Get Values To Copy?
Jul 6, 2012
code is as follow:
LastRow = Worksheets("Sales").Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row
Sheets("invoice").Range("A11:J18").Copy Worksheets("Sales").Cells(LastRow + 1, "B")
it works exaclty as I want it to, with one exception, I need it to copy values instead of the formulas that are within the range.
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Jun 26, 2009
Sheet linked from external file, new data coming daily. How to copy Values of cells from B4 till B-empty to C column? The attached file has a properly displayed data.
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Aug 31, 2012
I want to build a database where the user can select a specific time period. I have a static file with the time periods and the related values. For instance I have in column A1:A15 the time periods from January 2011 to Dezember 2011, but I have some dates multiple times as there are more values attached to it. For instance I have in the first 4 rows January 2011...what I want is when someone puts in the value January 2011 in cell B1 and Dezember 2011 in cell B2 that the whole static file gets copied to another location (including the multiple dates) displaying the chosen time period. Similarly if someone puts in the value March 2011 to November 2011, I want only those values to be copied.
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Feb 2, 2010
I have a base document that i can import another data document with a button (this is working).
I then have another WS ("search") in the base document with lots of identifiers which I want to use as my search range to look through the document that I just imported (column A).
I need a msg to ask the user what month they would like to find the $ value on (Ie, January) in the imported WS... this way it doesnt copy the entire line only cell in the selected month column.
Then I want to the user to be able to click a button that will check through the identifiers on the "search" WS and if the same identifier appears in the imported WS in column A, then for the $ value in the column selected to be copied to the search Range work sheet.
If the idenfifier is not matched then in place of the $ value copied can be the string "no in XXX WS" .
I have attached the document with dummy data in each work sheet with details more cleary what I have meantion above.
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Aug 6, 2007
The following macro does what it is designed to do and needs to be run from a control sheet called "Guide". When I run it from this Guide sheet it stops at around row 53 (out of 1400 rows) on each of the specified sheets in the macro. I have struggled with this problem and have now discovered that the macro will run correctly when run from one of the worksheets specified in the array, e.g. sheet "200 and 100".
Sub Calculateclosingtrades1()
Dim r As Long, c As Integer, LastRow As Long, rcheck As Long
LastRow = Range("J65536").End(xlUp).Row
Dim shtTemp As Worksheet
Dim vntName As Variant
For Each vntName In Array("200 and 100", "100 and 50", "50 and 25", "40 and 20", "20 and 10", "15 and 10", "18 and 9", "200 only", "100 only", "50 only", "40 only", "25 only", "20 only", "15 only").............
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May 26, 2006
Given the following data located in Sheet1 of a Workbook -
•I have seven columns (assume header row names are “A, B, C, D, E, F, G”) each containing numeric data in random order.
•All columns are of the same length (equal number of rows), followed by a blank cell, but the number of rows is unknown.
•Columns with header row names A-E will only contain numbers from 0 to 100, while F and G may contain numbers from -127 to +128.
Here is what I would like to do –
I would like to be able to analyze the data in columns A-D to locate rows that contain specific combinations of values (ex. row 41 contains the values 50, 0, 0, 0 and row 239 contains values 100, 0, 0, 0 in columns A – D, respectively, etc.).
For each row that is found to contain one of these combinations (there are many different combinations required), I would like to copy the associated values from columns E, F, & G for that row, and paste them into their respective (E, F, & G) columns located on Sheet2 of the same workbook. However, I would like to paste the E, F, & G values into a specific row order on Sheet2, DETERMINED by the value of the A – D combination identified on Sheet1.
Continuing with the ex. above, let’s say I would like to have the EFG values from row 239 in Sheet1 copied to row 10 in Sheet2, while the EFG values from row 41, Sheet1, are to be copied to row 11 in Sheet2.
In effect, I would like to create a table of this subset of data, in a specific order, from which I could work later.
I can do this manually using “ AutoFilter” to locate the data I need and then write formulas to copy the data from Sheet1 to Sheet2 in the order that I need, but every time the order of the original data on Sheet1 changes I have to start all over.
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Apr 11, 2014
I am trying find a match from multple "text" values.
The values I'm using are flight numbers from sheet "Indiv case" in column (range H2:H51). The flight number could occur multiple time in the column.
The associated flight number sheet "Code & categories" in column (range H2:H257) are associated with the last port of embarkation (range I2:I257) in "Code & categories" sheet.
I need to copy & past the name of the Last port of embarkation from sheet "Code & categories" into sheet "Indiv case" adjcent to the flight numbers in column (I2:I51).
Example: Sheet "Indiv case" from Column (H2:H51) Fligh number Data: UA863, VA4148, EK432, BA15, BA15, VA98, QF8, AC33 etc Using these value from "Indiv case" from Column (H2:H51) search and match valuse in "Code & categories" in column (range H2:H257)
If match found copy valuse from sheet "Code & categories in column (i2:I257) in to sheet "Indiv case" into column (I2:I51) Last port of embarkation".
H2;H257, I2:I257
Flight, Last Post
3k111, Singapore
3k131, Singapore
AC33, Vancouver
Copy and Past "Last Port" into sheet "Indiv case (I2:I51) adjcent to matching flight code.
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Jun 27, 2014
write a script to match a cell value then copy and paste the matching row across two worksheets - "Master List" and "Demographics".
These two worksheets have the same cell values in Column A, the key difference is the Column A cell order in the second worksheet "Demographics". This Column A cell order is set arbitrarily by another system and will vary over time.
I would like to match the rows, then paste the three columns from the second worksheet into the first worksheet.
For example:
"Demographics" Worksheet Cell A2 = "Master List" Worksheet A45 - then copy cells A2, B2 and C2 and paste into A45, B45, C45 respectively.
"Demographics" Worksheet Cell A49 = "Master List" Worksheet A12 - then copy cells A49, B49 and C49 and paste into A12, B12, C12 respectively.
I have created a sample spreadsheet here; - List Schema.xlsx
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Feb 18, 2014
I am having a hard time with a copying values, it is best if I make an example. The idea is: if A1 is "Toyota" and there is some other text also in B1, B2 and B3 then A1,A2 and A3 are "Toyota"
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Mar 19, 2014
I have 2 tables on different sheets:
Table 1:
A1 B1
Product id | Contract
12 | aaa
13 | bbb
14 | ccc
15 | ddd
21 | eee
22 | fff
... |
Table 2:
A1 | B1
Product id | Contract
21 |
15 |
22 |
13 |
... |
I want to put the contract value on the product id correspondent on the table 2. How can i do this?
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Oct 24, 2007
I am working with an Address Worksheet where the house#, street name and street type are 3 seperate columns. I need to combine that data into one "Address1" column. I can use a Concatenate() formula to combine the data, but I need to be able to have that data output to a new column, independent of the formula.
The problem that I am having is if I try to "copy" the concatenated data to either a new column or new worksheet it only wants to copy the formulas. I don't need the formulas anymore, I need the data.
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Jul 30, 2013
What vba code can transpose ALl column A values from sheet 1 to get a row values to sheet 2.
example in sheet 1 column A i have
and in sheet 2 it will be as
A B c d
Apple Orange Mango Guava and etc.
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Feb 7, 2014
By using a macro on the attached report I like to copy the row values named "Section Total" in red and and paste them over the values starting with "Aged Debt" in blue (the rest of the wording cahanges every month so "Aged Debt" is the key word for that row).
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Jul 7, 2014
I have a workbook with data in columns A:HN.
What I'm trying to do is copy any rows where the range O:HN contains a 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 to a new sheet.
I have been using the following code:
[Code] ....
And running it 5 times (with 3 as string, then 4, then 5 etc...)
However, I'm getting duplicates. I imagine where rows contain for example a 5 and 6? Is there a more accurate way to do this?
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Feb 3, 2014
See attached file. I am looking for a macro which can copy/paste down a value (column A) by a given factor (column B). The result should be a list of all values (column C). The amount of values and factors is unknown (the attached example ends at row 5).
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Feb 26, 2014
I have a worksheet with values that change weekly (sample, attached). The number of rows and columns may change as well. However, columns A, B, and C will always have date, name and location data and therefore must be preserved. Aside from the headers, the values in the columns from D onward will include only the numbers 0, 1, 2, or 3.
I need to copy the columns to Sheet2 and then delete all of the columns from D onward that do not have a 2 or a 3 in them. In other words, I need to always keep columns A, B, and C, and also keep any column (and all of its data) if a 2 and/or 3 shows up anywhere in the column.
I imagine there is even a quicker way to cherry pick the first three columns, as well as any other columns that have a 2 or 3 in them, and then paste them to the second worksheet. However, either approach will meet the need well enough.
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May 1, 2012
Is there any way to use the formula below and send only the values?
FY07.Copy Destination:=Sheets("Age Roll Up").Range("A1")
I know that I can copy and paste special, but was wondering if I could tweak the above line in any way to?
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Oct 10, 2012
I want to copy the values of a cell with the formatting. ok, this is easy with paste special and keeping formatting.
What I wanna do is ... lets say the value is 400 , applying (special) formatting to cell the value becomes 500400. When I copy the value I want to copy all the number and not just the 400 but the whole number 500400 as one wthout the need to apply format to the destination.
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Jul 26, 2013
Is there a macro that will copy the values in a textbox (TextBox1) to the clipboard so they can be pasted into an access database?
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Oct 8, 2013
I am trying to make a summary of data in an excel spreadsheet. I want to copy the last unique row based off the first column Here is an example of the data:
[Code] .........
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Oct 29, 2013
I get reports that involve part names and versions. The versions column is not always in the same place and the part name is sometimes shifted but not often enough that its cause issues.
Sub TDPNEW()Dim Excel As Excel.Application
Dim WB As Workbook
Set Excel = New Excel.Application
Set WB = Workbooks.Open(Range("B4").Value)
[Code] ........
However instead of pulling in K4-1716 and P4-1716, I want it to pull in "Components" until Blank (Down a column) and "Version-Until Blank (Down a column)
I originally just had a ton of formulas using Index(match) over a bunch of worksheets but this macro worked for me for the past few days but now since we are adding and removing columns I can't always be certain where the values will sit.
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Mar 2, 2014
I've written a code that supposed to copy all available rows from columns A to D (starting from cell A16).
- How can the code be changed so that in addition to values in columns A:D values of the columns F:H would also be copied?
The code:
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
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May 16, 2007
This is part of my sheet that I am copying from: ...
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Jul 2, 2008
How can i use this code to make it working also on a range filtered
Sub CopyPasteValues()
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End Sub
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Sep 23, 2008
I have a lot of spreadsheets where the vales are sorted in the same way and I would like to have a macro for copying the values. But, I don't know how to made it. I am not familiar with VBA and commands for excel. I found on the Internet some macros and try to make my own one, but it was not so successful.
What I want to do? Blue values are state before running the macro and green values are state after running the macro. I don’t have just 20 values. It is around 1000 values, so 1000 values to 100 columns. And only the numbers should be copied.
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Nov 29, 2009
I have a sheet i use for a league table, but i need a sheet to be a copy of the league table so i can e-mail it out to various people
so in the original league table i have "=Sheet1!F7" and "=Sheet1!F7" quite a lot
My question is this, can i copy the contents of the original league table only as values and not the formulas?
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Apr 18, 2007
How do I tell VB to copy the values from whole row on one worksheet to the row with the active cell on another worksheet?
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Jun 19, 2007
I have created a macro by recording my actions. Works great, the problem is, because the Cells that are copied are at the top of the sheet, and the cells to paste it, are at the bottom, when you run the macro, the page jumps like a mad hatter at a hatter party!!
This is the code as an example:
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:xlPasteValues
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Dec 9, 2007
Assistance w/ this line of
If Not isempty sheets("PCCombined_FF"). cells("I4:I"&lrow) Then sheets("Discounts").cells("I4:I"&Lrow).value_
Function for code is to look at cells in col. I on the sheet "PCCombined_FF", If the value is not blank then that value will populate the next open cell on sheet "Discounts" in col. B beginning in row 2.
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Jan 14, 2008
I have 2 sheets, i need to transfer every cell value criteria >0 from sheet2 to sheet1. See the code below
Sub datatransfer()
Dim rngqty As Range
Dim nextcell As Range
Set nextcell = Sheet1.Cells(Sheet1.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
For Each rngqty In Sheets("Reqorder").Range("c4", "n57")
Do While rngqty>0
Cells(rngqty.Row, 1).Copy
nextcell.PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)
Cells(1, rngqty.Column).Copy
nextcell.Offset(0, 1).PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)
nextcell.Offset(0, 2).PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)
Next rngqty
End Sub
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