IF AND Function For Multiple Cells With Three Displayed Values

Oct 11, 2011

I'm currently working on a test matrix that has high level and mid level test cases. The High level results cell is tracking all mid level test cases below it. If all mid level test cases are displayed as "Pass" then the High level test cases displays "PASS". If any of the mid level test cases is not displayed as "PASS" then the High level test case result is displayed as "FAIL" However, "PASS" and "FAIL" do not accurately represent the status of the test cases in the instance of them not being filled out. Mid Level test cases start off in the "Select Result" state which basically says it that test has not been performed. I would like to have a third value displayed as "NOT COMPLETED" or "IN PROGRESS". Below is the current formula that I am using.

=IF(AND(C50="Pass",C51="Pass", C52="Pass", C53="Pass", C54="Pass", C55="Pass", C56="Pass"),"PASS","FAIL")

On thing to keep in mind that may or may not make a difference is that one of the High level test cases has 30 mid level test cases and from my understanding, IF / AND function only allows up to 30 logic inputs (not sure if that is the correct terminology or correct at all).

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Macro That Will Auto Color Multiple Cells Based On Data Displayed In One Cell

Jan 7, 2013

I am trying to find a way to write a Macro that will auto color multiple cells based on what data is displayed in one cell. The cell I want to reference is a vlookup cell.

Basically this is a part label. And depending what part is selected from the list my vlookup will display its position on a vehicle(i.e.. FR, FL, RR, RL, Etc..). So if vlookup comes back with FR I want the various cells on the label to be orange, etc..

ALSO: if there is a way to embed it so it does this automatically (rather than run the macro each time).

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Format Multiple Cell Values Displayed In Single Cell?

May 24, 2012

I have the following data on a spreadsheet created by a formula:

A1: 1.1234
A2. 2.234
A3: 3.34

I have the data formatted to only have two decimal places so it looks like this:

A1: 1.12
A2: 2.23
A3: 3.34

I'm using the following formula in cell B1 to display the values of those cells in a single cell in order A1,A2,A3:

=A1 & "," & A2 & "," & A3

However when the values of A1, A2 and A3 appear in the in cell B1 they appear as: 1.1234,2.234,3.34

Is there a way I can edit the formula or format something so the values in B1 appear as with only two decimal places? i.e 1.12,2.23,3.34

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IF Function: Range That Should Display 'Heavy', Medium Is Displayed Instead

Jan 26, 2009

=IF(('MAIN 3'!N54<=H52),"Light",IF(('MAIN 3'!N54>H52,N54<H54),"Medium",IF(('MAIN 3'!N54>=H54),"Heavy",""))). The first two parts work fine: =IF(('MAIN 3'!N54<=H52),"Light", IF(('MAIN 3'!N54>H52,N54<H54),"Medium", Light and Medium is displayed when I enter the appropriate range but when I enter a range that should display 'Heavy', Medium is displayed instead.

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Using Displayed Values Only

Nov 9, 2009

After searching this board, I am using a check for this issue to alert when the problem occurs, but I'm hoping to tell Excel to fix the problem itself. The issue occurs when a set of data equals 100%, but when fewer decimals are displayed, the displayed total equals 101% or 99%.


(Now when the display is changed to no decimal points)

As you can see, the data appears to total 101%, and my boss is being a (insert any comment you probably have about your boss) about me not manually reviewing every single report that goes out for this 1% difference. As there are probably 400 different points at which this situation can occur on a daily basis, working harder is not the solution. /rant

I thought I once heard about a formula or setting where Excel will only calculate the displayed values instead of the actual value or formula. Ideally, the formula would know to take the three values, figure out the 100% limitation, and round the largest one down so the other two can round up. The example above is probably 99% applicable, as we would be rounding the largest value down in order to round the other values up.

Meaning intended result:

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Pivot Table - Edit Displayed Values?

Apr 24, 2014

I have a pivot table that summarises data from a timesheet. The summary looks something like the following and shows the number of 15 minutes intervals spent on a range of categories and jobs:


How can I have this pivot table display the number of minutes instead of the number of intervals (i.e. it needs to take the value displayed currently and multiple it by 15). I'm sure there must be some simple way to achieve this but can't figure it out (I don't want to use vba).

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Dynamically Change How Values Are Displayed In A Chart

Dec 23, 2013

Is it possible to dynamically change how values are displayed in charts?

I have a list which references different named ranges. It either needs to display the values in a graph as a number (without decimals) or a percentage depending on the source. Is this possible? Maybe with some VBA? Or am I asking too much from excel?

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Hiding An Error With If(iserr(...)), Ensure That Only One Of Two Values (20 Or 0) Is Displayed

Jul 14, 2006

I've got the following formula in a column: =IF(C10/B10>=1,20,IF(ISERR(C10/B10),0,0)). The purpose is to ensure that only one of two values (20 or 0) is displayed, regardless of circumstances that regularly generate the # DIV/0 error. The if(iserr(...)) part works fine when tested on its own, but when nested, it's still allowing the error to display.

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Data Validation With Multiple Info Displayed

Feb 26, 2014

I have multiple worksheets with different data which are as follows:

Sheet 1 - Pricing
Sheet 2 - Selections
Sheet 3 - Summaries (created later with a pivot table)

For the most part I have the sheet working as I want it to, the issue I have is on the selections sheet. The Selections sheet has data validation linked to the All Data sheet via a drop down list, what I would like it to be able to do is to display in the dropdown list 2 separate columns from the All Data list rather than just the primary list.

Allow me to elaborate:

Sheet 1:
Column A; Socket, Socket, Socket, Cable, Cable
Column B, Supplier A, Supplier B, Supplier C, Supplier A, Supplier B

So just to confirm I would like to be able to select the item from column A but it also display (while selecting), column B side by side so that a comparison can be made as part of the selection process.

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Keep Userform Displayed But Use Other Cells

Jul 17, 2008

I have a macro that once clicked shows my userform. Is it possible to have this userform displayed whilst also allowing the user to click into other cells on the worksheet?

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Sum The Cells Displayed Value Not The Actual Value

Jul 10, 2006

On my worksheet, cell A1 and A2 both contain the value:

I've changed the number formatting to three decimal places so it appears on the sheet as 0.166.

In cell A3 I have a forumla =A1+A2 which currently comes back with the value 0.331 (0.1655555+0.1655555=0.331).

Instead of adding together 0.1655555 I want it to add the displayed value of 0.166 so it should then come back with the value 0.332.

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Adding Multiple Cells From Multiple Sheets With Sumif Function

Jan 20, 2009

I'm trying to put together a spreadsheet that tracks disc capacity increases, affected by any incoming projects. I've managed to do so for one project, but would like to for up to 10. The way i've designed the solution (i'm sure there are far more elegant ways, but hey) is thus:

A forecast worksheet keeps track of a grand total, taking information from sheets P1 -> P10 (being projects 1 to 10). I am unable to figure a way to add up all the increases from all 10 project worksheets with one succinct formula. What I use so far is: ='P1'!C83+SUMIF('P1'!E82,"=2009 - Q1",'P1'!D82) ..................

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How To Hide Displayed 0 In Two Circular Referenced Cells

Feb 3, 2014

Very simply, if A1=B1 and B1=A1 - how do I trick excel into displaying a blank cell for the purpose of printing pages?

Further information:

I am working on an evidence log, it's just a spreadsheet with columns for collection info; all of the information put into the log on one sheet, is referenced on a second sheet where the info is arranged in a printable grid to make sample tags.

For some ungodly reason, I have been instructed to make all of the references circular, so that anyone with a particularly masochistic streak can log their information on the tag to populate the log and vice verse

This results in my log and tags each having 0 values displayed in all of the cells, which I didn't think was a problem, until it was pointed out to me that people may want to print out sheets and use them to take notes in field, making blanking the cells my ultimate goal.

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VLOOKUP / Other Function For Multiple Corresponding Values

Dec 25, 2013

I am using the VLOOKUP function to get the exact corresponding value in one particular column. But I need to have two different value in two different columns. Here is an example.

I have attached the excel sheet as well.

Actually I do send the data to my different colleagues and they do send me back with the responses in two different column of D and E corresponding to the "ID" specified in column "B". Which I do need to MAP individually. But I want Excel to map the value of that "ID" (column B) to the corresponding responses in Column D and E with formula.

VLOOKUP generally gives corresponding value to either column D or E but i want both at a time to save time.


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Function That Returns Multiple Values?

Oct 14, 2009

I've never quite mastered the idea of passing arguments between subs and functions. I have a project right now where I am writing this same bit of code over and over, for different parts of the macro:

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Excluding Multiple Values From COUNTIFS Function?

Apr 14, 2014

I have multiple rows of data per each column. I'm trying to count rows that match a value that ISN'T any of the expected values in column A as well as a certain value in column G. This is in case future data is introduced that doesn't match the existing codes.

I'm trying to count all rows that DON'T have a value in column A beginning with PUA or P9V, so far I am trying this:


But it only seems to work on the "<>P9V" part. When I put P's in the column G of which the column A matches PUA*, it still counts the cell. I've tried a couple of AND variations but none are working.

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Formula / Function To Pull In Multiple Lookup Values

Aug 21, 2014

I am trying to replicate a payslip from a list of data on a worksheet.

The list of data contains the employee name, location they worked, and number of hours.

Each employee will work at multiple locations throughout the month, perhaps 10 or so.

The payslip must contain each location worked along with the relevant data, in a list so to speak.

What function can I use to pull this in? Of course if it were one location I would use vlookups to pull in data. As this only returns the top match I would then need a different formula to pull in the second location in the cell underneath?

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Displaying Multiple Values Without Using Macros Or ROWS Function

Mar 13, 2009

is to display a set of data based on filtered information.

My Data base:
Company Department Name
A X John
A Y Joe
A X Jane
B Y Bob
C Z Kate
A X Kerri

Based on user selection of Company and Department, I want to be able to display the relavent names.

If user chose Company A, and Department X, I want to be able to display

I've used the ROWS, Index, Small combination that works perfectly (Please see sample below). However, since the this software doesn't support the ROWS function, and doesn't support Macros.

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Lookup Type Function Returning Multiple Values

May 23, 2007

I have attached a sample spreadsheet which describes my problem.

In C2 and C3 under the first business coalitions column, I have written in text what I would like to be displayed automatically with a formula. The trouble is that, as you can see, Abbott Laboratories is a member of 3 business coalitions. Therefore, a simple vlookup doesn't work because that would only return 1 result.

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How To Return Multiple Values In Multiple Cells If Argument Is TRUE In IF Functions

Jan 8, 2013

I want my IF function to populate two cells with two values if argument for IF function is found TRUE. Is it possible?

IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false])

value_if_true = return multiple values in mutiple cells (for example put number 8 in cell A2 and number 10 in cell A3 if function is TRUE)

How would I do that? I tried putting IF(logical_test, (A2="8",A3="10"), [value_if_false]) but it is not possbile...

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Formula/Function To Return Multiple Values Based On Criteria

Aug 25, 2006

I would like to be able to use the Vlookup function to return more then one value as a result of the criteria. I have a cloumn of dates that populates the X axis of a gantt chart with data whilst the Y axis will be populated by a site reference resulting in a program of work, the Y axis data is the result of a vlookup function. My difficulty arises however with multiple sites, for instance where two or three sites will be visited on the same day. The vlookup function will only return the first value it finds in a range to the formulated cell. The result being a missing site(s) from the gantt chart / work program. is it possible to return all values to a cell i.e. site1, site2, site3. using a vlookup or do i need to use another method of doing this?

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Match Value Of 1 Cell To Multiple Cells And Give Multiple Values

Oct 7, 2006

Sheet 2 is the problem.

I need to match cells e3:h3 whenver the dates change in in cells c5:c9 and then put there result of cells b5:b9 into the corresponding cells of e5:h9.

Basically what I'm saying is that I want to keep a track of all previous pay amounts from each pay period. So when the next period changes the date it also copies the new pay amount to the corresponding date of the previous pay section.

I have included a sample.

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Plotting A Function Without Values In Cells

Sep 6, 2008

Is there a way to plot a function, for example y = a + x*b or y = e^x in a graph without it having x and y values in cells of the spreadsheet?

That is, in y = a + x*b, for example, what I'd like to do is have an input cell for a and b, but no cells that show a value of y for every corresponding value of x , and a graph on a chart showing what the function looks like. Thus, the graph would only rely on inputs of a and b and on nothing else. A program called MathCAD does this, but I'm not sure how to do this in excel.

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If Function For Multiple Cells?

Feb 5, 2014

I have 25 cells, that can either have a value of 0 or o.2 The cells have to be added up. No problem there ofcourse. But if a cell has a value of 0, -0.25 should be subtracted from the total.

I have this formula, but I'm not sure how to use it for multiple cells:


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Count Function For Multiple Cells

Apr 1, 2014

If cell D3 has the text string "RQS" and cell D2 is colored green, I want to count as one. The formula needs to apply to a range of cells. The end result being I want to know how many green cells are delineated at RQS.

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Using IF Function To Compare Multiple Cells

Nov 27, 2013

I want the function to return a value in A1 based on the values in B1, C1, or D1.

For instance:

If B1=1, then A1=Confirmed,
if C1=1, then A1=Ordered,
if D1=1, then A1= Confirmed.

My attempt:

I realize this is a nested IF function, and in this case does not seem entirely appropriate, evidenced by the circular reference warning.

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F2 Function For Multiple Cells In A Column?

Jun 19, 2014

I have a source sheet with numbers in column A, D and M. These are strictly numerical and show to be Number. I used Vlookup in another sheet to input these numbers. The column with the Vlookup is also formatted as Number. I then copied the Vlookup results and pasted as Values. Then I used Mode to find the most common number. In most cases it works, however, some cells are coming up #N/A. In the columns that were pasted as values, if I press the F2 key, then enter, the Mode formula then works.

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Large Function With Multiple Cells

Feb 9, 2009

I'm trying to use the Large function with multiple cells to get the highest value of the cells. Excel won't let me use the following formula.


Any other ways to get the largest value from multiple cells with or without an array.

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ISBLANK Function For Multiple Cells?

Nov 3, 2009

I am currently using the function:


and it is returning a #value error sign.

I want it to check if C8:R8 is blank, and if so, put nothing. But if not, use the formula: IF(SUM(C8:R8)=0,"Yes", "No"))

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Function: Returned Values To Be Entered Into Different Cells In A Column

Jun 20, 2006

I am trying to write a formula that will look at an array (containing text strings) and then for each occurrence of a particular value return the text string from another cell in another column but which matches the row of the occurring value. I would prefer all returned values to be entered into different cells in a column but I would be happy if they were all in one cell separated by a comma or whatever.

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