Hide Rows Based On Condition - Multiple Sheets
Mar 7, 2008
I want by using some code I've seen on this forum or using the macro writer and then tweaking the code. So with that said, I've written the attached code but I know there is probably an easier way to write it. It cycles through about 12 sheets using the same below code, but I didn't list that code.
Sub Hide_Rows()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 3 To 418
Sheets("AFA - UMBI").Select
If ActiveSheet. Range("b" & i).Value = "2008-2" Then
Rows(i & ":" & i).EntireRow.Hidden = True
ElseIf ActiveSheet.Range("b" & i).Value = "2008-3" Then
Rows(i & ":" & i).EntireRow.Hidden = True
ElseIf ActiveSheet.Range("b" & i).Value = "2008-4" Then
Rows(i & ":" & i).EntireRow.Hidden = True
ElseIf ActiveSheet.Range("b" & i).Value = "2009-1" Then
Rows(i & ":" & i).EntireRow.Hidden = True
ElseIf ActiveSheet.Range("b" & i).Value = "2009-2" Then
Rows(i & ":" & i).EntireRow.Hidden = True
ElseIf ActiveSheet.Range("b" & i).Value = "2009-3" Then
Rows(i & ":" & i).EntireRow.Hidden = True
ElseIf ActiveSheet.Range("b" & i).Value = "2009-4" Then
Rows(i & ":" & i).EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
Next i
End Sub
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Aug 17, 2007
Attached is a portion of the file I will be working with, just to illustrate what I would like to do.
I have a macro that copies and pastes data - it uses these Tasks as templates. The macro copies these rows for each task that is required under the headings (Task #1 - Task#?). What I would like is to hide the rows under Station Maintenance Task #0 and it's 6 rows that are associated with it, as well as Task #0 under CMS and the 12 rows associated with it. In order for the macro I already have work properly is that these would be unhidden for the macro to run and then re-hidden afterward.
I searched on the forum for this topic, and found hide/unhide where you would put in the beginning row and ending row - however since there will be numberous rows added in, this type of defining rows would not work.
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Apr 26, 2008
I have a spreadsheet that calculates percentages and then outputs the results to a pie chart. There are 9 different percentages being graphed in cells A41 to A49. The chart looks weird if any of the percentages end up being 0, so I have the formula set to add 0.00001 to each calculation (so they show up as 0% and display on the chart as 0%, but truly are 0.00001). I would like it so that if any of these 9 percentages ends up being 0 (or really 0.00001) that the row automatically hides and thus won't display on the pie chart. How can I create a macro that automatically runs to accomplish this, and automatically updates as percentages are recalculated.
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Jan 29, 2014
I would like to have a macro that will hide a column based on the value in the row. I have multiple sheets and if row 4 (or more specific, B4:AL4) contains a zero, then I'd like the whole column to be hidden on that sheet. I'd like to be able to run the macro and it evaluate every worksheet.
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Oct 16, 2009
I have a workbook with 31 sheets. Each sheet has 15 textbox button that call macros.
I would like to hide 1 textbox on all sheets until another macro is called. I know how to get the textbox names to be able to hide them, But because these text boxes were copied most of the are the same name, however on severl sheets they are different names "Textbox 4 on most sheets but it could be textbox 34 on others. The ones I want to hide all have the same text label. Is it possible to get VBA to return the label text.
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Mar 22, 2007
Is there a way to color fill an entire row based on a value in a certain column? Say I have a large file and one column is "yes" or "no" If I wanted all of the "yes" rows to be colored -
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Jul 27, 2012
I have eight sheets that have lists of questions in, which I want to copy across to a results sheet if the answer to a question is 'Yes'. Each question takes up rows B:H inclusive, and I would want to copy them to rows B:H in the results sheet. The "Yes" value will be found in column F of each row.
How can I set up a macro to copy the entire rows (without formatting) into a results sheet properly? I've tried every solution I can find but always hit a roadblock somewhere.
Ideally I would like to have a 'populate' button on the results sheet that would find every question that was answered 'yes' across the eight survey sheets and import them into results sheet.
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Nov 20, 2012
I have multiple sheets with the same format.(all columns have same format) in column "A" i have a value lets say "B1-1".
What I need to do is to copy from all sheets the rows containing in column "A" the same criteria("B1-1") to a new sheet and skip the rows that have a blank cell in Column "A".
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Jan 29, 2013
a code that will search each cell across 4 columns and hide the row only if all cells are blank. The macro should search columns "b", "c", "e", and "f" to display all rows where at least one of the cells has a value.
Col.B Col.C Col.D Col.E Col.F
1. 123 xxxxx 150
2. 56 xxxxx 50
3. (blank) (blank) xxxxx (blank) (blank)
In this ex. row 3 would be hidden.
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Feb 20, 2013
I have a worksheet that contains 15 instances of a repeated table over 700 rows. Each table is 45 rows in size and is housed in between the natural page breaks in the spreadsheet.
These tables are populated from data form another worksheet but may not all be used (8 out of the 15 may be used but will always start from table 1 and there will be no missed tables).
In the very top right of the table is a cell value that is only displayed if the table is in use, so will be blank if not used.
Code that will hide multiple rows (45) based on a cell value being blank.
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May 23, 2012
I would like to hide rows for data that does not meet specific criteria. For example: If a user selects room number 101 from a drop down in B1, I want to filter data in range A3:F1000 to show me only room 101 rows (A column) where C column contains a value larger than zero OR D column contains a value larger than zero OR E column contains a value larger than zero. I do not want it to return rows where 101 may be in other columns beside A.
1 ROOM: 101
4 101 XX 1.2 0 0 P
16 101 YA 0 0 1.1 L
23 101 JJ 3.2 2.1 0 L
55 101 JJ 0 0 1 P
So, if a row contains 101 in column A and all three values in columns C, D, and E equal 0, then those rows will be hidden.
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Aug 6, 2009
I am trying to hide/show entire rows of a range based on the conditional formatting in the row. I want all rows with at least one overdue training cell (indicated by a red cell) displayed, and rows with no overdue training hidden. The conditional formatting formulas vary greatly, but always result in a white (unchanged), yellow, or red cell. Here is a sample picture for reference:
The CF formulas vary based mostly on two major factors: the frequency of the requirement found in Column "C" (Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual, or Annual Requirement), and the personnel's arrival on site or date of departure (wheels up) found in Rows("3:4"). Each training class has two rows. The first row indicates the last time the class was completed, and the second row shows when it is due next. Both rows have to be displayed/hidden based on the second row's conditional formatting. Here is the code I am using right now: ...
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Apr 2, 2014
I have the following code to delete rows based on the value "No" in cloumn "L". This code should loop through all sheets and delete the corresponding rows.
The code works perfectly but with one little issue. It fails in the first run always with the following error message.
VBA error.png
I need to comment out the line
[Code] ....
continue it with a breakpoint to "End With", remove the comment. Then it loops all worksheets and deletes the rows.
There is no protection or similiar on any sheet.
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Aug 22, 2008
In the included sheet I have 5 groups of data with five categories in column A. Current, Plan, Plan Var, Prior, Prior Var. I have included the button “Show Options” that opens the userform I created and gives 5 options. What I want is the user to be able to select any number of these options and then upon “ok” the rows in the sheet that weren’t selected are automatically hidden. If the procedure is completed again and a differen set of options is selected I want it to unhide any hidden ones that were selected and hide any that werent selected.
So if just current is selected the sheet will show 5 rows of current and nothing else. If current and prior are selected it will show current prior current prior current prior... etc.
I have some hide code that I created in the file as well.
Sub NotCurrentHide() ...
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Aug 14, 2009
I have a need to add or delete rows from a number of known sheet names using a table of variables on another sheet that tell me the start row of the sheet I need to go to and the number of rows I need to either add (ie copy rows and paste / insert these) or delete (delete rows).
There are multiple blocks of data I mey need to amend on each sheet and the values in my table of variables will change on each iteration (ie if I delete rows from the first block on a sheet, the start row for the 2nd block I need to amend will need to be updated in the table of variables before I can edit the 2nd block on that sheet).
I have been able to get the process to work for a single instance (ie one sheet and amendments to the first block of that sheet) but I can't figure out how to create the loop to elegantly move to the next set of variables and repeat the process for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th block etc on the first sheet and then move to the 2nd sheet to repeat the process etc.
Public Sub EditCurrentBlock()
Dim rowcount As Integer
Dim startrow As Integer
Dim endrow As Integer
Dim rowcountBal As Integer
'Dim selSheet As Worksheet (tried to use this to nominate the sheet variable but
' had problems so scrapped it)
'Reconfigure the GP Revenue block.................
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Jan 4, 2013
I am trying to find code that will allow me to hide a set number of rows based on the value of a specific cell which I need to work for two worksheets in the same workbook. Is that even possible?
For example: when i enter 5 into cell D1, I need five rows to be visible on both sheets.
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May 13, 2008
I would like to rows based on multiple column conditions criteria. ie., if the columns N, O, P values are "", then hide the particular row. The logic given in the website here, i tried But, it is not 100% working. It works for a few rows at the start of the database & it works for the rows at the end of the database. In between, for a few rows, even if the column values are "" it does not hide those rows.
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Oct 19, 2012
I have a workbook where each sheet is password protected. I'm trying to find some code that would unprotect each sheet, and hide rows 1-12 on each sheet, and then re-protect all sheets.
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Jan 23, 2008
Is there a way to append this code to accomidate accross all sheets?
Sub HideRows()
ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="admin"
On Error Resume Next
With Range("e4:e34")
.EntireRow.Hidden = False
For i = 1 To .Rows.Count
If WorksheetFunction. Sum(.Rows(i)) = 0 Then
.Rows(i).EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
Next i
ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="admin"
End With
End Sub
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Dec 16, 2011
I am trying to populate a blank sheet with data from multiple sheets given a certain condition.
Scenario: I have multiple columns on each sheet, but only three of interest to me. The first column has a header "Part ID", the second column header is "Description", the third column header is "QTY". I want to pull the data from all three columns to the new sheet when the QTY for that column IS NOT 0. The three columns of interest are always in Column A, B, and C.
The only thing that may make it tricky is that the data doesn't necessarily start on the first row of each sheet. For example, the headers for the first sheet are on row 17, and the headers for the second sheet are on row 5. So on and so forth...
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Dec 20, 2012
I have a single registration sheet that lists names, contact information, and the class someone is in on a single sheet.
(Name, Number, Email, Class 1, Class 2)
I am hoping to automatically populate other sheets in my work book based on classes... essentially making automatically populated rosters. For example, everyone who has Math listed in either Class 1 or Class 2 would have their entire row (with contact information, etc) copied to the "Math" sheet.
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Mar 28, 2008
I am sure this is a very simple questions. I am using the below code to work on the worksheets on a workbook called "MF BANK EXPOSURE SUMMARY.xls" so far the code that I am using is:
Sub Commandbutton2()
Dim iCol As Long
Dim Isheet As Long
Dim Item As Worksheet
For Each Item In MFBANK.Worksheets
With Item. Range("A1:T65536")
For iCol = .Column + .Columns.Count - 1 To 1 Step -1
If IsEmpty(.Cells(65536, iCol)) And IsEmpty(.Cells(1, iCol)) Then
If .Cells(65536, iCol).End(xlUp).Row = 1 Then .Columns(iCol).Delete
End If
Next iCol
End With
Next Item
End Sub
I would like to extend the code so that it works on the worksheets of two workbooks at the same time the one being the "MF BANK EXPOSURE SUMMARY.xls" and the other being "MF CP EXPOSURE SUMMARY.xls" .
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Mar 10, 2014
What would be the macro if i need to hide multiple select sheets? I'm working on a test with 12 sheets. Even number sheets contains the fields that they need to answer and the Odd number sheets contains the formula for score computing including the answers so it needs to be like this:
Sheet 2 - The test
Sheet 3 - Must be hidden
Sheet 4 - The test
Sheet 5- Must be hidden
Sheet 6- The test
Sheet 7 - Must be hidden
I already have the code to unhide all sheets, just need the macro to hide specific sheets like the ones above.
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Sep 3, 2006
i would like to hide different sheets at one shut. i tried this, but did not work:
Dim sh As sheet
For Each sh(1 3 5 7 9).Visible =xlSheetVeryHidden
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Oct 29, 2008
I got a quite huge excel file with multiple sheets. For convenience sake I want to group and hide all the sheets not necessary for the viewer.
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Jul 1, 2008
I have over 60 sheets within a workbook. There are some sheets that I want to hide or unhide depending upon the macro. I have the MR and searched in several areas but keep coming up blank with how to either select or hide these sheets.
This is from the MR:
Sheets(Array("Process", "Utilities", "CodeRef", "DataRef (3)", "DataRef (2)", "DataRef", "Dept Summary New", "Summary_Dept", Summary_ Monthly")).Select
When I try to use this in the code it errors out.
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Jul 31, 2009
I see this forum and the example works perfectly in Excel 2003.. But we are using Excel 2007 now and it doesn't appear to be recognizing the user and is always refering to the "else" in the vb codes. Does this code for not work in 2007? Oh and I am refering to Post #10 on there with the attachment that will hide different sheets depending on which user is getting on the file.
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Jun 2, 2008
I have a workbook which has roughly 50 sheets. What I'm trying to do is automatically hide/unhide sheets based on the cell values in the first sheet. So in sheet1 cell A1 i would a value of FALSE which would trigger sheets1, 2, & 3 to hide, when that value changes to TRUE then those same sheets would unhide. I need to replicate that for the 10 corresponding sets of sheets, but for each grouping of sheets a different cell in sheet1 would be the trigger, cell A2 = sheets 4 - 10, cell A3 = sheets 11 - 20, etc.
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Dec 19, 2006
I made one file with 13 sheets.
sheet1 tab name is : MAIN
and other sheet tab name like following
2. xyz-Sales
3. xyz-Rev
4. xyz-SSN
5. xyz-ddn
6. abc-Sales
7. abc-Rev
8. abc-ddn
9. abc-ssn
10. ddd-sales
11. ddd-Rev
12. ddd-ssn
13. ddd-ddn
In Main sheet There are 3 buttons
1 . XYZ
2. abc
3. ddd
when user press on xyz button then only xyz sheets (like sheet 2 to 5) are shows to user and other sheets are very hide
if user press abc button then only abc sheets (like sheet 6 to 9) are shows to user and other sheets are very hide
i don't want to use
Sheet2.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
i want to use finde xyz sheet tab name and shows and other are hide.
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May 25, 2007
I want to hide a sheet in an excel workbook based on a Yes or No answer in the first sheet in the file. Is there an easy way to do this?
The above operation will be repeated up to 10 times, but the decision to hide or not hide each sheet will depend on only one answer.
In some cases I want to hide several sheets based on one answer.
The overall objective is to have a flexibly sized workbook suitable for a range of users who will not be faced with sheets which are not relevant for their individual circumstances.
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