Function To List Data Pulled From 2-D Array

Mar 18, 2009

I'm not sure if this is possible but I am trying to find a function that will organize data that will be in a set 2-dimensional array (ex. 6 x 8) into a single list column. The trick is to omit any blanks that may be in the array so that the final list contains no blanks.

This is for a template; the data will constantly be changing so it's not a one time project where I can just sort the data to omit the blanks.

In the example I am trying to automatically have the 'Initial Group' organized to look like the 'Final List.'

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Value Pulled Per List Drop Down Selection

Nov 11, 2008

I have attached my problem workbook in explanation, I need help of pulling values from particular data by referencing selection in drop down list via some formula.
I thought about using the SUMPRODUCT and VLOOKUP but couldnt reference the values in drop down list.

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Conditional Formatting Verify That The Lines Of Data Being Pulled From My Application

Jun 9, 2009

I would like to use conditional formatting verify that the lines of data being pulled from my application into Excel, but totaled using "=sum" are equal to totals pulled directly from my application. I believe that I should be able to use conditional formatting but am not sure how to make the formula work correctly.

To illustrate my problem: I have cells A1 (a total of a range), A2 (also a total of a range) and A3 (total of data pulled directly into my Excel report). In cell A3 I would like to verify that lines A1 + A2 - A3 = 0. This I can do without any problem, but there is rounding involved. The total of the above formula should be between -1 and 1 and still show as correct. I want the number in A3 to show up in red/bold when incorrect.

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Use A Named Range To Many Columns Are Added Or Deleted The Data Is Pulled Correctly

May 4, 2006

I have a spread sheet that I pull data from different columns on a particular row. The problem is the code I used works great as long as the column never moves from its current location. Is there a way to use a named range to make the following piece of code work, so no matter how many columns are added or deleted the data is pulled correctly?

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Getting Data In Array Into List Format?

Mar 16, 2014

I have text in an array (there are formula in all the fields) and I would like to arrange this text so that it is in a list format.

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Data Validation List And Array?

Jun 16, 2014

I am looking to create an array where values are based on a data validation list.

i.e. in cells C5:C65 which have a data validation list of "Active" and "Not Active". Once a cell has been selected as "Active" then all other cells are in that range are automatically "Not Active".

The answer I am sure is an If and Lookup or something but what I have been creating today feels like a sledgehammer approach with helper columns and all sorts - I really want to avoid an array or anything that will chew up processing power...

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Index Function - Data Identified Based On A List Of Account Numbers And Return This Data To A New Sheet

May 8, 2007

I have a multiple column spreadsheet (Call it- "Money") whereby I need the data identified based on a list of account numbers and return this data to a new sheet.

In "Money" I have:

IE; columns B, C respectively have cust #A100 & 20.00
columns E, F respectively have cust #B100 & 40.00
columns G,H respectively have cust #C100 & 60.00

(above for illustration-there are 100 lines of data in these columns with varied account numbers and respective dollars)

So what I have now is a new sheet I have named "Control". I have listed all my account numbers like A100,B100 etc. in column A. These are the account numbers for ident purposes.

I need the data entered in "Money" identified by those columns B,E,G with respective amounts from C,F,H and based on the list I have in "Control" whereby in "Control" if A100 is listed in column A then the figure to be returned in column B is all the data bits found in all columns C,F,H from the entire sheet "Money". Tough to explain but ie below....

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Search Substring Of Array Matching List Of String From Another Array?

Dec 20, 2013

I need to export this to Xcelsius which doesn't support any macros/vba. Btw I can;'t use Row() in xcelsius too.


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Function To List Data

Sep 1, 2008

I have 2 worksheets. One has data, the other is a receipt. In the receipt I would like a function to look at an ID # in a cell on the receipt, go to the data worksheet and find all of the information in a range of cells and return ALL data pertaining to that ID#. I haven't had any luck with VLOOKUP, unless I need to nest functions?

ID# Item
123 Basket
456 Gift Card
789 Massage
123 Cups
123 Coffee

OK. So say that the ID# cell in the receipt was '123'. I want a function to return everything that matches '123' on the receipt, all at once.

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IF Function With Data Validation List?

Aug 12, 2012

Is it possible to set up a cell to either return a vlookup result or allow a specific data validation list? For example, if precedent cell is blank, then I want to perform a vlookup and return result, but if not, then only allow a choice from an unrelated list.

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Function Not Working In Data Validation List

Jul 23, 2014

I need to compare 2 cell with 1 specification reference.But the function can't give return value as per required.Both 2 input cells using Data Validation List.

Please refer attachment for some examples : matching.xlsx‎

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Data Validation List - OFFSET Function

Apr 20, 2012

I have the following formula in a Data Validation List:

(CHOOSE(B7,D1Array,D2Array,D3array,D4Array,D5Array,D6Array)),0),1,COUNTIF(CHOOSE(B7,D1Array,D2Array, D3array,D4Array,D5Array,D6Array),J2),1)

In B8 it is the formula =VLOOKUP(B7,LookupTable,2,0). and the lookup array is this 1$H$112$J$113$L$114$N$115$P$116$R$11

So the value returned in B8 will be a the start reference for the OFFSET function. This works but it retuns blank values and not the values in the arrays.

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Data Validation List - INDIRECT Function

Mar 28, 2014

I am using a data-validation-list with =INDIRECT(B7) as the source. It works as expected except for after the file has been closed and reopened. When it is reopened, the source is changed to =INDIRECT(#REF!).

I have tried =INDIRECT('Worksheetname'!B7) but same result.

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Combining Two Spreadsheets - Marking What Cells Have Been Pulled Over?

Mar 14, 2014

A little background, I am trying to match CC deposit batch transactions to daily sales transactions. I have two reports, one from our credit card processor/gateway (Report "B") and one from our software where the daily sales (Report "A") are recorded. I used the INDEX/MATCH formula to pull the information I needed from Report "A" into Report "B". It worked perfectly. My question is, is there anyway that I can show what information has been pulled from Report "A"? Possibly by highlighting what was pulled over? It is a longshot, but it would make my life so much easier if it was possible...

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How To Update Rows Based On New Values So That Those Are Pulled Automatically

May 27, 2014

I create a report that shows one set of numbers against another set of numbers based on a transactions list I pull monthly. The Report tab is really simple and is based on the sumifs. Sometime, new accounts are created that I don't know about. They show up in the transactions table but not on the Report tab. Is there a way to automatically add new accounts/rows on my summary sheet so that no account is missed? Is there also a way where columns A and B on the Report tab are unique values that are pulled from the transactions tab? Hence, if a new number and description are added, the list just picks it up. In my case however, there are tens or hundred of lines with the same accounts/descriptions.

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Unable To Format Date Properly Pulled From A Cell

Feb 26, 2014

In cell B5 of sheet1 contains a date which changes everytime when i open excel file. The date is in the M/D/YYYY format.

I am using the following code to use that date in MM/DD/YYYY format.

[Code] .....

If cell B5 of sheet1 is 2/1/2014, but my code is resulting in wrong as 01/02/2014.

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VB Code/Macro Printing With Page End Pulled From Workbook

Oct 29, 2008

I have a worksheet that changes in length. There is a formula that calculates how many pages the sheet will be. The also is a print button on the sheet that will print a coversheet "Sheets("Title")" and then it is supposed to print the data on the second sheet. Below the code I have so far... I know I am missing something, but knowing very little about macros I just can't seem to figure it out.

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Using Dropdown List While Entering Data Via Excel Built In Form Function

Jan 19, 2013

how to add a drop down list while using the excel form for data entry.

Basically I am trying to make it easy for a non technical person to add ebay items to a spreadsheet. This sheet is them used in sixbit software to upload to ebay.

All of these items will have some constants (such as length of listing or listing type etc) but selected from a small list i.e they can ONLY be certain times or types for example . So a list is very important to make sure there are no errors but also for speed.

The sheet has a number of headings so when I select the form function in excel the box comes up with the desired entry boxes just fine but I cant get a list to select from even when I have already created a drop down list in excel sheet.

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Array Concatenate Function VBA

Aug 8, 2012

I use a existing code and want to add the Concatenate in the code.

Sub Subtotal()

Dim myAreas As Areas, myArea As Range, x As String
Dim y As Long


[Code] ....

The array sum function works but Concatenate not. In Excel I get the formula Concatenate(H2:H3) in stead of Concatenate(H2,H3). What should I change to get the code working?

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Printing Array From Function?

Sep 3, 2012

I want to create a function in a module that will read an array from sheet1 preform an operation on it then return the result to the spreadsheet in a defined amount of cells in this example 8.

In Module1:

Function func1(ByRef arrayA())
Dim arrayB(8)
For k = 0 To 7


How does the resultant arrayB get populated onto the spreadsheet?

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Using Countif Function For Certain Array

May 2, 2014

I want to use the countif function for a certain array. The range is set by another cell which is made up out of a percentile of an entire row.

The problem is is that excel doesn't see the value it displays so i continuously get a value of 0 in the countif cell. If i fill in the range by hand, which is exactly the same range as the outcome of the percentile the countif cell does give the correct value.

So in short the problem is i guess that the countif cell does not recognize the value because this value is made up by a formula.

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Function That Returns The First Value In An Array

Jan 24, 2007

I am working on a Monthly Vehicle Spread Sheet. One of the outputs I am trying to achieve is an automatic calculation of Mile Per Gallon. To do this, I need to know if there is a function that will return the value of the first entry of a group of cells.

In calculating the miles per gallon, I need to subtract the first gallon amount entry of the total gallons in the month, then divide that number into the difference of the mileage in the month recorded when the vehicles fueled up.

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MINIMUM IF Function Without Using Array

Oct 15, 2008

Is there anyway I can do the below formula without it being an array formula?

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Assigning A Function To Array?

Feb 21, 2014

I am trying to write a code for simulating a stock price using geometric brownian motion. I have the function part down as follows:

Public Function SimStock(Initial_Stock_Price As Double, _
Expected_Return As Double, _
Volitility As Double, _
End_Time_Days As Double, _
Number_of_Steps) As Double
SimStock = Initial_Stock_Price * Exp((Expected_Return - Volitility ^ 2 / 2) * (Number_of_Steps / End_Time_Days) * NRnd2() * Sqr((Number_of_Steps / End_Time_Days)))
End Function

Now what i need to do is to apply this to an array. so that when i run the sub it will simulate prices from today up to some number of days that i specify. This number of days will be equal to "End_Time_Days" which is part of my function. Furthermore the simulation has to be such that it uses the above formula for the first entry but then replaces "Initial_Stock_Price" with the result of the preceding entry in each subsequent entry.

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MEDIAN() As Array Function?

Oct 11, 2005

Is it possible to submit the MEDIAN() function as an array (ctrl + shift + enter)?

I.e., I would like to submit a function similar to this SUM() function:

However, when I submit


it does not give me the intended result.

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Sum Function For Array Not Working

Feb 27, 2012

For some reason my array called "PriceSum" is not getting load with values or not being summed. I am not sure if it is because I am trying to load a value with a decimal in it or not.

For logic purposes:

lastrow = 2
Stock = Banking
Cell "W2" = 5
Cell "X2" = 71.84
Cell "U2" = Bought
Cell "V2" = Banking

Private Sub Purchase_Click()Dim MyArray As Variant
Dim x As Integer
Dim t As Integer
Dim lastrow As Integer
Dim QuantityArray(0 To 1000) As Variant,

[Code] ...........

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Looping If Function Through Array?

Jan 9, 2014

I have a big macro that runs whenever there is a change made. I'm not gonna link it all because I don't think that would be useful... This macro does:

1. Disables Events.
2. Removes Protection
3.Calls some macros that check a few values and change a few cells.
4. Activates events.
5. Hides or shows ranges of cells depending on the results of the called macros.
6. Reactivates protection.

As well as the cells the called macro changes, there is a column of True/False results stretching from AE16 to AE491 with several blanks in the list as well. (All of this is decided upon a different macro that isn't linked with the change.) I want a loop that will read the True/False column and if it finds a false, make 8 buttons invisible.

I tried putting this code between Step 5 and 6 of the macro.

Dim J As Integer
J = 16


This isn't working at all... I was thinking if there was gonna be an issue then it would be the opposite where it stops the buttons appearing all together but even when there are falses and I am changing things it doesn't seem to make a difference.

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Using Large Function In An Array

Jun 8, 2007

Column C contains the names of real-estate brokers.

Column E contains the colors of the homes for sale.

Column Q contains the values of the homes.

I want to return the sum of the 50 most expensive homes that are yellow and for sale by Century 21.

I'm familiar with array formulas, and with the large function. I just do not know how to incorporate the large function within the sum/array formula.

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Usually Array Formula But Function

Oct 10, 2008

I'm just getting into functions, so please bear with me on this as I start to understand how they really work. I do have the VBA and Macros for MS Excel book which has been a great help!

Normally on this I would use a simple array formula to gather a total calculation from a timesheet, but in this case there can be numerous timesheets to add this up.

Hours would be recorded on a sheet with both a client and a task selected. I also have a summary sheet to show clients against tasks... adding all the hours from each timesheet.

If it were from a single Timesheet (possibly creating a single one of these for all sheets is an option?) I would be able to use the following array formula:

Timesheet1 Column D = hours
Timesheet1 Column F = clients
Timesheet1 Column G = tasks
Row 5 (starting Column C) = clients in summary sheet (across top)
Column A (starting Row 9) = tasks in summary sheet (down side)...........

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Function For 2-dimensional Array

Feb 27, 2007

I am trying to write a public function that fills a table for a 2-dimensional array and am having trouble with my named ranges. The x-axis is based on years (range F2:O2) and the y-axis is a q_factor (range E3:E23) so the data range would be (F3:O23. The following outlines my logic:

Public Function bondValue(years As Range, q_factor As Range, z As Double)

Dim nRow As Long, nCol As Long
Dim bondPort As Range

nRow = q_factor.Rows.Count
nCol = years.Columns.Count
sumTau = 0

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