How To Count Number Of Events A Number Appears In A List
Jul 30, 2012
I want to count the number of times any given number appears either as a consecutive group or singularly.
To give you a context I monitor windturbines and for any given fault code I wish to count the number of events it occurs in a month. Now it could be for 1 hour then clear the next then back for 17 then claer again. That would be 2 events!
NB the data is in seperate coulumns per turbine.
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May 4, 2009
I have a sheet which details specific card numbers in Column A, and the date and place of transaction in the Column B. This very long list contains multiple entries for each card number. What I would like to do is use Sheet2 to list each card number and the number of times it appears in the list.
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Apr 27, 2014
I'm making a Excel 2013 spreadsheet that has formula in a column that auto enters a number 1-40 when something is entered to the left of that cell. There are 300 rows in the spreadsheet. I would like to make a drop down list in a column cell to the right that would delete that number in that cell from the drop down list. For example cell C1 has 39, that 39 then is deleted from the drop down list. C2 has 22 in it, click on the drop down list cell and it shows 1-40 less 39 and 22.
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Jun 27, 2014
I am trying to count the number of events by week. My column is title weekof and of it I have made a defined range...weekof. My formula is simple countif(weekof, "2/9/14")
The formula providing the 2/9/14 is =$E2-WEEKDAY($E2)+1
Countif seems not to recognize the date at all. I found a posting showing this to work =COUNTIF(Weekof,"
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Apr 21, 2009
[data] ....
Here I have 9 total requirements to be tested in any event. If I wanted to count the number of events passed it wouldn't be 7. See Blah2 it passed Design and Electrical. Separate Events yes, but only one requirement. I need to have a total could of 1 for that as passed. Not two. I'm comfusing myself because this inherited spreadsheet is over 1,000 requirements.
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Nov 26, 2006
I have a problem with LAN function. I have following formula to count how many times appears number 2 in a box: LEN(I5)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(I5,"2",""))
in I5 I have 1,2,3,12,34,22,21 . Outcome is 5 which is not what I need. What I wanted to do is to get output of how many times appears number 2, not how many times appears expression 2 (it counts also 22, 21, 12, 2) . The output that I need should be 1 since number 2 appears just once in the box.
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Oct 27, 2008
I am sure that most of you will probable know what i am doing wrong here straight away so rather than me waste another 1/2 hr stuffing around. I am trying to find count the number of times two events occur simultaneously.
=SUMPRODUCT(--('5. Financial'!AX4:AX134=A5)*('5. Financial'!BQ4:BQ134>0<0.1))
The first part is fine I think but in the second part I am trying times only when cell is between zero & 10%.
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Feb 4, 2010
I am trying to simply count the number of times each entered name appears on my list IE if John Smith appears 3 times in one sheet, in a column after his name would simply be the number 3. I tried this doing =COUNTIF(A8,A:A) Where A8 is his name and column A is all names. I keep a return value of 0 every time!!!!! I even tried =COUNTIF(A7,A12) where they were both the same names. And yes,I did do Ctrl + Shift - enter
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Oct 22, 2007
I have a sheet set up to record free pour tests for my bar team.
Column A has the date.
Alternating columns from B (B..D..F.. etc) hold a drop down with the staff names
Alternating columns from C (C..E..G.. etc) hold a drop down with either pass or fail as the result.
What I need to do is count the number of times a particular staff name appears, but more importantly how many times they pass or fail.
I can easily count the names, but how do I count if they have pass or failed?
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Apr 4, 2013
I've got a set of data that I update once a month and the number of team members per team changes all the time. I'm trying to write a formula that basically says, if the date matches AND the manager name matches, count the number of team members.
In the attached sample if A2 and B4 are found in the data set, count the number of SalesReps they have. So I'm looking at Sarah for February 2013, she has two sales reps that sold something, but Katherine appears twice, so I'm not looking for a result of 3, the correct answer is 2. How do I write the formula?
A2 will look to the data range of A14:A23 and SarahK will look to I14:I23, but I want to count H14:23.
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May 31, 2014
i have this in my 1 cell: ttgtcctacttacaacactgtgcttagtaatggttattgcgactttatccttgttctgaa i want to count how many "a" in this cell . which formula i can use to solve this problem ?
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May 25, 2007
I have a very large spreadsheet and want to count the number of times a particular text string shows up in a column. I can't use autofilter due to the 1000 limit.
Here's an example, Column C contains:
Dan Parker
John Doe
Dan Smith
Jill Smith
So if I search on *Dan*, the function should return a count of 2.
I've used COUNTIF before to return values when the whole cell = a certain value but in my case the cell may have 200 characters and I want to count based on a fuzzy search. I would like to do this in a function and not a macro.
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Nov 3, 2011
my worksheet has a range (AN2:AN10000), and I want to find the total number of occurrences that specific numbers occur.
I want to find out how many times in this range above the numbers from 11 to 15 occur (11,12,13,14 & 15).
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Sep 21, 2007
What formula will count the number of times the value J3 appears in E2:E400. BTW...the a-g is formatted as a table. excel 07
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Jan 16, 2006
I am using this formula to count the number of times “closed” appears between
particular dates:
I have tried applying the same logic to another formula where I wanted to
Also count the number of times “Not Stated” and “In Progress” are shown.
However when I do I am receiving a ‘0’ number in return. The formula I wrote
(CS_Ticket_Report_Dump!G$1:G$50000="In Progress")*
(CS_Ticket_Report_Dump!G$1:G$50000="Not Started")*
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Feb 6, 2012
I want to count the number of times a word appears in a range (like M9:S663), but sorting it by the month it appears (eg: january = 2, february = 56, march = 2000, etc.)
I managed to do this but there has to be a better way
=COUNTIFS(RNM.1;"PRUM Transcripcion";FechaComite;">=01/01/2012";FechaComite;"=01/01/2012";
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Jan 22, 2014
My Problem is I have a workbook with multiple sheets with a possibility of a number between 2 and 999 occurring. I am looking for a formula that can display a table on the "total" worksheet for every ID number that has been entered and the number of times the ID number is displayed.
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Nov 21, 2008
the number of days when there were 0 cases
the number of days there was 1 case
the number of days when there were 2 cases.
As yet there are no days in which there were more than 2 cases but there might be in the future.
I have a list of dates when operations took place in that room. On some days the it was not in use, so those dates don't appear in the list. Some days there was 1 case, so that date appears once in the list. On some days there were two cases, so that date appears twice in the list.
What I've done so far is create a pivot table that contains all the dates, then grouped it by day and counted the number of times there was 1 or 2 cases in a day by hand, then subtracted the total to get the days when there weren't any cases.
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Nov 22, 2007
I've tried everything I know (which isnt that much to be honest. lol). Ive tried the frequency formula but that doesn't work the way I want it - I think its probably the wrong formula to use. I've also tried a pivot table but they always vex me. If a pivot table IS the way to go, could someone talk me through it step by step? (*the wizard is just as confusing as doing it yourself I find) ....
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Nov 1, 2009
I am building a tracking list for several items and have categorized them
I will have several of these and the list keeps getting bigger. I have a table above the list that summarizes these catergories and the count of them. How can I count each categorie and so that it updates each time I add one.
The formula would have to sumproduct or determine what categories are there and how many (unique list) and update when I add one.
Currently its a manual process of creating a unique list and doing a countif.
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Oct 11, 2007
I've in a sheet something like this:
Number Item
2 Apples
1 Orange
2 PineApple
5 Orange
1 Apple
I need to do a code to get how many Apples Orange, PinneApple or somethig is in the range
For Example:
3 Apples
6 Orange
1 PinneApple
The items are variable. It's starts in the second row, and finish in the next blank row.
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Mar 19, 2014
Basically, I have a list of data in columns B,C,D, and an ascending number in column A. Three cells in G10,H10 and I10 can now be copied over to B,C,D no matter long the list (see post underneath) however I need it to simultaneous add an ascending number to column A once the macro is run.
Attached workbook shows two example situations in sheet 1 and 2, and a completed form in sheet 3(based on sheet 2 example).
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Jun 6, 2013
I have found ways to count cells but what I am trying to do is in column F I have a list of meeting topics, and sometimes these repeat in a year. in my drop down menu I have all of them listed however my supervisor wants me to add a count after the meeting number in the 1_1X format where x is the number of times a topic has been used.
The output will be added to my macro here
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim y As String
Dim z As String
Dim b as Integer
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Intersect(Target, Range("MEETINGNUMBER")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
[Code] .......
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Jan 29, 2013
My problem is , I have a date range 21-Feb-2013 till 07-Mar-2013 (Col C2, Col D2 respectively) which is holiday list for a person.
I am trying to pull out the number of working days for that person in the month of Feb which should exclude weekends.
To get the total no. of working days for the month of Feb, I have used the below formula.
This gives me a value of 20 which is correct.
Now I need to find no. of days which fall under the month of FEB from the date range 21-Feb-2013 till 07-Mar-2013 (Col C2, Col D2) which are working days. so that I can subtract that from no. of working days for that month (FEB) to get the no. of working days which the person has actually worked.
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Jul 27, 2009
I need to count the unique values in a list based on another value. i.e.
AB ___ Jones
AB ___ Smith
BC ___ Henry
AB ___ Jones
BC ___ Brown
BC ___ Henry
AB ___ Tomkins
For all the AB's in column 1, I need a formula that will give me all the unique names from column 2, in this case 3. I've tried adapting:
but haven't been able to get it to work.
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Dec 10, 2007
I have a filtered list and want to count the number of times each value appears in the filtered list. I also have other hidden rows that I do not want to include in the count and the filtered rows should not be included in the count either. I have tried countif, pivot tables and subtotal .
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Jul 18, 2014
My ultimate goal is to take my spreadsheet listing a large number of events and attendees and create a graph that gives a breakdown of the distribution of events by type.
The spreadsheet looks something like this
Event A_________Date 1_________Type 1_________John
Event A_________Date 1_________Type 1_________Kate
Event B_________Date 2_________Type 1_________Mary
Event C_________Date 3_________Type 2_________Lisa
Event C_________Date 3_________Type 2_________Will
Event D_________Date 4_________Type 3_________Jim
Event E_________Date 5_________Type 2_________Bob
Etc. (Note I don't need the date for my information, I was just including it to give an idea of what I'm working with.)
I'm trying to create a pivot table that lists the all the different Types and then the number of Events that each Type has, so I can make a graph that shows it.
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Nov 21, 2007
Im trying to construct a nested Countif statement. I need to count the number of instances that "Project" appears in Column O AND "TS" in Column N. The range is in another in Sheet2. and the summary in Sheet 1 where I want to have the Countif(AND...??? statement Example Counif(Sheet 1 Column 0 contains "Project" AND if Column N Contains "TS"
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Jun 9, 2014
I am trying to have my cell show a range of dates, like:
5/25/14 - 5-27/14
I'm trying to use a formula like:
=DATE(2012,5,9) & " - " & DATE(2012,5,9)+2
But when I do this it just appears as:
41038 - 41040
Is there any way to tell excel to format these as dates?
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Jan 6, 2008
I have a worksheet containing codes in column A. Where the first 2 digits of the code contains "78" for eg 7801, 7825, 7892 etc then the entire row must be deleted.
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