Format Multiple Cell Values Displayed In Single Cell?

May 24, 2012

I have the following data on a spreadsheet created by a formula:

A1: 1.1234
A2. 2.234
A3: 3.34

I have the data formatted to only have two decimal places so it looks like this:

A1: 1.12
A2: 2.23
A3: 3.34

I'm using the following formula in cell B1 to display the values of those cells in a single cell in order A1,A2,A3:

=A1 & "," & A2 & "," & A3

However when the values of A1, A2 and A3 appear in the in cell B1 they appear as: 1.1234,2.234,3.34

Is there a way I can edit the formula or format something so the values in B1 appear as with only two decimal places? i.e 1.12,2.23,3.34

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Lookup Multiple Values In A Single Cell (separated By Commas) And Then Return The Values To A Single Cell (also Comma Separated)

Jan 7, 2009

If I have, in one cell (call it D1):


and in a lookup table on another sheet:
1 ED T
2 EH F
3 DR G
4 HU H
5 SE E
6 YU E

I need to be able to lookup the values in D1 on the table and return the values in column B to a single cell (say E1), also comma separated...



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Multiple Row, Single Column Cell Blocks Into Single Row, Multiple Column Format

Mar 21, 2008

I have a text file containing internet explorer browser history. The file has data in the following format (in Excel all data is in 1 column): ...

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Checking Single Cell For Multiple Values

Nov 12, 2013

I'm trying to validate the data entered into a series of cells each cell can contain a different set of data but the value N/A is also permitted. For example:

Cell A1 could contain a date from 2013-01-01 thru 2013-12-01 but the value N/A is also valid
Cell A2 could contain a decimal from 0.01 thru 302502.23 but the value N/A is also valid
Cell A3 could contain an integer from 3 thru to 9000 but the value N/A is also valid

When the acceptable values are entered then I want to be able to carry on otherwise I want to pop up with an error.

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Sum Multiple Checkbox Values In Single Cell

Jul 1, 2014

I have an assigned value of 10 to each checkbox that is checked. If the checkbox is selected I want to automatically sum the totals in a cell on my active sheet. Checkboxes are activeX placed directly on a worksheet. I currently have a work around but considering the number of checkboxes I have, coding is going to be a nightmare as I would have to code each one separately. Right now I am summing each box on another sheet and linking the summed total back to active sheet.

[Code] ....

I would like to do all check boxes with one code and sum the total in the active sheet in cell "I7". The set of checkboxes is 1 to 26.

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Indentify Value From Multiple Values In A Single Cell

Dec 10, 2005

I am looking to produce a formula that shows if a number is "found" or "not

I have list of over 1000 numbers in one column (1 number per row) . I am
trying to identify if those values are present in a range of numbers from
another worksheet(also in a single column). My challenge is that the range of
numbers that I am looking in has multiple values, separated by commas in a
single cell. Looks like it was from an Access data dump.

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How To Return Multiple Values From Array In Single Cell

Jul 2, 2014

I am building a marketing dashboard that shows the effectiveness of two campaigns based on where the campaign has been deployed (website, email, facebook, twitter, google+ etc.). In each campaign I have a checklist (using developer ribbon) with these different dimensions.

I want a formula that checks the checklist, identifies all the boxes that are unticked and returns them in a single cell. The cell would read:

To increase traffic to the Shampoo campaign (Campaign A), expose it to Google+ and Facebook as these channels generated 578 and 2009 visitors respectively for the Makeup campaign (Campaign B).

I already have it working for returning a single value with the following formula but need it to return multiple values.

=IFERROR("To increase traffic to the "&B4&" campaign, expose it to "&INDEX(L4:L10,MATCH(K5,M4:M10,FALSE))&" "&"as"&" "&"this channel generated "&VLOOKUP(INDEX(L4:L10,MATCH(K5,M4:M10,FALSE)),L26:N31,2,FALSE)&" visitors for the "&D4&" campaign","")

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How To Return Multiple Values From Array In Single Cell

Jul 2, 2014

I am building a marketing dashboard that shows the effectiveness of two campaigns based on where the campaign has been deployed (website, email, facebook, twitter, google+ etc.). In each campaign I have a checklist (using developer ribbon) with these different dimensions.

I want a formula that checks the checklist, identifies all the boxes that are unticked and returns them in a single cell. The cell would read:

To increase traffic to the Shampoo campaign (Campaign A), expose it to Google+ and Facebook as these channels generated 578 and 2009 visitors respectively for the Makeup campaign (Campaign B).

I already have it working for returning a single value with the following formula but need it to return multiple values.

=IFERROR("To increase traffic to the "&B4&" campaign, expose it to "&INDEX(L4:L10,
MATCH(K5,M4:M10,FALSE))&" "&"as"&" "&"this channel generated "&VLOOKUP
(INDEX(L4:L10,MATCH(K5,M4:M10,FALSE)),L26:N31,2,FALSE)&" visitors for the "&D4&" campaign","")

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Count The Number Of Multiple Values In A Single Cell

Jan 28, 2010

formula that will return the number of "x"s or "o"s within the same cell.

The cell has values that are formatted in multiple ways for example: PXX--XXP, --XO, OXX--.

I want the formula to return 4 if the cells has PXX--XXP or 3 if the cells has --OXX etc.

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Return Multiple Values From Lookup To Single Cell

Feb 20, 2007

i would like the code that allows me to copy enything I typing in column a sheet1 to column a in sheet2

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Copy Individual Data Values In One Column To Single Cell Location On Multiple Sheets?

Jan 24, 2014

I am trying to come up with the most efficient way to copy data to multiple sheets within the same Excel workbook. The original data exists within one column on a summary sheet (could have up to 500 individual entries). I want to copy each individual entry to a unique sheet (that already exists), but in the exact same cell location within each sheet. I would only want to copy the original data value and not any formatting. Is there an efficient way to do this?

In my example spreadsheet, the original data is on the SUMMARY sheet. Sheets A through J would be the target sheets, with cell B2 as the target location for each of those sheets. My example shows the result of a manual copy paste value process, but I am hoping to automate that.

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Multiple Numeric Values In One Cell To Format As Dollars

Nov 28, 2013

I have several numeric values in one cell enetered using the alt return method, can these values be recognised as individual entries and therefore when the cell is formatted as $ it is applied on all entries?

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Macro That Will Auto Color Multiple Cells Based On Data Displayed In One Cell

Jan 7, 2013

I am trying to find a way to write a Macro that will auto color multiple cells based on what data is displayed in one cell. The cell I want to reference is a vlookup cell.

Basically this is a part label. And depending what part is selected from the list my vlookup will display its position on a vehicle(i.e.. FR, FL, RR, RL, Etc..). So if vlookup comes back with FR I want the various cells on the label to be orange, etc..

ALSO: if there is a way to embed it so it does this automatically (rather than run the macro each time).

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IF AND Function For Multiple Cells With Three Displayed Values

Oct 11, 2011

I'm currently working on a test matrix that has high level and mid level test cases. The High level results cell is tracking all mid level test cases below it. If all mid level test cases are displayed as "Pass" then the High level test cases displays "PASS". If any of the mid level test cases is not displayed as "PASS" then the High level test case result is displayed as "FAIL" However, "PASS" and "FAIL" do not accurately represent the status of the test cases in the instance of them not being filled out. Mid Level test cases start off in the "Select Result" state which basically says it that test has not been performed. I would like to have a third value displayed as "NOT COMPLETED" or "IN PROGRESS". Below is the current formula that I am using.

=IF(AND(C50="Pass",C51="Pass", C52="Pass", C53="Pass", C54="Pass", C55="Pass", C56="Pass"),"PASS","FAIL")

On thing to keep in mind that may or may not make a difference is that one of the High level test cases has 30 mid level test cases and from my understanding, IF / AND function only allows up to 30 logic inputs (not sure if that is the correct terminology or correct at all).

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Format From Column To Single Cell

Feb 17, 2014

I have a column of numbers that I need to reformat. I created a macro to copy/paste special/transpose to get the data into separate columns. I then used & to get them into one cell. I can only have five sets of # in each cell. The macro works but it replaces the previous set of accounts. Is this the best way to reformat these numbers? If so, how do I correct the macro so that it doesn't replace the data i already reformatted?

I have attached a sample spreadsheet.

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Format Row Based On Single Cell Value In That Row

Jan 21, 2008

I have a macro that's supposed to see if cell 5 meets criteria and continue to all sheets in workbook, except " Total".

When I activate the macro on a specific page, it runs smoothly on that page. But when it's finished, it doesn't continue to the next sheet in the workbook.

Sub ColourBG()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim line As Integer
endline = Range("A1000").End(xlUp).Row

For Each ws In Worksheets
If ws.Name <> "Total" Then
With ws
For line = 3 To endline
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
If (Cells(line, 5).Value = "0206") Then _
Cells(line, 1).EntireRow.Font.ColorIndex = 5 '*(Blue)
Next line
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End If
Next ws
End Sub

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Finding Single Name In Cell In Cell With Multiple Names (words)

May 8, 2014

Looking for a formula (not macro) that can do the following:

I have a spreadsheet and in one column, it has last names of clients. In the next column, it has full names of clients that are the same account, but different system with different descriptions for the name. I need to lookup the column that just has last name and see if that last name exist anywhere in the "Full name" column. If it does, then I need column C to say "Yes" or something along those lines.

The "full name" column isn't always in the same format and sometimes doesn't even contain the "last name." Sometimes the last name will be first and sometimes there's a comma and sometimes there isn't a comma. The spreadsheet attached shows a good short example of what I'm working with...

Name Spreadsheet Ex.xlsx

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Conditional Format Array From Single Cell

Feb 25, 2009

This has been kicking my can all morning! Should be simple. I'm trying to conditionally format an array from the value of a single cell.

=IF(A1<80, A3:A24,RED,0)

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Conditional Format X Number Of Cells Based On A Single Cell?

May 4, 2014

I am looking for a method to conditionally format a variable number of cells below a single cell into which data is entered.

For example ABC = 6, DEF = 12. Therefore, if I enter ABC into D1 then D1:D6 should be conditionally formatted.

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Pull Data From Multiple Cells And Concatenate In Single Cell Using Multiple Criteria

Aug 31, 2012

I have a worksheet entitled 'Data'. In this worksheet there is a table consisting of 4 columns plus relevant data:


Benefit Type
Delivered or Enabled

Saving of $4M over 24 months.


I have been trying to create a formula that will enable me to pull data from the 'benefit' column(column D) so that the cell contents populate in a single cell in a table in a different worksheet.


Financial - Delivered
Financial - Enabled
Tech - Delivered
Tech - Enabled
Green - Delivered
Green - Enabled


So, as an example, I am hoping that a formula can be created which pulls the text from relevant cells in column D when criteria from columns A, B and C are met e.g. Tech benefits that are Delivered in PJ2 would populate cell E3 ('Tech -Enabled') in Table 2 with:

Continued maintenance of hardware.

Increased capacity.

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Conditionally Format Cell Using Absolute Values And Relative Cell References?

Mar 25, 2013

Below is my code which isn't formatting the cells it's suppossed to. It looks like it isn't doing anything. I think the issue might be with the highlighted section of my code, but when I go to "Manage" my rules for conditional formatting, excel references the appropriate cell under the "Applies to" section. I am using relative cell references for for the majority of the rest of the code and this section follows a section that selects the correct cell for this conditional format.

Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:="=""ABS()>.005"""

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Splitting Multiple Entries In Single Cell Into Multiple Columns

Jan 15, 2013

I am looking to split multiple different entries in a single cell into multiple columns and repeat this for all rows

Example (I have the below in a single Cell as column headers)
NCM Server Mgmt VLAN Site ID

Next Line down is the data (Each row in a single cell)
Enabled 50 TEST SITE 1
Enabled 50 TEST SITE 2
Disabled 50 TEST SITE 3

How I could achieve this as I have a number of projects where this would become useful

I know you can use delimiters but with spaces between the values I just can't fathom a way forward.

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Match Multiple Values With Multiple Values From Another Table - Return Single Value

May 12, 2014

I am trying to look & match key values from 2 areas of one table with two areas of another table; in turn, it'd return one value based on the lookup table...

Attached worksheet : Test booklet.xlsx‎

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Unique Values From A Single Cell

Dec 18, 2013

I have a single cell comprising A|B|C| A. How do i get the unique values? Also, any chance to count the variables.

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Addition Of Values In A Single Cell

Apr 14, 2006

see the attached sheet. It already has some example....I need the result of the addition in the cells of column F, at the side Say column G, in the coressponding row. e.g for cell F9, I need the result in G9, and so on. For testing, step 1. Select M+R in Col "TOI", enter some value in the pop up. step 2. Again select M+R in "TOI", enter some value in the pop up. the Col F will have some additions (e.g 1+2), for which I need the result in the corresponding next column. i.e col G.

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Multiple Lookups In Single Cell

Jun 13, 2014

I am looking for creating a dynamic meeting log/calendar for my team. There's a couple of elements to my questions below:

I have a log with columns such as "Meeting Date", "Client", "Attendee" and have also set up month calendars on separate tabs which automatically update the dates according to a "Year" toggle using Janoffset, Feboffset, etc.

What I would like to do is have these calendars automatically populate a cell beneath each date with any meetings on that day. The client name and then a space then the attendee in brackets would be sufficient and with each meeting having its own line in the cell).

I have gotten a Vlookup working but have run into two snags: 1) where there is more than one meeting on a single day 2) I can only return one piece of information in the cell or otherwise have it blank, I can't have the client name AND attendee.

Is there any way to lookup all of that information in the one cell or is this just a pipe dream?

I have attached my workbook which contains my workings so far and in the first cell of Jan shown the "ideal" format. I'd like the data in.

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If Then Multiple Arguments For Single Cell

Nov 14, 2008

IM getting a too many arguments error on this ...

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Multiple IF Statement For Single Cell

Aug 15, 2012

The following IF statement isnt working, so im missing something. If A2 says YES, i want the cell with this statement to be blank. However, if A2 has a date, I want this cell to be that date + 45 days. How can I make this correct?


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Single Cell With Multiple Hyperlinks

Jun 16, 2013

Any way to have multiple hyperlinks to various files in one cel?

I want to the hyperlink to change based upon information entered in which i want it to copy an address from another sheet using the VLookup command.

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Format A Single List Into Multiple Lists

May 26, 2009

I have a single list of data that I am trying to convert into multiple lists. Here is a sample of what I have:
1 Animals
2 Dogs
3 Bulldogs
4 Missy
4 Rex
4 Fred
3 Terriers...............

Hard to describe, but the 1 should have the 2's under it. Each 2 should have the 3's. Each 3 should have the 4's, etc... I am not sure how to put tables into this so I will try to draw a few.



The order of the columns do not matter. If anyone has any ideas how I could do this that would be great. The data is on seperate sheets. I would love to be able to do it with INDEX and MATCH
criteria, but a VBA solution would be acceptable.

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