Hide Blank Rows Within A Range...
Oct 26, 2007
I have this code (compliments of VBA Noob) which hides all blank rows within a range ("Range1") P16:V650. It works great in a new worksheet with little amount data, however within my heavy worksheet, it takes over a minute to compile.
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Oct 23, 2007
Can't seem to find a solution searching through various forums searches. I would like to hide all blank rows within a Named Range : Range1 (A1:E8).............
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May 15, 2008
How do you select certain ranges in the same column to filter? The ranges I need are "c36:c50" & "c54:c68" & "c72:c87" & "c91:c155" & "c158:c172" & "c176:c202" all filtering for blanks. I can not filter from c36:c202 because there are blanks in the missing rows and they have to stay.
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Nov 3, 2006
I have a worksheet used for inventory. In Column A is the quantity (to be entered manually). In Column B is the product description. In Column C is the price of the product, and Column D the total price (column C price x the quantity entered in Column A). At the bottom of the worksheet is a grand total. Also, Column B (products) is grouped into subheadings by the supplier each product came from (for example, row 6 has the title PPG, and then rows 7-137 list every product from PPG).
The calculations in this worksheet work fine. What I am trying to do is, using a macro once all of the appropriate quantities are entered in column A, automatically hide every row of product that does not have a quantity. The tricky part is, if no products under a given supplier subheader are entered, the subheader also hides, and if a quantity is entered, that subheader shows. For example, if I have no quantities under any products for PPG, then the PPG subheader hides, but if just one quantity is added, PPG shows. Also, this list will be constantly updated, new products will be put in and taken out all of the time, so I cannot base the macro on a specific number of rows.
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Sep 21, 2007
How do I go about writing VBA code to do the following:
1. Select a particular range of cells in column A
2. If one of these cells (in column A) returns a FALSE response to the Excel IsNonText formula to hide its entire row.
The circumstance is a little difficult to explain but let me know if you need clarification and I'll do my best.
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Nov 20, 2013
I am struggling to come up with a vba code that allows me to search column B, Rows 21:89 for blanks then hide/unhide the associated row. I would like it to be one macro so that I don't have to have two buttons on the sheet to hide/unhide.
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Jan 9, 2007
I have a lengthy column containing text information. Within this column are various gaps. ie: several cells with no information.
..... Row F
1...text info
2...text info
5...text info
6...text info
8...text info
I would like to create a simple macro (switched via toggle switch) whereby it hides/unhides the rows containing cells with no text information.
It should also be mentioned that this column contains various background color formatting, for both empty and text cells.
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Dec 28, 2009
I received this code which hides blank rows within a range.
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Feb 21, 2014
I am attempting to hide a series of rows based on if the cells in that row are blank. The catch is that the field of data in the column may vary as follows:
x x X x
x X x
I would like to eliminate all the rows past the last X value in Column D for example
Below is the code I am attempting to use
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 41
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 42
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Mar 9, 2014
I'm trying to create a table that adjusts dynamically to how many cells in a row have text in them. In other words, when a cell is left blank, the entire row should not appear in the table.
I've tried the following code:
Sub test()
Dim i As Integer
Dim nrrows As Integer
When I run this code, it hides all rows, even the ones that aren't blank. why this might happen and how I can make it work?
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Jul 28, 2014
I have a list of about 200 companies in column a. Columns B, C, D, E, etc. list revenues for 2005, 2006, 2007, etc. The problem is not all of the years have values. Is there a way to filter out the companies that have a blank cell for any of the years? For example, if company 1 has a blank in 2007 can I filter it out, even if all of the rest of the revenues are filled in?
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Sep 15, 2007
Hide Multiple rows. I have text within two columns A, D. How can I Hide Blank rows which spans two column Named Ranges, "Range1" (A1:A15) "Range2" (D1:D15). As an example:
Beginning with this:
To this , after hiding blanks:
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Jan 13, 2008
What I have is a sheet where the cells in range A9:A3508 have a formula that evaluates to blank if any of a variety of conditions are not met (date falls outside desired range, does not meet filter criteria, etc.) and a number if these conditions are met. What I am looking for is for all rows in that range where A is blank to be hidden (not deleted), and for this to automatically update every time A changes (meaning that if A goes from blank to a number, that I will need that row to become unhidden again). I have considered just recording the macro and calling the function with a button, but as this is for external users, some of whom may be unfamiliar with Excel, I would rather keep it as clean, simple, and automatic as possible.
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Jan 22, 2008
I have a spreadsheet that is linked to another spreadsheet in a workbook. The information comes from an export of an access query into a template in excel that I am using just to store the values, then I link the values to the appropriate field in another sheet. I was wondering is there a way to programmatically hide blank rows in this sheet starting at a specific row of the page.
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Feb 20, 2013
I have a worksheet that contains 15 instances of a repeated table over 700 rows. Each table is 45 rows in size and is housed in between the natural page breaks in the spreadsheet.
These tables are populated from data form another worksheet but may not all be used (8 out of the 15 may be used but will always start from table 1 and there will be no missed tables).
In the very top right of the table is a cell value that is only displayed if the table is in use, so will be blank if not used.
Code that will hide multiple rows (45) based on a cell value being blank.
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Aug 17, 2012
I have a file with four columns of data that represent quarterly figures. I would like to hide the entire row if all four quarters are blank. The cells I need to check are P, Q, R & S and the data begins with row 21. I know how to get the last row in the range.
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Oct 1, 2008
i have created a spreadsheet to simplify our work flow, I am stuck on what is probably the easiest of the commands.
basically have rows dedicated to specific codes and the colums represent values relating to each code, all codes have a different set of values, the attached example only has a few variables but the actual worksheet will have several hundred.
the idea is the user will input the code they wish to get details on in A2 and then press the command button and it will then show (as per the after sheet in the attachment) just the relevant information for that code, so filter the code in column A and hide the columns which hold no value.
where i am getting stuck is I am not sure the best way to proceed, is it best to create the macro button to do the filter and hide or is there a better way using vlookup and a pop up window asking for the relevantcode to be inputted to to retrive the information, again understand there will be hundreds of colums and hundreds of rows and the values may be 20 or 30 colums apart for some of the Codes so this simplification is really saving the user a lot of time.
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Jul 15, 2008
I can count the blank cells withiin a range using
But I dont want it to count the cells if the entire row, within that cell, i.e. C6:AD6, is blank.
It should only count the blank cells within a row if there has been some data entered on that row..provided it has been entered within the specified range.
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Nov 26, 2013
With my searches i manage to make this working code:
Sub Hide_Rows()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim Rng, os1, os2, os3, os4, os5, os6, os7, os8, os9, os10, os11 As Range
Set os1 = Range("B11:E63")
Set os2 = Range("B64:E116")
Set os3 = Range("B117:E169")
Set os4 = Range("B170:E222")
In any range (os1 to os11) all empty rows are hidden... ok! But, every range have 2 first rows as headers that i want to hide (in case of no data below) before print!
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Jan 17, 2007
I'm trying to hide all rows from row 3 to a variable row. I've struggled to simply select the rows that I want to hide. I have managed to select a range (containing the rows that I want to hide). I now need to select the rows contained in the range currently selected and then hide them. My code is as follows:
Sheets("Program").Range("B3", ActiveCell.Offset(LastProgramRow - 10, 0)).Select
Selection.Row.EntireRow.Hidden = True
The last line of code fails. I have tried modifying it to variations of:
Sheets("Program").Row (3), ActiveCell.Offset(LastProgramRow - 10).Select
but this also fails. How can I change this code so that only the row is selected and not a column?
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Jul 22, 2009
I have the following Macro that hides rows that contain old dates (in column B) in a range:
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Nov 13, 2011
I want to filter and then hide the filtered output in a range of data. But after I hiding, when I remove the filter, everything is there again. I don't know how to hide it even filter is removed.
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Aug 17, 2006
I have a graph in Excel containing the 12 months in column 'A' and data associated with each month in column 'B'. I want to hide rows containing months which have yet to arrive (eg: if we are in August, I want to hide the rows containing September:December). However, I want to change the range of rows that I hide each month (so that when we get to September, I only hide rows containing October:December). My attempts at writing a macro to perform this automatically have failed? This is the script I have written:
fyi - RowStart is the row number associated with January, RowEnd is the row number associated with December and RowNext updates each month and is the row number associated with the next calendar month.
Option Explicit
Dim RowStart As Integer
Dim RowEnd As Integer
Dim RowNext As Integer
Sub Hiderows()
RowStart = sheets("month").Range ("A1")
RowEnd= sheets("month").Range ("A2")
RowNext = sheets("month").Range ("A3")
End Sub
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Sep 3, 2006
I am getting values for my excel sheet from another department excel sheet . everything works fine. If there is no values in the rows in the Department sheet, then i need to hide the rows in my sheet. How to code this in VBA. When they add values to the rows then i should make the rows visble here. Kindy give me a sample of vba code to this or suggest me to solve.
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Jun 10, 2014
I have the following macro to autohide some rows with no data, however its remove rows starting from column A.
[Code] .....
How do i fix this to only hide the rows in the range (H4:V50)?
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Aug 13, 2014
I've been trying to put together some code to hide a range of rows on one page based on cell values on a different page. So basically Sheet1 cell A1 value is 10, A2 value is 20. When macro is run via button rows on Sheet2 from 10-20 would be hidden. The issue is the values in the cells on Sheet1 will vary. I thought something like the following would work but it doesn't.
[Code] ....
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Jun 23, 2014
I need to select all yellow tabs (color code 6) in a workbook with over 70 tabs and hide all empty rows within A1:I36 on each of these yellow tabs. the position of the tabs needs to be unchanged (sorting by tab color not allowed). I got this code from another excel forum but somehow it only works when i select one yellow tab and run it and the code only works on the one yellow tab i selected. can fix this code so that it can loop through all tabs (yellow and non color) and do what i mentioned above for each yellow tab?
Sub HideMT()
Dim Ws As Worksheet
Dim wsColor As Long
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Aug 22, 2014
In one spreadsheet, I want to have a command button that will hide all rows where the date column (column A) shows a date older than one week from today. When this button is clicked again, all rows will unhide again. Preferably the Command button title would change to reflect whether it is on the hide or show cycle (for example "Click to Hide all older than one week" and then "Click to Show all events") .
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Jun 23, 2014
I've got a code that generates some worksheets in a fairly large workbook. The code is run monthly and replaces the already existing worksheets.
The problem is that each newly generated worksheets contains more than 1 million rows, which means that the size of each worksheet is around 5MB.
I need a code which allows me to delete all blank rows starting with row 1000 in those worksheets.
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Jun 28, 2013
Im working on a macro that i need to delete any row that contains 0 or blank in a dynamic range that starts at H23.
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