How To Show Userform Hiding Specific Workbook
May 19, 2014
I need a code (and where to put it) to open my application excel with only the userform so, with the workbook hidden.
Application.Visible=False doesn't work because it close all excels and moreover I can see the workbook for 1 or 2 seconds before hiding.
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Jun 12, 2013
1. I'm looking for a better way to get a UserForm (frmParts) to show right from the start as soon as I open the workbook while hiding the application. I use the following when I initialize the application:
Application.Visible = False
2. Later on, I add some parts to my inventory, but if I don't make the application visible, it doesn't save the data. So, I have to make it visible and then hide it again. Is there a right way to accomplish the save without having to unhide/hide the application? This is the applicable code I used (ComboBoxes & TextBoxes involved):
'copy the data to the database
Application.Visible = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ws 'ws=Inventory
[Code] ..........
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May 26, 2012
I have a worksheet that has a months worth of data on it. The sheet is divided into sections with each day of the month being given 10 rows. So day 1 of the month will occupy rows 1 to 10, day 2 rows 11 to 20 and so on.
In each of these sectors, I would like to have an editable tick list that displays when a certain cell is selected. For example in day 1, selecting cell A3 will display the tick box. If I need a tick list for each day, would I need to create a fresh userform for each day or is it possible to have just one form and have excel remember the setting.
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Dec 7, 2009
This is the code I received for showing a userform upon open...but it's not working.
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Oct 17, 2006
I have a range named "start" and I have a form named "fMenu". I have used this same code in other spreadsheets to have the userform automatically become visible when the spreadsheet is opened and it works in other workbooks. Apparently I have been struck with the stupid stick this morning. I have a hotkey of "M" and when I use control M the form shows up and the macros invoked by each button on the form are working properly.
Sub open_menu()
Application.Goto "start"
End Sub
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May 12, 2008
I have created a template with a form. Now I'm using (the code is in ThisWorkbook)
Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub
This runs the form also when opening the template or a saved workbook based on the template. I want the form to run only when creating a new workbook based on the template. How do I do?
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Jun 15, 2012
I have a spreadsheet where I have a simple formula. The formula is IF($A2=$B$2,1,0), and then I drag down to the bottom of the spreadsheet, so whenever it matches it shows a 1.
Now, what I need to do using VBA is hide all the rows that do not have 1's on them. I know how to start the VBA, but not how to finish
Dim LR as Long
LR = Range("A2").End(xlDown).Row
Because that will allow me to only select the row field that I want to do the Macro on. So, how do I go about hiding rows that only have 0's in them.
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Oct 9, 2008
I have a small userform with a ComboBox (ComboBox1) which, on a change event, kicks off another process. It's working fine, but the problem is that the userform hides immediately, and the open combobox remains visible while the second process starts running. It's only like that for about 5-7 seconds, but it doesn't look overly professional.
I'm using MS Excel 2007 on WinXP.
I tried putting in a sleep command or two, but that doesn't quite do the trick (the sleep is for 1 second).
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Nov 30, 2006
I have 2 forms (A and B). Form B is initialized with values from a global array created in form A.
When closing the B form it's still visible.
I want it to dissapear.
The B form is opened from the A form
Private Sub cmd_ok_Click()
End Sub
When closing the B form it's still visible (modal)
'Within form B
Private Sub cmd_cancel_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
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Apr 22, 2014
I'm looking to see if it's possible for me to leave information in specific cells hidden unless a checkbox is marked off. I do not need/want the entire column or row hidden (which I've found plenty of tutorials on via google)
I'll try to provide a basic example:
ie: Column A1: checkbox;;;Column B1: Dairy;;;Column C1: milk;;;Column D1: slim milk
Column A2: checkbox;;;Column B2: Poultry;;;Column C2: beef;;;Column D2: hamburgers;;;Column E2: bubba burgers (<--not a fan of them)
(the values in row C and D will never change - there are some instances where there are values in column E)
I need the checkboxes in column A and the information in column B visible at all times but C and D (and E) visible only if the checkbox is checked.
Here is an example code I tried creating myself (with .entirerow.hidden and .entirecolumn.hidden codes I found online). Obviously it didn't work lol, but I was wondering if there is a way to only get these specific cells to hide rather than an entire row/column.
Sub CheckBox1_Click()
If CheckBox1_Click = True ThenRange(C26, C27, D26, D27).Cells.Hidden = False ElseRange(C26, C27, D26, D27).Cells.Hidden = True End IfEnd Sub
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Jul 23, 2008
I would need two macros for one of my projects. I did search the forum, but I couldn't find anything what would suit my needs.
The first macro should hide those rows which would contain 0 (zero) in a specific column (in my workbook it's E). The secon macro should unhide the hidden rows.
Sound so easy ... but sadly I can't do it.
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Jan 27, 2012
I'm trying to use a non-modal userform as an application option board. Using API, the initial (Activate event) form transparency is set to 10%, and the Userform_MouseMove event turns it to 100%. The problem is that I need the transparency back to 10% (hiding it would be enough) whilst mouse remains outside the userform, and I've no idea of how I can get it.
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Apr 18, 2006
I am not sure if this can be done or not. I am displaying a userform non-modally (Modeless). It will remain in place while the workbook is open. I know how to stop the form from being removed if the user clicks on the close box (the X in the top-righthand corner). What I would like is to stop the X displaying at all. I heard that it might be possible in the Properties box, but cannot see it in Excel 2000.
Even better would be if I could hide the entire header of the user form, so that I could simulate the look of placing controls within an Autoshape. (I am producing a project for users of Excel 2000 onwards, and I understand that placing controls directly in a worksheet can cause problems in other versions, so I must use forms.)
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Sep 21, 2007
I created UserForm with one TextBox and "Close" Button. And it's works like a real-time search with my criteria. He is using AutoFilter to show what he found. And when I'm pressing Close Button the Focus isn't on Application, but on Hidden window (know because when I'm clicking alt+space form's menu shows).
To show window I'm using (running from hot-key):
DoCmd.OpenForm "UserForm1"
to hide
Private Sub CloseButton_Click()
End Sub
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May 30, 2014
Check the attached sample file
a. actual data in columns is approx 150 items (that is why i need to hide/unhide columns)
b. there are about 120 persons whom above items are issued depending on expiry of life of item i.e. issue date plus number of months mentioned in row 3. for example if coat was issued to John on 5th Jan then it's life expires on 5th May and so on.
Now what i want
1. by clicking hide checkbox only that specific column should hide or if i click Hide All check box all column in range should hide.
2. as i enter issue date expiry of that item should automatically update on corresponding month sheet i.e for above example 5th May should automatically get entered in sheet May.
I have entered sample data manually in months sheet.
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Dec 17, 2009
I have this model I created where I have two tabs. One tab is an input tab using validation and drop down menus and the other is a display tab. I simply want to hide certain QTRs based on the value of one of the drop down menu results. I tried writing the VBA code below but am a novice when it comes to code. Can somebody please help me fix the below code so that it works properly.
Public Sub hide()
If Worksheets("input").Range("b14") = "Q1" Then
Worksheets("Group P&L").Columns(c, d, e, h, i, j, m, n, o, r, s, t, w, x, y).Hidden = True
ElseIf Worksheets("input").Range("b14") = "Q2" Then
Worksheets("Group P&L").Columns(c, d, h, i, m, n, r, s, w, x).Hidden = True
ElseIf Worksheets("input").Range("b14") = "Q3" Then
Worksheets("Group P&L").Columns(c, h, m, r, w).Hidden = True
ElseIf Worksheets("input").Range("b14") = "Q4" Then
Worksheets("Group P&L").Columns.Hidden = False
End If
End Sub
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Jun 8, 2009
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Unload Me
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
Trying to use above code to unload active userform and show new userform when red X (close) selected by operator. With the code as is, the Unload Me leaves the form on the screen and displays the RestrictedOptions form. If i remove the Restrictedoptions.Show, the Unload Me does remove the original form.
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Jul 25, 2006
how do i show a userform in Excel in the spreadsheet environment? I used to "run macro" but unable to run userform code "private sub".
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Nov 11, 2006
having trouble with the details of actually making these features work for me. I figured out how to create a UserForm with a ListBox and 2 buttons, but I don't know how to proceed from here.
1. Populate the ListBox in the UserForm with a list of names from the sheet "Totals_Dropdowns", cells K2:K11
2. Make the UserForm pop up and enter the user's selection into cell C40 of the "Regenerate Request"
I know these are very basic operations, and I'm pretty sure I can figure out the rest of my problems once I can get past the above.
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Jan 20, 2014
I am using a pivot table in excel 2010. 15 columns (fixed) and plenty of dive downs for rows.
I am trying to 'hide' all of the rows containing values less than 10. If it is easier we can start with hiding values of zero and go from there.
It is key to hide the rows as within the dive downs the rows within the pivot are to many to sort through. If there is a way to do this using the grand total columns for each row that would work as well. Just to be clear I need to hide the entire row not just report the empty cells as zeros. If any further detail is needed feel free to ask.
For example: If value of column O "Grand Total" = 0 'hide rows with value 0' ELSE 'display rows with value greater than 0'
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Jan 4, 2013
I am trying to find code that will allow me to hide a set number of rows based on the value of a specific cell which I need to work for two worksheets in the same workbook. Is that even possible?
For example: when i enter 5 into cell D1, I need five rows to be visible on both sheets.
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Dec 3, 2013
I have a workbook with the following sheets i do not want to hide called "Detailed Template", "INTERFACES", "STATUS".
I then have a number of worksheets which have their names as cell addresses i.e. "E4", "E5", "D4", "F4", "G7" and so on.
I would like to hide all worksheets (except the 3 mentioned at the top [which are sheets 1-3]) and any which contain say the value of '4'. This value is defined by a cell in the "INTERFACES" worksheet say 'A1' for example.
I want the macro to be able to automatically do this for which ever value is in 'A1'. So if it were to change to '7' it would hide every sheet that doesn't contain '7' in the name.
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May 30, 2011
I regularly utilize .xlw files to open sets of workbooks all at once. Usually, they're made up of 10-15 workbooks, using the cascade arrangement.
Problem is, each time I re-open my .xlw file, the workbook that was supposed to be in the top is hidden. If I re-configure and re-save the .xlw file, the top workbook still disappears.
If I open the native file for the top workbook, it is not hidden when I open it.
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Aug 9, 2007
How do I stop a user hiding a workbook using VBA? I have tried:
Private Sub workbook_deactivate
If windows(myfilename).visible = False Then
windows(myfilename).visible = True
End If
End If
This works but when I try to close all files sometime I have to press the top cross twice. This may be because one workbook references the rest.
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Feb 21, 2007
I am trying to write a macro that will do the following:
Copy workbook "X" as a new workbook, but name the new workbook from a cell entered in cell B2 of the newly copied workbook. The final process is then to hide workbook "X".
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Jun 3, 2009
I have a userform button that when clicked loads another userform.
I am getting a Runtime Error 13: Type mismatch on the line in bold in the code below
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
Me.txtAdd.Value = Me.VarNo.Value
Unload Me
End Sub
I do not get an error on the "Edit" button code which is similar so why is the above not working.
Private Sub CmdEdit_Click()
Me.txtEdit.Value = Me.VarNo.Value
Unload Me
End Sub
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Apr 19, 2006
I want to use the following to launch a userform I created.
Sub showuserform()
Dim ans As Boolean
ans = msgbox("do you want to show the userform?", vbYesno)
If ans = vbYes Then
End If
End Sub
The trouble is that if I click yes, nothing happens.
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Jun 27, 2012
I use all of column A, B, and C, but i only use D1 to H44 other than that. Is it possible to hide everything to the right of Column I and below D44:H44, but leave the scroll area for columns A B C able to scroll to the bottom?
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Nov 25, 2009
I have a macro that first refreshes a specific data range that imports data from a text file as such:
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Jan 10, 2008
I'm trying to show a form from inside another form. Example: form1 has a command button and when clicked, I want it to show form2. But I always get a run-time error '32': type mismatch.
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