Populating Cell Only If Multiple Criteria Matches ...
Mar 31, 2008
I have two worksheets. The first contains a list of software (some having duplicate listings) in column A and a list of comments in column B. None of the software titles that have duplicates will have comments.
The second worksheet contains a condensed list of software (the previous list without the duplicates) and a column for the comments.
I need to have a formula that populates the second worksheet comments cells with the corresponding comments from worksheet one only if:
(1) The software title in worksheet two matches the software title in worksheet one
(2) The comment cell in worksheet one contains a comment (or text)
I have had only partial success; my obstacle being the duplicate software titles in worksheet one.
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Feb 24, 2014
Im struggling to find a formula to populate cells based on values to be checked in two fields (ICODE, COMPANY) as shown below.
In the example here, all records where ever the ICODE = 49, i need to populate the fields(columns) AD1,AD2,AD3 or AD4 with the product name of the same company where the ICODE <> 49. There could be between 1-7 products per company.
The attached example file may be a better alternative to view this problem.
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Jan 29, 2010
I am adding a sheet with a graph I made. There are two sheets, the first with the graph, the second with tables. What I would like to do is populate the graph based off what is entered into the tables. My main goal is to get the cells in the cells in the graph for each day to fill in color between the given time frame entered in on the table. Obviously I would be rounding up or down to make the time end in ":00."
The color I would like to fill the graph with is shown on the graph sheet. Also, if anyone can actually get this to work (I honestly wouldn't know where to start) Is there a way to have multiple colors and a possible overlay of colors?
Lets say on tuesday I have 10:00-15:00, and 12:00-18:00. Can I have two colors populate the cells and a thirs color populate the cells in the overlay which would be 12:00-15:00?
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May 6, 2013
I am attempting to populate multiple rows in one column with data from another table. I need to get the correct street address using multiple values, i.e. first name, last name and city, as some of the names double up.
Is there a way to do this? I have pasted below an example of what I need done as reference.
Last Name
First Name
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Mar 16, 2007
I am trying to set up a worksheet whereby two critera when matched from a drop down list will populate cell 'x' with a coressponding answer. if you have Destinations then a From and To column with various locations listed below, then in a thrid column you have an output cell which is kilometres. What formula can i use to match the various location 'to' and 'from''s with the correct kilometre match?
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Dec 2, 2013
I would like to extract Bill cost from "rule" sheet and insert it to "data" sheet using index-match functions. My problem are multiple criteria and multiple matches.
The criteria are Column: Cost type, Power, Penalty Category (The logic goes like AND function).
And I want it to extract "Bills" value from "rule" sheet.
There are multiple matches in all columns (Cost type, Power, Penalty Category) which cause wrong extraction.
How do i solve this problem with index-match function?
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Sep 15, 2014
I have used INDEX/MATCH/ROW/SEARCH functions, in different permutations, but I am unable to get the result. The data set is something similar to the below:
I use it to go for work
[Code] .....
I want to be able to do following (2 separate tasks):
Task 1 (if in A1 on a new sheet, I had Use, i want to list all the items in an adjacent column, skipping the blank rows)):
I use it to go for work
Family trips
Weekend fun
2nd car
Task 2 (if i had Honda (A2) and North (B2), I want to have the colors listed in Column 3):
I know this can be done by an auto-filtering or manual sort, but I have work with thousands of similar data on a regular basis, and i want to find a formula that will allow me to list the items based on different criterion.
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Mar 26, 2009
Column A would be Recipe Numbers, Column B the Planned Total.
I want to search column A for all matching recipe numbers.
Then, any recipes that match, look in column B for the planned totals, adding all incidents where they match.
Then the most difficult part, which just occured to me now.
I only need the Total Planned Total and Recipe name reported once.
Recipe#..........Planned Total
I will not be able to sort these lists.
If-Match-Sum? to display:
Recipe#............Total Planned Total
I've researched for the first part... and it seems like Match will only find the first match and not look further? Am I wrong on this?
How to display the results hadn't even occured to me yet, since I was still trying to figure out how to GET the result.
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Aug 7, 2013
I'm starting a dashboard, where on the front page I have two combo boxes on the left, and three empty fields to the right. I'd like the three fields to the right to auto-populate table-based values depending on the chosen criteria from BOTH fields (by store and month/date). I've attached a sample of what I've got so far. I've only provided three tables for this example, and I have a table with the same column/row titles for each metric and I have three different metrics I'd like to auto populate: COGs, Sales, and GM% or in the example, metric 1, metric 2, metric 3. No pattern in the table values, just wanted to populate the fields quickly. All fields are organized by store/month-date and I've set up a link to my combo boxes on a calculations tab.
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Sep 26, 2013
This is a continuation of thread 182629 [URL] ....
The End User wanted originally to type characters into cell C1 of a worksheet that the macro searched for in another worksheet, copying across every row containing the input.
The responses gave me the following code which worked perfectly:
With Sheets("PICKLIST")
myFind = "*" & .[c1].Value & "*"
End With
If myFind = "*" & "" & "*" Then Exit Sub
Unfortunately, the user NOW wants a Text Box instead of putting the characters into a cell.
I added a textbox (originally called 'TextBox2' but renamed "Choice") and "Dimed" CHOICE As Range.
Then tried the following code:
With Sheets("PICKLIST")
myFind = "*" & CHOICE & "*"
End With
But it generates a "RunTime Error 91" - Object variable or With block variable not set.
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Jun 9, 2014
So I have a cell with multiple words in A1. I want to check for the word "red" in A1 and if red exists return a value of "red" in B2, IF "red" is not found then search for "blue", if "blue" exists return a value of "blue" in B2, if "blue" is not found is not found then search for "green", if "green" exists then return "green" in B2, if none exist then return value of "none"
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Aug 5, 2014
I am trying to save 'double keying' with a template I use for event RSVP's.
Basically I have one sheet that has a list of invitees for a particular event (can be anything from 5 to 500) along with a bunch of data about them (e.g. address, firm, dietary requirements etc.)
I want to have a SEPARATE sheet that auto-populates its rows with the name and only some of the other data related to each person that accepts the invitation. Sort of like collating the guest list. If at some point they accept and then decline, I need them to be automatically removed (and vice-versa).
I have attached a simplified version of my spreadsheet for reference.
Event Summary Template v1.xlsx‎
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Mar 28, 2014
I'm trying to populate a table based on two different criteria in a another table. On is based on a date and the other the number of a unit. I'm trying to get the data in sheets Week 1 and Week 2 into the format in sheet Example. Is there a way to create a series of functions, filters, etc that I could use to create a macro to do multiple sheets or at least a whole sheet at once? I've been trying to think through it with my limited knowledge of filters and functions
Here is the file with an example and I'm using Excel 2007: Example.xls
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Jul 28, 2009
I've been trying for some time now to figure out how to have one sheet automatically fill in another based on a larger data sheet. I'm trying to find a way to take a monthly calendar which contains a row for each employee and column for each day and use that to create smaller lists on another sheet. Basically if someone puts in for a day off, or has a medical appointment etc, that person has a coded single letter for that day for tracking and planning purposes. I want to have a second sheet that references those codes and makes individual lists (the following people are on vacation, these people have a medical appointment etc.)
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Apr 20, 2009
4 columns a-d. now if i find either 1 of the 2 particular strings "hello" or "bye" in column A, I want to move column b into its place and leave the rest of the columns untouched
dog, circle, blue, 123
hello, frog, green,223
pig, triangle, red, 445
bye, elephant, grey, 322
dog, circle, blue, 123
frog, blank, green, 223
pig, triangle, red, 445
elephant, blank, grey, 322
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Oct 14, 2009
have two worksheets. sheet1 has order information on it with orders, dates, customer names. sheet2 has customer name list. How can I (via vba) search through the order sheet and find the most recent order date for each customer in the customer name list. post that most recent date next to the customer name on sheet2.
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Mar 18, 2013
I created a userform for a giant spreadsheet with tons of data in it. There are three criteria. I created two command buttons - one that's "search" and one that's "close." The close works fine, but I don't know enough to program the "search" command. I'd like it to pull all data that matches the three criteria - rows H, D and M. So, if you answer all three, the macro will pull the rows of data that matches and paste it into another workbook (that opens in another window).
I'm not sure userforms are typically used for this sort of thing...
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Oct 12, 2009
the attached workbook. Am trying to write a formula in Column F, which returns the results shown in Column H. Hope the workbook clearly sets out the criteria I'm trying to apply to the Lookup.
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Feb 15, 2010
I have a produced an Excel workbook which uses a VBA sign in/out userform.
Once you sign in on the Userform the sheets update. A list is completed of the times people enter and leave.
To make the code easier I currently have the name being returned to the excel sheet and performing a “match” function to return the row number. This row number is then used to carry out what I need to happen in this row. However, as you can see from attached doc (and the brief example below), based on IDnumber "2", the match function returns row 5 not row 8.
I need to have the row number returned for the IDnumber where the Out cell is blank.
This should be the last occurrance of the IDnumber
1 ID# In Out
2 1 9:00 13:00
3 4 9:00 13:00
4 3 9:00 13:00
5 2 9:00 13:00
6 5 9:00 13:00
7 6 9:00 13:00
8 2 14:00
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Oct 16, 2008
I've been looking through past threads and I can't find what I need to do anywhere. There was one formula that came close: =SUMPRODUCT((A2:A100="Aimbry")*(B2:B100="LW")*(C2: C100)). but this adds up all the matching results.
What I need to do is match the info in columns A and B and return a number in column C. The problem is that there are multiple rows with identical entries and I just want to return one of them. So I was thinking a version of the above that produced a mode or average would give the desired result.
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Jul 28, 2006
I have data (coming straight out of another system, so whilst is seems messy, its the easiest way to have it in Excel).... where there are a number of rows (one for each employee) - then every column represents a date in the month (so there are about 30 columns)....the cells contain a number of hours worked by that employee for that day.
I have figured out how many hours they worked for each day of the week, but my client now wants to know:
for each employee - how many Mondays did they work?- how many Tuesdays? and so on
I am happy to figure out the day of the week for the first date in the month and then manual set up another column heading above the date that tells me what day it is - but I feel that Excel may actually be able to work out what day of the month it is - although the dates come across from the other system as text - April 26, 2006 etc...
So I would like a summary in my sheet that has column headings
Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun
and then for each row for each employee - I would like the number of days that employee worked for the month by these Days of the Week.
I have looked at Count if - but I need to be able to select the range of cells to count, and also the range of cells to evaluate for the criteria and I cant figure it out!
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Feb 20, 2007
I am trying to use a "=COUNT(IF(..." formula to count the number of hourly employees that have start dates older than 3 years. Column A has the start dates and column B has the salary status (S/H). =COUNT(IF(AND(A2:A1000<DATE(2004,1,1),B2:B1000="H"),A2:A1000)) This formula returns 1 no matter what I change the data to.
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Jan 28, 2009
is it possible to have a cell return all matches from a list and have the list of matches reduce as you type, then be able to select one item from the list? this is a typical feature on internet sites, but can it be done in Excel?
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Oct 3, 2011
I'm trying to restructure a list of files at work into a format that makes some sort of sense and can be filtered into useful information.
Part of what I need to do, is match up all the drawing numbers that a certain project references. The numbers are formatted like "####A##" ex. 1234A01,1234A02,5678A01, etc. The cells that I need to extract drawing numbers from contain some description or other text (not just the drawing number) so I need to extract the drawing number from that cells value. (Ex. I need to get the drawing number 1234A01 from a cell whose value is "blah blah 1234A01 blah blah blah")
I was thinking I could just search the string for "####A##" but I'm not really sure how....I tried instr, but I think its searching for the literal value of "####A##" rather than treating the # characters as wildcards...
I tried:
if rngNames.Cells(intx, 2).Value Like ("*####A##*") then
set intStart = instr(1,rngnames.Cells(intx,2).value,"####A##")
end if
but intStart remains 0, so this method is not working...
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Mar 18, 2013
I maintain the data flow at my work. We send and receive the data using excel files with specific formatting that I then upload to the database. Each time I send or receive the excel file I must log them, this is what my code question refers to.
I use RDBMerge to merge all the contents of the 100 plus excel files into one worksheet. The first part of the macro cleans up the merge data for use in the log (i have attached an example of the clean data and finished log).
The blue shaded area of the "Raw_Data" is what the clean data looks like, the yellow column is what current macro records for each record.
As you can see by the example the Raw_Data is only two files LL_LLL_BOB_ToLLLLL_20121228_01 & LL_LLL_BOB_ToLLLLL_20121230_01, each with more that one record.
The log code in column "H" Is based on this criteria:
First Letter of the Unique ID in column "E" - O, M, or L
Program Type in Column "F" - U or R
1. O-U = U
2. O-R = RU
3. M-U = U2
4. M-R = R2U
5. L-R = R
You will note that Columns G-R of the "Log Sheet" correspond to the "Record Type" found in Column "G" of the "Raw_Data" sheet.
This is the area where my skill at using scripting dictionaries fails.
The results for the log list each file only once, but the log code for each corresponding "Record Type" in columns G-R of the "Log Sheet" must contain each unique instance of the code. In other words
if LL_LLL_BOB_ToLLLLL_20121228_01 contains an O-U with an "A" Record Type and an M-R with an "A" Record Type; then, on the log sheet there needs to be the codes "U/R2U" in the cell intersection of the LL_LLL_BOB_ToLLLLL_20121228_01 record row and "A" column (which is column "G")
So, If the File contains one of each code for each Record Type the corresponding cell must house one of each code separated by a "/" without any spaces. This means the cell value could no code, or one code and all the variations in between to all five codes. Also, for ease of human reading the log codes should be concatenated in the 1-5 order that I listed them in (U/RU/U2/R2U/R)
Here is my code so far.
Option Explicit
Sub test()
Dim dic As Object, a, i As Long, rng As Range, e, w, n As Long
Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
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Aug 31, 2012
I have a worksheet entitled 'Data'. In this worksheet there is a table consisting of 4 columns plus relevant data:
Benefit Type
Delivered or Enabled
Saving of $4M over 24 months.
I have been trying to create a formula that will enable me to pull data from the 'benefit' column(column D) so that the cell contents populate in a single cell in a table in a different worksheet.
Financial - Delivered
Financial - Enabled
Tech - Delivered
Tech - Enabled
Green - Delivered
Green - Enabled
So, as an example, I am hoping that a formula can be created which pulls the text from relevant cells in column D when criteria from columns A, B and C are met e.g. Tech benefits that are Delivered in PJ2 would populate cell E3 ('Tech -Enabled') in Table 2 with:
Continued maintenance of hardware.
Increased capacity.
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Feb 1, 2012
Worksheet 1: In column A I have a people's initials. In coumn B I have text boxes with miscellaneous text. (The same person could have multiple rows within this sheet.)
AAA blue
BBB orange
AAA round
CCC smelly
AAA elongated
Worksheet 2 I want to show:
A2 = initials, B2 = first text box associated with that person, C2 = second text box (different row) associated with that person (if applicable), D2 = third text box (different row) associated with that person (if applicable), etc.
AAA blue round elongated
BBB orange
CCC smelly
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Apr 28, 2012
I am having such a difficult time creating a macro that will reduce the 5+hours I have to spend each week manually copying & pasting all of this data. I making an IMMENSE difference in this worker bee's life!
I have a workbook with two sheets (Sheet1 & Sheet2). Sheet1 has license #'s in column A and the state that the license belongs to in column B like this:
COLUMN ACOLUMN B11111Alaska11112Alabama11113Arkansas11114Arkansas
Sheet2 has three columns. Column A has the license #'s, column B has the state that the license belongs to and Columns C shows a line-of-authority tied to that license #.
I'm trying to write a macro that will compare the license # and state in Sheet1 to the license # and state in Sheet2. If it matches, append the contents of Column C to the corresponding row in Sheet1.
Here's the thing...Sheet2 contains the entries for all licenses in the company (so this table is HUGE). And there are multiple entries for each state license # (notice how there's two entries above for AK license # 11111 - one for the Property line and one for the Casualty line.
After my macro is run, I want Sheet1 to show all the lines-of-authority on a single line. So if I ran my macro on the above example, after it's run I would have this in Sheet1:
C11111AlaskaProperty Casualty11112AlabamaProperty Casualty11113
ArkansasLife Health11114ArkansasLife Health
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Nov 25, 2009
I have a advanced filter that works pretty much close to how I want it to. However I would like it to either cancel the new filter or copy everything if it finds 0 matches.
If the copied location is blank it breaks my sheet. So I need to find a way for it to never be blank, either by canceling it, copying everything, or finding some other way I haven't thought of.
Also for some reason my Advanced Filter does NOT Ignore blank "OR" cells. If I place a word in the top cell, then leave the bottom blank, it searches for the top cell or anything and I end up with everything. Its quite frustrating.
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Nov 21, 2011
I have a macro that would check data in Column A and validate if a particular number is repeating, then for that number go to column B, Take the Values from there go to a new sheet and paste the values in a row.
CurrencyDateRef CodeIDAccountAmountDes.USD07152011XDVU4315210.4200.C5001.USD-18,606,772.190Distr Payable 07152011USD07152011XDVU4315210.4200.C5002.USD-111,131.450Distr Payable 07152011USD07152011XDVU4315420.4240.C5001.USD18,606,772.190Distr Payable 07152011USD07152011XDVU4315420.4240.C5002.USD111,131.450Distr Payable 07152011
I get the data in the below format
CurrencyDateRef CodeIDAccountAccountAmountDes.USD07152011XDVU4315210.4200.C5001.USD420.4240.C5001.USD-18,606,772.190Distr Payable 07152011USD07152011XDVU4315210.4200.C5002.USD420.4240.C5002.USD-111,131.450Distr Payable 07152011
I need to the macro to get the data not from the second cell.
Below is my macro
Sub test()
Dim idRange As Range, c As Range
Dim uniqueID As String
Dim destSht As Worksheet, sourceSheet As Worksheet
Dim r As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim map As Object, key, item
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