Function To Return Single Dimensioned Array
Jan 3, 2008
I am trying to write a function that returns a single dimension array from inputed data. I want this to work for any data, i.e. a single cell, an array in vba or a range. I am using the "for each" staement. However, when I pass an array in the "for each" returns the same range, rather than the elements of the range. I've played around a bit, and the "for each" does what I want on an range if I am not passing the range to a function. Is it because I am passing the range into a function as a variant? Here is the code for the function.
Public Function CreateSingleDimensionArray(ByVal dataToConvert) As Variant
Dim vHolder As Variant
Dim vArray As Variant
Dim lElementCount As Long
lElementCount = 0
For Each vHolder In dataToConvert
lElementCount = lElementCount + 1
Redim vArray(1 To lElementCount)
vArray(lElementCount) = vHolder
Next vHolder
CreateSingleDimensionArray = vArray
End Function
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Sep 20, 2012
I have an array that is going to have a variable length every time the macro is run. I set a really high length at the beginning and when I want to unload the data, I want to redim the array to only the amount of data that was loaded into the array.
I am getting an error of "Array already dimensioned" when use the redim function near the end of my code below.
Private Sub Trend_Click()Dim GraphRow As LongDim TodaysYear As Integer,
Adjustment As Integer, EndYear As Integer,
StartYear As IntegerDim X_Axis_Array(1 To 100) As VariantDim SelectedStmt As StringDim X_Axis_ArrayEnd As IntegerTodays
[Code] ........
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Apr 1, 2014
I've written this function to re-dimension an array based on the size of the range it is storing. Originally all my variables were simply declared as:
Dim XLRecOutput() as Variant
I then wrote a function which took the variable and the range as follows:
Function LoadRangeToArray(dataArray() As Variant, selectedRange As Range, Optional blnLoadData As Boolean = True)
With selectedRange
ReDim dataArray(1 To .Rows.Count, 1 To .Columns.Count)
End With
If blnLoadData Then dataArray = selectedRange
LoadRangeToArray = dataArray
End Function
To call the function, it's simply:
XLRecOutput = LoadRangeToArray(XLRecOutput, Range("XLRecOutput"))
Now I've created a class and set up Get/Let properties for the variables instead, but the above function fails with a Compile error on the call - 'Type mismatch: array or user-defined type expected' and I can't get my head around how to resolve it.
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May 14, 2013
Function Haversine has correct value in debugger but in cell it has the same value as Haversine2. Is this a known bug?
Public Function Haversine(lat1 As Double, long1 As Double, lat2 As Double, long2 As Double) As Double
Dim temp As Double
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Jul 2, 2014
I am building a marketing dashboard that shows the effectiveness of two campaigns based on where the campaign has been deployed (website, email, facebook, twitter, google+ etc.). In each campaign I have a checklist (using developer ribbon) with these different dimensions.
I want a formula that checks the checklist, identifies all the boxes that are unticked and returns them in a single cell. The cell would read:
To increase traffic to the Shampoo campaign (Campaign A), expose it to Google+ and Facebook as these channels generated 578 and 2009 visitors respectively for the Makeup campaign (Campaign B).
I already have it working for returning a single value with the following formula but need it to return multiple values.
=IFERROR("To increase traffic to the "&B4&" campaign, expose it to "&INDEX(L4:L10,MATCH(K5,M4:M10,FALSE))&" "&"as"&" "&"this channel generated "&VLOOKUP(INDEX(L4:L10,MATCH(K5,M4:M10,FALSE)),L26:N31,2,FALSE)&" visitors for the "&D4&" campaign","")
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Jul 2, 2014
I am building a marketing dashboard that shows the effectiveness of two campaigns based on where the campaign has been deployed (website, email, facebook, twitter, google+ etc.). In each campaign I have a checklist (using developer ribbon) with these different dimensions.
I want a formula that checks the checklist, identifies all the boxes that are unticked and returns them in a single cell. The cell would read:
To increase traffic to the Shampoo campaign (Campaign A), expose it to Google+ and Facebook as these channels generated 578 and 2009 visitors respectively for the Makeup campaign (Campaign B).
I already have it working for returning a single value with the following formula but need it to return multiple values.
=IFERROR("To increase traffic to the "&B4&" campaign, expose it to "&INDEX(L4:L10,
MATCH(K5,M4:M10,FALSE))&" "&"as"&" "&"this channel generated "&VLOOKUP
(INDEX(L4:L10,MATCH(K5,M4:M10,FALSE)),L26:N31,2,FALSE)&" visitors for the "&D4&" campaign","")
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May 30, 2006
I know something very similar was posted before, but unfortunately, it wasn't what I was looking for. I have a Worksheet tracking several associates and the department they have done work in. (Our associates are contractors for other departments). I need to have a final worksheet that allows me to pull up a name, and display every dept they worked with in the past week.
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Aug 26, 2006
I've got an If statement in Excel which features several VLookups - I need the IF statement to return differing results to 2 different cells, is this possible?
In plain English, I'm looking for something like
If(Vlookup(A2, B2:D5, 4, False), C6="y" And D7="ok", "False")
Obviously this is a very crude example
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Aug 5, 2013
I have a grid like follows (how to format):
2013-08-16-5.00 0 0
2013-08-16-2.0-19,902 -20,734 -21,429
2013-08-16-1.011,431 11,907 12,297
2013-08-160.0-0 0 -11
2013-08-161.0111 153 140
2013-08-162.031 61 60
Basically I want to return an array (to pass to another function) containing all data that matches my search. E.g. I want to retrieve an array of the data that matches 2013-09-20. Is the only way to do this a VBA func?
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Apr 11, 2014
I need a look-up function that can return a value from an array that can be 3 to 7 rows in height. I want the function to always look at the last row in the array.
This is how it looks:
Column A Column B
blank row
SUM 15
blank row
In this case I want the function to return 15 if I search for 1000. The problem is that there are not always a fixed number of rows beneath the searched value.
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Jun 23, 2014
I have the following data; B1 and B2 are entered by the user and are named 'heat' and 'race' respectively. Conditional Array Formula Example.xlsx I'm after the ROW number that matches the minimum time (col C) for the heat and race combination shown - in the example below (heat: A, race: 100m), I'd like row '5' returned (or, better still, row '2' of the array A4:D11), as that's the lowest time for Heat A, 100m.
but this dosesn't exactly seem elegant, and doesn't work!
ie I simply want the row number (ideally relative to the range) for the lowest time for any given inputs 'Race' and 'Heat'.
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Apr 12, 2013
I would like to write a formula to return a value from a column that relates to an array within which my lookup value exists. See the tables below:
[Code] .......
The tables above are on different sheets within a workbook. I would like to write a formula that returns the "ID" numbers from column "A" in the first table, based on values in columns B-D in that first table, into column "C" in the second table. For example, in this case, the ID number that corresponds with the value "12491" would be "109", since 12491 corresponds with 109 in the first table.
FYI, the "Value" numbers in the second table are calculated based on their rank (high-low) within the matrix in the first table.
I tried the INDEX-MATCH function, but it doesn't seem to work if I'm trying to find a value within a 2-D array- it only works if I'm looking in a single column.
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May 8, 2013
I need to find a way to find an array in a tab to use for an index/match function I have.
this is what i would normally use: =index(tab_array,match($a2, tab!$a$1:$a$1000,0),match($B$1,tab!$a$1:$zz$1,0))
This formula would usually work fine when I know that within the tab, the array in which the row match is searching doesn't change. However, that array may change in the future, to say column H, without my knowing as it is a database that gets automatically populated from an upstream system.
Is there a way to search for an array within an index/match?
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Jan 10, 2014
Assume you have a rectangular range. Say A1:M18. There are values in some random cells (any number of cells) within the range. The rest of cells are blank. In cell M19 (ie cell below the bottom right corner of the range), I need a excel function that returns the nearest (ie physical location) non blank cell value. I have searched the internet for weeks. The closest formula is the following (see below) but it is flawed as it returns zero if there are values in rows below the row of the nearest cell with non blank...and also zero if there is value in a column greater than the column of the nearest cell with non blank.
Closest formula so far:
And the function should be relative not absolute as the range can be extended..but the location of the formula remain same relative to the array size. (ie. always at below the right bottom cell).
NOTE: Ignore the special case where two non blank cells are the nearest. That will not happen.
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May 8, 2006
Find Multiple instances of Numeric Criterion in Row & Return To a Single
I have a Dynamic Named Range "Data" spanning 10 Columns and many Rows.
Each Row may contain duplicates of the Numeric Criterion.
I would like to find ALL instances of a specific Numeric Criterion across
each single Row in the Dynamic Range "Data" and have the Results returned to
a New Sheet in a single column.
NEW Sheet:
The Numeric Criterion is housed in G5.
The matched criterion should be returned to the New Sheet starting at G7.
Duplicate instances in the same Row should ALL be returned to the same cell
in Column G on the New Sheet.
Sample Data Layout:
Columns I J K L M N O P Q R
Row No.76 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1
Row No.77 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 0 0 0
Row No.78 3 3 3 3 3 0 3 0 3 0
Looking for Numeric Criterion 1 (one).
Expected Results - New Sheet:
Row No.7 Column G (Cell G7) 1111111
Row No.8 Column G (Cell G8) 1
In Row 76 of the Sample Data ALL seven Numeric Criterion of 1 (one) should be
returned to the same cell G7.
In Row 77 of the Sample Data there is only one Numeric Criterion of 1 and it
should be returned to cell G8.
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Jan 26, 2010
I need to figure out how to match three values on the "source info.xls" file attached to the "PFG FILE.xls" that is also attached. In column A in the "Source info.xls" file the formula will need to match the yellow column, then the green column, then the red column. keep in mind that the attached files are just a small subset of data. The "PFG File.XLS" is actually 150K rows long.
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Mar 10, 2009
What I’m trying to do is get a single cell to look at an array, if there is a number in that array which is between 2 limits to return that number. This is eventually going to work with limits of dates/times, and have to be updated once a day. I’ve attached a workbook with an example of the data and the way I want it formatted. {=IF(AND(A1:A25>=D32,A1:A25<E32),A1:A25,"")}
But this always returns a false. I can get it to work without using array and just having cell to cell logic but this means I would need the same amount of columns in the formatted data as the raw which is impractical.
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Feb 11, 2008
I'm trying to use an array to carry out string function on a range of excel cells.
Here is the code I am using
Dim arrXl As Variant
arrXl = ws.Range("F1:F" & ws.Range("D1").End(xlDown).Row)
For i = LBound(arrXl) To UBound(arrXl)
MsgBox (LBound(arrXl))
'If 1st char is different from 3rd char then remove all of string after 1st char
If Left(arrXl(i), 1) <> Mid(arrXl(i), 3, 1) Then
arrXl(i) = Left(arrXl(i), 1)
End If
'If 1st char is different from 7th char then delete string after 5th char
If Left(arrXl(i), 1) <> Mid(arrXl(i), 7, 1) Then
arrXl(i) = Left(arrXl(i), 5)
End If
The lbound function returns the value of 1 as the lower bound, I do not have "Option base 1" set so I was expecting the lbound value to be 0. The first 2 cells in the F column are blank so this may have something to do with it, I am unsure if cells in excel can be null if they can be null one cell may be null and the other may be a zero length string but I am unsure about this.
The ubound function returns a value of 487.
The code breaks when I try to access an element in the array so it breaks on the line:
If Left(arrXl(i), 1) <> Mid(arrXl(i), 3, 1) Then
and returns the "Subscript out of range" error message.
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Aug 16, 2012
Ok I'm writing an extraction formula. I've got my array of Trues and Falses, but now I need to go through each row and check if all the columns are TRUE, and then return the row if all the columns are true.
Right now I'm just working with a dummy set of data... my real table is some 50 columns wide and over 300 rows, but this gives you the idea of what I'm doing:
I tried putting in a Countif and using it like and array to count the different rows and return the number of times each row was returned... but countif goes nuts when you try an array for the criteria.
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Mar 29, 2013
I am looking for an excel formula that will allow me to perform the following logic: if a cell value in (M3:BA3)="D" then multiply C29 by the corresponding value in (M29:BA29), then sum all of the products.
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Jun 20, 2008
How can you test that no single element of an array is equal to a particular value?
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Jul 16, 2007
I want to use Sumproduct function to sum up the values that belong only to Product "PXT" and "PCT". I enter it as array but my formulae doesnt work. can someone give me a hand. Here is my formulae: =SUMPRODUCT((C2:C10="PXT")*(C2:C10="PCT"))*(A2:A10)
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Feb 25, 2009
This has been kicking my can all morning! Should be simple. I'm trying to conditionally format an array from the value of a single cell.
=IF(A1<80, A3:A24,RED,0)
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Jun 16, 2009
To calculate the result for a month is easy, but I can't figure how to get a single cell formula to calculate for the year. The sample attached explains it better.
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Jul 13, 2012
There is a method to use ROW(1:10) within an array formula to strip a string into individual elements e.g.
HELLO > {"H","E","L","L","O"}
I cannot find it anywhere, thought it was something like =MID(A1,ROW(1:10),1) but not yielding results.
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Sep 10, 2012
I'm trying to create a single array from multiple ranges... I'm not sure what syntax to use:
Dim dat4() As Variant
Set r = Sheet13.Range("rsqlassetid")
Set r2 = Sheet13.Range("rsqlparentcat")
dat4() = (r , r2)
I can create an array with multiple columns from a range if the columns are next to each other but in this instance they're not.
These 2 ranges both have the same number of rows and I'm trying to combine them into a 2 column array, but not sure how to make it work without looping, rediming the array and using a secondary array to preserve the data...
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Jan 17, 2014
I had some number combinations as this 5-23-34-233, 50-233-34-45, 34-5-23-45-67. The length can be variable in column A.
I want a formula which should return array of numbers of each cell in column A. So if A1 has 5-23-34-233 so the formula should return array like {5,23,34,233} and like wise.
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Feb 9, 2010
I'm trying to condense a table of calculations down to a single array formula, but am getting stuck on one piece of it.
The table data is very simple, and can be in just two columns:
1, value
2, value
3, value
4, value
5, value
Where 1 thru 5 are time periods, and values are various numbers.
I want to perform the GammaDist function on each value. It requires a time period input, and in this case it is the 1 thru 5 in the table. So at the end of period 5, the formula for the first value would be
=Gammadist(5,x,y,TRUE) (x,y values not important here)
and the formula for the second value would be:
The only thing that changes is the period number.
So, my goal is to write an array formula that will sum the GammaDist for each of the 5 rows, for all timeperiods (which is 5 in this case)
I can get this far:
But this passes 1 thru 5 to all rows, I only want 1 thru 5 passed to row 1, 1 to 4 passed to row 2, etc.
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Jan 3, 2012
I am trying to rank records from multiple sections of a single array. Since there are over 100 sections I want to use a formula. Using the MATCH function I have the first row for each section of the array (Col D below). The psuedo code of what I'm trying to do is:
RANK(B1,Bfirst row of section:Bfirst row of next section -1)
Example (results in Column C):
1 West 100 3 1
2 West 150 1 4
3 West 125 2
4 East 50 3
5 East 75 2
5 East 140 1
I will also need to increment the section as I complete each section of the array. Am I trying to do too much in a single cell??
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Sep 6, 2007
I have a byte array that contains a 4 byte floating point number. How would I convert this byte array to the single typed floating point number it contains?
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