Hiding Specific Sheets Along With Sheets Containing Specific Number

Dec 3, 2013

I have a workbook with the following sheets i do not want to hide called "Detailed Template", "INTERFACES", "STATUS".

I then have a number of worksheets which have their names as cell addresses i.e. "E4", "E5", "D4", "F4", "G7" and so on.

I would like to hide all worksheets (except the 3 mentioned at the top [which are sheets 1-3]) and any which contain say the value of '4'. This value is defined by a cell in the "INTERFACES" worksheet say 'A1' for example.

I want the macro to be able to automatically do this for which ever value is in 'A1'. So if it were to change to '7' it would hide every sheet that doesn't contain '7' in the name.

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Hiding And Unhiding Rows In Multiple Sheets Based On Specific Cell Value With VBA

Jan 4, 2013

I am trying to find code that will allow me to hide a set number of rows based on the value of a specific cell which I need to work for two worksheets in the same workbook. Is that even possible?

For example: when i enter 5 into cell D1, I need five rows to be visible on both sheets.

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Macro To Open Specific Files And Copy Data From Week Number Sheets

Jan 8, 2010

What im trying to do is have a macro that will open a file called Blue 1.xls in location "I:SchedulesBlue" and then copy data from cells N13:034. Then paste it into another excel file (Press.xls)on worksheet "Press Break" cell G14.

The data that is copied not always fills up the cells N13:O34 so I need it to go to the next blank cell in column N and paste the information from file Blue 2, and so on for Yellow 1, Yellow 2, YellNR, and Green.

So to summarise I need a macro to open 6 files copy data from the same location on each of the files(N13:O34) then close and paste it into a master document(Press.xls) worksheet "Press Break".

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Move Specific Data From Sheets To Other Sheets

Aug 19, 2008

Need to move data from 14 sheets (1 pay period=14 days)(2 showing on attachment for example purposes) to time cards for each person (number of employees will vary).

Key data to move to the time card is the date of the hours, #Reg Hours, #OT hours, the ticket# and job# for those hours.(ie Chris Adams Aug 15, need Chris's Reg and OT hours (8 Reg and 2 OT) on his time sheet, and the corresponding ticket number and job number (in this case from I1, I2).

Unknown number of ticket/job numbers, but the pattern of cell entries will remain the same along the top of the date sheets.(starting at I1, then L1, O1, the next would be R1)

Unknown number of employees but they will continue filling down where the names are on the date sheets (column A). Each employee would have a time card sheet as well.

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Macro To Extract Data From Specific Column To New Sheets Specific Column?

Jun 14, 2013

I'm trying to find a way to use a macro to extract data from a specific column from Sheet1 based on the columns header/title and copied into Sheet2 into the respective column with matching header/title.

For instance, in Sheet1:



So the above table would be the result i'm aiming for.

NOTE, its not different workbooks. I'm looking for sheet to sheet macro.

I've attached a file as well if someone wants to have a go at it. There are no codes in it.

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Hiding Sheets But Still Letting Macros Run When Printing Hidden Sheets

Nov 10, 2008

i have a workbook that has the following sheets

working sheet
job sheet
receipt of deposit letter
completion sheet
delivery note
delivery note (2)

i want to hide every sheet except the working sheet.
I have tried this but the macros bring up an error when i run the macro

my macros involve printing certain pages dependng on what button is pressed

i get an error whatever
how do i stop this

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Re-Naming Sheets Per Cell Data & Hiding Sheets

Aug 26, 2009

on sheet1 I have a button I need to do the following when clicked:
(1) name the next 30 sheets based on cell values in sheet1
(2) for those 30 sheets, hide some of them based on a y/n input in sheet 1

To clarify: the worksheets do not need to be created, they already exist. They just need to be renamed and hidden based on that y/n criteria. see attachment with just 1 worksheet for clarification. So - The next 30 sheets are to be named by the following ranges (B7:B16), (B21:B30) and (B35:B44). For every product with a "n" in column C of sheet1, the worksheet for that product needs to be hidden.

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Open Specific Sheets In A Workbook?

Aug 30, 2013

I have a work book with many sheets and staff continue to mess this up so I would like to know how I can have a specific sheet called Instructions open when this workbook is opened preferably no macro's is this possible

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Create Sheets With Specific Color For TAB

Mar 28, 2014

We have A,B,C,DE scenarios and we need to create 6 sheets for all the scenarios and a "Result" sheet in the spreadsheet:

ATC1.....ATC6 - All A in Black colour
BTC1.....BTC6 - All B in Yellow colour
CTC1.....CTC6 - All C some Light Blue
DETC1.......DETC6 - All D some Light Grey
Results - This will be Green color

I did a manual work around by recording a macro:
Create Sheet
Rename as ATC1
Coloured sheet as mentioned above.
Copy paste for each sheet name which will be around 25 times of the below code snippets but ofcourse change colour and change sheet names.

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Loop A Macro For Specific Sheets

Aug 21, 2014

How do I build a "For specific worksheets" loop?

I have a macro that works for a single sheet but I want it to loop over several. Currently, my code looks like this:

[Code] ....

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Protect Specific Sheets From Deletion

Dec 19, 2007

Is there anyway to prevent certain sheets from be deleted?

i know there is protect workbook, but that prevents the user from deleting any sheet

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Change Only Specific Fonts All Sheets In Vba

Mar 17, 2009

i answered another q. here
but op wants to only change specified fonts on all worksheets to ariel and leave others intact.

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Only Show Specific Data On Sheets

Dec 17, 2012

I have 1 source file that shows all the changes we made to the following 14 spreadsheets; essentially a change log.

I have 14 excel spreadsheet...the last tab in each of them have an object (the source file) captured, so they are all identical

Lets say the 14 spreadsheets are Makes of cars...(1 for Dodge, 1 for Ford, etc)...each time we make a change to the car, I log that change in the source file.

Lets say I have 33 things for dodge, 17 for Ford, 39 for Lexus, etc...all in the change log. Is there any possible way for the final tab of each of those docs, to ONLY show the changes that are specifc to that model?

My actual scenario is different, but this is the same concept and much easier to explain. If this is possible, I'd like to go a step further to know it is can be linked to the source file so it updates upon opening just like the object does now.

For what its worth, you can key off of column A in the source file....that is essentially my "Model" column.

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Save Sheets With Specific Name From Excel To PDF

Apr 24, 2014

I have a script that opens the workbook Excel, and save him as PDF format. But my script saves all sheets in a book. I need to save only sheets with name "Cnt1", "Cnt2" .... "CntX".

Dim xlObj, objArgs, xlWB, xlSH
Set xlObj = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
file = objArgs.item(0)
fileToSave = objArgs.item(1)
set xlWB = xlObj.Workbooks.Open(file)
xlWB.ExportAsFixedFormat 0, fileToSave , 0, 1, 0,,,0
xlWB.close False

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Run All The Sheets Of The Workbook Except Specific Sheet

Apr 4, 2009

I have a workwook with multiple sheets. One of the sheet name is "ABC".

I have a macro which does a particular task. I want that when the macro is run, it should run on all the sheets of the workbook except sheet "ABC".

Here is whar I have tried:

For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If ws.Name ActiveSheet.Name Then


End If

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Print Specific Pages On Multiple Sheets?

Dec 29, 2012

I have a workbook that has multiple sheets for patients (each named with SSN) with all such sheets having identical structure. I have the VBA code below that prints all sheets. Each sheet will have 7 pages when printed. Is it possible to amend the code so that it prints page 1 and page 3 from each sheets only?

Sub PrintSpecificSheets()
Dim WS As Worksheet, mySheets()
Redim mySheets(0)


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Compare Specific Columns In 2 Separate Sheets?

Feb 1, 2013

I need to take the data out of one column from sheet A and compare it to the data on another column sheet B.

Real life example:

I have a very large list of contacts with multiple columns of data. On a separate spreadsheet, I have a list email addresses that I need to remove from the larger list of contacts. How can I compare them against one another to detect any matched email addresses for deletion?

List of contacts is appx 130mb
List of email addresses is appx 4mb

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Hyperlink To Specific Sheets Which Created Automatically

Jul 7, 2013

my 1st sheet like this : A1="Reg.No."


i want -when type a No.&Name in A2 & B2 to inserted a new sheet (sheet2)which is it's name is that No.&Name and also a link between the cell and sheet...

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Macro To Clear Range In Specific Sheets

Apr 27, 2014

Looking to code a loop to go to sheets whose names begin with "day" and a number and clear a specific range. How would i code this without affecting the other sheets in the book?

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Macro To Pull From Specific Sheets - Ignore Others

Mar 12, 2014

My workbook has several worksheets so do you need the name of those to be excluded? Or how many sheets i require which are located to the right of the summary tab?

Detail - 5 sheets to the left of summary tab are to be ingored, 7 to the right of the summary are to be pulled (let's say they're named Red, Green, Blue). I only want the colour named tab data pulled and pasted into the summary

Code is below :

Sub karryan()
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To 3
Sheets(i).UsedRange.offset(1).Copy Sheets("Summary").Range("A" & Rows.count).End(3)(2)
Next i
End Sub

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Highlighting Duplicates Entries Across Specific Sheets

Jan 20, 2012

I have 13 sheets of data in my open workbook. Column D, which includes blank cells at times, across each of these sheets maps the same info. of orders. However, I know there are several duplicates, and I want to clean them out. I am trying to figure out a way to highlight all the duplicates that appear only in column D beginning with sheet 4 and ending with sheet 13. I will leave the duplicates that appear on Sheets 5-13 alone, but I want to have them highlighted, so I can review the ones that appear on sheet 4 first, and then delete them.

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Selecting Specific Sheets For Copy Into New Workbook?

Sep 13, 2013

I have x number of sheets in a workbook, and I am looking to copy sheets a, b and c into a new workbook that I will create.

The a, b and c are in no order, or consecutive (although they could be). I want to be able to count the number of sheets in the workbook, and traverse through that to find sheets that I need, and select them to copy over to a new workbook.

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Cannot Get Macro To Update Specific Sheets Within Single Workbook

Jan 5, 2014

I am trying to modify the macro that I have put together so that it executes only specific worksheets within a single workbook. In this example, I would like the macro to update worksheets A, B, and C but I have more sheets in my actual file. I am only able to get the macro to work on the active sheet. Attached is my workbook.

Sub HideColumns()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim myRange As Range
For Each myRange In Range("B5:M5")

[Code] .....

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Prepare A Database With Data From 12 Different Sheets In A Specific Sequence.

Nov 10, 2009

I am using MS Excel 2007 and I am having to prepare a database that takes data from other sheets and places them on sheet one with a specific sequence. I'll explain, my data is in the following

Sheet2 A1 to A1617 (each a different value)
Sheet3 A1 to A1617 (each a different value)
Sheet4 A1 to A1617 (each a different value)
Sheet13 A1 to A1617 (each a different value)

The result I require is so that on sheet 1 I have a database showing me this

A1: Sheet2 A1
A2: Sheet3 A1
A3: Sheet4 A1
A12: Sheet13 A1

A13: Sheet2 A2
A14: Sheet3 A2
A15: Sheet4 A2

all the way to

A19404: Sheet13 A1617

Is there a way I could get this done automatically? I know the basics of Excel and this has been a dilemma lately. I have several databases to work in this fashion and I do believe that there must be a way to solve this in excel so that it fills automatically.

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Check If 10 Specific Sheets Exist In The File With New Data

Jan 31, 2014

I have two workbooks open, the first is a summary, the second has new data that needs transferring into the summary. Before transferring the data I need to check that 10 specific sheets exist in the file with the new data.

I have found some code that checks for one sheet name, but really need to check for 10 specific names, if any are missing then I need a message to appear, listing the missing ones and stopping the macro from proceeding,

Dim mySheetName As String, mySheetNameTest As String
mySheetName = "Data"
On Error Resume Next
mySheetNameTest = Worksheets(mySheetName).Name
If Err.Number = 0 Then


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Sum Specific Range Of Values Between Two Headers In Several Dynamic Sheets?

Jul 16, 2014

I need to sum a specific range of values between two headers in several dynamic sheets. The values in the sheets always starts in row 10 and column H (Forcast). For example the header could be "Sales" in column A. Then I want to sum values above the header "Sales" in forcast column H. The next header could be "Operations", where I want to sum the values between "Sales" and "Operations" in column H. Next header could be "Rents" then I want to sum the values between "Operations" and "Rents" in column H, and this is how it continues... Is there any macros for this?

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Copy Data To Multiple Sheets (Specific Requirements)

Jun 30, 2006

I am trying to create a macro that will copy data from one sheet to four other sheets depending on some requirments in the data. I have a main worksheet that will store the data, the name on this sheet will change daily, so you cannot use a "named" sheet in your macro. The other three names of the sheets are "Esky", "Indy", "Gfld", and "Other". When copying the data, I need to copy the entire row of data to the required sheet. The data comes in such as:

MZ03948 134 126.23
PZ34533 128 12.28
IM04985 630 198.50
Z109384 40 35.65
2130494 76 12.28
2236326 12 45.63
5123132 12 12.23

Based on the FIRST TWO characters in the first column, I need to copy the data to the specific sheet. I would assume a simple LEFT() function would work for this. Here are the requirments for each sheet:

Esky - "MZ" or "51"
Indy - "IZ" or "Z" or "21"
Gfld - "PZ" or "22"
Other - Anything else

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Show Rows That Contain Specific Text In New Sheet From Multiple Other Sheets

Jun 9, 2014

I have a workbook with 50 sheets. Within each sheet are rows of text that I need to search for specific text.

I'd like to search each row from each sheet for specific words (e.g. "7 days") then show the resulting rows data/text in a new sheet along with the name of the sheet and row number it came from.


Sheet 1 contains the text "7 Days" on line 40
Sheet 2 contains the text "7 Days" on line 1, 30, 50

In a new sheet, I would show the entire row in its own row that contains the text "7 Days" along with the name of the sheet and row number it was found in

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Macro To Copy Specific Data From One Sheet And Paste Into Two Sheets

Mar 24, 2009

There's one sheet that has a list of customers (this is updated very frequently). These customers are either ‘New’ or ‘Existing (as listed in a corresponding column) - would it be possible to have a macro that, when run, will place a copy of existing customers into a second worksheet (“view list – new”), and a copy of new customers into a third worksheet (“view list – existing”), with the main worksheet still listing both existing and new customers.

As the main sheet that lists all customers is updated very frequently (with customers being added and removed throughout the day), would it be possible to clear all contents of the other two sheets that each list of 'existing' and 'new' customers will be copied into, before the two lists are copied into each of the two sheets (just to ensure there isn’t any data in there from the previous time each list was copied in).

I’ve given this a go via the ‘record macro’ function - some users of this WB use excel 2000, and others use excel 2007, but it only seems to work on excel 2007 (which is what it was recorded on)…

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Loop Through Specific Ranges From All Sheets To Summarize Data In Report Sheet

Jul 1, 2012

i attached link to sample and its contains employee sheets and Report sheet ,and in Report sheet there is comment


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