbox. Think of cutting off about 1/3 of the bottom of all text in the textbox.

In my textbox it seems like the text could be moved up (some type of top margin?). All other fonts appear to display in the textbox vertically central, so I believe its the particular font selected causing the as displayed anomaly.

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Align & Center Text In Cells Vertically

Feb 22, 2008

I know how to center text from left to right, but how about from top to bottom?

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Vertically Center Text In Userform Label

Apr 2, 2008

Is it possible to vertically center the text in a userform label? For example: I have a label that's 22px high, but the text is only 10pt -- at the moment it just hangs out at the top of label looking bad.... I'd like to place it the middle if possible.

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Return Multiple Values Horizontally?

Jun 5, 2014

I managed to found an array formula that return multiple values with a condition. Below the formula:


I am attaching a simple file. In cell O4 I paste the formula, and I drag it as much as I need. But my issue comes when the formula begins the calculations. I need to calculate 50 columns with over 9,000 rows each column (over 45,000 arrays). Imagine the processing load to my computer and the consuming of time.

Attached File : Return-multiple-values-horizontally.xlsx‎

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Grouping Columns Horizontally By Month

Aug 4, 2014

I receive a sheet that has forecasts by part number by week in columns. I don't care about the weekly total, I just want to see it by month. I inserted a row using a "=MID" function to remove date and year so all I have left is the month (see attached in row 2). How can I group horizontally by month?


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Copy Formula Horizontally Across Rows

Nov 21, 2008

I have a percent value in cell E3, for example, then other numbers in cells H3through AA3. The formula is for all numbers in cells H3 through AA3 to be multiplied by the percent value in cell E3.

When I try to copy the formula entered in cell H3 to the rest of the cells across the same row, it does not copy as I would like. Instead of having all cells multiply cell E3, it will progress through each next cell. How can I format all cells I choose in row 3 to multiply the same cell, E3?

What I want is to be able to change the percent value in E3, for instance, and have all other cells automatically change values according to the percent they are multiplying in cell E3. I have about 160 rows I want to do this same thing in.

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