Extracting Data From One Massive Worksheet To Split To Smaller Sheets Of Data

May 20, 2008

10/05/0808:30:00 AMValid Card EntryLamDoor 1
10/05/0808:31:00 AMDoor Leave Open Door 1
10/05/0808:32:00 AMDoor Closed Door 1
10/05/0808:41:00 AMValid Card Exit Yap Door 1
10/05/0808:46:00 AMValid Card Exit Lam Door 2
10/05/0809:14:00 AMValid Card EntryLam Door 2
10/05/0810:18:00 AMValid Card Exit Lam Door 2
10/05/0810:19:00 AMValid Card Entry Yap Door 1
10/05/0810:40:00 AMValid Card Exit Yap Door 1
10/05/0810:42:00 AMValid Card EntryLamDoor 2
11/05/0808:30:00 AMValid Card EntryLamDoor 2
11/05/0808:20:00 AMValid Card EntryYapDoor 1
11/05/0810:20:00 AMValid Card Exit Lam Door 1
11/05/0811:40:00 AMValid Card Exit Yap Door 1

the above is the data i need to work with (dates are in dd/mm/yy). i need to find a way (a macro, preferably) to extract the date and time corresponding to one person, and paste it into a new sheet, e.g. at sheet 2 (renamed to "lam") should be

10/05/0808:30:00 AM 11/05/0808:30:00 AM
10/05/0808:46:00 AM 11/05/0810:20:00 AM
10/05/0809:14:00 AM
10/05/0810:18:00 AM
10/05/0810:42:00 AM

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Shortcut For Entering Massive Tables Pulling Data From Multiple Sheets

Jun 16, 2014

I've already entered a variation of the formula below into 180 different columns. The only variation is where worksheet 322 is referenced. Each column references a different worksheet.


I have at least four other tables to build of the same size, and they're each going to use this same formula with an additional IF formula housed around it. Ideally I would be able to copy the table, then run find/replace, where I could substitute = with =IF(new formula, and then run find/replace a second time and sub ))) with ))),more new formula). The problem of course is in between those steps lies a formula error preventing me from running the second step. The only alternative I can think of is to build the new formula, copy it into a word document, and run find/replace 180 times to tailor the formula for each column. That's what I did to build the first table.

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How To Split Massive List Of Values Into Individual Cells Down A Column

Mar 26, 2014

I have an issue with being able to process my data i have a text file in notepad that lists a massive amount of values (enough for excel to process if they are listed down a column but not across a row) each separated by a space. As an example here is a small portion of the data.

81768102 191193210 386225426 110858190 393958997 21773704 22450052 70617438 843133051 103582830 370163346 819494826 109538724 846339187 19638405 50748904 476397524 128490548 134215188 252862729 387318907 82658728 15822910 199255054 172623979 59872284 773581712 124854321 547098635 604524102 45265054 203132867 225629848 215828319 14779508 300950341 715797961 329121584 366323012 583555062 917794380 216847744 784432795 606179111 537865871 500392632 37701513 830010548

I know how to import this as text but i can only wither get it all in one cell or across the 1st row. The first row can only display about 16000 values and that isn't enough for my end product to be accurate enough.

So is there any way to import the text file and have it formatted so a each new value has its own row? For example...

Or is there anyway to get the data from my already imported giant A1 cell into the above format?

Added an example of how it looks and how i want it to look. This is how it looks when i open the txt file containing my data in a way that all values stay in the excel sheet. As well as this there is an example of how i want it or rather need it to look.

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Split Excel File Into 5 Smaller Files

Dec 17, 2013

I have an excel spreadsheet that has over 10 thousand rows and is 40+ Mb in size. It is giving me timeout errors when trying to import it into Joomla 2.5. Therefore, I need a way that I can easily split the file into 5 smaller files. Here are the column headers: titlemetadescmetakeyaliascategory_pathstateintrotextaccess

I tried doing it manually but is said the cell sizes were different...

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Extracting Matching Data From Two Sheets Into Third Sheet?

Jan 17, 2014

I'm not sure if this is best handled in the Formulas & Functions section or elsewhere, but this is my best guess. I have a spreadsheet used for tracking hardware issues with data in two worksheets:

1. PageCount
Column 1: Date
Column 2: Serial#
Column 3: PageCount

2. Tickets
Column 1: Date
Column 2: Serial#
Column 3: TicketNumber

What I'm trying to do is find a way to extract from those two sheets the date, serial number, page count, and ticket number where the date / serial # are the same and dump this to a new sheet. I've thought that I may need to concatenate the date / serial number together into a single cell or something, but I'm really at a loss as to how to pull this data. Part of me thinks this should be done in SQL, not a spreadsheet, but that's how our reports are produced.

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Extracting Data From Multiple Excel Sheets

May 31, 2014

how to extract data in the following case: I have the following columns:

Employment Name


how can I do this using formula ? For one sheet and for extracting this data from multiple sheets into a new one in the same workbook?

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Matching And Renumbering Massive Amount Of Data

Apr 12, 2013

I have two excel files. One file has the three digit code of more than 5400 airports of the World where as in the other file I have the different airlines with departure airport - arrival airport. Now instead of the three digit code, I want to simply number them from 1 to 5400. And then I want to match this information of the airport number with the arrival and departure airports, so that in this file I don't get airport digit but the airport numbers as I defined in my previous file. I am illustrating it below.

File 1:
Airport IDAAA

File 2:
AirlineDeparture AirportArrival Airport
and so on...

now what I want is like this:

File 1:
Airport ID
AAR 10
AAT 11
AAX 12

File 2:
AirlineDeparture AirportArrival Airport
US 1 12
US 1 5
US 8 10
QT 9 7

I hope it is understandable now, all I want is to change the airport codes into numbers and then match the airport numbers with the departure arrival so that instead of codes I have the defined airport numbers. Is it possible?

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Split Large File Into Multiple Smaller Files

Dec 12, 2009

On this forum, a script is provided to break a large Excel file into smaller 500-line files:

Split Worksheet Into Multiple Files By Every Nth Row

I copied the code and pasted it into the VBA editor in Excel 2007, but when I run the macro, it generates an error message:
Runtime error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set.

The line the debugger identifies as the one with the error is this one:
For lLoop = 1 To rLastCell.Row Step 500

Here is the full code from the previous thread: ...

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Extracting Matching Data From Another Worksheet

Jul 15, 2008

I have a "cat_no" file and a "master inventory" file.

I need to do a vlookup to match the catalog #'s and mfr name in the cat_no file and the master inventory file. I also need to pull the pricing and packing string from the master inventory file and add it to the cat_no file where item numbers match.

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Macro To Split Data Into Three Different Sheets / Tabs - Delete Blank Rows

Jul 30, 2013

I'm pasting a lot of data into a spreadsheet and then using a macro to split the data into three different sheets/tabs. I'm doing this by simply copying entire columns. Each sheet/tab has a headings row and autofilters added so that my boss can filter on certain manufacturers in one of the columns.

The problem is that when he selects a manufacturer, at the bottom left corner of the screen it shows the number of records, which at the moment will be something like "6 of 65211".

The actual sheet only has a few hundred rows (not 65211). So how do I delete all the blank rows beneath my data using a macro or vba code?

As an extra point, I'd like to use column B to check for blank rows (not column A).

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Extracting Some Data Values From Excel Worksheet?

Feb 28, 2014

I have an excel sheet with data results of samples analysis from ICP-MS the sheet includes the name of the sample and its results, I want to extract for each sample only the ( average value "x" , standard deviation "S" and " %RSD) and sort these values in columns , see the photo and the excel sheet attached ..

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Extracting Data To New Worksheet Based On Two Values?

Jul 11, 2014

I currently have a macro that looks at one value and copies the data to another worksheet.

I'd like to modify it to look at two different values and then copy the data. I've tried modifying the VBA code, but can't seem to get it to work. In the "ETF Report (1)" tab, i want it to look at the "ETF Report" and "PO No" values.

The Final Version tab is what i'd like the results to look like.

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Massive Search In Different Sheets/columns

Sep 24, 2008

I'm trying to make vba, that takes one value(special code, up to 13 car long) from sheet4 column i1 and searches the match from sheet2 columns E:M. And when match is found, copies from sheet4 column K1 value(the same row where the code was taken from) to found match sheet(in this case sheet2) in column Q (the row must be the same where match was found)
If this maters, columns E:M may be hidden on sheet2, or E1 may be only one that's shown.

And has to loop until the end of the sheets.
By the way - i've got up to 150000 rows..

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Extracting Data From One Worksheet To Another With Multiple Fields To Populate

May 1, 2013

I have a table of data from which I would like to extract the information which is listed horizontally.

Column A Column B Column C Column D
Code Name Address Locality
SMITJOHN John Smith 123 Bell Rd Perth

On the 2nd worksheet I have a form which I have designed to which I would like to extract the information from the 1st worksheet.

I am hoping that it is possible to start entering a code based on some reference on the Name. Eg SMITJOHN

Once the code is true or correct it will populate certain cells on the 2nd worksheet automatically.

I work in transport and am looking to streamline some of the paperwork and am trying to do it within the means I have available to me.

The format of the 2nd worksheet is;

NAME: John Smith
ADDRESS: 123 Bell Rd

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Split Data In A Cell And Get The Value For The Split Data From A Different Table

Jul 31, 2006

Here's my problem. I have a cell where there are many data strings seperated by ",". Each data string has a seperate value of its own like for e.g:
A2: aa,ab,ac

String Value
aa 1
ab 1
ac 3

What I want it accomplish is that, split the A2 cell into the different data string entities seperated by ",", then get the corresponding value of each of the data string entity, and to take the average of all the values of the different data string entities.

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Getting Data From Huge Table To Smaller And Organized One

Oct 24, 2013

I have this table with some information that I need to work with. The data is simple, but it has many issues, at least for me, to be able to work with it properly.

Basically, I just need to transfer part of the data from this table to another table (in another order). I failed to use vlookup because I need more than one parameter to search the data (Date, Shift and Sector).

The problem I am having to get the codes from the source table is that the same code sometimes shows up more than once per date, per shift and per sector. It's also not following a numeric pattern. I couldn't elaborate any combination of formulas to get the info I need....

I also can't change the format of the source table, because I'm not the one who made it, it has years already, and is constantly updated day by day by a good old man who doesn't know much about computers.

The file is attached : Example.xlsx‎

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Split Text File Into Smaller Text Files

Mar 15, 2005

I'm trying to take a large text file and break into smaller text size files. I want to open the data file, and parse into 5000 line smaller files.

Here is what I have based off of some MS KB
Sub LargeFileImport()

'Dimension Variables
Dim ResultStr As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim FileNum As Integer
Dim Counter As Double
Dim CounterMax As Double
Dim sPath As String
Dim FileCounter As Double
'Output File

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Extracting Data From File In Directory And Extracting Filename

Mar 20, 2014

I have a directory folder with an active workbook and another workbook id like to copy data from. The Following macro opens up a file in the same directory, copies some data and pastes it in the active workbook. However with this code I have to specify the filename, 'Data.xlsm' in the example code. I would like it to copy data from the only other workbook in the current directory WITHOUT having to specify the name in the code, so just opening it up no matter what filename it has.

In addition I would like to extract the filename from the workbook im copying data from and paste it into the activewoorkbook in sheet 1 Cell A1. I had a look at getopenfilename function but cant seem to make it work for my purpose.

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Copy Matching Data Between 2 Sheets To 3rd Worksheet

Apr 18, 2008

I have found the following code on this forum that has really worked well. This code matches the first two columns of two worksheets and inputs them into a third worksheet. But I need to be able to copy up to five more columns, a total of seven columns and have it input into the third worksheet. I am not sure what it means "For Each c In Sht1Rng". look at the code and advise me of what I need to do.

Sub FindMatches()
Dim Sht1Rng As Range
Dim Sht2Rng As Range
Set Sht1Rng = Worksheets("Data1").Range("A1", Worksheets("Data1").Range("A65536").End(xlUp))
Set Sht2Rng = Worksheets("Data2").Range("A1", Worksheets("Data2").Range("A65536").End(xlUp))
For Each c In Sht1Rng
Set d = Sht2Rng. Find(c.Value, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not d Is Nothing Then
Worksheets("Results").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Value = c.Value
Worksheets("Results").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(0, 1).Value = c.Offset(0, 1).Value
Set d = Nothing
End If
Next c

End Sub

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Macro To Return Data From One Worksheet To Multiple Sheets

Jun 4, 2014

I have a worksheet (named "A") contains all data, and would like to have a macro to searching in A under condition of date,and return those data to in a cell of different worksheets (saying worksheet B, C, D). and everytime i run the macro previous data wouldn't be replaced by new one. Example: worksheet A has data

worksheetname date number
B 01/01 10
B 02/01 11
B 03/01 12
C 01/01 13
C 02/01 14
C 03/01 15

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Extracting Data Based On Partial Data In A Cell

Jan 23, 2013

I have a spreadsheet full of data and I need to extract only those lines of data which can be identified by the last three letters in a cell. I am adding an example spreadsheet which highlights the rows I am trying to extract based on the contents in column B but only where column B ends in KY.

Example data extract requirement.xlsx‎

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Copying Specfic Data From A Main Worksheet To Several Breakdown Sheets.

Oct 21, 2009

I'm looking for a solution for my worksheet. I've got a main tab in which contains deposit data, I need to take the raw data format it and break it down into 7 different tabs. Each week a report is exported and then one for the actual month containing all the data. I’m currently manually recording some formatting macros because I haven’t learned to write my own yet. The number of columns in this report is always constant but the rows vary depending on the number of deposits. I have 7 tabs where the data from the main sheet will be broken down in. In my spread sheet I have the following headings. (A1)Date, (A2)Batch, (A3)Source (A4)Control (A5)Total Batch (A6)Total Variance

The information I would use to copy the rows to other sheets is going to be based on (A2).

Anything that starts with U65 would go into the U-65 tab.
1,7 or 8 would go to the lockbox tab.
2 or 5 = IN-HOUSE
Eh, WH, or WE = ACH

Finally the variance tab will contain any rows which have a number other than 0 Positive or Negative. My biggest problem is that I never know how many rows the data will have so when I recorded my macro I Started dragging my formats to about row 200. It could one day surpass this number so If I had a choice id set it to row 1,000.

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Get The Index Worksheet To Extract Data From The Sheets That It Has Indexed: Hyperlinks

Oct 30, 2006

I am now trying to get the Index worksheet to extract data from the sheets that it has indexed, for example, it returns the sheet name, but i want it also to return the value that is contained in C2 and C3. Is this possible? I have attached the code which i am using below for ease of reference.

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Dim wSheet As Worksheet
Dim l As Long
l = 1
With Me
.Cells(1, 1) = "INDEX"
.Cells(1, 1).Name = "Index"
End With
For Each wSheet In Worksheets
If wSheet.Name <> Me.Name Then
l = l + 1
With wSheet
.Range("A1").Name = "Start" & wSheet.Index...................................

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Add Cost Data Of Data Split Into Several Subcategories

Jul 12, 2012

I have a set of data that has cost associated with it that is broken up into several categories repeatedly. The subcategories are NOT defined to a specific set of subcategories i.e. they can be anything. The subcategories may also be alphanumeric and have spaces/other special characters in them. What I want to do is to be able to pick the cost and slot it in the appropriate category in the main sheet.

The exact number of rows and columns in the data is not fixed so it would be great if this is editable in the VBA code depending on how many rows and columns the final data set has.

An example is attached. In the example I have put all the cost as 1 for simplicity but in the actual document all the costs are different values. Also in the example I did not put any category as alphanumeric or with spaces/special characters but in the actual data there may be.

The logic I can think of is to first identify all unique values in the array, insert them as new rows, then add up the cost values (this is just a suggestion).


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Extracting Data Based On Other Columns Data?

Nov 18, 2013

My query is , I require the UCF column for the ID having maximum number (last five digits) of UCF column for the respective year column values


My answer should be like below (or) having an additional column saying Active/Inactive.


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Auto-populate Data To A Master Worksheet From Other Sheets In A Shared Workbook

May 11, 2009

I have never really used VBA and so am completely stuck at this problem. I need to create a macro which auto-populates a master worksheet from the individual user sheets in a shared workbook. Sheet 1 is the master sheet "Team Stats". There will be an undetermined number of individual worksheets to accomodate new staff. Each worksheet will be identical, using columns A-I with row 1 having the headings:

Date, Name, Reference, Value, Price, Age, Purchased?, Destination, Add. Products (the last 3 columns will have a drop-down list which will be used to enter data into the cell). There will be a varying number of rows in each of the individual sheets. If possible I would like the macro to run every time data is entered into one of the individual worksheets. If this is not then it would be fien to update every time the workbook is opened.

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Copy Worksheet Data By Condition/Criteria To Respective Named Sheets

Jun 2, 2008

Now what I am looking to do is search my spreadsheet for specific criteria and then copy and paste these rows of information to a new sheet.

In my first spreadsheet that I am using as a database, I want to be able to select any entry from the month and copy it to another spreadsheet named for that criteria.

In other words, I want to find every entry for January, copy just that data's rows and paste them to the January spreadsheet, February to February, etc. My date fields are in column A.

I also want to do the same with representatives names found in column B.

This will break down the data for each rep and each month. Using the filter, then copy and pasting would be cumbersome.

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Extracting Desired Data From Raw Data Set

Jan 11, 2010

I need to extract some part data from available raw data. The data format is like this ABC-00000000. The problem i am facing that this data is placed in rows that contain other information like this.

e.g. "Bill # ABC-00002345 realized"

some times the data is fed in this fashion

"Bill # ABC 2342 realized"
"Bill # ABC - 3232 realized"
"Bill # ABC000032324 realized"

now i need to extract the data highlighted in red and arrange it like data highlighted in green.

I tried to use mid and find function but could not arrange the extracted data in to desired form.

A VBA code or formula is required.

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Extracting Data In Row C When Data Exist In Row A

May 5, 2006

I want to count how many fruits I have. But I only want to count if there is data in row A. I would like the formula to tell me how many of each fruit when there is data in row A. check out my example.

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Extracting Bad Data

Jan 5, 2009

I have two exported lists of data to compare from my newsletter program. One is the list of email addresses that I sent the newsletter to and the other is a list of the bounced email addresses.

Question: How can I extract the bounced emails from the list of sent email addresses?
In other words I want a list of clean, sendable email addresses.

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